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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Ancient Tombs With Vibrant Wall Paintings Open to Public in Ashkelon

A view of the entrance of the archeological tomb site in Ashkelon, Israel, Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2024. The tomb with wall paintings depicting Greek mythological figures is at least 1,700 years old said the Israeli Antiquities Authority, whose workers are restoring the site

 Two nearly 2,000-year-old tombs with magnificent wall paintings will be open to the public for the first time in southern Israel after a painstaking conservation process, the Israel Antiquities Authority announced on Tuesday.

British archaeologists first discovered the sand-filled tombs in the 1930s, awed by the colorful paintings on the wall depicting vibrant grape vines twining their way around birds, animals, and mythological characters.

But for nearly a century, the site was dormant and closed to the public to protect the paintings. As new apartment buildings sprouted around the area, the city decided to turn the site into an educational park and renovate the tombs to allow public visits.

“This tomb has wonderful paintings that were preserved remarkably well, and that’s surprising considering that the time that has passed and the location next to the sea, the humidity, the sand, the winds, everything affects the plaster and the paintings,” said Anat Rasiuk, an archaeologist with the Antiquities Authority.

The tombs, located a few hundred meters from the beach, were likely the burial place for aristocratic Romans some 1,700 years ago, when Ashkelon was a Roman city, according to archaeologists.

The vibrant paintings, which stretch across the vaulted ceiling and include intricate designs across the walls, show nymphs with lotus plant wreaths, birds, deer, children picking bunches of grapes, a figure playing Pan’s flute, and figures from Greek mythology such as Demeter, the goddess of the earth and grain, and the head of Medusa, with her hair made of snakes, that were also adopted by Roman mythology.

During the conservation process, experts removed some of the plaster paintings from the wall for off-site restoration. Others were cleaned or enhanced with pigments that mimic the ancient paint.

Another similar 2nd-century tomb, also featuring colorful wall paintings, was relocated to the new park from another location in Ashkelon to preserve it. The second tomb was discovered in the 1990s. Both will be open to the public inside the new park during the upcoming Sukkot holiday in October.

The park includes several archaeological discoveries from across the city, including ancient sarcophaguses, wine presses and olive presses, surrounded by soaring new apartment buildings.

Ashkelon, which is located around 10 kilometers (6 miles) north of the Gaza Strip, has a rich history of archaeology. In addition to the Romans, the city was also home to Philistines during the early Iron Age, around 3,000 years ago. Ancient cemeteries uncovered in Ashkelon have provided important DNA clues that showed Philistines may have migrated to the region from Europe more than 4,000 years ago, a historical conundrum that has vexed archaeologists for decades.

The Israeli city experienced heavy rockets in the early days of the war in Gaza. In May, some of the vessels involved in building the U.S.-built pier in Gaza, which ultimately failed, beached on the Ashkelon coast during bad weather.

US State Dept Warns Citizens Not to Travel to Uman for Rosh Hashanah

 The U.S. State Dept is asking all American citizens not to travel to Uman for Rosh Hashanah, due to safety and visa concerns. The statement released says that “Uman has been the site of multiple Russian missile attacks”, including on houses of worship.

It also said that for dual citizens, “there is an extremely high risk U.S. citizens will not be allowed to depart, even with a U.S. passport.”


The U.S. Department of State recommends that U.S. citizens do not travel to Uman, Ukraine, for the annual pilgrimage to the grave of Rebbe Nachman during Rosh Hashanah. This recommendation is consistent with our current Travel Advisory recommending against all travel to Ukraine.

Since the start of the war in Ukraine, Uman has been the site of multiple Russian missile attacks. Russian airstrikes have hit civilian buildings and critical infrastructure, including houses of worship, often with little or no warning. Local authorities have advised that Uman does not have enough air raid shelters to accommodate all anticipated travelers to the pilgrimage. Ukraine remains under martial law, with curfew and movement restrictions that would also affect pilgrims to Uman.

