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Thursday, November 5, 2020

How the Democrats Set This Up For Months Before the Election To Steal it ... This Was a Deliberate Plan

The Democratic Party expected a contested 2020 presidential election and "set up" President Donald Trump to try to overturn a "verdict" that should have never been projected by pollsters and declared too soon by the "complicitous" media, according to political analyst Dick Morris on Newsmax TV.

"The whole point of the early polls, the whole point of the paper ballots, the whole point of the delay in the counting was to establish the concept that Biden had won, or at least was too confusing to tell so the verdict could overturned," Morris told Wednesday's "The Chris Salcedo Show."

Morris, a former close adviser for former President Bill Clinton, meticulously outlined how the Democratic Party, with an assist from their friends in the mainstream media, "set up" the dominoes to fall one by one against Trump in favor of Joe Biden.

"This is all a setup," Morris began to host Chris Salcedo. "The Democratic Party planned for this. They knew they were likely to lose this election, so the first thing they did was to fake the polls that talked about how they were going to win.

"And that was to set up the presumption that Biden was going to win, so that when he won based on fraud, everybody would say, 'yeah, he was winning anyway.'"

In the lead up to Tuesday, pollsters, perhaps even to a more egregious degree than 2016, had given Biden the "presumption" of an insurmountable edge the Trump campaign could not contest.

"Then as results came in on Election Night, the Democrats constantly held up the count – in many jurisdictions the count was not completed and was left hanging in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin," Morris continued. "Then they came in with their mail-in ballots, dumped them all of a sudden, barred the Republicans from looking at them, and then announced that Biden had won."

Finally, the media pulled the final lever by delivering a narrative it is the Trump campaign seeking to undermine a free and election, Morris concluded.

"And the complicitous news media called these states for Biden; that creates a sort of presumption that Biden has won those states," he said. "And Trump is then in the position of trying to overturn that verdict."

Read Newsmax: Dick Morris to Newsmax TV: This Was a 'Setup'
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