Thursday, July 2, 2020

Harav Hutner and The Mufti of Jerusalem

First a brief background.....

Harav Yitzchok Hutner was best known for being the Rosh Yeshiva of Chaim Berlin. 
He was born in Warsaw and his background was Chassidish (Gerer) and Litvish..and as a bachur he learned by Harav Nosson Tzvi Finkel in the Slabodka Yeshiva in Lithuania.

 He later joined some of the bochrim of Slabodka to establish the Chevron Yeshiva in Eretz Yisrael and narrowly escaped the 1929 Chevron Massacre because he happened to be away for the weekend. 

While in Eretz Yisrael he became very close to Harav Avraham Yitzchok Kook z"l ..and became his talmid .... when Rav Hutner was about to publish his sefer "Torat Ha'Nazir" he made sure to get a haskama from Harav Kook.

After the chevron pogrom, Rab Hutner returned to Warsaw and moved to Germany and studied philosophy at the University of Berlin... where he became close to two future rabbinical giants, Harav JB Soloveitchik and Rav Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the future Lubavitcher Rebbe....

There were rumors that Rav Hutner subsequently became a fierce opponent of Chabad, but that has been quashed since there are letters in existence today that show that he corresponded regularly with the Lubavitcher Rebbe  throughout his lifetime, seeking his views on a variety of halakhic, chassidic and kabbalistic subjects, and occasionally seeking his blessing. Harav Hutner also had several lengthy private audiences with the Lubavitcher Rebbe, during which they conversed for long periods of time, and that is all well documented.


In the late 1960s he began to visit Israel again, planning to build a new yeshiva there. On 6 September 1970, he and his wife, daughter, and son-in-law Yonasan David were returning to New York on TWA Flight 741 when their flight was hijacked by the PFLP Palestinian terrorist organization. 
The terrorists freed the non-Jewish passengers and held the Jewish passengers hostage on the plane for one week, after which the women and children were released and sent to Cyprus. The hijacked airplanes were subsequently detonated. 
The remaining 40-plus Jewish men – including Hutner, David, and two students accompanying Hutner, Meir Fund and Yaakov Drillman – and male flight crew continued to be held hostage in and around AmmanJordan; Hutner was held alone in an isolated location while Jews around the world prayed for his safe release. The terrorists tried to cut off his beard, but were stopped by their commanders. Hutner was reunited with the rest of the hostages on 18 September, and was finally released on 26 September and flown together with his family members to Nicosia, Cyprus. 

Rav Yitzchok Hutner and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Mohamed Amin al-Husseini

Rav Hutner as Rosh Yesivah of Chaim Berlin.... changed course and started to blame the Zionists for everything, and In an article in The Jewish Observer October 1977, Rav Hutner blamed the Zionists for making the Mufti an anti-Semite and blamed the Zionists for the Mufti’s influence on Hitler.
This article was published in all the anti-Zionist publications and Rav Hutner became a hero by the Satmarers....

Since this quote came up this week in a well known Chareidie hebrew magazine, which i will not name, I decided to put this in context of a historic perspective..

 “years ago, it was still easy to find old residents of Yerushalyim who remembered cordial relations they had maintained with the Mufti in the years impending creation of a Jewish State.Once the looming reality of the State of Israel was before him, the Mufti spared no effort at influencing Hitler to murder as many Jews as possible in the shortest amount of time. This shameful episode, where the founders and early leaders of the State were clearly a factor in the destruction of many Jews, has been completely suppressed and expunged from the record.”

Both of these statements are not only inaccurate but absurd….

I will quote from the above quote and answer …

Rav Hutner: “years ago, it was still easy to find old residents of Yerushalyim who remembered cordial relations they had maintained with the Mufti in the years impending creation of a Jewish State

DIN: Way back In April of 1920, when al-Husseini was just 23 years old, teaching at the Rashidiya School in East Jerusalem, he was charged with inciting Arabs against the Jews and implicated as a leader of the  1920 Nebi Musa riots. He was sentenced in absentia to 10 years (he had escaped to Syria) by a military court.

1920 was 28 years before the establishment of the State.

A year later in 1921, the anti-Semitic British pardoned him and Herbert Samuel, the British High Commissioner appointed him Grand Mufti of Jerusalem a position he used as a platform to promote his hatred against Jews.
During the  1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine he fled Palestine and took refuge in the French Mandate of Lebanon and the Kingdom of Iraq, until he established himself in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany

There wasn’t a Jew in the entire world who remembered “cordial relations with the Mufti in the years impending the creation of a Jewish State” as Rav Hutner related..
This is Satmar propaganda that was and is constantly being reported in the Satmar Yiddish weekly Der Yid … for Rav Hutner to have repeated this rubbish is appalling.

