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Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Rav Mayer Reuven Berkovits .. Rav of "Whispering Pines" in Lakewood Passes Away

It is with great sadness that we that we must  report the passing of Rav Mayer Reuven Berkovits zt”l, rov of the Whispering Pines-Nusach Sefard shul in Lakewood, NJ
Rav Berkovits had battled illness for the last while and his kehillah had been holding regular asifos tefillah in his zechus. He passed away this morning.
talmid chochom of note, Rav Berkovits was a beloved figure in Lakewood, spending his days immersed in limud haTorah and guiding his mispallelim and others.
talmid of Satmar, Rav Berkovits learned for many years at Bais Medrash Govoah and went on to become a respected rov and morah horaah.
Rav Berkovits carried himself with tremendous hachna’ah and humility, and he endeared himself to one and all.
Rav Berkovits is survived by his dedicated wife, Rebbetzin Pearl Berkovits, and their wonderful family.
The levayah will be held today at noon at the Whispering Pines Shul, located at 47 Whispering Pines Lane in Lakewood, NJ. The aron will then be taken to Monroe, New York for kevurah in Kiryas Yoel.
Yehi zichro boruch.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He was probably still in kollel when I came to BMG as a young bochur. Are there any pictures online from his younger years? Because I don't recognize him now. Most of the chassidim in early 90s BMG were either the biggest masmidim-metzuyonim or nebich the biggest batlonim despite being baalei kishron who passed the farher which was bdavka made more difficult for chassidishe. That I have a hard time recognizing him must mean he always had his kop in a sefer.