As a reminder to U.S.-Ukrainian dual nationals, or those who may have a claim to Ukrainian citizenship, Ukraine has eliminated a “residence abroad” exception that previously allowed certain Ukrainian males aged 18 to 60 to depart the country. After this change, U.S.-Ukrainian dual citizens, including those who live in the United States, may no longer be able to depart the country. We strongly recommend against all travel to Ukraine by U.S. citizens, including males aged 18 to 60 who also have Ukrainian citizenship or a claim to Ukrainian citizenship and who do not wish to stay in Ukraine indefinitely. There is an extremely high risk U.S. citizens will not be allowed to depart, even with a U.S. passport. Travelers who are unsure whether they have a claim to Ukrainian citizenship should consult Ukrainian authorities for further guidance. For more information on traveling with dual nationality, please visit our Travelers with Dual Nationality page.

We remind all U.S. citizens of the State Department’s Level 4: Do Not Travel warning for Ukraine. For further information, see State Department websites for what you should know as a dual citizen traveler, and what we can and cannot do during a crisis.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Rabbi Yisrael Ariel voices support for the establishment of a synagogue on the Har Habayis Dismisses Chareidie Concerns

 Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, the founder of the Temple Institute and the dean of the Temple Yeshiva, sat with Arutz Sheva-Israel National News for an interview following the renewed debate regarding Jewish visits to the Temple Mount.

The debate surrounding the issue was rebooted after National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir said that he would establish a synagogue on the Temple Mount.

Asked if Ben-Gvir's remarks crossed a line, Rabbi Ariel answers: 

"The real question is who draws that line? For us, G-d is the one who draws the lines which were set in the Torah and during the return to Zion in the Land of Israel and Jerusalem after the Six Day War." Rabbi Ariel harkens back to the days after the war when he was assigned to guard the Dome of the Rock, the site of the Holy of Holies in the Temple. "Since then I haven't left the position. We must protect the place. That is our line, and we have no other."

Regarding rabbinical rulings prohibiting entry to the holy site, Rabbi Ariel emphasized: 

"To be honest, there was never a discussion on the matter at the Chief Rabbinate. There were decisions made, but there was never a discussion about entering the mount." According to him, there is no sweeping halachic ruling prohibiting entry, he notes that "there isn't even half a document that confirms this."

Rabbi Ariel recounts that he spoke with Minister Ben-Gvir and reminded him that the idea to build a synagogue on the Temple Mount is not a new one. He mentions the Chief Rabbinate Council's decision from the 12th of Av 5760 (August 13th, 2000), 24 years ago, which decided to hold deliberations regarding the construction of a synagogue on the Temple Mount. "That means that there was a Chief Rabbinate decision to discuss the matter, and not to prohibit entry to the mount," Rabbi Ariel says.

Rabbi Ariel also mentioned claims made mostly by Charedi rabbis that visits to the Temple Mount provoked the Gentiles, especially during such a sensitive time of war. He emphasized that "whoever says it's prohibited to provoke the nations of the works disagrees with the Torah. The entire book of Deuteronomy talks about inheriting the land and settling it, and there is no place to fear the nations."

Rabbi Ariel concluded by mentioning the stance of Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda Kook, which was communicated in a letter by the late Haifa Chief Rabbi She'ar-Yashuv Hacohen, according to which everything possible must be done to restore Jewish control over the Temple Mount. According to him, Rabbi Kook encouraged the establishment of a synagogue on the Temple Mount but asked that it be done through a Chief Rabbinate Council decision. "Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda planned, together with Rabbi She'ar-Yashuv Hacohen, the establishment of a synagogue on the Temple Mount under the direction of the Chief Rabbinate," Rabbi Ariel concluded.

Hostage rescued from Gaza Alive by IDF & Shin Bet


It has been cleared for publication that in a joint operation by the IDF and the Shin Bet, the kidnapped Farhan Kadi, 52, from Rahat, who was abducted by the Hamas terrorist organization to the Gaza Strip on October 7th, was rescued today.

