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Thursday, April 12, 2018

Dec 7, 1929 - Driving Through Broadway At Daytime, NYC (real sound)

I learned a "mussar haskeil" from this movie ....... this movie was filmed in 1929, 89 years ago, which means that most if not all would be 130 years old now .... meaning all the people on this film must be dead ,,,,,
Watch people rushing .....
So I ask you guys...... Where were they rushing to?
Slow down.. guys ..... 

The Holocaust - Why?

Many scholars and philosophers have put forth theories which attempt to explain the Holocaust.

One Charedi point of view focuses the blame on the Reform Jews in Germany who broke away from the Torah. Another attitude blames the secular Zionists for having brazenly established a non-religious settlement in the Land of Israel before the Mashiach’s arrival.

Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda HaCohen Kook had a different understanding. 

These theories, he said, failed to embrace the whole sweep of history. The workings of Divine Providence cannot be isolated to any one moment, or group, but must be seen in the context of the “Divine Historical Plan” which spans generations. 

Accusations that blame this group, or that group, fracture the unity of the Jewish Nation. 

Just as G-d is One, the Nation of Israel is one. Only from this encompassing perspective, which embraces all of Jewish history, can one hope to fathom the Divine Will in the horror of the Holocaust.

Israel comes to a standstill to remember six million Holocaust victims

Israelis came to a halt to observe two minutes of solemn silence as a siren blared, marking the annual remembrance of the six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust.

Drivers exited their vehicles and students at schools stood in ceremonies beginning with the siren at 10am on Wednesday, while outside shops and offices, Israelis stood still, many with heads bowed.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attended a wreath-laying ceremony at Jerusalem's Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial that night, alongside dignitaries, survivors and delegations from throughout Israel.

Naftali Spiegal with his Terrorist Sons Chase Women and Little Girls Shouting "Shabbos" Because they Use Eiruv in Boro-Park!

There are many ways how some perverts get their kicks, but now we discovered a brand new innovation:
chasing attractive ladies and teenage girls..... and then watch how they run in terror, by yelling "Shabbos Shabbos" because they use the Boro-Park Eiruv.

My mother a"h would say in yiddish "az men lebt, derlebt men allas" "if you live long enough, you will live to see everything."

Naftali Spiegal decided to "educate"  his sons, Moshe & Yisroel Avraham, in the art of terror, so they could be experts in bullying innocent people, all because they don't follow his archaic Judaic approach!

Last week, the terrorist that calls himself Spiegal waited like an Arab sniper, for the Sedreheler Rav to leave his shul, and then attacked him with a barrage of disgusting insults, in a futile attempt to embarrass him in public because he paskened for the Eiruv! 
He brought along his two "lapdogs," Moshe & Yisroel Avraham for good measure.

Good Shabbos ☺

Bnei Brak will Finally Celebrate Yom Hatzmout!

Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Day 2018

Neturei Karta Financed by Satmar Meet Abbas the "Murderer of Jews"

Tuesday, April 3, 2018


Saudi Prince Just Did What Satmar Will Never Do


Saudi Arabia's crown prince said Israelis are entitled to live peacefully on their own land in an interview published on Monday in US magazine The Atlantic, another public sign of ties between Riyadh and Tel Aviv appearing to grow closer.

Meanwhile the feuding Satmar Rebbe brothers are still searching for the Afikomen....

Friday, March 30, 2018

Obama’s smear machine mobilizes to destroy Iran-deal critics

“John Bolton is at the nexus of Russia’s interference in our democracy and the NRA’s reckless agenda”: 
The sentence is so bonkers, so pristine in its conspiratorial insanity that it should one day grace a Museum of Natural History exhibit on early-21st-century US politics.

Yet it wasn’t from an anonymous troll, or some Hollywood figure with tons of followers but little common sense. It was tweeted by National Security Action — an outfit run by former top Obama officials.
Described by the Washington Post as a “political strike force,” this NSA is a coterie of veterans from the Obama White House and Hillary Clinton’s campaign, acting as a shadow government to weaponize foreign-policy disputes. It’s a fever-swamp-in-exile.
And it exemplifies everything that’s wrong with top Democrats’ partisan madness in the Age of Trump.

Zionist Monkeys Eating Machine Matzos.... Satmar Rebbis Upset

Both Satmar Rebbes are going ape blaming the Zionist State of Israel for corrupting monkeys, by serving them machine matzos instead of the hand matzos.

The monkeys don't seem to car, because they go with the Chasam Sofer that insisted that the machine matzos have a much higher kosher standard than the matzos done by hand.

The Satmar Rebbes are also troubled because the monkeys are taking funds from the medinah...... 

The Pesach Haggadah ...

by Shmuel Knopfler
The Haggadah commences with words of shame and ends with praise ...

Why are we starting the Haggadah with words of shame?

Wouldn't a nation pride itself with it's glorious past
and erase those parts of its history that may be shameful?

And aren't we  prohibited to remind a convert of his checkered past?

The Maharal points out that in order for a person to ascertain his current position he must look into his past from where he came from.

This is an integral part of Hakaras Tov, simple gratitude.

A third of the Jewish people were decimated 70 years ago.

