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Saturday, July 25, 2020

Ami and Mishpacha Feature "Frum Jewish Rat " Aaron Keyak

Just last week we posted the disturbing news about Aaron Keyak, a frum Jew joining the Biden campaign.

Well this week two frum Jewish popular magazines featured this "conniving sneak" in their magazines.

Aaron, a snot nose arrogant traitor who had previously worked with Hussain Obama's reelection campaign joined the Biden campaign to serve as the campaign's director of Jewish outreach.

Both magazines quote Kayak saying:
"I want to wake up the day after Election Day, look at my three-year old daughter, and then look at myself in the mirror and know that I did everything I could to ensure that Trump does not get a second term."

He wants to be able to look in the mirror, knowing that he overthrew the best friend the Jewish people ever had in the White House.... and that his three year-old daughter should be proud of that!

How do the publishers of Ami and Mishpacha look in the mirror after featuring an article that attacks a sitting president, who is trying his best to work hand in hand with the only Jewish State? 
A man who is from "the chaseedei umos ha'olam" who closed the Palestinian offices in Washington, called Hezbollah a terrorist organization,  moved the American Embassy to Yerushalyim and freed Rubashkin.

Keyak told the two gullible magazines that he is targeting Jews in Florida .... 
In other words, he is going to target Holocaust survivors and elderly Jews to vote for someone who as senator and member of the foreign relations committee threatened Israel on numerous occasions to cut off aid. He is going to encourage elderly Jews to vote for a guy who refuses to allow Jews to build in their own sovereign country..... 
He is going to encourage naive Jews of Florida to vote for a guy who when he was Vice President, his administration abstained from a UN vote that ultimately passed, which stated that the Kotel , Kever Rachel and Mearis Ha'machpilah have no connection to the Jewish people. This rat will be targeting and encouraging his fellow Jews to vote for a guy who was endorsed by Ilhan Omar, Tlaib and AOC and who thinks that American children need to learn more about Islam.

Keyak is quoted by theses magazines as saying:
"When he's (Biden) wearing a kippah, and he's visiting for a shivah, you almost want to count him for a minyan." 
How insane is this comment? By a "shivah" we would want to count this guy for a "minyan." So that's why Jews should vote for this pathetic creature?

And why are "Torah" publications giving this back-stabbing dangerous twerp a forum? .... 

Haven't we learned anything from the Ezra Friedlanders, the Jewish Capos that wrote Op-Eds in these magazines convincing Holocaust survivors that the Iran deal was a good thing for the Jews? 
Haven't we learned that voting for self-hating Jews like the Nadlers is not getting us anywhere?

How many "Benjamins" did Ami & Mishpacha get to write this unmitigated trash?



Shvartz Brains Splatter said...


Keyak's uncle the Reform "rabbi" Schwab & his BLM associate.

Shvartz Brains Splatter said...

Bert Coffey is Keyak's grandfather


Bert Coffey. You may not know who Coffey was, but you feel his impact every day. His legacy lives through the candidates he supported.

In part because of this, the House Un-American Activities Committee targeted him as young union organizer and hindered his blazing start in the Democratic Party.

When it came time to raise funds and organize local volunteers to march in Selma and support Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Coffey was the one. Later, as chairman of the California Democratic Party, he led a statewide revitalization and, despite great controversy, he gave his OK for the creation of the first gay caucus in the party. For Coffey, there were never any limits for the cause of equality and opportunity.

The candidates he helped elect included House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

In Coffey’s memory, Rep. Miller remarked, “Bert’s beliefs were heartfelt and unshakable: a commitment to civil rights and civil liberties that involved him in genuine interracial coalitions two decades before Selma, Montgomery, and the March on Washington. Perhaps it was his "Jewish heritage" (sic) or his admitted leftist inclinations.”

yidlmitnfidl said...

How many Benjamins did these two publications get from the Biden campaign?
It was probably millions of dollars, worth their while to be called Jewish Kapos in the future.
Shame on them and shame on any Jewish home who still reads that Rishus'dig

Anonymous said...

keyak should be put in Cherem!

Anonymous said...

Plenty of frum jews support Biden.

Hilchos bais hakeesay said...

The halacha is that the chazir that comes out of the river still has a din tzoiah because it's snout is always in tzoiah the rest of the time which permeates it's snout


Hu hadin Keyak whose snout (looks like a chazir's takka!) is always in the derrieres of these two reshoyim

anonymous said...

and don't forget to mention that he previously worked for Jerry Nadler!

Ezra the Kapo said...


Jerrold asked me to chime in that Caroline Glick has got it all wrong

Anarchy in Monsey said...


Keyak's chevra pamper the perp

Progressive Stooges said...

Kyuk, kyuk, nyuk!


Aaron Keyak was a blue diaper baby.

Raised in a progressive home in San Francisco, he has childhood memories of stuffing envelopes for Democratic campaigns & tagging along with his mother when she spoke at Democratic Clubs. He considers himself a proud Liberal Democrat.

Themes of progressive politics play out in his work. Keyak's a PR specialist in D.C., most of his clients hailing from progressive circles or Jewish circles.

Sometimes the circles intersect.

Keyak is teaming up to start a new company, Bluelight Strategies.

While it’s a new firm, its mission is not. Keyak continues to represent progressive & Jewish clients.

“I find you’re more successful & committed when you only work with people you agree with,” Keyak said.

Among clients Bluelight represents are Jewish Federations of North America & Jewish Council of Public Affairs. The firm just helped a progressive candidate unseat an entrenched incumbent on Washington city council.

