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Thursday, August 29, 2024

What the Frum Silent Majority Thinks of Going Up to the Har habayis


I have taken a sample of comments from different blogs!

Intellectual conversation or bust
 1 day ago

Dear amoratzim: stop screaming, wipe the foam from your mouth, go learn some mishnayos before getting involved in adults’ conversation. No, it’s completely irrelevant from the halachik point of view what someone allegedly said, unless he put out a well articulated tshuva where his reasoning can be examined. The undisputed halacha is that there are different areas on Har Habais, some of which are MUTAR to enter. If you want to dispute the above, bring up the halachik sources and well articulated tshuvos, not the cult-of-personality apikorsus.

 1 day ago

Yated is the AP of chareidis. What are they afraid of ? Why not publish opposing halachik views ?

Learn mishnayos before screaming!
 1 day ago
 Reply to  shmendrick

Rav Elyashiv did NOT issue a Har Habais psak halacha that can be applied to entire Am Yisroel. If your rabbi tells YOU not to enter, his reasoning could be because he knows that YOU are an am hooretz and YOU can’t be trusted not to step out of the permitted area; as such, your rabbi’s statement is NOT a psak halacha for everyone else, but exclusively for you.
The HALACHA is undisputed: there are different areas of Har Habais, some of which are mutar to enter; obviously one has to know the relevant halachos to enter! Not a single posek argues on this.

Wipe foam off your mouth!
 1 day ago
 Reply to  shmendrick

Learn the inyan: there exist areas of Har Habais that are mutar bli sofeik. Not a single posek argues on this. If a rav prohibits YOU something that’s normally mutar, that’s a chesoron on you, not a psak halacha for the entire Am Yisroel.

No politics in halacha
 12 hours ago
 Reply to  shmendrick

No buddy, it’s you who doesn’t understand the concept. You and people like you have been screaming “absolutely issur koreis” blanket statements. Now finally you concede that the basic halacha states that there are different areas. Good. Welcome aboard. As far as lemaisa, what the exact gedorim are, that is to be treated just like any other halacha: no politics, researching the inyan and doing our best to figure out the emes. So, maybe you learn the inyan one way and the other posek learns it differently; you have no right to call the other guy a sheigetz!

aakov S
 1 day ago
 Reply to  He is not well

Oh, HE’S the provocateur, not the murderous Muslim drek. They could have it all but not us Jews. Sure, let them stomp all over us and our once holiest site, by building an edifice seen for miles and in practically every photo of the kosel. How nauseating. It should make every Jew sick.

Rabbis are NOT idols!
 1 day ago
 Reply to  shmendrick

Bring real halachik sources to prove that the entire Har Habais is osur or sofeik osur. The acceptable sources are: gemoras, rishonim, acharonim, well articulated tshuvos from contemporary poskim. Screaming names is NOT a proof! You are the one deviating from the acceptable halacha, hence the burden of proof is on you.

The Holy Pope Doesn't believe His Own Bible! Chief Rabbi of South Africa Calls Him Out!

 The head of the Catholic Church and the leader of the Church of England are effectively rejecting the Bible by supporting policies that negate the connection of the Jewish people to the Holy Land, the chief rabbi of South Africa said on Sunday.

The blunt theological critique comes after the archbishop of Canterbury endorsed a ruling by the International Court of Justice last month that Israel’s presence in the “occupied Palestinian territories” is unlawful, and as the pontiff has sought to thread the needle and maintain strict neutrality during Israel’s war against Islamist terrorists in Gaza.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

NYT turns on Kamala ....brutally slams Harris as 'weak, ignorant phony'.

 There are few cheerleaders more reliable than Kamala Harris's friends in the liberal media.

Ever since President Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 election race last month, their print presses and TV networks have put in a hard shift trying to paper over Harris's past record as the most unpopular Vice President in American history.

To read and listen to their florid praise is to believe that Harris is already a shoo-in for president – and not an 11th hour replacement as Democratic nominee.

