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Monday, November 17, 2014

Obama Calls Beheaded American Hostage, Peter Kassig, by his forced Muslim name, "Abdul-Rahman Kassig"

Peter Kassig with his father, Ed, fishing
Our President when confirming the beheading of American hostage Peter Kassig, referred to him as Abdul-Rahman Kassig. This was the name that Peter took in captivity, and I'm guessing it was a forced conversion. The murderer himself can be heard saying before he  murdered 
"This is Peter Edward Kassig, a US citizen."
You don't hear him saying Abdul-Rahman at the beheading, yet the President saw fit to call him by his Muslim name.
What's up with that? HMMMM?

Read the report!
President Hussein Obama  confirmed the death of American hostage Peter Kassig, saying the aid worker was killed "in an act of pure evil" by Islamic State militants.

The group said in a video on Sunday it had beheaded Kassig, and warned the United States it would kill other US citizens "on your streets."

"Today we offer our prayers and condolences to the parents and family of Abdul-Rahman Kassig, also known to us as Peter," Obama said in a statement to reporters on Air Force One as he returned home from Australia.
The video did not show the beheading but showed a masked man standing with a decapitated head covered in blood lying at his feet. Speaking in English in a British accent, the man says: "This is Peter Edward Kassig, a US citizen."

Kassig, a 26-year-old from Indiana, is also known as Abdul-Rahman, a name he took following his conversion to Islam while in captivity.

Kassig's parents have said through a spokesperson their son was taken captive on his way to the eastern Syrian city of Deir al-Zor on Oct. 1, 2013.

A former soldier, Kassig was doing humanitarian work through Special Emergency Response and Assistance, an organization he founded in 2012 to help refugees from Syria, the family has said.

Kassig's beheading is the fifth such killing of a Westerner by Islamic State, following the deaths of two US journalists and two British aid workers.

In an apparent reference to testimony about Kassig by former fellow captives, the masked man says: "Peter, who fought against the Muslims in Iraq while serving as a soldier under the American army, doesn't have much to say. His previous cellmates have already spoken on his behalf."

The announcement of Kassig's death formed part of a 15-minute video in which the group issued warnings to the United States, Britain and others including Shi'ite Muslims.

It also shows militants beheading several men identified as pilots and officers loyal to Syrian President Bashar Assad.

"To Obama, the dog of Rome, today we are slaughtering the soldiers of Bashar and tomorrow we will be slaughtering your soldiers," the masked militant said.

British Prime Minister David Cameron said he was horrified by the "cold-blooded murder." Britain's Foreign Office said it was analyzing the video.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Novominsker attacks Bloggers!

The following was written by VIN, Sandy Eller reporting. I will comment after the article in red!

The Novominsker gave a scathing rebuke to bloggers who feel the need to comment on any issue that arises.
“Rabbosai, we have become a society of ‘kikkers’, of lookers,” said the Novominsker. “We look at ‘yenem’ and we make comments.  There are many self-appointed ‘mevinim’ amongst us unfortunately, ready to sound off on anything and everything. These mevinim have no compunctions about opinionating about whatever goes on in the Jewish world, in the Torah world especially and very often, as a result of that curse of technology called the blogs, they engage in cynicism and zilzul talmidei chochomim and downright chutzpah.”
Rabbi Perlow quoted the Kotzker Rebbe who would exhort his followers to scrutinize themselves and their own actions instead of looking at the behavior of others.
“An ehrliche yid should behave with humility and understatedness and speak with kavod hatorah and respect talmidei chochomim and not appropriate themselves as a commentator and a mayvin on everything that goes on.”
The Novominsker spoke about instilling these same values in our children and grandchildren.
“How do you expect the younger generation to think when they hear sometimes their parents making derogatory remarks on the ‘system’ in the Torah world today, learning after the chasana, having to support the kinder, the eidemes and so on?”
“Yes there are questions and issues about individuals and parnassa is an overriding question sometimes, all the time, and they must be addressed individually, but not to become self-styled commentators on the Torah scene today,” added the Novominsker.
Offering his own view as a member of the older generation, Rabbi Perlow spoke about the lost passion for Torah that was prevalent decades ago, threatened by those who feel free to criticize others in a public forum.
“What I need to stress is that we must curb the urge to opinionate, because opinionating…means poor judgment, unfair comments and unwise chinuch,” said Rabbi Perlow.
The Novominsker concluded his twenty nine minute address with a plea to seek a greater level of refinement and closeness to the Ribono Shel Olam.
“That is an oblgiation incumbent upon every Jew, especially ehrliche yidden and thus enhance k’vod shomayim.

The reason that we have " many self-appointed ‘mevinim’ amongst us, ready to sound off on anything and everything" is very simple....
We the "homoin am" have no leaders! 
Those that we do have we don't respect! 

Some examples ....
Satmar: I am not going into the SHIT'ah now.... just an observation... 
The two Rebbes are fighting and are in Secular court, fighting about real estate worth billions, in violation of the second Rashi in Parshas Mishpatim!
How can the regular hard working Zslub have any respect for these guys.

Bobov: Two guys fighting, both were in Secular Court, with the Secular Judge admonishing them and asking them why they cannot work these things (real estate, again) out in Bais Din!
By the way, one of the Rebbis is not excepting the recent Bais Din ruling, claiming  one of the Dayanim is on the take.It was ok for the last 6 years while the Bais Din was deliberating, but now that they paskened, it's not ok!

