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Friday, September 14, 2012

MSNBC host: ‘Who’s More Dangerous, the Supreme Leader in Tehran or Netanyahu?’

What a question from MSNBC..... can you imagine....
I think it's time to pack up and leave this once great country!

“Morning Joe” host Mike Barnicle asked Joe Klein if Ayatollah Ali Khamenei or Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is more dangerous Wednesday morning.

MIKE BARNICLE: Who is the more dangerous player on the world stage right now, the supreme leader in Tehran or Bibi netanyahu?
(UNCLEAR): Don’t answer that.
JOE KLEIN: It’s not netanyahu. the supreme leader is a fascist. and he right now is causing great pain to his people in a way that Bibi Netanyahu never would.
DONNY DEUTSCH: I understand the point of your question, but that was a silly question.
(UNCLEAR): That was a clown question, bro.
LAWRENCE O’DONNELL: One point we know with Netanyahu, as Joe can tell you, anybody’s who’s who’s been in the room with Netanyahu, you don’t have to be with him long to know that there’s only one way, only one way, to get along with him and that is to agree with every single word he says, which Mitt Romney apparently does.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Obama compares murdered American officials in Libya to his Las Vegas campaign volunteers

President Barack Obama compared his campaign volunteers to the American officials killed in Libya, saying that 'like them, you guys are Americans who sense that we can do better than we’re doing'.
Obama's remarks came during a meeting with volunteer leaders in Las Vegas. 'And obviously [our] hearts are broken for the families but I wanted to encourage those folks at the State Department that they were making a difference,' he said, according to a pool report.
'The sacrifices that our troops and our diplomats make are obviously very different from the challenges that we face here domestically but, like them, you guys are Americans who sense that we can do better than we’re doing….I’m just really proud of you.'

He told the Las Vegas volunteers: 'I had a chance to go to the State Department to comfort some of the friends and co-workers of the the folks who had fallen and I reminded them that as hard as things are sometimes, as difficult as change is that if we’re resolute, if we don’t give up, if we don’t give in, if we don’t become cynical, if we continue to be realistic about how hard change is but also keep in our hearts that sense of idealism and sense of purpose then over time good things happen.'
On the campaign trail, Obama often states that 'change is hard'. In a video to activists at the progressive Netroots Nation in June, he said that 'change is hard, but we've seen it's possible'. 

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2202769/Obama-compares-murdered-American-officials-Libya-Las-Vegas-campaign-volunteers.html#ixzz26NjsHovL

Jews! ‘Whose Democratic Party?’ Video

New species of 'owl faced' monkey discovered

A new species of monkey with a distinctive blue rear end has been identified in Africa, researchers have said.
The species, known locally as the lesula, was discovered after a young female was seen kept captive at the home of a primary school director in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2007.
The young animal resembled an owl faced monkey (Cercopithecus hamlyni) but the colour of its rear end was different to that of any known species, the researchers writing in the journal PLoS ONE said.
In fact, they say, its blue rear end is unique.
'The blue perineum, buttocks and scrotum displayed by adult males are more extensive than genital patches in any other Cercopithecus', the researchers wrote.
Other wild lesula (Cercopithecus lomamiensis) have since been found in their remote range in central Democratic Republic of Congo, where they live in forests and feed on leafstalks, fruit and flower buds.
The discovery of the new species, in one of the country’s last unexplored forest areas, is only the second time a new monkey species has been found in Africa in the last 28 years.
Although the 6,500 square mile area in which the shy lesula is found is remote and sparsely populated, the researchers warn the monkey is vulnerable to extinction as a result of hunting for bush meat.
They called for controls on hunting and the creation of a protected area covering its range to conserve the lesula and other wildlife found in the region.
Researcher John Hart said: 'The challenge for conservation now in Congo is to intervene before losses become definitive.
'Species with small ranges like the lesula can move from vulnerable to seriously endangered over the course of just a few years.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2202569/The-colourful-new-species-African-owl-faced-monkey.html#ixzz26NcqTSUH

Hot Mike: Reporters Collaborate on Questions for Romney Press Conference

If you listen carefully, they are putting together the narrative of how they're going to report on Romney based on what they ask him, not on what he says.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Islamists drag body of dead US Ambassador Chris Stevens

Apple Officially Reveals The iPhone 5: LTE, 4-Inch Retina Display, New A6 Chip, Lighter Than iPhone 4S

And just like that, months and months of breathless speculation have finally come to an end. Apple’s Phil Schiller has just officially announced the new iPhone 5 at the company’s massive press event here in San Francisco, less than a year since its predecessor was unveiled.
Some of the news won’t come as much of a shock considering the sheer volume of rumors and leaks lately (even Apple let some details slip earlier today) — I’m going to resist the temptation to pontificate on every new feature as it’s revealed (for now, anyway), so let’s get right down to it.