That was until her lackluster Thursday night speech at last week's Democratic National Convention – which appears to have halted the torrent of feel-good fangirling.

The reliably liberal New York Times was among the first to suddenly change tack on Friday, taking aim at what many perceive to be Harris's fatal lack of clear policy with a brutal headline that read: 'Joy Is Not a Strategy'.

In a sour commentary, NYT Deputy Opinion Editor Patrick Healy said he'd 'cringed' when former president Bill Clinton took the convention stage on Tuesday to claim that Harris would be 'the president of joy'.

How's that going to help the millions of Americans whose livelihoods are now at stake, Healey asked? And why has Harris failed to conduct a single interview or serious press conference since Biden stepped aside last month?

'Ultimately, she needs more voters in the swing states to trust her to handle the economy better than her opponent… Harris can't coast on "joy",' he concluded witheringly.

But worse was to come from the Times.

Rambam ascends to Har Habayis


Israeli Finds 30 People in Berlin Whose name is Adolf Hitler ...Gets to Speak to one!

Delaware River Claims Another Victim..... R’ Mordechai Boehm


The Woodmere community is in mourning and shock upon learning of the tragic petirah of 49-year-old Mordechai Boehm, who was niftar in a water-related accident in the Poconos on Tuesday.

 R’ Mordechai z”l, a member of the Island Avenue Shul (Rabbi Ralbag), was vacationing in East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, when he was involved in a tragic accident on the Delaware River that claimed his life.

Numerous organization sprang into action in the wake of the tragedy to ensure kavod hameis. Achiezer, under the leadership of Rabbi Boruch Ber Bender, alongside Rabbi Shloime Feldman of Chesed Shel Emes worked with the various agencies involved in the incident and its aftermath.

Other individuals and organizations also involved include Motti Hershkop, a local Askan in Kingston, PA, US Parks Police Chaplain Matis Melnick, Chesed Shel Emes, Misaskim, and Agudath Israel of America.

The office of Senator John Fetterman of Pennsylvania, an ardent friend of Jews in the US and around the world, was involved in preventing an autopsy from taking place.

This tragedy comes just a day after another on on the Delaware River, when Rav Boruch Ber Ziemba, a rosh chaburah in BMG, was niftar from drowning after saving his child.

Ancient Tombs With Vibrant Wall Paintings Open to Public in Ashkelon

A view of the entrance of the archeological tomb site in Ashkelon, Israel, Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2024. The tomb with wall paintings depicting Greek mythological figures is at least 1,700 years old said the Israeli Antiquities Authority, whose workers are restoring the site

 Two nearly 2,000-year-old tombs with magnificent wall paintings will be open to the public for the first time in southern Israel after a painstaking conservation process, the Israel Antiquities Authority announced on Tuesday.

British archaeologists first discovered the sand-filled tombs in the 1930s, awed by the colorful paintings on the wall depicting vibrant grape vines twining their way around birds, animals, and mythological characters.

But for nearly a century, the site was dormant and closed to the public to protect the paintings. As new apartment buildings sprouted around the area, the city decided to turn the site into an educational park and renovate the tombs to allow public visits.

“This tomb has wonderful paintings that were preserved remarkably well, and that’s surprising considering that the time that has passed and the location next to the sea, the humidity, the sand, the winds, everything affects the plaster and the paintings,” said Anat Rasiuk, an archaeologist with the Antiquities Authority.

The tombs, located a few hundred meters from the beach, were likely the burial place for aristocratic Romans some 1,700 years ago, when Ashkelon was a Roman city, according to archaeologists.

The vibrant paintings, which stretch across the vaulted ceiling and include intricate designs across the walls, show nymphs with lotus plant wreaths, birds, deer, children picking bunches of grapes, a figure playing Pan’s flute, and figures from Greek mythology such as Demeter, the goddess of the earth and grain, and the head of Medusa, with her hair made of snakes, that were also adopted by Roman mythology.

During the conservation process, experts removed some of the plaster paintings from the wall for off-site restoration. Others were cleaned or enhanced with pigments that mimic the ancient paint.

