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Friday, November 13, 2020

Chabad , Avraham Aveenu and Blasphemy

In my hometown, Beit Shemesh, they distribute free newspapers and newsletters... and some are exclusively dedicated to the parsha of the week.

One of the newsletters which is basically dedicated to whats happening in Beit Shemesh is called "Temurah" and even though chareidim is not their target audience, they do add a "dvar Torah."  

This week's "dvar Torah" was submitted by a Chabadniker by the name of Harav Eliezer Veiner. 

He starts off very nice explaining how Avraham Aveenu bought the Mearas Ha'machpeilah with good money for a steep price, so that Sarah, his late wife, would never be part of the "Bnei Cheis" even after her death ..and so he made sure to own the property ... and then  to ultimately give this as a heritage to his descendants ...

All nice and good..... right?

Not so fast.... in his very last paragraph he goes off on a tangent to embed Chabad theology into this sacred story .. 
which would be ok ..except this last paragraph is blasphemous ...

He tells a story of the third Lubavitcher Rebbe (1789-1866), R' Dovber who was known by the title the "Tzemach Tzedek."

It seems that a Jew went to the Rebbe for his blessings as he wanted to make Aliyah ... the Rebbe instead of giving him his blessings told him..
"Make Eretz Yisrael here." 

Rabbi Veiner explains that "when a Jew takes a material object or anything and in turn makes it holy, and performs a mitzvah with that object or place ... he turns that place into holiness.. into Eretz Yisrael"

So I know you are wondering....you are scratching your itchy head trying to understand why this is "blasphemous?"

It's "blasphemous" on so many levels that I don't even know where to begin ...
I'll just scratch the surface..

First ... 
Know that just like the Catholic Church pre 1993, Chabad does not recognise the State of Israel....... nope.... they absolutely do not recognise it ... even though you may argue that the previous rebbe did meet with the President and Prime Ministers of Israel... he met them as Jews and as leaders of Jews ... not as representatives of the State of Israel.... 

So Rabbi Viner knowing the above story of the Tzemach Tzedik, couldn't reconcile this story with the parsha and was wondering why Avraham Aveenu would buy land in Chevron, part of Eretz Yisrael, and pay top dollar ..if he could just buy a cheap piece of  land in nearby Iraq and "make this land into Eretz Yisrael"and bury his wife Sarah with her parents and grandparents in Chutz Le'aaretz ....as the Tzemach Tzedik suggested to that poor Jew "make Eretz Yisrael here" ... a Jew who because of this advice probably lost all his descendants in the Holocaust or were most likely assimilated into the Russian secular society ......never to be heard of again..

So instead of saying to himself ... "hey... this story does not square with the parsha... he tries taking a shoehorn to the "Avraham Aveenu story" so that it fit with this irrelevant theology... that one doesn't have to live in Eretz Yisrael and one can live in Timbuktu and make that holy..

I don't know really what transpired by the Tzemach Tzedik and why the Rebbe would give this advice.... to this Jew ..who knows...?
But what's sure is sure...
The Ribono Shel Olam gave Avraham Aveenu and his descendants  Eretz Yisrael.... he didn't give them Lubavitch, Russia where the Tzemach Tzedik and that poor Jew lived ...

Hashem could have easily told Avraham Aveenu to remain in Iraq and "make that holy" 
Hashem wants all Jews to come home... not wait for Moshiach to come home... but to come home now...
The Baal Shem Tov who lived just a generation before the Tzemach Tzedik tried making Aliyah ..and his students actually did go..
The Grah, the Chafetz Chayim all didn't say "lets make Radin, or Vilna holy" but made plans to emigrate from the blood soaked earth to Eretz Yisrael ... 

Rabbi Viner actually lives in Israel... but to remain true to his ideals he tries to embed Chabad theology into his divrei Torah ... it's ok .. I have no problem with that ... but don't talk "narishkeitin"

Secondly, Rabbi Viner wrote this article in a newsletter that is read primarily by chilonim ....
Can you imagine ....? A guy wants to read a Dvar Torah ...something that he can repeat at his shabbos table and he reads to his family that you can live in San Frans'sicko and "make that holy ..." that it's not important to remain in Israel....
Bad message ... and false..
Shabbat Shalom





Lubavitch Christianity needs to be excised from Klal Yisroel said...