  • We can finally put the debate to rest — Apple’s newest mobile juggernaut is called the iPhone 5 (despite actually being the sixth iPhone to hit the market). It’s 20% lighter than the iPhone 4S, 18% thinner, and crafted out of (what else?) glass and aluminum.
  • Pre-orders for the iPhone 5 will begin on Friday, September 14, and the device will ship to lucky consumers starting on September 21. As usual, the device will be available in 16, 32, and 64GB models, which will cost $199, $299, and $399 respectively with a two-year contract from AT&T, Verizon, or Sprint.
  • The long-rumored (and handsome) two-toned design is indeed legitimate, as is the new iPhone’s larger 4-inch Retina Display. And yes, that 16:9 display runs at 1136 x 640 with five rows of icons. According to Schiller, it’s “the most accurate display in the industry” because the touch sensors are embedded in the display as well.
  • As expected, Apple has also unveiled a brand new chipset for the iPhone 5: the A6, which Schiller says is a full two times faster than the A5 chip in the iPhone 4S
  • The iPhone 4S’s battery life wasn’t anything to write home about, but the iPhone 5 seems equipped to do much better — 8 hours of 3G talk time, as well as 8 hours of 3G and LTE web browsing to be precise.
  • The iPhone’s audio system has been bolstered with a smaller (but improved speaker). There are also now three microphones in the mix: one on the front, one on the back, and another on the bottom.
  • That oft-rumored miniature Dock Connector is real: it’s all-digital, has eight pins and it’s called “Lightning.” Yes, there’s an adapter for it, but no word yet on exactly what it will cost you.


  • It’s hardly a surprise at this point, but the iPhone 5 packs support for Sprint, Verizon, and AT&T’s LTE networks here in the States. What’s really impressive is that combined that LTE support with 2.4GHz and 5GHz 802.11n Wi-Fi onto a single “ultra fast” chip.
  • Despite what a handful of leaks pointed to in the weeks leading up to the event, there’s been no mention of an integrated NFC chip yet.

    • Smartphone cameras are really starting to give their point-and-shoot brethren a run for their money (think Nokia’s PureView and HTC’s ImageSense tech), but instead of running up the megapixel count, Apple has stuck with an 8-megapixel camera. That said, the backside-illuminated sensor is smaller, and features much better low-light performance (finally!).
    • App developers may be bummed to know that the camera now also has a built-in panorama mode. The revamped camera also supports 1080p video capture, and users can now snap photos while recording video at the same time. I wonder how HTC feels about that.


Not only is Barack Obama violating his pledge not to campaign on 9/11, but he is also using the day to issue greetings to the Arab Forum on Asset Recovery, seemingly oblivious to the importance and solemnity of the day, as well as the context of his message.

Obama offers thanks to the Emir of Qatar--showboating some rather halting Arabic skills in addressing "His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani"--and praising the inspiring democratic example of the Arab Spring, which happened to leave the absolute monarchy of Qatar untouched.

He also offers support for his envoys, including Attorney General Eric Holder, who is attending the Arab Forum conference as the chief U.S. representative. The Arab Forum's goal is to recover assets stolen by formerly autocratic regimes, including Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya. (But not Qatar.)

The video, posted on the White House YouTube channel today, makes no mention of 9/11, the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood, or the role of Qatar-based Al Jazeera in broadcasting radical anti-American propaganda. And while offering support for democratic change, Obama neglects to ask the Emir to step aside.

Ironically, Obama caused a scandal last year when CBS News caught him criticizing the Emir of Qatar after reporters had left a fundraiser in Chicago: "He is a big booster, a big promoter of democracy all throughout the Middle East...He himself is not reforming significantly. There is no big move towards democracy in Qatar."

