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Wednesday, July 8, 2020

One Rebbe Dies and Now there are Nine!

This reminds me of the "makkeh tzfardeia" the plaque of frogs... according to Rashi there was only one frog ,but when some smart aleck hit it, it multiplied like crazy...

Death as they say is really part of life...
So usually when a Rebbe departs from this world, his oldest son becomes rebbe...or if there are daughters ..a son-in-law....

Except of course in Satmar, when the Beirach Moshe, the previous Satmar Rebbe appointed his younger son, R' Zalman Leib to replace him ...the oldest one, R' Aron Teitelbaum hauled his old feeble father to a court appointed psychiatrist to prove that he had gone insane.. and now we have two rebbes....

In Bobov, the eldest son of Reb Shlomo was Naftulchi, who succeeded him.... when Naftulchi died, he left no sons, but plenty of daughters, so his son-in-law Rav Unger crowned himself successor... until Ben Zion the younger son of Reb Shlomo crowned himself Rebbe since according to his Torah, he is the Yoirish... so now we have two Bobovers...One is Bobov 45 and one is Bobov 48.... (Bobov 45 isn't even on 45th street, he is on 51st Street)

When the Sanzer Rebbe from Boro-Park died, he left 9 sons... so I know exactly what you are thinking ...
Who is the oldest ... let's make him rebbe...
not so fast ....
At the leveyeh, when traditionally the successor is announced....
they announced that all 9 sons will be rebbes ...

So now there will be 9 new shuls with 9 new rebbes,.when their father was still alive ... he struggled with a minyan, but he didn't have to worry too much because between him and his children he had his very own minyan and didn't need any outsiders..
let's see what happens now...

I forgot ... there will be 10 rebbetzins now... which means 10 luckshin kugels ....



Anonymous said...

They all do need ah shaineh Parnooseh. All Nine of them.
They really are not qualified for any other 'parnooseh' except Rebbehshaft.

Anonymous said...

FYI, this is not the regular Sanz. This is Sanz-Gribov.

The Rebbe zl ran the Mechon Yuchasin for many years on 16th Ave. That's the genealogical research center the gedolim wanted set up when they freaked out from learning that all kinds of heimishe Yidden were going to see the vast records in the tiflus that the Mormons set up with the intention of doing shmad on both the deceased in name and on their ayneklach in person who they lured to view the microfilms.

LES AYM said...

I remember him years ago when his shul was on 45th street between 15 and 16 ave.
He was a very nice man. His wife made the GREATEST GREASIEST lukshen kugel. It was the best ever!
My father knew him in Brownsville, I believe he was a yosom. He davened with my father in the "Re'Em Ahuvim Shteeble. That was a shteeble where all various chasidim all fell into. Heard great things about it. I think that shul eventually moved out when the neighborhood changed and is now in Crown Heights. Of course it's now become pretty much a Chabad shul. But hey at least it's still a surviving shul.

(Sorry for rambling on)

fyi said...

Hi DIN. You depict this as a new thing, a departure, when it is actually not new.

For example, Nadvorna, a long time ago one of their past leaders instructed that they all should become Rebbes. Some change their names to things like Clevelander, Stroznitzer, Mosholu, Zutchka...Similar with other Hasidic sects many years ago.

More recently, this has happened with Vizhnitz, Skulen, etc., all the sons becoming Rebbes.

Of course there is a need for more Rebbes. There is a neo-Hasidic movement, supported by Mishpacha magazine, trying to convince naive Modern Orthodox to convert to Hasidism. So they need more Rebbes for them. Maybe a few of these new Sanzer Rebbes should move to Woodmere, LI, where the neo-Hasidic movement has a base.

frum but normal said...

I live in BP around the corner from this supposedly Rebbe,this guy was never a Rebbe or even a rav,he was dabbling in real estate and owned an apartment house on 16th ave where he lived,in his later years when it was hard for him to walk to shull,his 15 children organized a minyan in his house.

Pupa said...


the relatively new Pupa kehilla in Ossining, Westchester, between Nitra in Mt. Kisco & Peekskill yeshiva

Anonymous said...

This spring, while the rest of Europe imposed sweeping lockdowns, Sweden decided to let coronavirus take its course, opting to let businesses and gatherings continue in the interest of the economy. Now, The New York Times reports, experts are declaring the Swedish experiment a failure: Not only did Sweden suffer many times more deaths than its neighbors, the country’s laissez-faire strategy didn’t even help the economy. “Despite the government’s decision to allow the domestic economy to roll on, Swedish businesses are stuck with the same conditions that produced recession everywhere else. And Swedish people responded to the fear of the virus by limiting their shopping—not enough to prevent elevated deaths, but enough to produce a decline in business activity,” the paper writes. The combination of massive fatalities and economic malaise Sweden has endured lends weight to what many economists and health experts have been saying all along: The choice between the economy and public health is a false one, and the best way to boost the economy is to control the virus.

cyrano said...

When the first Sanzer Rebbe, Rav Chaim Halberstam passed, he was survived by seven sons and seven daughters. On the first Shabbos after his petirah a number of his sons began "prahving" Rebbistvah. When this was noticed by the middle son, R' Boruch of Gorlitz (who incidentally happens to be an ancestor of these Sanzer Rebbes), he remarked cynically, "A Rebbe is like a potato; when you put one into the ground a lot of little ones pop up. So there is a precedent in the family.

Anonymous, I wouldn't worry about their lack of "parnoosah". They've been businessmen for many years and have accumulated quite a bit of wealth in real estate and other successful ventures. As to each opening their own shul, it doesn't cost me any money, so why should I care. Indeed, Anonymous, why should you care?

Litvak said...

It is about time that the whole world realize once and for all that Bobov , Satmar, Sanze and all other similar guru centered lunatic communities are not Judaism!

They are mindless cults that idolize ignorance and stupidity!

Their ignorance extends to Jewish subjects as well and it is abysmal. They do not understand Halacha (Minha 20 min after the shkia!) do not know Tanach, pray in pidgin Hebrew and have no knowledge of the language.

What these psychopaths are practicing is not Judaism--it is a perpetual costume carnival (cum mafia)!

It is no wonder that they always turn up in the middle of hillul hashem scandals -- they have no real Torah.

I really pity their children who are deprived of both worlds.

As far as their leaders are concerned, I will grant them the benefit of the doubt and assume that they are mentally unbalanced, and not something worse.

A very orthodox litvak

Litvak said...

And I forgot to mention: didn't these psychos eve hear about lo tisgodedu?

Anonymous said...

Hey "Litvak", what are you? Some 3rd generation Flatbush Hungarian who went to Philly?

R' Aron Kotler holds you can daven mincha up to 25 minutes after shkiah. And the Aruch Hashulchan holds you can start davening at 24 minutes after.

And there are Rebbes who are into learning who wipe the floor with you.