ב"ה, I'm happy to see that your eyes are opening up to see the problematic aspects of the Chabad Lubavitch cult.

It is not enough that they are a messianic movement promoting a dead, false Messiah, they also mess up Yiddishkeit and try to spread their false, corrupted theology to unknowing Jews. And that is in addition to the lies, thievery, and other problematic behavior, like you recently discovered about the Lubavitcher Christian missionary center in Poway.

This weekend they are having conventions of their misssionaries - two competing ones, one for the openly messianic, where they say yechi openly (https://chabadinfo.com/kinus/kinus-hashluchim-releases-program-5/), and one for the ones who hide their problematic beliefs.

Do you think Rav Schach zy"a and other gedolim who warned against this dangerous cult, which was dubbed "the religion closest to Judaism" were fools? They knew the depth of the problem.

People need to take strong action against them, unlike certain naive fools, who, especially if on vacation, go and daven and eat in Lubavitch missionary centers. People should not do that, they are supporting the Lubavitcher missionaries in their עבודה זרה.

As the posuk says, הבדלו מתוך העדה הרעה הזאת.

Truth about Lubavitch said...

Hey DIN, do you know that Chabad Lubavitch says that Moshiach will come first to 770???

Short version - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9N7GbLyUx4Q

Longer version with Y.Y. Jacobson and text it is based on - https://www.beisrabeinu.com/roshchodeshkislev/

Maybe they believe that the מערת המכפלה is in Crown Heights too?

It is about time that people get educated on what Lubavitch really is about, and stop looking at them through rose colored glasses.

Anonymous said...

Chabad has morphed into a messianic cult.
They worship a corpse.
This is not Judaism - this is how Christianity began.
In 400 years Schneerson will be told to have walked on water and will have risen from the grave.
This is how false religions start
Isn't it time to start calling out Chabad for their Heresy?
As a wise Yeshivish Rabbi said : Lubavitch is the religion closest to Judaism.

Chabad Watch said...

The ignorance of the Chabad "Meshichistim" about the teachings of their own DECEASED rebbe is mind boggling.

In the video posted by Truth about Lubavitch, the Chabad idolator claims that the Moshiach will first appear at 770. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9N7GbLyUx4Q

But the rebbe zt"l himself apparently taught that Moshiach will first appear in Eretz Yisrael. I have personally seen this statement printed in a Chabad English Chassidus book!
"The initial revelation of King Moshiach will be in the Holy Land, in the Galilee"

These same Chabad Apostles are teaching ideas right out of the New Testament.
We don't need to wait 400 years, Chabad has morphed into a new Christianity now!
"the rebbe is beyond our comprehension, the rebbe is Ein Sof...the rebbe is Elokus..."

Yehudi said...

An anti-Zionist pamphlet by Uriel Zimmer, where he presents an ideological analysis of the position of Torah Judaism in respect to Zionism and the State of Israel. This has been translated into English and is available at http://www.israelversusjudaism.org/torah-judaism/introduction

He was a linguist of renown and has translated some of the writings of Hirsch from German into Hebrew, the essays of Nathan Birnbaum, the poems of de Haan from Dutch into Hebrew, the essays of Jacob Rosenheim from German into English, and the Tanya from Hebrew into Yiddish.

He is closely affiliated with the activities of the Chabad (Lubavitch) movement. He was a close friend of the late Rabbi Moshe Blau, Dr. Isaac Breuer and Dr. Pinchas Kohn. He was born in Vienna in 1921 and settled in Jerusalem in 1934. He was the United Nations correspondent of several newspapers. He died in 1970.

moshiachnow said...

You misunderstood the saying. It means that one can learn Torah wherever they may be.(Maybe he knew if would be very difficult for the family to survive in Eretz Yisroel which was probably even more difficult then.)
While the Rebbe didn't live in Eretz Yisroel (He felt he had to still had to accomplish where he was..) , he definitely supported Eretz Yisroel and said "thay Hashem's eyes are on it from the beginning of the year until the end of the year. "
See this site about the Rebbe's views on Eretz Yisroel http://www.truepeace.org/inviolableheritage.htm and this site on the history of Chabad in Chevron

Unknown said...

Meanwhile pogroms & holocaust wiped out Yerushalayim of Berlin and Yerushalaym d'Lita , etc...