 He was rescued by IDF fighters from Unit Shayetet 13 in a complex rescue operation in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

His medical condition is stable, and he is being transferred for further medical examinations at the hospital.

Al Qadi was brought to Soroka Medical Center, where he is listed in good condition. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to him by phone.

The Hostages Families Forum stated in response to Al Qadi's rescue, " Qaid Farhan Al-Qadi, a 52-year-old Bedouin father of eleven from south of Rahat, was kidnapped on October 7th from his security job at Kibbutz Magen's packing factory. He endured 326 days in captivity."

"Qaid's return home is nothing short of miraculous. However, we must remember: military operations alone cannot free the remaining 108 hostages, who have suffered 326 days of abuse and terror. A negotiated deal is the only way forward. We urgently call on the international community to maintain pressure on Hamas to accept the proposed deal and release all hostages. Every single day in captivity is one too many. The remaining hostages cannot afford to wait for another such miracle," the forum stated.

Ben Gvir Scores Win in Battle with Enraged with Chareidie UTJ & Leftists over Har Habayis


First, the good news: according to Kan 11, for the first time since the summer of 1967, the Ministry of Heritage will finance guided tours of the Temple Mount “to strengthen and stabilize the Old City.” Two million shekels ($543 thousand) will be allocated to the project by Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu (Otzma Yehudit). The tours are expected to start right after the high holidays.

Don’t forget to hit the mikvah first!

The announcement was followed by a furious front-page ad in the Haredi daily Yated Ne’eman, in Arabic and Hebrew, that could have been written by the folks at Toldos Aharon. It states the notorious lie that “all the rulers of Jewish law over the generations forbade severely the ascent of Jews to the Temple Mount (called by the Muslims the Al Aqsa Plaza), and that view has not changed and it continues to hold.”

An outrageous fabricated lie!

Earlier on Monday, National Security Minister and Otzma Yehudit Chairman Itamar Ben Gvir told Army Radio he was looking into establishing a synagogue on the Temple Mount. Yes! Let there be a synagogue for Jews and a mosque for Muslims in the spirit of religious freedom.

Chareidie Cowards In Total Panic As Ben-Gvir Takes more of their Votes so they Condemn Him in Arabic

Chareidim are very naive, and think that if Arabs will know that they prohibit Jews from going up to the Har Habayis, then they will stop raping and killing Jews! No Arab killed a Jew because he went up to the Har Habayit, Arab don't need excuses to kill and rape Jews! 
They think that by writing in Arabic, Arabs will finally understand the difference between Zionist Jews and Anti-Zionist Jews! How naive and downright stupid! 
But in this article is a hidden agenda, they need to make Ben-Gvir looking like an extreme lunatic! 
Why? Because the latest polls show that he made unbelievable inroads into the Chareidie Community, who would vote for him in the coming elections, which will hurt the Chareidei Parties! They need to get rid of him ASAP! 
The Largest Loshon Hara Yated Ne'eman newspaper harshly criticized Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir on Tuesday, with an advertisement featuring Arabic text against Jewish ascent to the Temple Mount appearing on the front page of the newspaper.

"Minister Ben-Gvir repeats folly and endangers the residents of the Land of Israel," reads the front page.

"By the order of our revered rabbis, we state publicly: It is known that according to all Jewish halachic throughout the generations, Jewish ascent to the Temple Mount, referred to by Muslims as 'Al-Aqsa compound,' is strictly forbidden. This view has not changed and remains in force."

Polls show that Ben-Gvir is getting more and more Charedie Votes, and must stop him at all costs! 

Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir was interviewed Monday by Galei Tzahal and said, "The policy allows for prayer on the Temple Mount, and there is an equal law for Jews and Muslims." Ben-Gvir added, "I would establish a synagogue there."