Another similar 2nd-century tomb, also featuring colorful wall paintings, was relocated to the new park from another location in Ashkelon to preserve it. The second tomb was discovered in the 1990s. Both will be open to the public inside the new park during the upcoming Sukkot holiday in October.

The park includes several archaeological discoveries from across the city, including ancient sarcophaguses, wine presses and olive presses, surrounded by soaring new apartment buildings.

Ashkelon, which is located around 10 kilometers (6 miles) north of the Gaza Strip, has a rich history of archaeology. In addition to the Romans, the city was also home to Philistines during the early Iron Age, around 3,000 years ago. Ancient cemeteries uncovered in Ashkelon have provided important DNA clues that showed Philistines may have migrated to the region from Europe more than 4,000 years ago, a historical conundrum that has vexed archaeologists for decades.

The Israeli city experienced heavy rockets in the early days of the war in Gaza. In May, some of the vessels involved in building the U.S.-built pier in Gaza, which ultimately failed, beached on the Ashkelon coast during bad weather.

US State Dept Warns Citizens Not to Travel to Uman for Rosh Hashanah

 The U.S. State Dept is asking all American citizens not to travel to Uman for Rosh Hashanah, due to safety and visa concerns. The statement released says that “Uman has been the site of multiple Russian missile attacks”, including on houses of worship.

It also said that for dual citizens, “there is an extremely high risk U.S. citizens will not be allowed to depart, even with a U.S. passport.”


The U.S. Department of State recommends that U.S. citizens do not travel to Uman, Ukraine, for the annual pilgrimage to the grave of Rebbe Nachman during Rosh Hashanah. This recommendation is consistent with our current Travel Advisory recommending against all travel to Ukraine.

Since the start of the war in Ukraine, Uman has been the site of multiple Russian missile attacks. Russian airstrikes have hit civilian buildings and critical infrastructure, including houses of worship, often with little or no warning. Local authorities have advised that Uman does not have enough air raid shelters to accommodate all anticipated travelers to the pilgrimage. Ukraine remains under martial law, with curfew and movement restrictions that would also affect pilgrims to Uman.

As a reminder to U.S.-Ukrainian dual nationals, or those who may have a claim to Ukrainian citizenship, Ukraine has eliminated a “residence abroad” exception that previously allowed certain Ukrainian males aged 18 to 60 to depart the country. After this change, U.S.-Ukrainian dual citizens, including those who live in the United States, may no longer be able to depart the country. We strongly recommend against all travel to Ukraine by U.S. citizens, including males aged 18 to 60 who also have Ukrainian citizenship or a claim to Ukrainian citizenship and who do not wish to stay in Ukraine indefinitely. There is an extremely high risk U.S. citizens will not be allowed to depart, even with a U.S. passport. Travelers who are unsure whether they have a claim to Ukrainian citizenship should consult Ukrainian authorities for further guidance. For more information on traveling with dual nationality, please visit our Travelers with Dual Nationality page.

We remind all U.S. citizens of the State Department’s Level 4: Do Not Travel warning for Ukraine. For further information, see State Department websites for what you should know as a dual citizen traveler, and what we can and cannot do during a crisis.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Rabbi Yisrael Ariel voices support for the establishment of a synagogue on the Har Habayis Dismisses Chareidie Concerns

 Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, the founder of the Temple Institute and the dean of the Temple Yeshiva, sat with Arutz Sheva-Israel National News for an interview following the renewed debate regarding Jewish visits to the Temple Mount.

The debate surrounding the issue was rebooted after National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir said that he would establish a synagogue on the Temple Mount.

Asked if Ben-Gvir's remarks crossed a line, Rabbi Ariel answers: 

"The real question is who draws that line? For us, G-d is the one who draws the lines which were set in the Torah and during the return to Zion in the Land of Israel and Jerusalem after the Six Day War." Rabbi Ariel harkens back to the days after the war when he was assigned to guard the Dome of the Rock, the site of the Holy of Holies in the Temple. "Since then I haven't left the position. We must protect the place. That is our line, and we have no other."

