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Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Guys Come Home Before It's Too Late ...25,000 Calls from the US During June Alone to Nefesh B’Nefesh

Guys take pity on your children and grandchildren ... come home...
It's not an exaggeration .... 
just where I live I used to see signs "for Rent" or "For Sale" all the time...
Today I have not found a sign or a poster anywhere ... in fact in my building was a poster with a phone number ...begging ..us if we know of any apt for rent or sale..
Across the street from my home, 12 apartment building are going up... all the apartments are already sold, just last month they were offering all kinds of discounts and incentives ... no more ... 

If your married children want to stay ... leave them there ...do not listen to the rebbes .... they were absolutely wrong pre WW2 and they are wrong now ..
Sell your homes and business and come home...it's time..

Nefesh B’Nefesh, the veteran Jewish organization which has been encouraging aliya from western countries and the USA, reported unprecedented interest in options for aliya during the month of June. In the wake of the coronavirus, numerous people called the organization, which in a normal month receives several hundred to a few thousand calls. Many of those calling wanted to open aliya application procedures.

40 US Jews arrived in Israel Wednesday. In accordance with health regulations, they will spend two weeks in quarantine and then will be able to enter their new homes in Israel. Absorption Minister Penina Tamno-Shata told Arutz Sheva that “I am happy to welcome the arrival of new immigrants from America. They join the more than 7000 Jews who have immigrated to Israel in the past few months. Despite the challenges facing us due to the coronavirus pandemic, the state of Israel will always remain open to aliya at all times, whether during crisis periods or normal times. There is a significant rise in the level of interest, number of aliya applications and initiated procedures and at present the ministry of immigration and absorption which I head is preparing a broad national program for the large waves of aliya expected in the coming years.”
The director and founder of Nefesh B’Nefesh, Rabbi Yehoshua Fass, added that “in the past few months we have seen a tremendous leap in the number of calls to the Nefesh B’Nefesh hotline. The coronavirus crisis is not abating and thousands continue to express interest in immigrating to Israel. It is our duty to translate the interest of thousands into the immigration of thousands. Nefesh B’Nefesh is here to assist them together with all the national and governmental bodies.”

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