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Monday, August 9, 2021

Arab "Kanaim" Hurl Bomb on Gaza Beach Because of a "mixed concert"

 Chareidie kanaim "extremists" are watching this report with great interest, since this is exactly what they would like to do, throw bombs at "family seating" concerts. I wonder what Arabs think of the "lace sheitlach?" 

One of the Gaza Strip’s most luxurious seaside tourist sites has been attacked with an explosive device.

The attack at Bianco Resort, which took place last Thursday, came after the resort was accused by Muslim extremists of holding a mixed-gender concert, according to the Jerusalem Post’s Arab affairs reporter Khaled Abu Toameh.

No one was injured in the blast, but a wall surrounding the resort was damaged.

The Palestinian Association of Restaurants, Hotels and Tourism Services condemned the attack as “immoral”.

Palestinian Arab sources accused terrorists belonging to Salafi groups of being behind the attack.

While Hamas has ruled Gaza since 2007, it has been challenged by small hardline factions, some of them inspired by the Islamic State (ISIS), who say there should be a stricter interpretation of Islam. Some of these groups carried out sporadic rocket attacks into Israel.

Salafists in Gaza in particular have clashed with its Hamas rulers, challenging what they perceive is Hamas’s moderate interpretation of Islam.

In August of 2017, a suicide bomber allegedly linked to ISIS killed a Hamas guard in southern Gaza along the border with Egypt, in a rare attack against Hamas.

Hamas security forces later raided an outpost in Gaza belonging to the Popular Resistance Committees, which is close to the Salafist movement and affiliated with ISIS.

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