Regarding rabbinical rulings prohibiting entry to the holy site, Rabbi Ariel emphasized: 

"To be honest, there was never a discussion on the matter at the Chief Rabbinate. There were decisions made, but there was never a discussion about entering the mount." According to him, there is no sweeping halachic ruling prohibiting entry, he notes that "there isn't even half a document that confirms this."

Rabbi Ariel recounts that he spoke with Minister Ben-Gvir and reminded him that the idea to build a synagogue on the Temple Mount is not a new one. He mentions the Chief Rabbinate Council's decision from the 12th of Av 5760 (August 13th, 2000), 24 years ago, which decided to hold deliberations regarding the construction of a synagogue on the Temple Mount. "That means that there was a Chief Rabbinate decision to discuss the matter, and not to prohibit entry to the mount," Rabbi Ariel says.

Rabbi Ariel also mentioned claims made mostly by Charedi rabbis that visits to the Temple Mount provoked the Gentiles, especially during such a sensitive time of war. He emphasized that "whoever says it's prohibited to provoke the nations of the works disagrees with the Torah. The entire book of Deuteronomy talks about inheriting the land and settling it, and there is no place to fear the nations."

Rabbi Ariel concluded by mentioning the stance of Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda Kook, which was communicated in a letter by the late Haifa Chief Rabbi She'ar-Yashuv Hacohen, according to which everything possible must be done to restore Jewish control over the Temple Mount. According to him, Rabbi Kook encouraged the establishment of a synagogue on the Temple Mount but asked that it be done through a Chief Rabbinate Council decision. "Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda planned, together with Rabbi She'ar-Yashuv Hacohen, the establishment of a synagogue on the Temple Mount under the direction of the Chief Rabbinate," Rabbi Ariel concluded.

Hostage rescued from Gaza Alive by IDF & Shin Bet


It has been cleared for publication that in a joint operation by the IDF and the Shin Bet, the kidnapped Farhan Kadi, 52, from Rahat, who was abducted by the Hamas terrorist organization to the Gaza Strip on October 7th, was rescued today.

 He was rescued by IDF fighters from Unit Shayetet 13 in a complex rescue operation in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

His medical condition is stable, and he is being transferred for further medical examinations at the hospital.

Al Qadi was brought to Soroka Medical Center, where he is listed in good condition. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to him by phone.

The Hostages Families Forum stated in response to Al Qadi's rescue, " Qaid Farhan Al-Qadi, a 52-year-old Bedouin father of eleven from south of Rahat, was kidnapped on October 7th from his security job at Kibbutz Magen's packing factory. He endured 326 days in captivity."

"Qaid's return home is nothing short of miraculous. However, we must remember: military operations alone cannot free the remaining 108 hostages, who have suffered 326 days of abuse and terror. A negotiated deal is the only way forward. We urgently call on the international community to maintain pressure on Hamas to accept the proposed deal and release all hostages. Every single day in captivity is one too many. The remaining hostages cannot afford to wait for another such miracle," the forum stated.

Ben Gvir Scores Win in Battle with Enraged with Chareidie UTJ & Leftists over Har Habayis


First, the good news: according to Kan 11, for the first time since the summer of 1967, the Ministry of Heritage will finance guided tours of the Temple Mount “to strengthen and stabilize the Old City.” Two million shekels ($543 thousand) will be allocated to the project by Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu (Otzma Yehudit). The tours are expected to start right after the high holidays.

Don’t forget to hit the mikvah first!

The announcement was followed by a furious front-page ad in the Haredi daily Yated Ne’eman, in Arabic and Hebrew, that could have been written by the folks at Toldos Aharon. It states the notorious lie that “all the rulers of Jewish law over the generations forbade severely the ascent of Jews to the Temple Mount (called by the Muslims the Al Aqsa Plaza), and that view has not changed and it continues to hold.”

An outrageous fabricated lie!