Today we are resuscitated in our own land with the language of our ancestors.
What a contrast to the abyss we came from.

This is a clear & open miracle of HaShem.

Our physical & spiritual revival manifests itself both
on an individual as well as on a national level.

חג כשר ושמח

Thursday, March 29, 2018

The Female IDF Officer That Stopped a Mass Terrorists Action From Egypt

The dramatic moments between the terrorists and the Karkal Battalion Officer, a mother of 3 children, can now finally be revealed!

How Great are the Wonders of Hashem?

Transformation of a kidney bean into a fully-grown plant 

Transformation of a kidney bean into a fully-grown plant is captured in a mesmerizing timelapse

The mesmerizing process of a kidney bean burgeoning into a fully-grown plant has been captured in an incredible new timelapse.

Shot through a soil cross section, the footage shows how the bean first bursts and sprouts roots, before a stem and plant shoots out above the surface.
The amazing video was captured by Lithuanian YouTuber Mindaugas Kriksciukas in a painstaking process that took a total of four attempts.

The footage was shot over 25 days, with Mr Kriksciukas, 27, setting his camera to shoot an image of the bean's progress every nine minutes and 36 seconds.
The result was a jittery but engrossing clip showing just how much plants can move during their earliest stages of growth.
The idea came to Mr Kriksciukas while brainstorming ideas for an interesting time-lapse subject for his YouTube channel GPhase.

The footage was shot over 25 days, with Mr Kriksciukas, 27, setting his camera to shoot an image of the bean's progress every nine minutes and 36 seconds.
The result was a jittery but engrossing clip showing just how much plants can move during their earliest stages of growth.
The idea came to Mr Kriksciukas while brainstorming ideas for an interesting time-lapse subject for his YouTube channel GPhase.

'Seeing the motion, the action, growth itself is definitely the most fascinating thing about these videos.'
Most plants grow from seeds, which come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and the kidney bean plant grows from kidney beans.
Within this compact package is everything the plant needs to grow and reproduce

The outside covering of seeds is called the coat, which protects the baby plant and is split open once it begins to grow.
In order for seeds to grow into plants, they need soil containing nutrients, water, sunlight, the right temperature, room to grow, and time.
If the conditions are just right, the seed begins to sprout roots deep into the soil to collect water, while a stem shoots upwards.

The plant knows which way to grow its roots and stem because it can sense the pull of gravity through the soil - while the stem is grown in the opposite direction, the roots are pushed in line with gravity.
Once the stem has breached the surface of the soil, it grows leaves to collect sunlight.
The plant has specialised cell machinery that means its stem always grows in the direction of the sun to make sure it is pointing the right way. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Two Uncle Moishys! Monsey Bais Din says its "ok" to confuse the children!

The Machon Le’Hora’ah has weighed in on a dispute about who owns the name “Uncle Moishy,” and who can perform the songs that the performer has sung for 40 years.
The Wikipedia entry for “Uncle Moishy and the Mitzvah Men” says that the group began in Toronto in 1975. The original members included Moshe Tanenbaum, Zale Newman and Chaim Shainhouse. Their first album, according to the website, was released in 1979.
With the trademark Hebrew letter mem affixed to his black fedora, Uncle Moishy has brought joy to children around the world ever since. Uncle Moishy and his Brooklyn-based production company, Suki & Ding Productions, have produced 22 albums and 14 videos.
But some time ago, Tanenbaum’s relationship with Suki & Ding soured, following a dispute over money and who owned the Uncle Moishy character. The case went to the rabbinical court.
In a ruling delivered last October and clarified in the last few weeks, the beis din found that while the songs and music of Uncle Moishy belong to Suki & Ding, both parties may use the stage name “Uncle Moishy.”
Tanenbaum then moved to anther production company, Sonic Duo Productions, and continues to perform and record as Uncle Moishy.
Meanwhile, Suki & Ding found a new Uncle Moishy, Rabbi Yossi Berktin, a long-time Toronto children’s musician and entertainer who goes by the moniker “Rabbi B.”
Read More: CJN

Monday, March 26, 2018

Coins from Second Bais Ha'Mikdash found near Temple Mount

Bronze coins, the last remnants of a four-year Jewish revolt against the Roman Empire, were found near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

These bronze coins were discovered by Hebrew University archaeologist Dr. Eilat Mazar during renewed excavations at the Ophel, located below the Temple Mount’s southern wall.

These 1.5cm bronze coins were left behind by Jewish residents who hid in a large cave (7x14 meters) for four years (66-70 C.E.) - from the Roman siege of Jerusalem, up until the destruction of the Second Temple and the city of Jerusalem.

While several of the coins date to the early years of the revolt, the great majority are from its final year, otherwise known as, “Year Four” (69-70 CE). Significantly, during the final year, the Hebrew inscription on the coins was changed from “For the Freedom of Zion” to “For the Redemption of Zion,” a shift which reflects the changing mood of the rebels during this period of horror and famine.

“A discovery like this - ancient coins bearing the words “Freedom” and “Redemption” - found right before the Jewish Festival of Freedom - Passover - begins is incredibly moving,” shared Dr. Mazar.

