Wednesday, October 14, 2020

New Skver "takanas" If You Want to Be a Shliach Tzibber


To take our our minds off the virus and politics ....

I decided to post a Skverer edict or "takana"in reference vis a vis a "shliach tzibber."

If a guy is a "chiuv" and needs to daven as a "shliach tzibber," he will have a problem taking advantage of the many Skverer minyanim in New Square ....

No it's not talking about wearing a mask, chas ve'sholom, or social distancing G-d forbid ...... naaaaaa!

The following szlubs cannot and should not approach as a "Shliach tzibber" even if his father was murdered "al kiddush Hashem" :

1. If you trim your beard.

2. You must dunk into the mikva that very day.

3. You must wear a "gartel' but it cannot be from the same material of the clothes that you wear

4. You don't have any smartphone, computer, tablet that doesn't have a filter

5. If you use social media, such as whatsapp (without a filter), twitter, instagram etc

So that's it ...

I find number 3 very funny ..... that the "gartel" must be from a different material .....

so if a guy fits all the criteria ... he never trims his beard, dunks that day in the mikva, has filters on his phone, computers, and has no social media ....

but......  his gartel is of the same material as his 'lange rekel" he cannot daven as "shliach tzibber" in New Square ...

 This "modern guy" that fits all the above criteria... except for his "gartel".. that is made of the same material as his shirt,  will now be asked to step aside and be categorized as an "oif'ge'klerteer" 

מי כעמך ישראל



cyrano said...

To be fair, I think you've taken rule #3 somewhat out of context. True, "She'aynoi mimin habeged" literally means, "that is not out the material of the garment". However, in this context it doesn't mean if the garment is made of, say, polyester then the gartel must be of a material other than polyester. I think it means that a sash that is part or attached permanently to the garment, that is to say , "is of the garment" (not necessarily of the same material), does not qualify as a gartel.

The reasoning behind this is that a gartel should preferably be an additional article of clothing that is donned for the purpose of prayer or any other mitzvah. This serves as a "Hachanah", or special preparation to the mitzvah that follows. A sash that is a permanent part of a garment might lack this element of special preparation, and might therefore not be considered a valid gartel.

As to all the other "Takonos", well, it is after all Skvere, what do you expect?

סקווירא פ.ר. דעפט said...

חוגר אבנט שאינו ממין הבגד

חוגר אבנט - wears a gartel

שאינו ממין - that is not from a min, an apikores.

הבגד - haboged, that rebels