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Thursday, January 7, 2021

Have Charedie Leaders Failed Us Again?

The unorthodox blogger raises a very important point ... He states:

" Many Haredi leaders have failed this time, just like they failed in their attitude towards Zionism and the State of Israel, failed in their attitude towards women’s education, failed in not supporting the movement to free Soviet Jews and sadly, failed very often in their leadership during the Holocaust."

Oh oh ... once you open the bottle where the genie lives peacefully, you cannot put it him back in.
In fact he is right ...they did fail us with their attitude towards Zionism and the State of Israel ..
look at the State of Israel where close to six million BE"H live, where there is more Torah learned in the Zionist state than in anytime in Jewish history....a very well respected rabbi said in 1956 and then repeated it in June 1967, that he predicts that in 20 years from when he spoke, there would be no Torah institutions left in Israel, he also predicted that the Jews would be totally assimilated in the Arab populations...this is on tape and can be heard ..
How wrong  they were!

Yes they failed us in Women's education... do you know that the reason Sarah Schnerer started Bais Yaakov was because they were losing the girls to maskilim and Christianity? The Rabbis wouldn't allow girls to learn Torah etc .so they left Chareidie life.. Sarah had a very difficult time convincing the then Rabbanim to endorse her idea ... yes yes .. now they have re-written history and say that the Rabbanim were on board ..not true .... why weren't there any Torah schools for girls before Sarah Schnerer? Because they were against it .. they only joined when their own daughters left Judaism .. this is not the place to write about how daughters of Chassidic and Litvishe Rosh Yeshiva converted to Christianity and many joined the Maskilim ...at least those that joined the Zionist youth group were at least fighting for a Jewish cause ..

They failed us in the movement of Free Soviet Jews, in fact a famous Litvishe Poisek said that it was prohibited to go to the protests ... The Chassidishe Rabbanim were against any public protests against the Soviet Union ...in fact all those who were in-prisoned said when they got out, that it was the public protests that were effective... not one gave any credit to Chareidie leaders... all their work behind the scenes did absolutely nothing to help Soviet Jewry ... yes they sent packages .. but Satmar sent packages to Satmar leaning families and Chabad sent packages to Chabad families .. it's nice to get a package of matzos for pesach when you are living in behind the Iron country but it's far better to be free.
How wrong they were!  

And of course they failed us during the Holocaust and some of them because of their utter hatred and contempt of the Zionists...... and it's too painful to even discuss...

and now they are failing us during this deadly pandemic ..

As of this morning the people speaking on behalf of R' Chaim Kanievski said that he said (I dont believe it for a second) that Schools should remain open during the "Seger" ... in fact the Israeli media is now reporting that PM Netanyahu was begging him to support the government at this crucial juncture ...
Why do we need to come to this..? WHY? 



Anonymous said...

The orthodox leaders, Ramim, Rabanim and anyone orthodox have failed, are falling and will always fail to lead anyone.
That is the motto of the unorthodoxjew blog.
Always was and always will be.
The question is just how vial will his message be.
Even if he has a point its still 'Sefer Torah SheKosvo Min'.

Chronicles of an OU Mashgiach said...

12:13 pm is a tzedreiter OU mashgiach (lives in Queens, works at West Side Kosher in the Bronx) whose motto is smear UOJ. The mashgiach hates UOJ because he exposed child molesters in the mashgiach's extended mishpooche - Ephraim Bryks, Lejzor Bryks, Lipa Brenner, etc

UOJ is trying to fix the corruption in Orthodox Judaism & has always been full of praise for emesseh rabbonim.

The mashgiach has also long smeared Yudel Shain, angry over Yudel's exposes on OU & Queens Vaad corruption.

And the mashgiach for YEARS blogged smears against dozens of rabbonim & askonim he doesn't like. He did tone it down at one point after he was outed by name as the obese yungerman in the fake morning "kollel" who keeps taking breaks to blog from his cellphone.

Isn't that right, YANKY?

Chuchem said...


Anonymous said...

Somrtimes the Truth is too difficult to post. Or is it too expensive to post?