The Prime Minister's Office commented on the proposal: "There is no change in the status quo on the Temple Mount."

Interior Minister Moshe Arbel called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to put Ben-Gvir in his place.

"Prime Minister Netanyahu must immediately act to put Mr. Ben-Gvir in his place regarding his statements this morning about the Temple Mount. His irresponsible remarks test Israel's strategic alliances with Muslim countries that are part of the coalition in the fight against the Iranian axis of evil. His lack of wisdom could cost lives," he said.

Ben-Gvir's associates responded, 'The tireless leftist flatterer Moshe Arbel, who is being promoted by [journalist] Ben Caspit and the extremist left, has been eyeing the position of Supreme Court judge since entering the Knesset. He is an ingratiator to the left, the Arabs, the judicial system, and in the case of the Temple Mount also to Hamas and the Waqf. His constant accusation against Jews creates a security risk. Shas voters voted for the right and got Moshe Meretz Arbel."

Yahya Sinwar Reportedly Disguised As One of His Future Virgins After Abandoning Gaza Tunnels


Israeli intelligence sources revealed that Yahya Sinwar has been hiding among displaced Palestinians in Gaza, disguised as a woman, after abandoning the network of terror tunnels beneath the enclave.

Israeli forces came close to capturing Sinwar during a raid on his Gaza hideout 10 days ago, according to intelligence officials. Brigadier General Dan Goldfus, outgoing commander of the IDF’s 98th Division, said, “We were close. We were in his underground compound. The coffee was still hot.”

Shalom Ben Hanan, a former leader of three divisions within Israel’s Shin Bet security agency, confirmed that Israeli forces have come within minutes of capturing Sinwar more than once. “As we have discovered through other elimination operations, Sinwar will not remain in any underground location for more than 24 to 36 hours,” Ben Hanan explained. “He knows our advanced technology can detect these locations, and he needs to stay on the move to avoid being found.”

Israeli assets in Gaza have reportedly been equipped with instant DNA kits that can confirm Sinwar’s identity within moments during field operations. Additionally, a large reward has been offered for information leading to his capture, with sources noting that Sinwar is deeply unpopular among many Gazans, who blame him for leading the region to ruin.

Rav Baruch Ber Ziemba Lakewood Father Of Seven Drowns In Delaware River


A father of seven tragically lost his life this afternoon after being pulled from the Delaware River.

39 year old Rav Baruch Ber Ziemba, was vacationing with his family in the Poconos when he entered the river to save his child but tragically drowned in the process. Although he was later found and pulled from the water, he did not survive.

Ziemba who was a Rosh Chaburah in BMG, and leaves behind his wife, Temmi, the daughter of Rav Moshe Shimon Luria, and their seven children.

Kamala "Chickening Out" Seeks to Modify Rules for ABC Debate: Requests Notes and Seated Format


Kamala Harris is reportedly attempting to change the agreed-upon rules for the upcoming ABC debate scheduled for September 10. The request, which includes being seated and having access to notes during the live debate, has sparked criticism from political opponents and commentators alike.

According to Jason Miller, a senior advisor for the Trump campaign, the Harris campaign initially agreed to the same set of rules that governed the recent CNN debate. However, Harris’s team is now allegedly asking for alterations to these rules, raising eyebrows across the political spectrum.

“Enough with the games. We accepted the ABC debate under the exact same terms as the CNN debate. The Harris camp, after having already agreed to the CNN rules, asked for a seated debate, with notes, and opening statements. We said no changes to the agreed upon rules,” Miller stated.

Miller didn’t hold back in his criticism, suggesting that the Vice President’s campaign is attempting to shield her from challenging situations. “If Kamala Harris isn’t smart enough to repeat the messaging points her handlers want her to memorize, that’s their problem,” Miller added. “This seems to be a pattern for the Harris campaign. They won’t allow Harris to do interviews, they won’t allow her to do press conferences, and now they want to give her a cheat-sheet for the debate.”

