Friday, July 3, 2020

Charaidie Ladies Refuse to Follow Rules At Maimonides Hospital Get Arrested.. call Police "Nazis"

The rules at Maimonides Hospital are "two visitors at a time," but these two ladies refused to follow the rules and the hospital first called security and when that didn't work they called police to remove them....
At the Police Station one of the ladies asks for a press conference to tell their story on  how they were treated at the Police Station...
I'm upset because she wanted it to appear on VOSIZNEIS ... and didn't mention DusIznies! You know what? I'll put her on my site anyway, since VIN totally ignored them; they think that two frum ladies in snoods making a huge Chillul Hashem in Boro-Park isn't news anymore.

Listen to her, as she calls police "Nazis" ....
the ladies look well fed to me, and it looks like they were free to leave the 66th precinct, unlike my grandparents that left thru the chimney.... someone should smack some sense into them!
I'm glad they were let out in time so they could finish making the kneidels for the chicken soup...



DW said...

You are sooooooo clueless. You make your judgment based out of one “nazi” comment. Please tell me you don’t call yourself a blogger/reporter. Smearing a family in public is absolutely disgusting and inexcusable. At least do the minimum effort to get both sides of the incident before blogging. I happen to know the family and can tell you that they paid for a private room and got permission from the hospital to have 4 visitors in the room and an additional 4 waiting by the day room so they can rotate. Now because Maimonides operates like Monkeys are in charge ( they don’t know their head from their tuches) one nurse decided to call security and instead of security listening to them (like us humans do, we communicate to get problems resolved) they started pulling them out of the room and went the aggressive way and ended up calling cops to have them arrested. So yes in a sense they were treated like our grandparents in holocaust (their plea meant nothing!) please imagine yourself standing by you parents death bed and having to explain yourself to a low life security guard that couldn’t pass the police academy that you are permitted to be there while they are completely ignoring you.
Anyway, let me know if you do want the truth with details and correct whatever garbage you wrote here.
Also what’s with the mocking about looks? This is next level low! Let me see how you will look after being locked up for 7 hours while knowing you have a dying parent and no one giving you updates. Also 1 of them is the mother.

Dusiznies said...

Yes ... I made"judgement" on "one Nazi Comment" .... these "snood" sisters made a chillul Hashem in front of the 66th precinct ....

They did not call the staff of Maimonides "nazis" they called the cops that were doing their job "nazis" .....
i just gave the background to the story .... with the rules of the hospital ....
these clips are about their "visit" to the police station...
They called the police "nazis"
Now I know what "Nazis'are, being a child of survivors ... and having lost two brothers to "Nazis"...
The bobbsie twins don't look like they were starving.... in fact they look very much "fed" and they don't look like they were working as slave laborers..and they weren't beaten ... ...
they weren't doing their "dying" father any favors .. screaming like banshees when being politely asked to leave
the reason I referred to their "looks" is only because they called the police who as you can see on the video.... and I have much more clips.."nazi"...
I was pointing out how absurd that claim was coming from two "well fed" people..

Captain Cook said...

When you call "for a press conference" you never know how it will go....
she wanted it publicised and so now she has the coverage..
having watched the video over and over again I must say, and even though I feel for them.....they had it coming. Thank Hashem that you live in a "medinah shel chesed" and don't bash the Police at this terrible time when they need our support... the cops didn't abuse them. and yes they were in the station for hours.. but thats city bureaucracy and I'm sure the cops at the station had more important things to do than attend immediately to them..either way their father should have a refuah shlima and instead of yelling "animals" and "Nazis" they should have yelled out the name of their father so we can daven for him

Tischler Brains Splatter said...

No matter who was right or wrong it was another opportunity for the insane baboon Heshy Tischler to insert himself into a controversy, trying to make himself relevant.

To find chilul Hashem just follow Tischler being Tischler

Unknown said...

Yes,it's true, we have judged them on just one disgusting, sick "Nazi" comment.

Unless they have proof that the police tried to gas them or put them in ovens, they should apologize to the police.

Ezra the Capo said...

Hey DW
I don't know what really happened at the station house, but what I do know is that 100% of those 6 million murdered by the Nazis would have exchanged places with those ladies....

Ferdy Ferdstein said...

cyrano said...

DIN, except for the clip showing cosmetically challenged sisters, I fail to grasp the significance of your post. Is it to show how thoughtlessly some people avail themselves of the epithet "Nazi", a term that ought to be reserved for the Holocaust that took the lives of my grandparents and many others of my family? If so, your objection is noted and appreciated.

However, it should be made clear that had the Nazis not perpetrated that unique and most awful crime of the targeted total destruction of the Jews of Europe in the most brutal fashion imaginable, Nazism would still represent the worst level that mankind can sink to. It is most unfortunate that the Holocaust was so monstrous that it would render the heinous Nazi behavior that preceded it to be considered almost benign.

You see, the term "Nazi" need not apply solely to those activities that were brought to light during the Nuremburg trials. The disenfranchisement of German Jews, their removal from societal life, the "legal" confiscation of Jewish property, all by "rule" of law and enforced by the German courts are some features that illustrate the unique character of the Nazi regime, but were not considered "crimes" by the free world, not contemporaneously nor retrospectively in the post-Nazi era.

So what term are we to employ as applicable to that type of behavior attributable to Nazis prior to Kristallnacht? You know, the genteel orderly, anti-Semitic kind, that was looked upon with tacit approval by the non-Nazi world population?

What would you call discriminatory actions against Jews that does not involve violence or thuggery, merely authoritative firmness with the looming threat of something harsher?