In addition to Hebrew inscriptions, the coins were decorated with Jewish symbols, such as the four Biblical plant species: palm, myrtle, citron and willow, and a picture of the goblet that was used in the Temple service.

Many broken pottery vessels, including jars and cooking pots, were also found in the cave. According to Mazar, it is remarkable that this cave was never discovered by subsequent residents of Jerusalem nor used again after the Second Temple period. As a result, the cave acts as a veritable time capsule of life in Jerusalem under the siege and during the four-year revolt against the Roman Empire.
The new finds all date back to the time of the rebellion and were found in the Ophel Cave directly above a Hasmonean Period layer that was situated at the base of the cave. 

A more complete report of these findings will be published in the third volume of the Ophel excavations; the second is being published this week.

According to Mazar, the coins were well preserved, probably because they were in use for such a short time. A similar number of “Year Four” coins were found near Robinson’s Arch, near the Western Wall, by Professor Benjamin Mazar, Eilat Mazar’s grandfather. He conducted the Temple Mount excavations right after Israel’s Six Day War, on behalf of Hebrew University’s Institute of Archaeology.

The Ophel excavations are situated within the Walls Around Jerusalem National Park, which is managed by the National Parks and Gardens Authority and the Eastern Jerusalem Development Company. Funding was generously provided by the Herbert W. Armstrong College of Edmond, Oklahoma, whose students participate in the digs.

Black Caucus Members of Congress Support Jew-Hater Louis Farrakhan

Ronald Lauder Stabs Israeli Jews in the Back!

…the Jewish democratic state faces two grave threats that I believe could endanger its very existence…The first threat is the possible demise of the two-state solution…The second, two-prong threat, is Israel’s capitulation to religious extremists and the growing disaffection of the Jewish diaspora. - Ronald S. Lauder, New York Times, March 18, 2018.

Earlier this week the president of the World Jewish Congress, Ronald Lauder, published an Op-Ed in the New York Times, entitled Israel’s Self-Inflicted Wounds.
In it, he made a bewildering claim.

'Holocaust survivor a victim of barbaric murder' in Paris

French-Jewish politician Meyer Habib on Sunday commented on the murder of an 85-year-old Holocaust survivor whose burnt and stabbed body was found in her Paris apartment.

The National Bureau for Vigilance Against Anti-Semitism (BNVCA) said the body of the woman, identified only as Mireille K., was set on fire Friday night. Her charred body also had at least 11 stab wounds. Police have a suspect in custody in connection with her death.

“For the Jews of France, the nightmare continues. 85-year-old Holocaust survivor Mireille K. was stabbed and burned in the heart of Paris,” said Habib.

“While France is still traumatized by the terrorist attack in Trebes, we are discovering today the shocking murder of Mireille K., an 85-year-old Holocaust survivor who was stabbed and burned to death at her home in Paris’ 11th District.”

“I spoke at length this evening with David K., one of the sons of Mireille of blessed memory, to express my condolences and support during these difficult moments. I will meet him tonight or tomorrow,” Habib continued.

“Unfortunately, the number of victims rises but it seems that the story repeats itself: 
Like Sarah Halimi of blessed memory (who was murdered by her Muslim neighbor who threw her out of her window), Mireille also knew the suspect - who is currently under arrest - her 35-year-old Muslim neighbor whom she had known since he was a child.”

“Like Sarah Halimi, in this case as well, the French authorities are very careful about linking the murder to an anti-Semitic motive. The family has no doubt about the anti-Semitic background of the incident,” added Habib.

“For Sarah, it took almost 10 months for the legal authorities to recognize the obvious reality. 
What about Mireille? 

The investigation has begun, but I am afraid that after Sarah, Mireille also fell victim to the hatred of Jews which is increasingly seen in the suburbs, against the backdrop of Islamic radicalization, hatred of Israel but also hatred of France.”

“Like the murder of Sarah Halimi, in this case, as well, I intend to fight along with other Jewish organizations for the sake of justice and truth,” concluded Habib.

Friday, March 23, 2018

With Nothing To Do.. Auerbach Terrorists Protest Violently .... Many Hurt! 28 Arrested

The following are some of the injured:

Jacobson. 30 years old, from Ofakim - broke and bleeding in his right

He is hospitalized at Me'ayanei HaYeshua Hospita  

Muscat. 45 years old from Bnei Brak. Fracture in back. Yehoshua Kruk is 
Markowitz. 15 years old, from Bnei Brak. 21 stitches in the head .. 
hospitalized in the children's department at Maayanei HaYeshua  

Polak. 15 years old from Elad. Stitches on right foot and right hand. 

Pinhas Deri is in the Pediatrics Department of the Maayaney HaYeshua 

A 38-year-old boy from Bnei Brak was bleeding, he could not see. 
He was sent from Einayi Hayeshua to Beilinson Hospital  

Pinchas Cohen. 35 years old from Jerusalem. Concussion and bruising in the head. Entered the head surgery at Tel Hashomer 

 Haim Furman. A 17-year-old from Modi'in Illit stitches his hands and feet. 
He is hospitalized at Tel Hashomer