“We do rapid, aggressive messaging,” he said of the Bluelight style. “It’s a war-room approach.”

Keyak’s passion for progressive politics started at home. It goes back to his grandfather, Bert Coffey, an East Bay activist who early on fought for civil rights, women’s rights & other liberal causes.

Keyak's first job was at a firm that served Jewish & liberal clients. It was founded by an aide in the Clinton White House who produced the photo of Yitzhak Rabin & PLO leader Yasser Arafat shaking hands on the South Lawn.

Keyak went on as communications director of the National Jewish Democratic Council during Barack Obama’s 2008 run for president, and throughout the Obama administration & later was executive director.

Most recently, he was communications director & senior Middle East policy adviser for Rep. Jerrold Nadler.

Of his proudest achievements & the impetus behind the new partnership was “The Hub,” a full-court effort to keep Jewish voters Democratic during Obama’s re-election campaign.

Those were happy days for Democrats. Last fall’s smashing Republican victory, which saw the GOP control both chambers of Congress, knocked Democrats for a loop. Keyak, however, said he doesn’t worry much.

“A Republican Congress draws the contrast better to abortion rights, LGBT rights or any other issue in tikkun olam,” he said. “Talk about Jewish Republicans, 75% are pro-choice. These culture wars are traif to Jewish voters.”

Jewish voters typically skew liberal, with Democrat presidential nominees garnering 70% of the Jewish vote. Among Orthodox Jews, that figure drops considerably. The OU, which purports to speak for the movement, routinely weighs in with conservatives.

How does Keyak square his Orthodox faith (he's longtime member of Left Wing Modern Orthodox Kesher Israel in D.C.) with his liberal politics? He cited separation of church & state as his bedrock.

“The Jewish people have been on the other side, where the state infringes on our religious liberties & liberties in general,” he said. “I don’t want the government in the bedroom & I want it out of my shul.”

Keyak Groupie said...

Hey suckers, I mean taxpayers, get ready to finance the next free lunch for Shvartzas, gigantic mortgage & rent bailouts in the Blue States!


The experience of two states which lifted eviction moratoriums two months ago provides a preview of the housing crisis that could affect millions of Americans as key provisions in the federal coronavirus assistance program are about to expire.

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which kept many families afloat with supplemental unemployment insurance benefits and suspended evictions in federally supported housing, expires on July 25.

“Based on analysis of the U.S. Census Household Pulse Survey by Stout, the number of renters at risk of eviction has consistently increased for the past five weeks, and has exceeded 17 million households including over 40 million people,” said Emily Benfer, chair of the American Bar Association’s Task Force Committee on Eviction and a visiting professor at Wake Forest Law School.

“With the expiration of the CARES Act and no federal intervention in sight, Congress is putting Americans and the housing market in great jeopardy,” Benfer added. “What was an entirely preventable crisis has become a humanitarian disaster of the United States' own making. Americans will be left with the bill and paying for the societal costs of widespread eviction well into the future.”

What a Warped Liar said...


“We have to know we’re doing everything we can to build a broad coalition in the Jewish community & the general public to show that Donald Trump isn’t America.”

Keyak said he doesn’t buy Trump’s professed philo-Semitism.

“That the most powerful person on Earth would say there are fine people on both sides & to embolden hatred, made me feel unsafe in my own country,” Keyak said. “I’m sure he inspired anti-Semites to feel encouraged. He exposed how fundamentally dangerous he was & remains.”

Keyak contrasts Trump with Biden, stressing what he calls “the fundamental sense of decency Biden emanates. There are Trump supporters in the Jewish community, and they'll have a well-funded effort we have to combat.”

While Biden maintained close ties to the Jewish community throughout his decades in politics, he faced criticism for Obama’s chilly relationship with Netanyahu & what some saw as too much daylight between the two.

Keyak counters Obama passed a $38 billion aid package to Israel & offered technical assistance with the Iron Dome anti-rocket system.

“In Joe Biden we have a stalwart supporter of Israel,” Keyak affirmed. “When it came to Israel’s security, there was no stronger supporter than Joe Biden, and he speaks against anti-Semitism clearly & without hesitation.”

Keyak's first real job was precinct captain in San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown’s 1999 reelection. He was given the job even though he was too young to drive.

“They teamed me up with someone with a car,” Keyak recalled. “I went door to door.”

He served on the staff of House Chairman Jerrold Nadler. Also, he's a contributing opinion writer for the Huffington Post.

Though Biden's remained in lockdown, he leads Trump in national polls. Keyak attributed that to what he calls Biden’s “positive message.”

“During the Obama years, I got to know Joe Biden,” he said. “I’ve seen him celebrating Rosh Hashanah at the vice president’s residence. It’s so obvious the genuine connection & understanding he has of the Jewish community. You can tell he gets it in his kishkes.”

Dusiznies said...

To What a Warped Liar
I'm glad that you mentioned the repeated lie that Trump said that
"there are fine people on both sides"
you know that is a damn lie ... right? Don't you?
That is the CNN "goebbels" propaganda lie ..

and yes I'm glad you also pointed out which I previously posted that this bastard worked for Nadler... who voted to hand nuclear weapons to the Iranian murderers. What a two-timing piece of manure!

You scribble:
"Though Biden's remained in lockdown, he leads Trump in national polls"....
Did you read the questions of the pollster? Did you read to whom they asked those questions? Did you read what the questions were?

Biden's wife will never let this old kocker debate.. and he will never be President .. never...
Maybe his VP .. and that's why this sick in the head liar is so dangerous to Israel and the USA..