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Showing posts with label israel hayom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label israel hayom. Show all posts

Friday, November 14, 2014

Avigdor Lieberman votes to shut down Israel Hayom free Newspaper,

There is a right wing newspaper in Israel that is distributed for free! The left self hating Jews are running scared, because everyone is reading it. The left wing Maariv was put out of business because of Israel Hayom and now Haaretz is afraid that they will have to close down too. Why would you buy a newspaper when you can get one for free.

Haaretz and other leftists were trying for months to introduce a bill in the Knesset to outlaw Free Newspapers. The initator of the anti-Israel Hayom bill, is a Labor MK by the name of  Eitan Cabel.

So I have two observations:
#1  Why did Avigdor Lieberman who is 95% of the time on the right, vote for this bill?

#2 Why didn't  the frum MK"s vote either for or against?
They were all there but didn't vote?

Avishay Braverman, Aryeh Deri, David Azoulay‎, Yakov Margi, Yitzhak Cohen, Yisrael Eichler, Micky Rosenthal, Moshe Gafni, Meshulam Nahari

Now I think I know why Lieberman voted for the bill, because deep down he is still a Russian, and in Russia the Newspapers are run by the State, but why in the world would the Frummies not vote against the bill, since Israel Hayom is usually sympathetic to frum causes?
Maybe the Frum Newspapers are also loosing readers to the free Israel Hayom?

Read this from Israel Hayom

'North Korea could learn from Israel how to shut a newspaper'

In shameful move, anti-Israel Hayom bill passes preliminary reading • Likud MK Moshe Feiglin to Labor MK Eitan Cabel, who initiated the bill: I'm in favor of freedom of expression. You're in favor of freedom of suppression.

"If your proposed law passes, North Korea can come here to learn how to shut down a newspaper," International Relations, Intelligence and Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz (Likud) said on Wednesday, speaking on behalf of the government against the anti-Israel Hayom bill initiated by Labor MK Eitan Cabel.

During the heated debate that preceded the Knesset's preliminary vote on the bill, Steinitz said, "Tomorrow, there will be people who do not love the editorial line of the newspaper Haaretz and there will be a majority here who support closing it. You are paving the way for and giving legitimacy to bills that would close media outlets in Israel. I warn you not to go down this path. Let's not be the first parliament in the Western world that holds surreal debates on such ridiculous bills. Those who today support the closing of a newspaper are causing fundamental harm to Israeli democracy and are creating a dangerous precedent in our parliament."

Earlier, Cabel accused Jewish American businessman and philanthropist Sheldon Adelson of attempting to destroy the print media in Israel. Cabel also claimed that Israel Hayom has been conducting a personal campaign against him.

Likud MK Moshe Feiglin expressed vehement opposition to the bill. "I don't know if there is an MK here who has been attacked by Israel Hayom in such a malicious and offensive manner. I am certainly in the group that has been attacked and the reason is well-known -- I have clear ideological disagreements with the prime minister. So what? I will fight until my last drop of blood for Haaretz and Israel Hayom to be able to express their views. Who are you -- democrats or Bolsheviks?"

Addressing Cabel directly, Feiglin said, "I'm in favor of freedom of expression. You're in favor of freedom of suppression."

After the Knesset approved the bill, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu succinctly uttered the word "shame." The bill passed its preliminary reading with 43 MKs voting in favor and 23 voting against. Nine MKs abstained and another nine were present but did not take part in the electronic voting. Another 36 MKs were not present.

The bill now moves to the Knesset House Committee, which will decide which committee to send it to for the continuation of the legislative process. 

House Committee Chairman Yariv Levin (Likud) sets the agenda for the committee's deliberations, and the fact that he strongly opposes the bill makes it unlikely that it will be advanced anytime soon.
Knesset procedures do not state how long committee heads can delay a bill that passed a preliminary hearing. Past precedent shows that committee heads have held up bills they oppose for many months.

How did MKs vote on the Israel Hayom bill?

In favor (43):

Avigdor Lieberman, Ibrahim Sarsur, Orly Levy-Abekasis, Ahmad Tibi, Ilan Gilon, Itzik Shmuli, Eitan Cabel, Alex Miller, Erel Margalit, Boaz Toporovsky, Dov Lipman, David Tzur, David Rotem, Hamad Amar, Hana Swaid, Taleb Abu Arar, Yair Shamir, Yoel Razvozov, Yael German, Yifat Kariv, Yitzhak Aharonovitch‎, Isaac Herzog, Leon Litinetsky, Meir Sheetrit, Michal Biran, Masud Ganaim‎, Merav Michaeli, Nachman Shai, Sofa Landver, Stav Shaffir, Uzi Landau, Amir Peretz, Omer Bar-Lev, Afu Agbaria, Ofer Shelah, Faina Kirshenbaum, Tzipi Livni, Karin Alharar, Robert Ilatov, Ronen Hoffman, Ruth Calderon, Shaul Mofaz, Shimon Solomon

Against (23):

Ofir Akunis, Uri Orbach, Orit Struck, Benjamin Netanyahu, Gila Gamliel, Zeev Elkin, Zvulun Kalfa, Zehava Gal-On, Yuval Steinitz, Yuli Edelstein, Yoni Chetboun, Israel Hasson, Yisrael Katz, Limor Livnat, Meir Porush, Moti Yogev, Moshe Feiglin, Moshe Ya'alon, Moshe Mizrahi, Nissan Slomiansky, Pnina Tamano-Shata, Tzipi Hotovely, Shuli Mualem-Rafaeli

Abstained (9):

Avraham Michaeli, Uri Maklev, Basel Ghattas, Yoav Ben-Tzur, Hilik Bar, Yakov Asher, Nissim Zeev, Amram Mitzna, Shelly Yachimovich

Present but did not vote (9):

Avishay Braverman, Aryeh Deri, David Azoulay‎, Yakov Margi, Yitzhak Cohen, Yisrael Eichler, Micky Rosenthal, Moshe Gafni, Meshulam Nahari

Absent (36):
Shimon Ohayon, Nitzan Horowitz, Meir Cohen, Rina Frenkel, Gilad Erdan, Avi Wortzman, Haim Katz, Adi Kol, Uri Ariel, Yitzhak Vaknin, Aliza Lavie, Miri Regev, Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, Jamal Zahalka, Yariv Levin, Michal Rozin, Eli Ben-Dahan, Hanin Zoabi, Yakov Litzman, Elazar Stern, Naftali Bennett, Tamar Zandberg, Yair Lapid, Silvan Shalom, Mohammad Barakeh, Dov Khenin, Menachem Moses, Ayelet Shaked, Danny Danon, Eli Yishai, Shay Piron, Tzachi Hanegbi, Amnon Cohen, Issawi Frej