In the Litvisher world, two Roshei Yeshivas were at each other's throats after Rav Shach passed on, 
one of the followers of one Rosh Yeshivah actually threw a shtender at the opposing follower and killed him.... hush hush....V'hamevin Yavin!

Rav Auerbach disregards any Halachic rulings of Rav Kanievski or Rav Shteinman! 
Both Rav Kanievski and Rav Shteinman disregard Rav Auerbach!

Lakewood and Satmar and the Aguda all hate each other but like the Arabs, they get together to make an asifa against Israel!

No "leader" cares that Iran just made a statement that they will "obliterate all of IsraeL"! Not one, again, Not One Rabbi ran to the White House protesting the deafening silence from Washington DC!

All the above will stick up for Child Abusers but will vilify the victim!

So now the Noveminsker wants us all to shut up and crawl under rocks?
No Way! 

We all want Torah leaders, we all want clarity in today's world, but the present leadership does not, and apparently cannot, lead!
The Gemarah already prophesied, 2,000 years ago
"Pnei Doro, K'Pnei Kelev" Rashi says that means that the leaders will follow public opinion, not Torah! They will be just like dogs. 
 A dog tends to run ahead of it's owner and then stops at the end of the block to see where its owner is going to go, and then when its owner takes a turn at the end of the block, the dog again runs ahead and then waits again at the end of the block.
Unforunately, that's our present Torah leaders, they have no clue what's going on, relying on their handlers, and when the handlers say, "throw stones on the religious soldiers" they say "Amein"
Rabbi... you said that  "the Kotzker  would exhort his followers to scrutinize themselves and their own actions instead of looking at the behavior of others."
If I were you I would start with that!

Novominsker Rebbe wants to give Har Habayis to the Muslims!

The Novominsker Rebbe is ready to hand over sovereignty of the Har Habyis to the Arab murderers!
He blamed Jews who hold on to the Har Habyis for the current bloodshed!
In an address at tonight’s Agudah Convention at the Woodcliff Lake Hilton in New Jersey, the Novominsker Rebbe, R’ Yaakov Perlow spoke out strongly against those who go to Har Habayis, saying that they are directly responsible for bloodshed in Israel.
Referring to those people as “misguided individuals,” the Novominsker said that going up onto Har Habayis is “a clear violation of the psak of Halacha and gedolei hador.”  Rabbi Perlow also said that these actions incite the Arabs to engage in acts of violence.
As previously reported on VIN News, recent moves by Jews to ascend to Har Habayis have brought increased tensions to the area, including the attempted assassination of Rabbi Yehuda Glick who had been advocating for greater Jewish access to the site.
“Stay off Har Habayis,” warned the Novominsker. “Do not generate redifa on yidden.”
The Novominsker, who is the head of the Agudah’s Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah, advised anyone to is seeking to become closer to the shechina to do so in their own shuls, instead of going to Har Habayis.

What is the Halacha in reference to "The Temple Mount"?

We are constantly bombarded in the news, about Jews wanting to daven at the Har Habayis, and yet there are Gedolim that say that it is prohibited!
Are there Gedolim that permit davening at the Har Habayis? If so, who are they and what is the Heter?

But if we walk away from the Har Habyis, aren't we giving up the sovereignty of the Mount to the Arabs? 

Should we do it for peace? 

Or are we Halachlicly prohibited from walking away from it, even if this will cause Arabs to riot?

Read the following from Rabbi Eliezer Melamed shlitah, and hopefully this will give us some clarity!
The writer is Head of Yeshivat Har Bracha and a prolific author on Jewish Law, whose works include the series on Jewish law "Pininei Halacha" and a popular weekly column "Revivim" in the Besheva newspaper. This article was written in Hebrew and translated into English!
Rabbi Eliezer Melamed Shlitah

Next week on the 24th day of the Jewish month Mar Cheshvan (Monday) will be twenty years since the death of the Chief Rabbi of Israel, the Gaon, Rabbi Shlomo Goren ztz’l. In these days, when Har Habayit (the Temple Mount) is in the headlines, it is worth quoting segments from his book "Har Habayit", published a year before his death. In his book, he investigates in detail the site of the Mikdash (Holy Temple) and the azarot (Temple courtyards), areas that are forbidden to enter even after immersion in a mikveh (a bath used for the purpose of ritual immersion in Judaism), and areas that Jews are permitted to enter after immersion.

The time was the days of the second Rabin government, which conducted agreements with the PLO terrorist organization, and handed over parts of the Land of Israel to our enemies. In his introduction to the book he wrote: "Currently, when Jewish sovereignty over the Temple Mount is in danger, Mount Moriah is liable to become the subject of negotiation between us and the Arabs, and unfortunately, there are politicians who are willing to negotiate our sovereignty over the Temple Mount, relying on the alleged prohibition of the Chief Rabbinate to enter Har Habayit. This prohibition is liable to be used as an excuse to hand over the nation's Kodesh ha’Kodashim (inner sanctum) to the Muslims. Therefore, I decided to publish the book now, from which it will be proven that there are large areas of the Temple Mount which all Jews are permitted to enter, according to all halakhic opinions, after immersion in a mikveh..."(p.15).