Obama has evidently chosen to make up for the insult--by insulting fellow Americans on 9/11.

Obama to Netanyahu "Drop Dead"

US says there’s no time for Obama Netanyahu meeting

Why do Jews keep backing the DemocRATS? Didn't they hear the loud "no"  to G-D and Jerusalem? A party that is  loaded with anti-semitic agendas, but Jews will keep voting for people that hate them!

White House says scheduling, election campaign are reasons for not holding a meeting; announcement follows Netanyahu declaration that those who don't place "red lines" on Iran, have no right to give Israel a "red light."

For the first time since taking office, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is slated to visit the United States without meeting US President Barack Obama. The lack of a meeting later this month comes in the midst of roiling tensions between Jerusalem and Washington over setting red lines for Iran’s nuclear program.
Some have seen the absence of a face-to-face conversation as a further sign of strain in the relationship.
A White House official said he did not have a final schedule for the president for that week. His response left open the possibility that a lastminute meeting could be added to the agenda.
A request from Netanyahu’s office to meet with Obama in Washington as part of the prime minister’s trip to the United Nations in New York later this month was rejected for scheduling reasons, an Israeli official said Tuesday.
Netanyahu, however, is expected to meet with other senior US officials in New York, including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
When asked about the White House’s refusal to schedule a meeting between Netanyahu and Obama, an official there noted that the two leaders would be visiting New York at different times.
News that the two might not meet came after tensions between Jerusalem and Washington over Iran burst into the open on Tuesday when Netanyahu attacked the US’s policy on Tehran at a joint press conference in Jerusalem with visiting Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Metodiev Borisov.
Netanyahu said that those who do not place “red lines” in front of Iran have no moral right to put a “red light” in front of Israel when it comes to military action.
Netanyahu’s words came in the wake of statements by Clinton on Sunday, and State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland on Monday, that the US had no intention of putting either red lines or deadlines in front of the Iranians.
Clinton said that the US was not setting deadlines, and Nuland expanded that by saying that it was “not useful” to be “setting deadlines one way or the other, red lines.”

Mordechai Tendler loses law suit against KNH

Judge ruled that KNH correctly terminated Mordy Tendler as Rabbi of KNH based on the Wosner Bais Din's Psak of March 21, 2006.
The most he can get is a month's pay
Here is the verdict:

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Ahmadinejad to address UN on Yom Kippur

A PR duel will be in two and a half weeks during the United Nations General Assembly discussions in New York between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Iranian PresidentMahmoud Ahmadinejad.

The Iranian leader is expected to address the GA on the Jewish holy day of Yom Kippur, while Netanyahu will speak the next day after arriving in the United States.
US President Barack Obama's address will open the GA on September 25, and the Iranian president's address is expected the next day.

Obama will not wait in New York to meet with Netanyahu, especially in light of his pressingelection campaign. The window of opportunities for a meeting between the American and Israeli leaders will thus open on September 28 in Washington.

In his address, Obama will be expected to demonstrate his leadership skills on the Iranian and Syrian issues, which will be at the focus of Western leaders' discussions.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Kerry Washington, actress, at DemocRAT Convention

Listen to this idiot rant....... 
in which country does she think she lives in .....
she says that the republicans are taking away her RIGHT TO VOTE? She must be living in Saudi Arabia!

Friday, September 7, 2012

The vote Nov 6 is a choice between those who believe in G-D and support Israel and those who support the Islamists head cutters!

