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Friday, July 10, 2020

Want Your "Yerusha" Your Inheritance Right Away? .. Send your Sick Parents to Maimonides

Having hard times? Lost your job? Don't know how you are going to make ends meet..? Your children walking around in "hand-me-downs? Making a wedding that will put you into hock for years, but there is a "yerusha" waiting?
No problem .... the next time your father or mother has a cough take them ASAP to Maimonides....... 

Is Maimonides Hospital in Boro-Park murdering their patients on purpose?

Is Maimonides a death trap?

Where are the "askanim"? Where are they hiding?
Are they being paid to shut up....

Why is this poor guy screaming? Where is the community support?
Very few people came out to support him....

To get overnight camps to open ... you would have had "Langeh Rekkel" Eichenstein there in a heart beat ... where is Ezra "the Capo" Friedlander with his silly op-eds? 
To support the Iran Deal he couldn't run fast enough to 13th Avenue to get the poor Holocaust survivors to back his murderous plans..

Believe me if it was a black guy being killed by the hospital there would have been  a turn-out of tens of thousands ....



Jonny said...

Who is this guy> Where do we see the recordings he is talking about? Why is this not garnering more Attention!!???

Anonymous said...

a NY Daily News reporter wrote a book how many staff in Maimonides BP are anti-Semites who even admitted it to her, remarking that in order to make it hard to pin it on them they are nice to most of the patients while picking a handful to relentlessly torment so if questioned they can falsely blame those patients for being troublemakers which is believable or plausible enough that they won't get in trouble

Boorrro Parrrk said...

In the first 30 secs you see the freak Tischler chasing after a high ranking cop in the white shirt hocking him a chynek, the cop is just trying to get away from him

Anonymous said...

Maimonides had always been known as a death camp hospital. Any Jew that is on the board should be ashamed of themselves. The holy Rebbe’s I believe it was Klausenberg-Sanz use to warn his Chasidim to stay FAR AWAY from Maimonides. LAWSUITS ARE NEEDED- only language these people understand.

OU Eyepopper said...

Dokter Embezzler Rabbiner Yitz Kurtzer is son of Dokter Rabbiner Edward Kurtzer who oddly enough for the President of Rav Gustman's alumni association, makes his Headquarters & also gives Daf Yomi in the Far Left Boca outposts like the OU's "elite" Boca Raton Synagogue which has harbored all kinds of infamous molesters and was where the "trustworthy" ORB was conceived.

It turns out that Edward was also arrested as a child molester, while owner of a Sullivan County camp that sponged huge profits compliments of taxpayers to supposedly take care of young mentally retarded patients.

If you click on "OCR" you can read the article without buying a Newspapers.com subscription


Edward & his shvogger Harold Levine were arrested for abusing the campers with electrified cattle prods. And they call Mendel Epstein "The Prodfather"?

Yitz's shver was Dokter Rabbiner Joseph Goldberg, a Menahel in Chaim Berlin, Bais Yehuda Detroit & the Lower East Side Bais Yaakov.

Yitz's wife is hiding out in Monsey, maybe in the veiber shul by Levitan, and negotiating her surrender to Federal agents.

Coincidence? Pinny Lipschutz was close to both Moish Finkel AND Yitz Kurtzer!

If anyone remembers the OU inserting themselves into the Finkel scandal just so they could give a knife in the back to falsely deny that Rabbi Shain caught Finkel 8 years earlier, just hold on. Maybe there will be another OU press release tomorrow that Dokter Molester Rabbiner Edward Kurtzer is being "falsely maligned" on a website that "No one should be reading. If you want 'accurate' information please contact the OU." (This was more or less the wording of another OU dig while in denial of Rubashkin scandals that were being exposed)