The Reasons for the ‘Heter’

The Temple Mount is composed of two areas. The first, which is the smallest area, includes the site of the Holy Temple and the courtyards, and is called machaneh shechina (the inner azara), which nowadays is forbidden to enter because we cannot be cleansed from tumat met (defilement of the dead). The second area, which includes the majority of the Temple Mount, is called machaneh levia, and it is permitted to enter these areas today after immersion. Indeed, in the years preceding the establishment of the State of Israel the rabbis, including Rabbi Kook ztz’l, instructed us not to enter the Temple Mount at all, for fear that people might go beyond the permitted areas and enter forbidden places.

Three factors prompted Rabbi Goren to permit going up to the majority of areas on the Temple Mount: 

1) the precise mapping of the Temple Mount conducted by the I.D.F. Engineer Corps under his orders after the liberation of the Temple Mount; with these maps, it was possible to accurately determine which areas were permitted to enter according to all halakhic opinions. 

2) The many testimonies that for more than a thousand years after the destruction of the Holy Temple, Gedolei Yisrael (eminent rabbis) used to pray on the Temple Mount in the permitted areas. 

3) The threat to Jewish sovereignty on the Temple Mount.
It is possible that one of the motivations for placing the warning signs not to enter the Temple Mount might have been so as not to provoke the Muslims when the British ruled Israel, and in events of riots, did not properly protect the Jews.

Lowering Ourselves to the Kotel – The Result of the Sufferings of Exile

Rabbi Goren wrote about his feelings after the Six Day War: "I could not escape the feeling that from a historic perspective, assigning the Western Wall plaza for Jewish prayer was nothing but the result of the expulsion of the Jews from the Temple Mount by the Crusaders and Muslims together. Thus, an intolerable situation was created in which even after our liberation of the Temple Mount, the Muslims remained on top of Har Habayit, and we were down below; they were inside, and we were outside.

The prayers at the Western Wall are a symbol of destruction and exile, and not of liberation and redemption, because Jewish prayers at the Western Wall began only in the sixteenth century – before that, Jews prayed for centuries on the Temple Mount ... only about three hundred years ago, the Jews began praying at the Western Wall. And this the proof: in every reference in the Midrash where it is mentioned that the shechina (Divine Presence) has not moved from the Western Wall, and learns this from the verse in Shir Hashirim (Song of Songs): ‘Behold! There he stands behind our wall’ – this refers to the western wall of the azara, or the wall of the heichal, in other words, the wall of the Kodesh HaKodashim, and not the wall of the Har Habayit, which we call the Western Wall"(pg. 26).

The Necessity to Ascend from the Western Wall to Har Habayit

However, the intensity of the minhag (custom) based on over three centuries was considerable, and therefore after the Six Day War, the public at large thronged to the Western Wall to pray. Rabbi Goren himself wrote that one of the things that prevented him from acting quickly to regulate the ascent of Jews to the Temple Mount was his being "bound by the ‘chains of love’ for the remnant of our Holy Temple, the Western Wall, where I used to pray every Shabbat, holiday, and Rosh Chodesh evenings. Since my first visit to the Western Wall (as a child), my love and emotional affinity for the Wailing Wall has not faded... ","but our shout ...Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord”... aroused him to become stronger and clarify the heter to ascend Har Habayit (pg. 14). Consequently, he began organizing prayers on the Temple Mount (ibid, pg. 27).

The Canceled Prayer

Before the Shabbat following Tisha B’Av in 1967, Rabbi Goren publicly announced a mass, gala prayer to be held on the Temple Mount in the areas where entrance was permitted after immersion. However, by the orders of Prime Minister and Defense Minister the prayer was canceled. A few days later, the ministerial committee decided that the Defense Minister and the Chief of Staff order the Chief Rabbi of the I.D.F., Rabbi Goren, not to arrange any more prayers on the Temple Mount (pg. 29-30).

The Shock

The order shocked Rabbi Goren, and he tried everything within his power to cancel it, including writing a long and detailed letter to the ministerial committee, in which he argued: How is it possible that precisely in the holiest place for Jews, it is forbidden for them to pray?! True, there are a limited amount of areas in which entrance is forbidden according to the Torah for Jews and Gentiles alike, but entrance to the majority of the Temple Mount is permitted. Towards the end of his letter, he called out: "Distinguished men! Save the Holy of Holies of the Jewish nation; do not hand over the Temple Mount to those who defile it ..." (pp 30-33).

The Defense Minister

Unfortunately, Rabbi Goren's call went unanswered. Defense Minister Moshe Dayan decided to transfer the responsibility for managing the Temple Mount arrangements to the Waqf, and ordered the Military Rabbinate to evacuate Har Habayit, and not to interfere in matters concerning the Temple Mount any more. Rabbi Goren responded with "rage and sorrow”, informing the Defense Minister that "this, God forbid, could lead to the destruction of the Third Temple, for the key to our sovereignty over Judea, Samaria and Gaza is the Temple Mount" (page 34).
Nevertheless, the Defense Minister implemented one of the most shameful acts in the history of Israel, and handed over the affairs of the Temple Mount to the Muslim Waqf. For many years it was known that Moshe Dayan had both a dark and a light side jumbled together. 

