Friday, July 24, 2020

KAJ "The YEKKEH" Hashgacha Thinks Empire Chicken Is Not Kosher Enough

You would think that at least the "yekkes" would be straightforward, honest and "punktlich" after all they "shtam" from the civilized Germans...

Empire Chickens has had in the past, in addition to the "german" hechsher, the OU, and Rabbi Babad from Tartikoff... 
and R' Aron Teitelbaum the Nirbarter who oversees the Alle Processing plant ....

So instead of leaving quietly, the Germans spread evil propaganda about Empire on the way out the door, during the nine days..
I love all these "inspirational" messages from the greatest speakers who would not, chas ve'sholom" speak about what's really going on and what's really destroying the world..
they want DIN to do their dirty work ..... 
I'm getting sick and tired of this..

Pass the buffalo wings .. football season around the corner..



OU Crony Watch said...

Check out Rabbi Yudel Shain's blog. There is a kashrus problem and the OU is helping to cover it up.

Yudel Shain said...

There are and there will be additional kashrus issues at Empire.
The new Hashgocha will first institute some "chimras and hidurim", as a diaper to cover up the kashrus issues.

Dusiznies said...

Yudel Shain
I know that you feel that there are Kashrut issues at Empire..
but that wasn't really the gist of my post ....
My issue was how KAJ left ....and I think you would agree that the entire Hashgacha business needs an overhaul...
I stayed at a Pesach hotel that had a KAJ hashgacha... believe me .. I never went back there again...
also I personally know many of the mashgichim working for the OU...
I trust them 100% and the OU policy is open to everyone, there aren't any surprises ... if you don't like their "kulas" don't eat from their hashgacha..

Uriah’s Wife said...

So now we are indoctrinated to need 3 separate, independent Hashgachas to legitimize the kashrus of food products suitable for the sensibilities of Chareidi society. The presumption upon which the 3 hashgacha requirement is premised, is that the other 2 are unreliable and untrustworthy. Otherwise, why the requirement for more than one?
This is the stupidity of today’s “modern” chareidism. It has morphed into asinine theological zealotry and one of its many infirmities is the 3 or more hashgacha rule. Any reasonable person would question the authenticity and legitimacy of a religion incorporating this baloney into its theology.
Is it any wonder so many are going OTD and abandoning Chareidism?

Oy U said...

No one said anyone including KAJ is infallible. For Pesach it is even more difficult to get mashgiachim who are top notch.

I don't doubt that you know some upstanding OU mashgichim. But do you know how many more mashgichim work for the OU including ones with problematic frumkeit that the OU keeps it a secret that they are even on the payroll?

And the finest mashgiach is not the last word at the OU. Genack makes political decisions ALL THE TIME to even override all the top poskim - in & out of house - when they are unanimous that something is not kosher.

Do you remember that bum Dr. "Rabbi" Steve Simcha Katz from Teaneck who was caught red handed with treif veal? He closed his company overnight, ignored hazmonos ledin sent PERSONALLY by R' Moshe Feinstein ztl, and sued the Jewish Press for "slander" for reporting the story.

Katz is Genack's old friend so just 2 years after the treif scandal, Genack placed Katz as OU Kashrus Chairman (!) with Modern Ortho Katz donning a black hat as part of the sick whitewash shpiel

Anonymous said...

July 26, 2020 at 1:09 PM

After reading this piece of juicy, non relevant LH I'm good and ready to mourn for the destruction of G-d's Home and all pumped up for Tishah B'av. The cause of all the destruction still lives on.

Anonymous said...

Implying Jews who lived in Germany are Nazis. I see that you have absolutely no brains. I guess you get that from your wonderful Polish or Cossack heritage.