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Monday, August 9, 2021

18 "Chutzpedika" Chareidi Brats Return To The US


As I predicted yesterday in a post, the girls returning would be turned into martyrs and made into celebrities. The facts are that they were "chutzpedik" and were thrown off not one but two different airlines.

Interestingly, they were not thrown off the last plane on their way back, and that was  because they quickly learned to behave, something they weren't taught by the "heimishe" moisdois Ha'Torah!

I don't believe they were "singled out" and I don't believe that this was anti-Semitism; they were 'pashut"  spoiled brats and caused anti-Semitism and a huge Chillul Hashem. This group of girls were not a group of 18, they were I believe over 40 in that group.  You won't hear from those not thrown off, because if they speak up and reveal what really happened, they won't be able to do shidduchim, but these 18 brats will be quickly grabbed up. If they choose to file a lawsuit, I believe it will backfire as the airlines will not allow their lawyers to settle this. 

Read how the "heimishe" press reported their return.,,,,,they leave out the fact that the brats were thrown off  TWO different flights.

After over three days of exhausting travel and after suffering indignities and humiliation at the hands of two airline companies, the 18 chareidi girls who were singled out and persecuted on their return from the Ukraine have finally landed at Newark airport courtesy of United Airlines.

When they arrived at Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport on Thursday evening, the girls were detained and told to pay a huge fine of $3000 after it was claimed that they had eaten food on their plane outside meal times in violation of COVID-19 guidelines. The girls had been forced to eat their own food outside the designated meal time because the flight did not carry food that complied with their community’s kosher standards.

At the same time, the Delta-KLM airline which they were travelling with singled them out for abusive treatment, harassing them for not wearing masks even as other passengers were not berated for similar violations. When they switched seats they were insulted by the flight attendants, who were described by relatives of the girls as “rude and impatient.” The girls claim that they were singled out from 50 other passengers due to the airline staff’s animosity towards Jews.

The group was later denied its request to board a later flight that would have still gotten them to New York before the start of Shabbat, when observant Jews are not allowed to travel by airplane. Eventually they were forced to fly to Antwerp where they were hosted by the local Jewish community.

On Sunday morning the group finally arrived in Newark airport and made their way to their homes. but the good news that they are bh back home and can finally unite with their anxiously waiting families that are looking out to see their daughters again!


Happy Tree said...

Wow you are so quick to judge WITH NO FACTS.Sir Europe is full of antisemites I guess you would justify Hitler's actions because some jews don't act appropriately.

Birdstock said...

As bad as these meydelach may have been, it pales in comparison with this week's cover story in the Yated, a revisionist history of Long Beach yeshiva. This is sickening even by Pinny Lipschutz propaganda standards!

Frequent Leidigeyer said...

Hamodia has witness statements from non-Jewish passengers including a woman who went on the record with her full name. The fiasco with the 2nd flight for sure was an anti-Semitic ambush.

The girls ate food on the first flight "outside designated times". No one ever previously heard of only eating at set times. KLM actually had the girls arrested. Overkill much?

Why did attorneys who came to the airport have to fight with airline staff to provide kosher breakfast donated by the Amsterdam kehilla?

Why did KLM & Delta try to extort thousands of dollars from each girl until members of US Congress intervened: Shmuck Schumer, Nadia Velasquez, Gregory Meeks & Chris Smith? (Note that Kristen Gillibrand was asked to help but apparently did not)

Why did KLM try to expel girls they had on a list who were not actually on the flight?

Anonymous said...

fake news happens to DIN

A bee meh Frrresst said...

Dutch gentiles on the first leg were fighting with the flight crew, that why are they tcheppering girls who had a bite because they are hingrik?

Polski Ogorski said...

They were also in Poilen besides Ukraine. Poilisher shkutzim were taunting & cursing them dorten. 'Enlightened' Western Europeyisher however know how to do anti-Semitism with finesse.

The Grand Poopah said...


Too bad I missed this flight!

Professor Ryesky said...

The way I am calling it, both the girls and the airlines screwed up.

If indeed there was a double standard for passengers who attempted to switch seats, and/or if indeed there was group punishment for the misdeeds of one or two or a few, and/or there was discrimination on account of alphabetical order, then the airlines ruined their standing to stand up to the spoiled brats.

For the girls' part (and by extension, their parents' part), airline passengers are legally required to comply with the directives of flight crews. If you do not like what the flight crew member is telling you, then you comply and memorialize particulars (name of flight crew member(s), cabin location (i.e., in which aisle near which seats), and approximate time and/or location of aircraft (i.e., between Rome and Naples), and then take it up with the airline afterwards (with or without assistance of an attorney).

The whole mess could have been avoided if only the girls would have heeded, with no impudent backtalk, the directives of the flight crew to stop eating and deploy their masks.

That said, I am curious to know how the flight crew manages to instruct the viruses to deactivate, in the closed container of the aircraft fuselage, during the designated meal period.

Satmar Poop said...

When Satmar thug Shia Mandel in Monsey is shnorring for Pupa, does that mean he's also working for the child molester who flies the friendly skies?

Anonymous said...

The word brat used for Jewish girls? Not in good taste. Jewish girls are bnos M'lochim, even if they possibly acted out of step, which is under debate.

A gut yohr