On the one hand, he was a Jewish military hero, but on the other hand, an adulterer and a thief. Apparently, his adultery and thievery tipped the scales against him. That is when he began to lose his public status. His name go down in infamy.


Still, when the Muslims closed the Mughrabi Gate to prevent Jews from entering the Temple Mount, at the request of Rabbi Goren, the I.D.F. broke through the gate to ensure free entry for Jews, thereby expressing sovereignty over the Temple Mount. However, this act did not change the order prohibiting Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount.

Rabbi Goren goes on to relate: "Whenever I warned about handing over of the Holy of Holies of the Jewish nation to the Waqf, the response of consecutive Prime Ministers was: ‘Look, in any case the Chief Rabbinate forbids Jews from ascending the Temple Mount, and we are prohibited from praying there." As a result, he decided to write the book and explain the ways, places, and conditions under which it is permitted to enter the Temple Mount (pg. 35). Consequently "we must utilize to the fullest all sides of the heter, so we can demonstrate continuous Jewish presence there, and maintain Jewish sovereignty over the Mount, like the apple of our eye" (pg. 46).

The Chief Rabbinate’s Sign

It has been claimed that during his tenure as Chief Rabbi, Rabbi Goren agreed to the prohibition of entering the Temple Mount, but this is not true. In the introduction to his book, he wrote: "During my tenure as Chief Rabbi of Israel, I brought a proposal to the Council of the Chief Rabbinate to remove the signs banning entrance to the Temple Mount as determined by the previous Chief Rabbis. Because there were a few members on the Council who had signed on the ban at the time, they requested delaying the decision to remove the signs prohibiting going up to Har Habayit until after I published the book ..." For various reasons, the books’ publication was delayed, and the signs remained in place, "which, in effect, led to the handing over of Har Habayit to the Muslim Waqf" (ibid pg. 35).

Desecration of the Holy

Moreover, he wrote: "This shameful situation, where under Israeli rule a Jew does not have the right to pray on the mountain of God, cannot be tolerated under any circumstances. The debate over where it is permitted according to Jewish law to go on the Temple Mount, or where it is forbidden, has nothing to do with the government ... These sacred places are not the private property of the Muslim Waqf, whose members have always been a source of bitterness and poison for the Jews, with their incitement from within the mosques on the Temple Mount to slaughter the Jews... had they closed the Temple Mount to Jews and non-Jews alike, I would have kept quiet, but to allow the Arabs to do there as they please while Jews are forbidden to even open up a Book of Psalms and pour out their hearts before the Creator of the world – this is a religious, historical, and legal scandal – nothing short of blasphemy! "(pg. 41).
He further added (pg. 42) that by abstaining from going up to the Temple Mount, the Torah prohibition of ‘lo techonem’ (‘nor be gracious to them’), which may also be rendered ‘do not allow them to settle on the soil’ (Avoda Zara 20a) is transgressed, seeing as the poskim (Jewish law arbiters) have already established that the loss of sovereignty is similar to destruction (B.Y. and M.A., O.C. 561:1). Thus, when the government forbids Jews to go up freely, it destroys the place of our Holy Temple yet again.

The Words of Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda HaKohen Kook

Our teacher and guide, Rabbi Tzvi Yehudah HaKohen Kook, agreed with the poskim who prohibited going up to Har Habayit. But in my humble opinion, it seems that had he known that the over- cautiousness of going up to Har Habayit would result in the loss of sovereignty and turning the Temple Mount into a focal point of hatred against Israel – he would have agreed with Rabbi Goren that it is permitted and a mitzvah to go up. In addition, in my humble opinion, he would have trusted Rabbi Goren’s halakhic inquiries in regards to the areas permitted to enter.

Blessed are Those Who Ascend the Temple Mount

The continuation of the disgraceful situation on the Temple Mount brings our enemies hope, and motivates them to kill and riot throughout the country. In order to suppress the wave of terrorism and incitement from its roots, the government and the police must assert Israeli sovereignty over the Temple Mount in the most decisive manner.

Blessed are those who go up to Har Habayit, but only if that is done according to halakha. Thanks to them, our sovereignty over the Temple Mount and all of the Land of Israel becomes clearer, and precisely as a result of this, we will merit security and peace.
This article appears in the ‘Besheva’ newspaper, and was translated from Hebrew.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Avigdor Lieberman votes to shut down Israel Hayom free Newspaper,

There is a right wing newspaper in Israel that is distributed for free! The left self hating Jews are running scared, because everyone is reading it. The left wing Maariv was put out of business because of Israel Hayom and now Haaretz is afraid that they will have to close down too. Why would you buy a newspaper when you can get one for free.

Haaretz and other leftists were trying for months to introduce a bill in the Knesset to outlaw Free Newspapers. The initator of the anti-Israel Hayom bill, is a Labor MK by the name of  Eitan Cabel.

So I have two observations:
#1  Why did Avigdor Lieberman who is 95% of the time on the right, vote for this bill?

#2 Why didn't  the frum MK"s vote either for or against?
They were all there but didn't vote?

Avishay Braverman, Aryeh Deri, David Azoulay‎, Yakov Margi, Yitzhak Cohen, Yisrael Eichler, Micky Rosenthal, Moshe Gafni, Meshulam Nahari

Now I think I know why Lieberman voted for the bill, because deep down he is still a Russian, and in Russia the Newspapers are run by the State, but why in the world would the Frummies not vote against the bill, since Israel Hayom is usually sympathetic to frum causes?
Maybe the Frum Newspapers are also loosing readers to the free Israel Hayom?