Rav Hutner: Once the looming reality of the State of Israel was before him, the Mufti spared no effort at influencing Hitler to murder as many Jews as possible in the shortest amount of time.”

DIN: What????
So Rav Hutner is saying that it was the “Mufti that influenced Hitler to murder Jews in the shortest amount of time.”??
What ???

So let’s take a look at the facts..
The exiled Mufti met Hitler in 1942..

Let’s remember that Hitler in 1942 was dominating most of Europe. 
Austria and Luxembourg were completely incorporated into Germany. Germany seized territories from Czechoslovakia, Poland, France, Belgium, and the Baltic states, German military forces occupied Norway, Denmark, Belgium, northern France, Serbia, parts of northern Greece, and vast tracts of territory in eastern Europe. Italy, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Finland, Croatia, and Vichy France were all either allied to Germany or subject to heavy German influence.

Let’s also remember that The British were occupying Palestine..and fully  entrenched .
There was no "looming reality of the State of Israel before him”

No one person in the entire world thought that Zionists were a threat to anyone...
What the Mufti wanted in his meeting with Hitler in 1942 is recorded for posterity ….
 We all now know what the Mufti said and what Hitler answered…

Let’s not forget that the Arabs were Germany’s natural friends, because they had the same enemies, namely the English and the Jews.The Mufti at this time, in 1942, at this meeting, was firmly convinced that Germany would win the war and that the Arab cause would then prosper, he was not worried about the Zionists … 
he wanted that Hitler should defeat the British to establish another Arab Palestine..

No where in the entire conversation did the Mufti “influence Hitler to murder as many Jews as possible in the shortest amount of time” …. 

This was all made up and repeated so many times that the regular "joe shmo" believes this now,,,
Thank G-d for even a child can see that this is rubbish .....



Fact said...

"There were rumors that Rav Hutner subsequently became a fierce opponent of Chabad, but that has been quashed since there are letters in existence today that show that he corresponded regularly with the Lubavitcher Rebbe throughout his lifetime, seeking his views on a variety of halakhic, chassidic and kabbalistic subjects, and occasionally seeking his blessing. Harav Hutner also had several lengthy private audiences with the Lubavitcher Rebbe, during which they conversed for long periods of time, and that is all well documented."

Where did you get that from DIN? The massive Chabad-Lubavitch propaganda machine?

It is well known that Rav Hutner z"l was a strong opponent of Lubavitch.

There were others too, who were friendly with Chabad-Lubavitch at one time or another, but, over time, as the true nature of that sect become apparent to even people not having great foresight and insight, they changed their stance.

P.S. said...

The extreme reaction of Rav Hutner z"l to a former talmid who visited him and mentioned that his son went to Chabad-Lubavitch camp is well known (Rav Hutner z"l turned his face away from/refused to look at him, IIRC).

Dusiznies said...

ok guys here goes ...I really didn't want to get into this ....
But see ....
Mibeis Hagenozim, S.B. Levine, Kehot 2009, pp. 88–98 where copies of Rav Hutners' actual letters are provided alongside the relevant section
Yes it's published by Kehot ... but you can actually see the letters ...
But anyway at the end of the day ... Rav Hutner was a great scholar and tzaddik but one very confused guy...
He threw Rav Kook, Lubavitcher Rebbe (according to you) and JB under the bus .......
He himself didnt know if he was a chasid.. wore a spodik and Bekeshe but had a "chup" was pro college .... first had Rav Kook Photo in the Sukka then exchanged it for the Chazon Ish ...
Gave Maamers just like Chabad .... I know I was there for many Purim's....

Zako said...

Is there one single Satmar who has ever heard about the 1929 Hevron massacre perpetrated by the same usual filthy beasts, 20 years before Israel's independance ?

anonymous said...

"I know I was there" . To claim that R' Hunter's ma'amarim were the same as Chabad only proves that you had no idea what the ma'amer was about!

Dusiznies said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
fyi said...

If Rav Hutner corresponded occasionally privately with an old acquaintance (I don't have the book you mentioned to see the alleged writings), that does not prove that he was not opposed to him and his movement. He might have corresponded on a personal level about limited specific matters, but on an ideological level, overall, been strongly opposed to the man and his sect.

