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Saturday, December 28, 2019

Aviatar Azarzar, an 18-year-old Former Chareidie Who Went Missing Found Shot to Death

Aviatar Azarzar, an 18-year-old who went missing a couple of weeks ago, was found on Friday, dead with bullet wounds across his chest, in the civilian cemetery in Ramat Hasharon.
Azarzar left his family and moved to live alone in Bnei Brak three years prior. The circumstances of his murder are still unclear, but he is believed to have been brought there in an exercise titled "Little Red Riding Hood" and there, he was murdered.

The bullet wounds on his chest raise suspicion that this was a criminal incident. He was found lying down, unconscious, in a pit several meters into an open field near the cemetery.
Medics who were called to the cemetery pronounced him dead.
The police have been looking for Azarzar for two weeks. A ZAKA volunteer was passing through the cemetery on his tractor when he found a motorcycle thrown on the side of the path. When he neared it, he noticed the body. He understood that this is the missing person that the police have been looking for and immediately reported that he believes he found Azarzar.
Police opened an investigation immediately into the circumstances of his murder. They are additionally investigating the identity of the motorcycle owner.

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Don Imus, Legendary 'Imus in the Morning' Host, Dies at 79

The controversial radio personality passed away on Friday morning at Baylor Scott and White Medical Center in College Station, Texas.

Don Imus, the radio personality whose insult humor and savage comedy catapulted him to a long-lasting and controversial career, has died at 79. His three-hour radio program, Imus in the Morning, was widely popular, especially with the over 25-male demographic.
Imus died Friday morning at Baylor Scott and White Medical Center in College Station, Texas, after being hospitalized on Christmas Eve, a representative said. The cause of death was not disclosed.
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Friday, December 27, 2019

Nazi-Era Snapshots and the Banality of Evil

A collection of photos reveals the everyday existence of the Third Reich.

No Lakotas in the picture. (All photos courtesy of Daniel Lenchner's collection)

“Do you know about the Lakota Indians?” 
asked Daniel Lenchner, handing me a slightly faded photograph from the early 20th century. 
It was a class portrait with a location printed at the bottom: Lakota, North Dakota.
“Now,” challenged Lenchner, “can you find an Indian in this picture?”
I scanned the rows of Caucasian faces.
“Not going to happen,” he continued. “We got rid of them, you know. No more Lakotas in Lakota. It looks like a class portrait, but you could also say that this is a picture of genocide.”
That theme of implicit absence dominates Lenchner’s found-photograph collection. Scouring flea markets, estate sales and the internet, Lenchner has collected over 500 snapshots of Nazis taken by Nazis that document their daily lives: their families, their friendships and their leisure activities.  
As a Jewish man with ancestors who perished in the Holocaust, these intimate glimpses into the daily lives of his family’s persecutors bring him face to face with what political philosopher Hannah Arendt called “the banality of evil”.
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Nissim Black's new song for Hanukkah: Eight Flames

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Meah Shearim Guy Wanted by police Arrested after being tricked that his mother is in the Hospital

Yershalyim guy from Meah Shearim wanted by police got arrested after police trapped him in a sting.

Police, tricked him into thinking that they are from Ichud Hatzala  and that his mother is on her way to Shaarei Tzedek Hospital unconscious ...

Like a good son he arrived at Shaarei Tzedek only to be put in handcuffs...

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Zera Shimshon .... Va'Yeshev..... Chanukah

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Song of "Niddah"

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Thursday, December 26, 2019

Funny Video for Yiddish Speakers

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My Hasidic community taught me to avoid non-Jews, but I decided to live differently. What if they were right?

NEW YORK (JTA) — While a shooter was firing rounds of ammunition into two Jews in Jersey City, New Jersey, a kosher market worker and a police officer simply for who they are and where they were, I was halfway around the world, in Paris. 

More specifically, I was hurrying past a Parisian cafe where I was made to feel humiliated for being visibly Jewish exactly a year prior. 

The attack felt more personal to me, a proud Brooklyn Jew. The Jewish community in Jersey City is comprised largely of Hasidic Brooklyn Jews who can’t afford living across the bridge. An anti-Semite went after my home community, the largest Jewish population in the world outside of Israel. 
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Jason Greenblatt: Israel can count on Trump, not Sanders, when under attack