The Democratic Party’s symbolic dismissal of God with the removal and forced return of His name to its platform by party officials amid boos from delegates could be the turning point in the 2012 presidential campaign said talk radio-host Michael Savage.
“This is a big moment,” Savage told his listeners after describing a remarkable divine encounter he experienced last night that has underscored for him the gravity of the moment.
“America is disgusted with this party of atheists and America haters,” he said.
At the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte today, the Associated Press noted Democratic officials were embarrassed by the reaction to the party’s removal from its platform yesterday of God’s name and of a declaration that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital.
When officials tried to reinsert the language today through amendments, Chairman Antonio Villaraigosa, the mayor of Los Angeles, had to call for a voice vote three times  because the outcome was unclear. The motion required an affirmation of two-thirds to pass, but it sounded like the yeas and nays were equal. When he ruled that the amendments had been approved by acclamation, he was met with a chorus of boos from delegates.
The scene at the DNC today was a sharp contrast to Savage’s experience last night at a Jewish wedding held at a cold, foggy and windy Presidio on San Francisco Bay.
The site of the wedding was next to the graves of thousands of war dead.
Savage said that as he stood behind the area where the ceremony took place, he noticed a small, bronze plaque in the ground that read: “In memory of all those who died on D-Day.”
“I looked up and I said to the rabbi, ‘Do you realize that if it wasn’t for these men who died on D-Day, none of us would be here today. We’d all be lampshades. We’d be dead.”
The rabbi then “grabbed my hands and we danced around the memorial stone.”
Soon five more men joined in, then 10.
“It was like something out of Chagall,” Savage said, referring to the Russian-French Jewish artist.
“Ten men dancing around this memorial to the fallen of World War II. The profundity was overwhelming to me,” Savage said.
Savage told his listeners of a dream he had that night that tied the wedding story to the events of today.
“I had a vision that the souls of the dead soldiers were drifting over the wedding canopy as this young Jewish couple was being married – that they were finally released from their graves,” he said.
“Many of them were released from their graves, and they knew what they had died for – so we could have religious freedom.”

Democratic National Conference Chairman Antonio Villaraigosa in Charlotte tonight
That “brings us to today” and the events at the Democratic National Convention, Savage said.
“Can you imagine, a nation founded on the principles of God is being taken over by a party that despises God, denies God’s existence and wants to stab Israel in the back in order to support the Islamists who would kill the Jews and drive them out of the Middle East?” Savage asked.
The vote Nov. 6, he said, is a choice between those who believe in God and support Israel, “despite their many blemishes,” and those who support “the Islamist head cutters.”
“It’s that simple,” he said. “It’s as clear as a bell to me.”
Tipping point
Savage said he knew “God’s hand was involved” in the wedding last night and in his own presence there, after initially deciding he didn’t want to go.
He told of meeting Jews from the former Soviet Union “who lived through the denial of God” and “through what Obama is trying to bring to America.”
“They lived through the ex-Soviet Union’s terrors,” Savage said. “They lived through the nationalization of private property, where their grandfathers were thrown out of their own houses, and the houses were given to the state to put the equivalent of the welfare recipients in their homes. They lived through persecution, where Bibles were burned and Jewish rituals were denied.”
Savage said the Jews who lived under communism told him that in the worst of times they never hated God or cursed him.
“One of them said to me, ‘You have one of the most unique roles on the planet.”
Savage said he didn’t know the man, a mystic-oriented rabbi.
“He looked me right in the eyes, and he held my hand and said, ‘You, Michael Savage, have one of the most unique and important roles in America today.”
The rabbi told him “the world is in balance, and your job is very important.”
Savage replied: “Well, what is my job?”
“Your job is to be the bridge between God and man,” the rabbi said.
“I can’t believe that,” Savage said.
“Well, you’d better believe it, because that’s what you’ve been doing on the radio,” the rabbi said. “Do you think it happened for nothing?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

DemocRATS accept everyone .....except for.....

Christians want Jews Slaughtered : Florida DemocRat County Chairman

New York Times doesn't want Romney as President because he eats only the tops of the muffin!

In its bid to terminate the presidential aspirations of Mitt Romney, The New York Times has gone mental. In a loopy op-ed piece last weekend, the Times squandered precious real estate on Columbia writing prof Marie Myung-Ok Lee. Her argument: Mitt’s rumored habit of eating only the tops of muffins makes him unfit to lead.
A Mitt biographer once wrote that the former Massachusetts gov eschews muffin bottoms because he presumes butter trickles down. This may not constitute sound baking theory. But Lee snobbishly assumes that her late Korean-immigrant father, a Republican whom she slams for having consumed garbage during the Korean War and cat food in times of plenty, would be mortified by the waste.
The piece is second in weirdness to Times writer Cathy Horyn’s take-down of vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan’s baggy suits. Ryan, she wrote, is “a nerd suddenly out of his loafers and into the sex dreams of Republicans.’’
Of course, rail-thin Ryan likely doesn’t touch baked goods. The Times has to cook up something, I guess.