Read this from Israel Hayom

'North Korea could learn from Israel how to shut a newspaper'

In shameful move, anti-Israel Hayom bill passes preliminary reading • Likud MK Moshe Feiglin to Labor MK Eitan Cabel, who initiated the bill: I'm in favor of freedom of expression. You're in favor of freedom of suppression.

"If your proposed law passes, North Korea can come here to learn how to shut down a newspaper," International Relations, Intelligence and Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz (Likud) said on Wednesday, speaking on behalf of the government against the anti-Israel Hayom bill initiated by Labor MK Eitan Cabel.

During the heated debate that preceded the Knesset's preliminary vote on the bill, Steinitz said, "Tomorrow, there will be people who do not love the editorial line of the newspaper Haaretz and there will be a majority here who support closing it. You are paving the way for and giving legitimacy to bills that would close media outlets in Israel. I warn you not to go down this path. Let's not be the first parliament in the Western world that holds surreal debates on such ridiculous bills. Those who today support the closing of a newspaper are causing fundamental harm to Israeli democracy and are creating a dangerous precedent in our parliament."

Earlier, Cabel accused Jewish American businessman and philanthropist Sheldon Adelson of attempting to destroy the print media in Israel. Cabel also claimed that Israel Hayom has been conducting a personal campaign against him.

Likud MK Moshe Feiglin expressed vehement opposition to the bill. "I don't know if there is an MK here who has been attacked by Israel Hayom in such a malicious and offensive manner. I am certainly in the group that has been attacked and the reason is well-known -- I have clear ideological disagreements with the prime minister. So what? I will fight until my last drop of blood for Haaretz and Israel Hayom to be able to express their views. Who are you -- democrats or Bolsheviks?"

Addressing Cabel directly, Feiglin said, "I'm in favor of freedom of expression. You're in favor of freedom of suppression."

After the Knesset approved the bill, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu succinctly uttered the word "shame." The bill passed its preliminary reading with 43 MKs voting in favor and 23 voting against. Nine MKs abstained and another nine were present but did not take part in the electronic voting. Another 36 MKs were not present.

The bill now moves to the Knesset House Committee, which will decide which committee to send it to for the continuation of the legislative process. 

House Committee Chairman Yariv Levin (Likud) sets the agenda for the committee's deliberations, and the fact that he strongly opposes the bill makes it unlikely that it will be advanced anytime soon.
Knesset procedures do not state how long committee heads can delay a bill that passed a preliminary hearing. Past precedent shows that committee heads have held up bills they oppose for many months.

How did MKs vote on the Israel Hayom bill?

In favor (43):

Avigdor Lieberman, Ibrahim Sarsur, Orly Levy-Abekasis, Ahmad Tibi, Ilan Gilon, Itzik Shmuli, Eitan Cabel, Alex Miller, Erel Margalit, Boaz Toporovsky, Dov Lipman, David Tzur, David Rotem, Hamad Amar, Hana Swaid, Taleb Abu Arar, Yair Shamir, Yoel Razvozov, Yael German, Yifat Kariv, Yitzhak Aharonovitch‎, Isaac Herzog, Leon Litinetsky, Meir Sheetrit, Michal Biran, Masud Ganaim‎, Merav Michaeli, Nachman Shai, Sofa Landver, Stav Shaffir, Uzi Landau, Amir Peretz, Omer Bar-Lev, Afu Agbaria, Ofer Shelah, Faina Kirshenbaum, Tzipi Livni, Karin Alharar, Robert Ilatov, Ronen Hoffman, Ruth Calderon, Shaul Mofaz, Shimon Solomon

Against (23):

Ofir Akunis, Uri Orbach, Orit Struck, Benjamin Netanyahu, Gila Gamliel, Zeev Elkin, Zvulun Kalfa, Zehava Gal-On, Yuval Steinitz, Yuli Edelstein, Yoni Chetboun, Israel Hasson, Yisrael Katz, Limor Livnat, Meir Porush, Moti Yogev, Moshe Feiglin, Moshe Ya'alon, Moshe Mizrahi, Nissan Slomiansky, Pnina Tamano-Shata, Tzipi Hotovely, Shuli Mualem-Rafaeli

Abstained (9):

Avraham Michaeli, Uri Maklev, Basel Ghattas, Yoav Ben-Tzur, Hilik Bar, Yakov Asher, Nissim Zeev, Amram Mitzna, Shelly Yachimovich

Present but did not vote (9):

Avishay Braverman, Aryeh Deri, David Azoulay‎, Yakov Margi, Yitzhak Cohen, Yisrael Eichler, Micky Rosenthal, Moshe Gafni, Meshulam Nahari

Absent (36):
Shimon Ohayon, Nitzan Horowitz, Meir Cohen, Rina Frenkel, Gilad Erdan, Avi Wortzman, Haim Katz, Adi Kol, Uri Ariel, Yitzhak Vaknin, Aliza Lavie, Miri Regev, Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, Jamal Zahalka, Yariv Levin, Michal Rozin, Eli Ben-Dahan, Hanin Zoabi, Yakov Litzman, Elazar Stern, Naftali Bennett, Tamar Zandberg, Yair Lapid, Silvan Shalom, Mohammad Barakeh, Dov Khenin, Menachem Moses, Ayelet Shaked, Danny Danon, Eli Yishai, Shay Piron, Tzachi Hanegbi, Amnon Cohen, Issawi Frej

Daniel Nachmani named as indicted alleged murderer of Noa Eyal

Noa Ayal A"H
The Jerusalem District Attorney's Office on Thursday filed an indictment with the Jerusalem District Court against Daniel Nachmani for the alleged murder and rape of teenager Noa Eyal, a 1998 case which had gone cold for years. 
Nachmani was to be brought before the court for a hearing to remand him to police custody until the end of the proceedings.