The rocket attack Wednesday by Palestinian terrorists on an Israeli city where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was appearing at an election campaign event is just the latest example of how the Gaza Strip has become a base for anti-Semitic murderers out to kill as many Jews as possible.
Fortunately, Israel’s Iron Dome defense system – supplied by the United States – destroyed the terrorist rocket in midair, before it could kill or injure anyone in the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon. Thanks to President Trump and his strong support of Israel’s right to self-defense, the Jewish state can count on America as its most powerful and reliable friend.
Netanyahu was rushed offstage and into a bomb shelter when the incoming rocket was detected. This was the second time he had to be rushed to a bomb shelter while campaigning, following an earlier incident in September.
Israel responded forcefully and justifiably to the unprovoked rocket fired from Gaza. Israeli Defense Forces fighter jets and helicopters attacked targets used by the Hamas terrorist group in Gaza, including the group’s military complexes.
Let’s imagine for a moment what the reaction of the United States would be – under any leader who takes the security of Americans seriously – if a rocket attack was launched toward a campaign event being held by a presidential candidate.
What would America or any other nation do? I think it is fair to say that the reaction to such an attack would be quick, decisive and punishing.
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iPhone 11 Pro .......VS ....... $7500 Pro DSLR Camera . Guess Which is Which?

77 Year-Old Richard Rappaport Marries 26 Year-Old Israeli and She Tries Ripping Him Off For $1 Million ....

You think he learned his lesson???

A newly married 26-year-old Florida woman was arrested for allegedly trying to grift her 77-year-old husband out of $1 million.
Lin Helena Halfon attempted to cash the whopper of a cashier’s check at a Tampa bank last month, claiming she was going to use the money to buy a yacht in Miami with her businessman hubby Richard Rappaport, authorities said.
When bank employees refused, she allegedly left, but came back later that day with three checks, each for $333,333. Staffers didn’t cash the checks and called the cops.
Investigators notified Rappaport about what his wife was doing, and he said he wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt and didn’t want her to be deported to her native Israel, the Tampa Bay Times reported.
Two checks worth about $666,000 were eventually cashed by an Orlando business. Investigators got a warrant to freeze the third check.
Asked later if he felt he was the victim of fraud, Rappaport told investigators, “yes,” according to an arrest warrant affidavit.
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Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Fake Jews Upset that Giuliani Said that He is More Jewish than the "Nazi" Soros

 Rudi Giuliani, continued to attack the Jewishness of George Soros Tuesday, despite being rebuked by a prominent anti-Semitism watchdog for an earlier statement questioning the Jewishness of the self-admitted "Nazi"
On Twitter, the former mayor of New York accused Soros of funding efforts to boycott Israel and said those who oppose those campaigns were better Jews and better people than the snake Soros!
“Soros has funded many enemies to the State of Israel, including groups that support BDS, who’s ultimate goal is to destroy the Jewish homeland.,” he wrote.
“Those who oppose these groups are not only better Jews, but better people than him. Most certainly not anti-Semitic,” Giuliani added, presumably referring to himself.

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Self-Hating Liberal Jews Loading the "World Zionist Congress " To Slowly Dismantle the State of Israel

Leading liberal lights like Peter Beinart and Jeremy Ben-Ami, running for first time, hope to use expanded representation in Zionist body to steer funding away from settlements!

Readers living in the US ... this is very dangerous .........

Please become a member ...it's only $7.50 ......
and vote against these traitors!!! 

Voting is done online and costs $7.50; it’s $5 for those 25 and under. Voters must be 18 or over, reside in the United States and be Jewish.

The list includes names like Peter Beinart, the liberal writer; Jeremy Ben-Ami, the president of the liberal Middle East policy group J Street; and Sheila Katz, the CEO of the National Council of Jewish Women.
No, it’s not an ad for a symposium on the Upper East Side, but a slate of first-time candidates seeking seats in the 38th World Zionist Congress, the legislative authority of the 120-year-old World Zionist Organization that helps determine the fate of $1 billion in spending on Jewish causes.
Elections, which are open to Jews 18 and over anywhere in the world, are held every five years. The next ones will be held between January 21 and March 11.
The candidates hope to steer funding away from Jewish settlement expansion in the West Bank and toward causes like expanding rights for women and minorities. The second paragraph of the group’s platform notes its opposition to “the current policy of permanent occupation and annexation,” which it calls “unjust” and a threat to Israeli democracy.
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Yossi Bialo Murdered in his home in Cleveland .... Updated

*** There are rumors and private e-mails sent to us that say that he wasn't murdered
Ve'hameivin Yavin

An Orthodox Jewish man has been found shot dead in the Jewish community of Cleveland, Ohio.
Yossi Bialo Z”L, 33 years old, suffered a gunshot wound and was pronounced dead at his home on S. Green Road.
Beachwood police officers responded to a residence on Timberlane Drive for a report of a domestic situation, according to a Dec. 24 police report.
The entire home has been cordoned off by Police as they investigate this incident.
Yossi, the victim, had a brother Levi Z”L who was killed in a horrific crash in 2005, when his car collided with a train near Toronto.
The Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner’s Office has not ruled a cause of death, however it does not appear this incident involved any anti-semitism or criminality.

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Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Off-The-Derech Youths Causing Damage During Shabbos...... Who did they it Learn it from?