The move is already fueling speculation about the Harris campaign’s confidence heading into the debate. Miller hinted at the possibility that the Harris team might be looking for a way to avoid facing former President Donald Trump in any future debate altogether.

The Harris campaign has yet to officially respond to these claims. However, the debate over the debate rules is likely to continue as the September 10 event approaches.

Harris’s Previous Debate Performance
This development follows Harris’s previous debate, where she faced intense scrutiny over her performance. Critics noted that she often appeared hesitant and struggled to deliver clear, concise answers to some of the most pressing questions. The debate was a significant moment for the Vice President, and her handling of the issues on stage drew mixed reviews from both her supporters and detractors.

Mark Zuckerberg Admits that the Biden-Harris Administration and the FBI Put Pressure on Him To Cover for Biden!


Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has publicly distanced himself from the Biden-Harris administration, expressing regret for the role his company played in censoring Americans on its platforms during their tenure. This admission marks a significant shift in Zuckerberg’s stance on government involvement in content moderation.

Zuckerberg’s comments were delivered in a letter to House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, in which he addressed the controversy surrounding Meta’s handling of content, particularly during the 2020 election cycle. He revealed that Meta had been under pressure from the FBI to moderate content related to the Hunter Biden laptop story, a topic that became a lightning rod for accusations of political censorship. Zuckerberg acknowledged that the FBI’s insistence on labeling the story as “Russian disinformation” influenced Meta’s decision to limit its visibility on platforms like Facebook.

This is not the first time Zuckerberg has spoken out about the government’s involvement in Meta’s content policies. In a previous appearance on “The Joe Rogan Experience,” he disclosed that the FBI’s warnings about potential disinformation led the company to take action against the Hunter Biden story. However, in his recent letter, Zuckerberg emphasized that Meta has since revised its policies to prevent such interventions in the future.

“We’ve changed our policies and processes to make sure this doesn’t happen again,” Zuckerberg wrote. “We no longer temporarily demote things in the U.S. while waiting for fact-checkers.”

In a further departure from his previous political engagements, Zuckerberg also announced that Meta would not be making financial contributions during the upcoming election cycle. This decision underscores his commitment to maintaining a more neutral stance in the contentious political landscape.

Zuckerberg’s remarks are likely to fuel ongoing debates about the role of tech giants in shaping public discourse and the extent to which they should cooperate with government entities. As Meta continues to grapple with its responsibility to balance free expression with the need to combat misinformation, Zuckerberg’s latest statements suggest a move towards a less interventionist approach.

This development also raises questions about the future relationship between Meta and the U.S. government, particularly as the 2024 election cycle approaches. With Zuckerberg pledging to avoid financial contributions and revising content moderation practices, Meta’s role in the political arena may look very different in the years to come.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Long Island Family Finds Interesting Way to Settle a "Ye'rusha" Dispute Without Having to Go to a Bais Din

Five people were killed in a slay-suicide horror on a quiet cul-de-sac in Nassau County on Sunday — days after the family’s matriarch died and kin were set to sell the house, cops and sources said.

All of the victims were shot to death in the tiny blue home on Wyoming Court in Syosset, while the gunman killed himself on the front lawn, Newsday said.

“The mom just died, and they were selling the house,” said Mary Macaluso, a local real-estate agent, noting she was supposed to meet the relatives at the home around noon — but that authorities had closed the street by the time she arrived.

“The kids were all here for the funeral, and they asked me to come to look at the house,’’ Macaluso told the outlet.

She said one of the children had asked her to meet with the family so they’d know what to do before listing the home, which was estimated at being worth nearly $900,000 on Zillow.

They wanted it done quickly, too, because two of the family members had come up from Florida for the funeral and were headed back soon, she said.

The homeowner, identified through public records as Theresa Martha DeLucia, died early last week at the age of 95, according to her obituary.