On Tuesday, the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court cleared for publication that police in the capital had arrested the murder suspect after DNA and other evidence reportedly linked the man to the killing.

The man, a 38-year-old Jewish resident of the city, is married with two kids and was arrested in late October.

He has denied the charges against him.

Nachmani came into the sights of law enforcement about a year ago, when a relative of his was arrested by police on an unrelated crime. A DNA sample taken from the relative was shown as being similar to one taken from the murder scene. Police then began to work on relatives who may or may not fit the profile they made for the killer, eventually honing in on the suspect.

Last month, while the suspect was under police surveillance, he reportedly spit on a sidewalk in Jerusalem and the sample was taken and matched to the DNA from the murder scene.

Police said that the suspect’s cellphone was one of those that on the night of Eyal’s murder were in the area of the Davidka Square, where she was last seen.

The suspect’s attorney issued an appeal to Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday, requesting that his name remain under gag order. As a result, his identity could not be revealed until Thursday afternoon. His attorney Yehuda Shushan told the press on Tuesday that his client has denied ever meeting Eyal or being involved in her murder.

Eyal was 17-years-old when she disappeared late one night in February 1998. She and her friend Eldad Bribrom had left a movie theater in downtown Jerusalem and Bribrom told detectives that after he got on a bus at Davidka Square, he saw Eyal run to a different bus than the one she was waiting for. Police later interviewed a cabdriver downtown who told them that he saw a girl getting into a white car, believed to be a Ford Escort, with tinted windows and several bumper stickers on the back, including one for the Golani Brigade.

The next day, Eyal’s body was found raped and murdered in a forest in the Ramot neighborhood of the city.

Since that night, the case has been a major focus of Jerusalem investigators, who have invested countless man hours and interviewed hundreds of people of interest in an attempt to crack the case.

When the development was first announced last month, representative of Eyal’s family put out a statement saying they are very excited and nervous about the reports and that “we call for supporting the police and allowing them to do their work thoroughly so that the truth will see the light of day.”

Thursday, November 13, 2014

FBI makes arrests in sweeping mortgage, welfare fraud case in Monsey Williamsburg, Monroe, Boro-Park

One family and their associates dominated the over a dozen people arrested Thursday in a more than $20 million, long-term mortgage and welfare fraud case in the ultra-Orthodox community, according to a federal indictment.
The agents made the arrests in pre-dawn raids in Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Monroe in Orange County. At least one Monsey resident was arrested.
FBI agents could be seen gathered before 6 a.m. on College Road in Ramapo near the Chase Bank. Ramapo police said they had no details, and that no one had been brought into the police station.
Those arrested were charged with fraudulently obtaining $20 million in mortgage and other types of loans from banks and financial institutions, according to a 21-count federal indictment unsealed Thursday morning.
Those charged are accused of providing false information to the lenders about their assets and liabilities involving 20 loans. The false information included documentation about employment, income, bank accounts and primary residence.
The majority of the loans went into default and millions of dollars in proceeds were not repaid.
The indictment names Yehuda Rubin as the scheme's organizer, accusing him of participating in 10 fraudulent loans. He allegedly acted as a borrower, the borrower's power of attorney, mortgage broker, distributor of the money and arranger of short sales, the indictment states.
The borrowers who fraudulently obtained loans were identified in the indictment included various family members and associates: Irving Rubin, Desiree Rubin, Abraham Rubin, Jacob Rubin, Samuel Rubin, Joel Rubin, Rachel Rubin, Joel Koppel, Rifka Rubin, and Benzion Kraus.
Attorney Martin Kofman is accused of acting as the real estate lawyer on numerous transactions with fraudulent loans and closing on sales.
Pinchus Glauber of Monsey is accused of making false appraisals.
Glauber's lawyers, Kenneth Gribetz and Deborah Wolikow-Loewenberg, said their client would plead not guilty.
"We're going to review the indictment and from talking with our client, we believe he's innocent of these charges," said Gribetz, a former Rockland County district attorney.
Six of the those arrested also were accused of bilking food stamps and Medicaid.
Yehuda and Rachel Rubin, for example, fraudulently receiving Medicaid and food stamps by claiming an income of $180 monthly and later $360 bi-weekly, it says.
Further details of the investigation are expected to be revealed at a news conference with U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara at noon at U.S. District Courthouse in White Plains. George Venizelos, the FBI assistant director-in-charge, and Orange County Sheriff Carl DuBois also are expected to attend.

FBI in MONSEY, Williamsburg and MONROE ... WELFARE FRAUD????

