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Showing posts with label Maria Myung-ok lee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maria Myung-ok lee. Show all posts

Thursday, September 6, 2012

New York Times doesn't want Romney as President because he eats only the tops of the muffin!

In its bid to terminate the presidential aspirations of Mitt Romney, The New York Times has gone mental. In a loopy op-ed piece last weekend, the Times squandered precious real estate on Columbia writing prof Marie Myung-Ok Lee. Her argument: Mitt’s rumored habit of eating only the tops of muffins makes him unfit to lead.
A Mitt biographer once wrote that the former Massachusetts gov eschews muffin bottoms because he presumes butter trickles down. This may not constitute sound baking theory. But Lee snobbishly assumes that her late Korean-immigrant father, a Republican whom she slams for having consumed garbage during the Korean War and cat food in times of plenty, would be mortified by the waste.
The piece is second in weirdness to Times writer Cathy Horyn’s take-down of vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan’s baggy suits. Ryan, she wrote, is “a nerd suddenly out of his loafers and into the sex dreams of Republicans.’’
Of course, rail-thin Ryan likely doesn’t touch baked goods. The Times has to cook up something, I guess.