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Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Melania Trump Awards Rush Limbaugh Presidential Medal Of Freedom At Trump State Of The Union Address

First Lady Melania Trump awarded conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh the President Medal of Freedom on behalf of President Donald Trump at the State of the Union address Tuesday evening.

"Almost every American family knows the pain when a loved one is diagnosed with a serious illness. Here tonight is a special man, someone beloved by millions of Americans who just received a Stage 4 advanced cancer diagnosis. This is not good news, but what is good news is that he is the greatest fighter and winner that you will ever meet," President Trump said to the broadcaster.

"Rush, in recognition of all that you have done for our nation, the millions of people a day that you speak to and you inspire and all of the incredible work that you have done for charity, I am proud to announce tonight that you will be receiving our country's highest civilian honor: 
The Presidential Medal of Freedom," Trump said Tuesday night.
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