You DIN correspond with people you oppose all the time in the comments here. Does that mean that you agree with them? Not necessarily.

fyi said...

You DIN seem to have friendly ties with Lubavitch, but do you believe their dead Rebbe was Moshiach? I don't think so.

How can you be against that, if you are friendly with them?? Terutz is, you can speak to people about certain things, and, at the same time, oppose them on others.

כשם שפרצופיהן אינם דומות זה לזה כל אין דעותיהם שוות said...

"one very confused guy...
He threw Rav Kook, Lubavitcher Rebbe (according to you) and JB under the bus ......."

Having חילוקי דעות does not necessarily mean "throwing under the bus", which carries a connotation of betrayal. Sometimes circumstances change, and positions change accordingly. If you disagree with someone you went to yeshiva many years ago, that means that you 'threw them under the bus'??

Brisker said...

A few historical footnotes

The Failed Shmatta (ben Alfred) Rosenberg tried making a case for years that Rav Hutner held the Rebbe to be mentally ill. When challenged, he would get very defensive & blurt out things like "what do you want? medical records?"

When the terrorists removed Rav Hutner from the plane by himself he screamed Shma Yisroel.

R' Yaakov Kaminetzky was also a hostage.

Today R' Yankel Drillman is rosh yeshiva of Novardok Flatbush & R' Meir Fund is rov of the shul of eccentrics on Ave H. They were secretly eating passports of some women who were not obviously Jewish before the terrorists could collect them.

The Mufti is of course grandfather of Yasser Arafat, ymach shmom.

Although you were able to shlog up some particular points of Rav Hutner's statements on the Mufti, I think Rav Hutner was more concerned over a general theme of Arabs viewing Jews as interlopers and a potential danger. While Arabs have blood lust regardless, there is no question that a Zionist threat makes them even more driven. One Sheikh told Rav Zonnenfeld that if all the Jews were like him in viewing themselves as guests under Arab rule, he would not have a problem with Jews. Now of course there is no such thing as trusting an Arab who the next day could turn his scimitar on Jews or even if not be assassinated by another Arab who definitely will. The gedolim of this tekufah were still working with the assumption that golus under Arabs is like a run of the mill golus. They did not start entertaining the nevuah of acharis hayamim kicking in that Arabs will become - as they are today - the most murderous of all anti-Semitic maniacs. The first gadol to say out loud that the time had come or was imminent was the Brisker Rov in 1950.

Israel said...

"No one person in the entire world thought that Zionists were a threat to anyone..." Really?

Zionist leaders had made no secret of their intent to use any portion of land given for the state as a springboard for future conquest. For example, consider these statements from Ben-Gurion:
"The acceptance of partition does not commit us to renounce Transjordan: one does not demand from anybody to give up his vision. We shall accept a state in the boundaries fixed today, but the boundaries of Zionist aspirations are the concern of the Jewish people and no external factor will be able to limit them." Speech in 1937.

"Erect a Jewish state at once, even if it is not in the whole land. The rest will come in the course of time. It must come." Letter to his son Amos in Shlomo Ben-Ami, Scars of War, Wounds of Peace, p. 25.

According to Israeli historian Benny Morris, these aspirations were mainstream and publicly expressed before the Peel commission. “In their testimony before the commission, the Zionist mainstream representatives had laid claim to the whole of the Land of Israel – the traditional Zionist platform.” Benny Morris, 1948, p. 18.

Israel said...

"Is there one single Satmar who has ever heard about the 1929 Hevron massacre perpetrated by the same usual filthy beasts"

The Hebron massacre resulted from provocations by the Zionists. Boruch Kaplan, who along with his wife Vichna later established the beis yaakov movement in america described it:

"At that time in 1929, the Zionists had a slogan arguing that the Western Wall in Jerusalem was a Jewish “national symbol.” Of course, the Arabs disagreed with this idea, considering that they had control of the location for over 1,100 years. However, the Zionist mobs were yelling that “The Wall is ours!” It’s hard to understand why they felt that way considering they have no connection to the Jewish holy places whatsoever. An argument erupted in the Jewish newspapers about establishing a permanent prayer area for Jews at the Wall. This provoked the Arabs, and the rabbi of Jerusalem at the time, Rabbi Yosef Chaim Zonnenfeld begged them to stop and to be appreciative to the Arabs for allowing Jews to pray at the Wall for so many centuries undisturbed. However, the Zionists wanted a permanent setup under their control.
The Zionists refused to heed the calls of Rabbi Zonnenfeld, and they called a large meeting of Jews in Jerusalem – supposedly some 10,000 people showed up. One of the speakers was their “chief Rabbi” (Avraham Isaac Kook), who proclaimed, “Hear O Israel, the Wall is our Wall, the Wall is One” (which is a ridiculous pun on the blessing, “Hear O Israel, the Lord your G-d, the Lord is One”). This began the conflict at the time between the Zionists and the Arabs.
Afterwards, we were studying at the yeshiva in Hebron, and saw a bunch of boys in short pants carrying weapons on bicycles and motorcycles, running around the streets of Hebron. We were very worried about this. What were they up to? In brief, our rabbi, the supervisor of our religious academy, Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Epstein, called them for a meeting, but they refused. He was forced to go over to them, and asked them what they were up to. He accused them of wanting to provoke the Arabs. They responded that they were coming to protect us!! We cried out, “Woe is us! G-d have mercy!” They didn’t want to leave town until it was too late!
These arrogant cowards only ran away when the local leaders of the Arabs called for a mass meeting of the people of the surrounding Arab villages. But it was too late; the Arabs got organized, and the Mufti called on his people to be ready Friday night when the yeshiva would be attending prayers. Of course, the yeshiva itself was anti-Zionist, but the Arabs didn’t know to distinguish between us and the Zionists. Sadly they attacked and killed some of our people, including the great scholar, Rabbi Shmuel Rosenhaltz."

Dusiznies said...

Good for Benny Morris... good for him ....because of his ideas .. we now have a place for close to 6 million Jews living in Israel, I envy his olam haba


"The Hebron massacre resulted from provocations by the Zionists."
This meshiginar is blaming the Zionists for the Chevron massacre!
The last I remember is that 1929 was 18 years before the State was established .....
and the English controlled Israel at that time, not the arabs ..

then this "upgerisiner naar" states an outright lie
" considering that they had control of the location for over 1,100 years."
They had control over 1,100 years ?
You liar!
in the year 1099 - 1187 Christians controlled Israel
and again in the year 1229-1244
Mamluks took control 1260
in 1517 the Ottoman Turks were in control
in 1917 the English controlled Israel until 1948

which reminds me that the Ramban made Aliyah in 1267
So did the Ramban "provoke" the Arabs?

and according to this fool ... Jews have no right to live in Israel..

Didn't the Talmedei Baal Shem make Aliyah? Didn't the Talmeidei Hagrah make Aliyah" Wasn't the Chafetz Chayim making plans to make Aliyah? Didn't the Belzer and the Gerer Rebbes come before the State was established? How about the Chazon Ish? Didn't his coming to Israel "provoke the Arabs" Why not?
why didn't all those heiligeh Jews that came to Israel "provoke the arabs"?
How about when Reb Zonnenfeld came to Israel.. you think that didn't "provoke" the Arabs.. what foolish thinking?

This fool states without shame:
"The Zionists refused to heed the calls of Rabbi Zonnenfeld,"

Why did they have to listen Rav Zonnenfeld? Was Rav Zonnenfeld G-d ?
Rav Zonnenfeld was an extremist and it was because Jews didn't listen to him but listened to the Zionists that hundreds of thousands of Jews were saved from being murdered in Europe..

Fool States:
"Rabbi Yosef Chaim Zonnenfeld begged them to stop and to be appreciative to the Arabs for allowing Jews to pray at the Wall for so many centuries undisturbed."
undisturbed? what a blatant lie. .... hey fool... people have google today... not all of us live in Bnei Brak and have kosher phones.. most of us can google and see your out and out lies..

"be appreciate to the Arabs?" this idiot wants us to be "appreciative to the Arabs" that they are "allowing us" ?? Crazy ..
the arabs weren't in control when R' Zonnenfeld lived in Yerushalyim it was the English... and Rav Zonnenfeld was appreciative to the Arabs?"
What convoluted thinking ..

Hey meshiginer>>> wake up it's 2021 ... we have a beautiful country with more Torah learned since Har Sinai.. we have close to 6 million Jews living here with less than 2% assimilation rate ..
We have the Kotel we don't need permission from the Arabs, R' Zonnefeld or the English
We have the Mearas Hamichpeilah and Kever Rachel thanks to Zionists..
Thank G-d no one took Rav Zonnenfeld seriously ..