Advocates For Jewish Abuse Victims Engage In War Of Words With DA Hynes

Mark Mayel Appel with DA Hynes met with a contingent activists on June 9 2012

Advocates working on behalf of Jewish victims of sexual abuse have cancelled a meeting with Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes, saying they have grown weary of waiting for him to institute reforms and name alleged perpetrators in the Jewish community, according to a report in the New York Daily News (http://nydn.us/RMonJP).
Hynes last met with a contingent of concerned activists on June 9, and had promised to continue dialoguing with them.
Mark Mayel Appel, who founded the child advocacy group, Voice of Justice, said Hynes continues to play “the same game” and “appease the rabbis in Brooklyn.” He added that “there’s no point in going” to meet with Hynes since he has not moved to prosecute rabbis or other Jewish community leaders who harass victims while continuing to protect molesters.
But Hynes spokesman Jerry Schmetterer denied that the meeting had been cancelled, saying the meeting was only temporarily put off owing to scheduling difficulties. “It’s an ongoing process,” he said. “We are all happy on this end to continue.”

Michelle's Masterfully Delivered Speech Weaved Total Myth of Personal Struggle

It could not have been better in terms of performance.  But it was all lies.  She didn't believe any of it...  Time now to make up another version of Barack Obama. Create a new Barack Obama V 2.0 for you to vote for this year.  He cares and he's a saint.  That's right.  Fact-checkers are not going to be checking much of this, which is why I am.

First Lady Michelle Obama’s pitch to voters last night relied on the premise that she and her husband understand what it is to struggle to make ends meet. She spoke movingly about their early years--about how a young Barack Obama drove a car that was “rusted out" and found his furniture “in a dumpster,” how they both came from families that had to “scrape by.” Her fairy tale--however well-delivered--was one great, big, colorful lie.

Both Michelle Robinson and Barack Obama began their adult lives with a leg up on the rest of America. They attended elite schools: Michelle went to Whitney Young, the public magnet school for Chicago’s upper class, while Barack attended Punahou, the private prep school for the top stratum of Hawaiian society. They were accepted to Ivy League schools despite undistinguished credentials, and both attended Harvard Law School.
“[B]elieve it or not, when we were first married, our combined monthly student loan bills were actually higher than our mortgage,” Michelle said. That sounds like a raw deal--but in fact reflects their fortunate circumstances. They had both just graduated from a very expensive law school, and their combined income from cushy law firm jobs dwarfed the repayments. Barack also soon enjoyed a second salary from the University of Chicago.
They had expensive tastes, reflected in the $277,500 two-bedroom condo they bought in 1993--a high price even by today’s standards. Several years later, they moved into their $1.65 million mansion in Hyde Park--with the help of fraudster Tony Rezko. Barack often told a story of hardship on the campaign trail in 2008 about having his credit card declined--once. The fact that he thought this counted as real hardship speaks volumes.
As her husband moved onto the national political stage, Michelle Obama began to enjoy a lavish lifestyle at taxpayer expense, directly and indirectly. When Barack Obama was elected to the U.S. Senate, he obtained a $1 million earmark for the University of Chicago Hospital--and his wife’s salary as Vice President for Community Affairs jumped from $121,910 to $316,962. Her job: pushing poor, uninsured patients to other hospitals.
As First Lady, Michelle Obama has lived high on the hog while the rest of the country has suffered through an extraordinary recession. In 2010, she and her entourage decamped to Spain for a lavish vacation. That summer, the Obamas encouraged Americans to visit the Gulf coast after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, which threatened tourism in the region. They promptly jetted off to Maine for their own summer holiday.
This summer, the Obamas skipped their usual summer trip to the wealthy playground of Martha’s Vineyard--months after Michelle and her daughters had enjoyed an expensive winter skiing trip in Aspen. And, of course, there are the frequent pilgrimages to Hawaii,  Some of their family’s comfort, of course, comes from private income, principally Barack Obama’s book sales--yet even that wealth is a spin-off of Obama’s political career.
If, as the Democrats eagerly pointing out, Mitt Romney enjoyed the privilege of private wealth, the Obamas have enjoyed privilege funded by public money and public life. And until entering the national spotlight, they gave little to charity, contributing instead to a church that preached racial grievance. “[T]ruth matters,” Michelle Obama told the nation last night. That, too, is a lie--because so far, she has evaded it without consequence.