Manhattan US Attorney Preet Bharara announcing the indictment on Nov. 13, 2014
Twelve members of a single Brooklyn-based family were charged Thursday in an indictment that said they lied about being wealthy to obtain fraudulent mortgages or lied about being poor to get food stamps and other benefits.
Some did both, the indictment said.
“They alternately played the part of prince or pauper depending on which scam was being perpetrated,” U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said at a news conference in the White Plains courthouse. “Regardless of whether they were posing as rich men or poor men, they were always con men.”
He said one indicted couple, Yehuda and Rachel Rubin of Monroe, claimed monthly income of $25,000 when taking out a mortgage and $180 when applying for food stamps and Medicaid.
The fraudulent mortgages totaled more than $20 million, and the welfare fraud realized about $700,000 in benefits, the indictment said.
Yehuda Rubin was described in the indictment as “an organizer” of the scheme but Bharara would not say he was the leader. Rubin’s father, Irving Rubin of Brooklyn, is the lead defendant. Other defendants include Irving Rubin’s wife, another son, three brothers and five in-laws. Three unrelated men also were charged, including a real estate lawyer and an appraiser.
Eleven of the 15 defendants live in Brooklyn. Thirteen were arrested Thursday and the other two were expected to surrender, Bharara said. They had not yet been arraigned and there was no immediate information on defense attorneys.
The indictment said family members lied to lenders about their assets, income, employment and primary residence to obtain mortgages on at least 18 properties they claimed to own, most of them in Brooklyn.
The lies gave “the false appearance of creditworthiness, when in fact the assets and/or bank accounts were nonexistent” or were not fully owned by the applicant, the indictment said.
The defendants used the proceeds to pay their credit card debts and their own home mortgages and to fund other real estate projects, Bharara said.
When the loans defaulted, he said, the defendants would lie again, either to claim poverty or to claim they had found buyers who would take the properties — at a discount.
Bharara said the overall deception was so widespread that prosecutors still do not know exactly what properties the defendants own or how wealthy they are.
“It’s hard to find any examples of when they told the truth,” he said. But the government is asking the court to order forfeiture of 23 properties and several bank accounts.

Michael Savage Discusses Faith and Religion with Jewish Rabbi

Satmar vs Zionism Part 6 "IDF will Join the Goyim in War against Mashiach"

Recently, Satmar published a booklet,  ×©×ž×¢×• דבר ×”׳  a transcript of Reb Yoel Teitelbaum's Shalosh Seudois Torelech given during and  immediately after the 6 day war, in 1967. The booklet is accompanied with an MP3 which is an actual  recording of the Rebbe speaking on Shabbos at Shaloish Seudois.
Notice the arrogant title of the booklet: "Listen to the Words of Hashem," as if the Satmar Shitah is the words of Hashem!

Click on links to read :
**Part 1 Titled "Chabad Shabsai Tzvi" 
was posted on Sept 7 2014

**Part 2 Titled "Zionists Started the 6 Day War " 
was posted on Sept 8 2014

**Part 3 Titled "Israeli Flag Avoda Zara "

was posted on Sept 11 2014

** Part 4 Titled "Miracles" 
posted on Sept 14 2014

** Part 5 Titled " "IDF are the Biggest Murderers"
Posted November 9 2014

Part 6: 
"IDF will Join the Goyim in War against Moshiach"

This piece will blow your mind. It is so far fetched that it begs understanding the mind of the author. After reading this piece, the readers will scratch their heads and wonder how the Satmar Shitah has any followers at all! To bolster this bizarre idea, that the IDF will" join the Goyim against Mishiach," the Rebbe quotes from the Zohar Hakodosh! Unbelievable! 
After my loose translation, I will tell you Pshat in the Zohar Hakodosh. I also stood at Har Sinai, and  attended Yeshivas, so I'm not totally out of the loop in my understanding of the Zohar!

Loose Translation:
"The last time I already spoke what the Zohar Hakodash wrote, that the eirav rav,will join the foreign nations to go to war. 
By the great war of Gog and MaGog, the Jewish heretics will join the foreign nations to war against Moshiach.
I wrote (in Al Hagila siman 61) that a great person wondered, (Kashoier Rav, R' Shol Brach)"how could it be that Jews will actually war against Moshiach? Well, the Zohar  in Parshas Shmois (page 7) itemizes all the Gentile Kings that will join together to war against the King Moshiach by the war of Gog and MaGog, and the Jewish Heritics will join them in war"

The Rebbe has said many times that the "eirav rav'" is the IDF and it's commanders!

Is the Rebbe actually suggesting that the Zohar is prophesizing that the  IDF will join Arab Terrorists, Hamas, Hizballah, Fatah, and Isis to fight Moshiach?

What "Foreign Nations" does the Rebbe say  the Zohar means?
Iran? Syria? Turkey?

Who was feeding the Rebbe his information vis a vis the 6 day war in 1967, that he was forced to twist the holy words of the Zohar to say the above quoted statement? 
ABC? CBS? NBC? Reuters? The New York Times? Esquire Magazine, the Jerusalem Post, Haaretz? Maariv? The Jewish Press? The Yiddish Forvetz, a communist/socialist rag?

Oh .... yes .... it's ..... one minute ...let me think ....
it's ....it's 
his Rebbitzen?

Or was it, Yossel Ashkanazi, his faithful gabbai, that couldn't read English?!

