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Showing posts with label obama will not meet Netanyahu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label obama will not meet Netanyahu. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Obama to Netanyahu "Drop Dead"

US says there’s no time for Obama Netanyahu meeting

Why do Jews keep backing the DemocRATS? Didn't they hear the loud "no"  to G-D and Jerusalem? A party that is  loaded with anti-semitic agendas, but Jews will keep voting for people that hate them!

White House says scheduling, election campaign are reasons for not holding a meeting; announcement follows Netanyahu declaration that those who don't place "red lines" on Iran, have no right to give Israel a "red light."

For the first time since taking office, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is slated to visit the United States without meeting US President Barack Obama. The lack of a meeting later this month comes in the midst of roiling tensions between Jerusalem and Washington over setting red lines for Iran’s nuclear program.
Some have seen the absence of a face-to-face conversation as a further sign of strain in the relationship.
A White House official said he did not have a final schedule for the president for that week. His response left open the possibility that a lastminute meeting could be added to the agenda.
A request from Netanyahu’s office to meet with Obama in Washington as part of the prime minister’s trip to the United Nations in New York later this month was rejected for scheduling reasons, an Israeli official said Tuesday.
Netanyahu, however, is expected to meet with other senior US officials in New York, including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
When asked about the White House’s refusal to schedule a meeting between Netanyahu and Obama, an official there noted that the two leaders would be visiting New York at different times.
News that the two might not meet came after tensions between Jerusalem and Washington over Iran burst into the open on Tuesday when Netanyahu attacked the US’s policy on Tehran at a joint press conference in Jerusalem with visiting Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Metodiev Borisov.
Netanyahu said that those who do not place “red lines” in front of Iran have no moral right to put a “red light” in front of Israel when it comes to military action.
Netanyahu’s words came in the wake of statements by Clinton on Sunday, and State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland on Monday, that the US had no intention of putting either red lines or deadlines in front of the Iranians.
Clinton said that the US was not setting deadlines, and Nuland expanded that by saying that it was “not useful” to be “setting deadlines one way or the other, red lines.”