Earlier on Monday, National Security Minister and Otzma Yehudit Chairman Itamar Ben Gvir told Army Radio he was looking into establishing a synagogue on the Temple Mount. Yes! Let there be a synagogue for Jews and a mosque for Muslims in the spirit of religious freedom.

Chareidie Cowards In Total Panic As Ben-Gvir Takes more of their Votes so they Condemn Him in Arabic

Chareidim are very naive, and think that if Arabs will know that they prohibit Jews from going up to the Har Habayis, then they will stop raping and killing Jews! No Arab killed a Jew because he went up to the Har Habayit, Arab don't need excuses to kill and rape Jews! 
They think that by writing in Arabic, Arabs will finally understand the difference between Zionist Jews and Anti-Zionist Jews! How naive and downright stupid! 
But in this article is a hidden agenda, they need to make Ben-Gvir looking like an extreme lunatic! 
Why? Because the latest polls show that he made unbelievable inroads into the Chareidie Community, who would vote for him in the coming elections, which will hurt the Chareidei Parties! They need to get rid of him ASAP! 
The Largest Loshon Hara Yated Ne'eman newspaper harshly criticized Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir on Tuesday, with an advertisement featuring Arabic text against Jewish ascent to the Temple Mount appearing on the front page of the newspaper.

"Minister Ben-Gvir repeats folly and endangers the residents of the Land of Israel," reads the front page.

"By the order of our revered rabbis, we state publicly: It is known that according to all Jewish halachic throughout the generations, Jewish ascent to the Temple Mount, referred to by Muslims as 'Al-Aqsa compound,' is strictly forbidden. This view has not changed and remains in force."

Polls show that Ben-Gvir is getting more and more Charedie Votes, and must stop him at all costs! 

Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir was interviewed Monday by Galei Tzahal and said, "The policy allows for prayer on the Temple Mount, and there is an equal law for Jews and Muslims." Ben-Gvir added, "I would establish a synagogue there."

The Prime Minister's Office commented on the proposal: "There is no change in the status quo on the Temple Mount."

Interior Minister Moshe Arbel called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to put Ben-Gvir in his place.

"Prime Minister Netanyahu must immediately act to put Mr. Ben-Gvir in his place regarding his statements this morning about the Temple Mount. His irresponsible remarks test Israel's strategic alliances with Muslim countries that are part of the coalition in the fight against the Iranian axis of evil. His lack of wisdom could cost lives," he said.

Ben-Gvir's associates responded, 'The tireless leftist flatterer Moshe Arbel, who is being promoted by [journalist] Ben Caspit and the extremist left, has been eyeing the position of Supreme Court judge since entering the Knesset. He is an ingratiator to the left, the Arabs, the judicial system, and in the case of the Temple Mount also to Hamas and the Waqf. His constant accusation against Jews creates a security risk. Shas voters voted for the right and got Moshe Meretz Arbel."

Yahya Sinwar Reportedly Disguised As One of His Future Virgins After Abandoning Gaza Tunnels


Israeli intelligence sources revealed that Yahya Sinwar has been hiding among displaced Palestinians in Gaza, disguised as a woman, after abandoning the network of terror tunnels beneath the enclave.

Israeli forces came close to capturing Sinwar during a raid on his Gaza hideout 10 days ago, according to intelligence officials. Brigadier General Dan Goldfus, outgoing commander of the IDF’s 98th Division, said, “We were close. We were in his underground compound. The coffee was still hot.”

Shalom Ben Hanan, a former leader of three divisions within Israel’s Shin Bet security agency, confirmed that Israeli forces have come within minutes of capturing Sinwar more than once. “As we have discovered through other elimination operations, Sinwar will not remain in any underground location for more than 24 to 36 hours,” Ben Hanan explained. “He knows our advanced technology can detect these locations, and he needs to stay on the move to avoid being found.”

Israeli assets in Gaza have reportedly been equipped with instant DNA kits that can confirm Sinwar’s identity within moments during field operations. Additionally, a large reward has been offered for information leading to his capture, with sources noting that Sinwar is deeply unpopular among many Gazans, who blame him for leading the region to ruin.