It wasn't Ruach hakodesh, because on this CD the Rebbe says many times that he doesn't have Ruach Hakodesh, and I'll take him at his word.

Now lets learn a "shtikal Zohar HaKodesh" together.
I looked it up, and the Rebbe is 100% correct, the Zohar actually says that Jewish Heritics will join the Foreign Nations (Which includes Iran, Iraq etc.) in war against Moshiach! Yup, the Zohar says it!

And, yes, absolutely, the Zohar's prophecy is coming to fruition in our lifetime!

But what does the Zohar mean by "Jewish heretics?"

Anybody reading the news today knows who they are!
My readers know who they are!

Let's see ......ummmm?

So, which Jews do we see at the Palestinian Protests siding with the Arab murderers, in Washington DC, New York City, London etc,?

Which Jews go out of their way to meet with the Iranian anti-Semitic Leaders and tell them they are joining Iran's war against Israel? Hmmmmmm!?

The Jews that are joining the "foreign nation to fight Moshiach" now while I'm typing these Holy Words, are the  Satmar Savages! 

And that's who the Zohar is talking about!

I know that you're screaming at the screen ....
" Nooo Nooo, No!" "Nein" .... "Nisht" ... "Nada" "Nem" "LO"

"it's the Neturei Karta ..... the Neturei Karta..... "

Well, to that, I say ..... it's Satmar! .... it's Satmar!
The Neturei Karta are only doing the dirty work of Satmar!
They are the fall guys!  Satmar uses them so they can say, "the Rebbe said that the Neturei Karta is not his Shita!" 
"Our Shita is bringing chicken soup to the hospitals" 


Pick up a Satmar newspaper, be it Der Yid (Zalonie propaganda rag) or Der Blatt (Aronie propagenda rag) Dee Zeitung (a switch hitter), any week you want, and you will see that the Shita of Satmar and the Shita of Neturei Karta are identical! 
That's right! 
Better yet, buy the booklet which comes with a CD, hear the actual words of the Rebbe.

Now my friends, Who is the Zohar HaKodesh talking about when he states that the Jewish heretics will join Iran, Syria etc,.....
The State of Israel or Satmar???

The Zohar is prophesizing that there will come a time during the war of  Gog Um'gog , that Satmar, the Neturei Karta and the leftist Chilonim, will join Iran and Hamas and fight against Moshiach! We are witnessing the prophesy come to fruition in our lifetime!

Now see who the "Rebbe" calls the "eirav rav"

Now see who Din calls the "eirav RAV"

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

New York Times gives you background of Terrorist but no background on Dalia Lemkus, the victim

Funny how none of the articles about the murder of Dahlia Lemkus who was stabbed near Alon Shvut last night speak about Dahlia or her family, how no reporter had the curiosity to find out about her. She was killed in the afternoon so the reporters had all evening to question their contacts in Tekoa.
Dahlia Lemkus A"H
by Sherri Mandell
Instead, they practice a kind of obscurantism, restricting our knowledge of the victim.
 (Curious that the word obscurantism is derived from a dispute between intellectuals and the German monks who wanted to burn Jewish books, like the Talmud, in the 16th century to obscure Jewish culture and learning.) 
In the New York Times, the reporter tells you about the terrorist who is from Hebron, how he was in an Israeli jail for five years for a firebombing. The reporter quotes his Facebook page: “I’ll be a thorn in the gullet of the Zionist project to Judaize Jerusalem.” 
We learn nothing about 26 year old Dahlia, who was just getting started in life after finishing college, studying occupational therapy so that she could have a job where she could help people who were sick or infirm or disabled to live in a fuller way.

They don’t tell you how she loved to bake with her mother, the two of them bringing rich, luscious cakes to parties and the way she spoke English with an accent — but not a Hebrew accent — a South African accent because her parents made aliyah from there thirty years ago. 
They don’t tell you how she went to synagogue every Sabbath and smiled at the people in her row before she prayed. And they don’t tell you how she had to hitchhike to get to her job working with children in Kiryat Gat or that she was the main volunteer at Yad Sarah in Tekoa which lends medical equipment like wheelchairs to those who are sick or injured. They don’t tell you how she liked to help brides look beautiful by doing their makeup for them before their weddings.
They don’t care that Dahlia’s father Nachum drives the ambulance in Tekoa. Day and night he is called on to make the drive to Jerusalem, and that Dahlia’s mother cares tenderly for the elderly.
You will never learn from the articles that, when a neighbor had to go to the hospital with a sick child, Dahlia stayed with the other young children all night and insisted that they not pay her. The articles would never tell you that she was the one who cooked the food for her brother Haggai’s bar mitzvah a month ago, fried fish, salad and pancakes.
No, they don’t want you to know what a kind, giving, loving young woman she was on the cusp of her adult life, looking towards marriage and creating her own family.
Instead the newspapers show a photo of the terrorist and tell us that the Palestinian leadership says that it is normal and natural to run over a young woman and then stab her to death so that her blood runs like a red cape into the street. 
Normal and natural. An act of resistance. When the Palestinian leadership calls for their people to take a knife and find Jews to murder, and calls it natural and normal, we have entered the realm of unadulterated evil. Dahlia embodied its opposite and that fact shouldn’t be obscured from the world.