A Bunch of "OTD" kids in Bnei Brak watching from the sidelines how their counterparts, the"frum" yeshivah guys act ...decided to give a little back to the community ........

For years now, they are watching how "Torah Learning Yeshivah Bochrim" with help of Kollel Guys .....
turn over garbage bins, stop traffic, ...cause innocent people on buses and cars to sit in traffic for hours ....and cause untold damage ... in the name of "Daas Torah" .....

And they are thinking to themselves ....
 "Why not us?' "We also need a little attention!"

So they decided to try to do the same things in the communities of Bnei Brak that ignored them while they were growing up ..
except for one difference ....

they did it on shabbos ....

Of course, in Meah Shearim, the residents  have a special heter to throw rocks and over throw garbage bins on Shabbos ....
and in Bet Shemesh Bet, they have a special heter to take out the glass bottles from the re-cycling bins and throw them on the roadways on shabbos..

But in Bnei-Brak????

So now the Bnei-Brak Rabbanim that called for protests to stop the   Chillul Shabbos in Tel Aviv will have to deal with their own "Chillul Shabbos" in their very own backyards from their own children ....

G-D sure has a sense of humor!

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Nefesh B'Nefesh Denies Allegation "Most Immigrants Not Jewish"

'Anyone at all familiar with aliyah knows it is unfathomable that 70% of them not considered Jewish according to halakha.'

The Nefesh B'Nefesh pro-aliyah organization today responded to figures published this morning on the numbers of Jews making Aliyah between 2012-2019, rejecting the allegation that the vast majority of new immigrants were not Jewish.

"What we know about North American Jews who make Aliyah is in complete contradiction with the false data presented by the stated report. Over the past decade alone, more than 36,000 Olim have moved from North America to Israel."

Nefesh B'Nefesh continued: "It is an affront to call to question the 'Jewishness' of these men, women, and children who have made the difficult decision to leave family, friends, jobs, and a certain lifestyle, to build their lives in the Jewish homeland.

"Additionally, our data, which we have verified through our partnership with the Jewish Agency, unequivocally contradicts the figures in the article. Less than 3% of the Olim who have made Aliyah in the last eight years from North America have done so exclusively using section 4A of the Law of Return. 

Anyone who is at all familiar with Aliyah and Olim from North America knows that it is unfathomable that 70% of them are not considered Jewish according to halakha. We therefore look forward to the revised data being published promptly."

Monday, December 23, 2019

Lakewood "Town of Torah" Sells Donuts for $14.00 a Piece

The Donuts Pictured sold last year for $8.00 a piece!
Yes ... in the "holy" city of Lakewood there is a store that will remain nameless, that sells donuts for $14.00 a piece! 

Last year they were sold for much cheaper; they were selling for $8.00 a piece...

This means that the storekeeper knows that he will get customers in the "Ir shel Torah" that will shell out this kind of money ....

I don't have any complaints against the owner, chas ve'shalom, since he is catering to that kind of clientele..... Kol Ha'Kovod!

So who in Lakewood is spending Jewish money on this garbage???

It looks as if that all the so called learning all day and the hundreds of Roshei Yeshivah with their constant "musser shmoozs'" have  zero impact on the "ruchnisdikeh" environment ....

I know I know I know
You will all scream at your tumidikeh screens....
"DIN ... you are no Tzddik!"

True ....... I'm no tzaddik ....(notice I wrote this in the smallest font, because of my humility)

But I find spending $14.00 for a donut when there are Bnei-Torah in Lakewood who cannot afford tuition for their children ...
very disturbing ....
Maybe it's just me .....
Happy Chanukah!

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Blacks Have a Chanukah Message for Jews ........

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Four Killed In Horrific Bus Crash In Israel Near Ben Gurion Airport

Four people were killed and 18 were reported injured in a bus collision on Highway 40 near Bedek Interchange in the area of Ben Gurion Airport. 
Volunteers from United Hatzalah together with ambulance teams from Magen David Adom treated the injured, while volunteers from Zaka responded to provide respect for the dead.
United Hatzalah volunteer EMTs Neriah Hajbi, Lior Tabib and Raphael Elmaliach reported from the scene: 
“Due to the severity of the accident firefighters were working to extricate people from the bus. According to witnesses, the bus crashed into a bus stop and the cement pole next to the bus stop fell on top of the bus crushing part of it. When we arrived, we treated 12 people, some of whom were in serious and critical condition.”
EMT Niv Hershko relayed from the scene that “Unfortunately, one man and three women have been pronounced dead after their bodies were extricated from the bus by firefighters.”
A statement by Magen David Adom originally stated that there were three people in critical condition and another 18 people were injured to varying degrees in the crash. This too was later updated to four people having been killed in the accident.