Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Comparing Nursing to Milking an Animal On Shabbos ..Halachic Analysis




jancsibacsi said...

Cant get more stupid then this a baby is not a thing to play with

Spotlight on the Queens Vaad said...

Now the OU has use for this shmatta Kornblau who was last seen signing the pro-toyevah letter with the Open Orthodox.

After the Queens Vaad came under attack for months, they finally had Kornblau remove his signature.

Baal haChalomos Watch said...

Is Belizon some strange breed of wannabe?

He brags to the yeshivishe oylam that his Young Israel of Fair Lawn is for YU types who became bnei Torah & are looking for something "more" (implying haymish).

That's odd!

Because Belizon was co-host of a Yom Haatzmaut party at the local Conservative temple. His shutef Ronald Roth listed here is the emeritus clergyman there from Jewish Theological Cemetery. The temple's main "rabbi" is some flaky woman who blathers about "social justice" & calls herself a "soferet stam"

It is assur as per R' Moshe Feinstein & the other gedolei haposkim to organize an event at a non-Orthodox temple, even if not in the "sanctuary".

Hey Belizon, that's really "Torahdik" to give credence to these apikorsim, you shvantz!

Bensonhoist said...

I knew something was already fishy that he left the van in Boro Park to walk over a mile to the cheder on foot after they called him in a panic that he just killed a yingel he had dropped off. Guilt complex got to him? The cops had to go to Boro Park to inspect the van.

SHQUEEZE said...

How is it possible that we've got these sharp bloggers like DIN who didn't catch that Emil Benjamin vandalizing Flatbush shuls on Shabbos is a talmid of menuvol Leib Tropper?

I know he's Tropper's talmid

because between Los Angeles & Flatbush, his Monsey address was 29 West Maple aka Tropper's old yeshiva. Tropper's groupies sold the building a few years ago to Toronto billionaire Alberto Dov Friedberg for his son's yeshiva & they moved to Hillburn. They go around huffing a delusional lie Tropper tells them that all the rabbonim who threw him out of the rabbonus were choizer & now say he's innocent. They are quick to be mekalel anyone who disagrees with that fantasy.

Probably post-name change, Benjamin is a non-Ashkenazi Kavkazi (Caucasus) Jew who went from quasi-yeshiva bochur to vandalizing shuls on Shabbos. Not the 1st Tropper talmid arrested for vandalizing a shul (think "Failed Shmatta").

Was Benjamin trying to make a point against the late Yudi Kolko? He lives in the big building on Ave L between East 19th & Ocean, about 2 blocks from Weinfeld's shul, where Kolko hung out for ages before hiding out by Lippy Geldwerth. He wrote the word "pedophile" in red marker at some of the shuls.

in 2011, Benjamin & his brother were seen wearing yarmulkas on the F train which led to anteh-Semitten attacking & stabbing him

Simchas Torah night 4 years Benjamin stole 4 sifrei Torah from SYs on Ave O

Avi Weiss said...

Rabbi Belizon, welcome to the Progressive camp, brother!

YU - Torah Madua said...

If this was all about not directly feeding then it's legit as those shaylos are discussed in the poskim.

Could he really be addressing direct feeding itself? That would mamash be preposterous AND embarrassing!

At the very least he is guilty of awkward wording when he says the ACT of nursing. That alone is embarrassing.

I certainly hope he wasn't trying to sound racy to keep the crowd interested & attract new attendees from possibly creating a buzz.

unFair Lawn said...

He's the kind of fellow who REALLY DOESN'T like it when his opinions are challenged, no matter how silly they may be.

You don't want to go there.

And DUCK if you do!

Mare Lawn said...

Mare = Ferd

There is a jerk in Fair Lawn who is not a pulpit rabbi. He touts himself as a lawyer-rabbi who is a certified arbitrator. This lowlife, who is an Open Orthodox sympathizer, if not actually a card carrying member, uses his skill set as a "divorce mediator" - his tidy description for profiting off destroying marriages.,therefore%20the%20god%20of%20war.

He has the Yated fooled where he uses his Yiddishe first name in paid ads there - instead of his goyish first name of avodah zarah origin that everyone knows him by.

Every so often he publicly tries to insert himself in infamously dirty divorces as a means of free advertising for his shady business.

His wife somehow became social worker at a yeshivishe girls school. She is completely nuts & vicious. She does appear normal & pleasant at first glance. To try to prove her relevance to the school she selects victims who she falsely tells the Hanhala need medication & a shrink. If anyone needs medication it's her! Many mishpochos have told the school they don't want this machsheifeh anywhere near their kids.

The machsheifeh also hunts down students from homes with sholom bayis problems for some kind of perverse group kumbaya sessions. It's suspected that she uses the kumbayas to fish for clients-victims for her husband to yank the last bits of rope away from their marriages, which is how he makes his $$$.