My buddy Yenk , the last of the all time groode mechlech , overheard bits & pieces at Die Greene Kuzeina's Frishe Frishtig Bagel Ess.. For example :

How much did the Feinstein family pay to fly R'Dovid over to EY ?

Why was Rabbi Sacks flown to London burial after he made Aliyah ?

the Derby

Anonymous said...

Dear DIN editor.
Your blog is interesting. No need to...
"Politics" aside, the Rebbe sent many people to live in Eretz Yisroel, at critical times. This story about the Tzemach Tzedek was to one individual (we don't know the details of the circumstances, and why he didn't think that particular fellow should move), but - in my understanding - the message has NOTHING to do with being in EY per se or not. It's about utilizing the resources you have, where you are, to be the best Jew you can be, and create a holy environment.

Dusiznies said...

moshiachnow said...
"You misunderstood the saying. It means that one can learn Torah wherever they may be."

The "saying" is not a difficult Tosfos" it's actually very easy to understand, and if you read my post, I explained it ..

This "saying,"(and I wrote that I didn't know the circumstances of why the Tzemach Tzedik advised this poor Jew not to make aliyah..) does not square with our parsha...
Rabbi Viner should not have brought this story in with the story of Avraham Aveenu purchasing land in Eretz Yisrael... it's a contradiction ..period..
yes.. a Jew can make a mundane thing holy .. absolutely... but he cannot make Russia holy ... absolutely not .. the town in Lubavitch is not only not Holy .. it's Tumeh ... and so is the town of Satmar, Vilne, Radin, Belz, Bobov, New York, Lakewood, Monsey ..all these cities are tumeh ..and no Jew can make any city in Chutz Le'aaretz Holy .. and that is not what I say, it's what the Gemarrah in Kesubos 110 says and what the Rambam says..

I agree with everything you say .. but a Jew cannot take any land especially Jewish blood soaked land like Russia and make it holy ..
and yes he can make his "environment" holy... absolutely and maybe that's what the Tzemach Tzedik actually meant .. but the land is not holy and will never be holy ...I'm sure that those who were murdered in Babi Yar and those murdered by Chelmenitzki will agree with me..

Anonymous said...

It's possible that the Tzemach Tzedek only advised one particular Jew, or he didn't foresee the rise of religious Zionism with the publication of Drishat Tzion by Rav Kalischer, so I'm taking him out of my discussion.

Any toile'lach to demean EY is close to, or is bona- fide , meraglim talk. They were "ROSHEI YISROEL HEIMAH "... Chizkuni says roshei alaphim, others say , roshei chamishim. Talmidei chachacham and poskei hador par excellence. Great chance that they were bigger lomdim than those in previous, and certainly , in our generation.

I wish to prove this ; and if it's written somewhere, then boruch shekivanti.

You will notice that of the 12 , 2 needed special brochos and prayers.... that's how persuasive they were..Moshe blessed Yehoshua, gave him an added letter to protect him from the meraglim.

As soon as they crossed into the Negev, Calev was hearing moiredige lomdus, brilliant chochma and geonishe svoros against EY. In his heart, he knew they were stone wrong , nevertheless, he was petrified that he might be sucked into their logic. So he ran to Mearat Hamachpelah to daven for himself , as Rashi says, " Save me from atzas meraglim." We see that without special zchusim, both Yehoshua & Calev could have been suckered in.... and we know the 12 gedolei Torah were absolutely wrong.. These chachamim were in the bitter end, kessilim..
Any argument you hear against Eretz Yisroel, no matter how brilliant, was already put forth by the 12. ( Except maybe the bureaucracy..lol.. )

Interestingly, when Moshe asked them to see if " Hayesh Bo Eitz ?"
meaning if there is even one tzaddik ( Iyov ?) in whose zchus Jews would not be able to conquer.. This "Eitz was a goy"... There wasn't a single Jew living in Canaan at that moment.
Al achas kama vekama if hundreds, then thousands, then millions live there, then the zchusim are endless..
Do not look for the bad... U'rei B'tuv YERUSHALIYM.

the Derby

Now let's start packing … You know what time it is !!!

Anonymous said...

..Of course I meant write the 10 intead of 12..

yehudah said...

and why did Uriel Zimmer publish an anti Zionism essay http://www.israelversusjudaism.org/torah-judaism/introduction
at a time that he served as a personal liaison for the Rebbe?

anonymous said...

Tzemach TzedEk not TzedIk