“It appears to be a murder-suicide,” Patrick Ryder, the commissioner of the Nassau County Police Department, told Newsday at the scene. “We do know that the subject on the front lawn did shoot and kill himself.”


Every Single ‘Rabbi’ for Kamala Harris’ Belongs to an Anti-Israel Group

Democrats have tried to reassure Jewish voters that they have nothing to worry about despite Kamala’s harsh criticism of Israel’s war on Hamas.
To counter those concerns, the Jewish Democratic Council of America, headed by Haile Sofer, Kamala’s old policy adviser, rolled out a ‘Jewish Americans for Kamala Harris’ online rally. But while the Zoom rally flier may feature a photo of Kamala and her husband, Doug Emhoff, awkwardly lighting a menorah, the leading figures in the rally only raise more questions.

The two most prominent non-elected officials taking part in the rally are Randi Weingarten, the head of the American Federation of Teachers union, and her girlfriend, Sharon Kleinbaum.

While Weingarten is best known for her work in keeping school closed leading to as much as a grade point of loss in education, she is militantly anti-Israel and has used antisemitic rhetoric.

In response to a question from the JTA, a liberal Jewish media outlet, about the power of teachers’ unions, Weingarten launched into an antisemitic tirade in which she claimed that “American Jews are now part of the ownership class” who “want to take that ladder of opportunity away from those who do not have it.” The American Jewish Committee had responded with an op-ed urging her to “Counter, Not Inflame, Antisemitism”.

Arab Networks Mock Nasrallah's "Response" to Israeli Pre-emptive Strike


Lindsey Graham Says Israel Should Blow Up Iran’s Oil Refineries


On Sunday, conservative Senator Lindsey Graham said on CNN that Israel should threaten to “blow up” Iran’s oil refineries if Hamas does not release the hostages it kidnapped during its Oct. 7 terrorist attack..

“As to the hostages, I would hold Iran responsible for their well-being,” the South Carolina Republican told CNN’s Jake Tapper.

“If I were the state of Israel, I would tell the ayatollah, that if these people do not come home alive — the ones that are left alive — and if we don’t get the bodies of the fallen, we’re going to blow up your oil refineries,” Graham said. “That’s the only way you’re ever going to get the hostages released is to put pressure on Iran.”

Graham also said that the Hamas attacks were generated “to stop normalization between Saudi Arabia and Israel.”

“It’s a nightmare for Iran and her proxies, for the Arabs and Israelis to reconcile and make peace and take the region in a different direction,” he said.

Graham also discussed the Democratic National Convention, slamming Kamala Harris and the Democrats.

But rather than the “joy” the media claimed, Graham called the DNC a “hate fest” against Republicans.

“It was light on policy, heavy on insults,” said Graham, adding that he has told former President Donald Trump that he will win the election if he focuses on policy.

“Americans are not joyful when they go to the gas station and fill up their car,” he said. “They’re not joyful when they make their mortgage payment. They’re not joyful when they go to the grocery store. People are hurting and this whole joy love fest doesn’t exist in the real world.”

“If you’re waiting on Kamala Harris to come up with new policies, you’re going to die waiting because she will continue what they’ve been doing for the last four years.”

Kamala' Staff Has a 92% Turnover Rate Raises Questions About Her Leadership Style


Kamala Harris has faced growing scrutiny over the high turnover rate among her staff, leading many to question the authenticity of her public persona and leadership style. Since taking office in January 2021, Harris has seen a staggering 92% turnover among her staff, with only 4 out of her original 47 hires remaining.

This alarming rate of staff departures has fueled speculation about the work environment in the Vice President’s office. Critics argue that the “Joy!” campaign, which has been a significant part of Harris’ public image, might not reflect the reality behind closed doors.

Reports from her time as Attorney General of California have resurfaced, painting a picture of a demanding and, at times, authoritarian leadership style. According to Terry McAteer, the father of a former intern, Harris required her staff to stand every morning when she entered the office and address her as “General.”

“Good morning, General,” they were reportedly forced to say, as per McAteer’s account. He further alleged that his son, Gregory McAteer, who interned for Harris, was instructed never to look Harris in the eye or address her directly, as this “privilege” was reserved for senior staff members only.

“Gregory was also given instructions to never address Harris nor look her in the eye as that privilege was only allowed to senior staff members,” McAteer stated.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

'If we stayed in Gaza, Oct. 7 wouldn't have happened,' says general who led evacuation


Even when he commanded the evacuation of Gush Katif, retired Major-General Gershon Hacohen felt it was a mistake. But even in his darkest predictions, he could not have imagined the massacre on October 7.

 In a recent interview, Hacohen claimed that October 7 was made possible because it evacuated the Jewish communities in the Gaza Strip.

Nineteen years after Israel's departure from the Strip, he reflects on the mindset that led to the disaster, the failure of military commanders, the responsibility of the political echelon, the increasing Iranian threat, and the future.

Iran’s leader's pledge of ‘revenge’ against Israel shortly before planned Hezbollah attack ..Israel pre-empted him!

 Last night, Major General Hossein Salami, commander in chief of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC), reiterated Tehran’s pledge to retaliate against Israel for the killing of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh on Iranian soil.

“You will hear good news about revenge, God willing,” Salami said last night during an inspection of a border crossing between Iran and Iraq, as thousands of Shiite pilgrims made their way to the Iraqi city of Karbala for the Arbaeen pilgrimage. A group of pilgrims encircled the commander chanting “Death to Israel,” the Iranian news agency IRNA reports.

According to US officials who spoke with The Washington Post last week, Iran may have been convinced to delay a direct attack on Israel, deterred by an enormous US military buildup in the region, but was encouraging Hezbollah to launch a strike.

Last night, some 100 IAF fighter jets conducted a preemptive strike against thousands of Hezbollah rocket launchers, as the Lebanese terror group was about to launch its response to the killing of its military commander Fuad Shukr in an Israeli airstrike on Beirut last month. Hezbollah claimed it fired over 320 rockets and drones at northern Israel.

Fearless Gedoilei Hador Launch Massive "Kol Korah" Campaign to Back Ben-Gvir's Ascention to Har Habayis

Chareidim think that they have the correct mesorah, and that they have the monopoly on "gedoilim" and halacha! 

Nothing could be further than the truth! 
There are hundreds of Gedoilim who are very well respected and who have knowledge of Kol Ha'Torah Kulah, but are very humble and try to stay out of the limelight! 

They finally had enough, and started a massive campaign to disabuse the "oilim goilim" of their brainwashed understanding of the Halachos of going up to the Har Habayis! 

All Israeli frum Hebrew printed media were swamped with full-page ads (see below) praising the courage of Ben-Gvir to ascend to the Har Habyis, and stating the fact that he is backed by Gedoilei Yisrael! 
Of course the Charedie Loshon Hara newspapers like Yated, Hapeles, Hamodia refused to carry the Kol Koras! 
However Hebrew Newspapers like
 "עולם קטן,שבתון,שביעי,קרוב אליך,נופשים, מצב הרוח,
גילו דעת,
 all carried and featured the full page Kol Korah!

Of course every frum Jew should consult with his own rabbi, but know that Ben Gvir has his rabbanim and poiskim and he consulted with them! 

Most Chareidie Gedoilim have no clue where one can go or can't go on the Har Habayis they just sign because others have signed, and some are outright "ama-ratzim!"

The latest Kol Koras against Ben-Gvir's ascension was all political!

 The Gedoilim don't really care if Ben-Gvir is over "safek karos" by going up! Is there ONE Chareidie Torah leader who cares about Ben-Gvir's neshama? One? 
No one cares, Ben-Gvir has been going up every month for years, why the sudden barrage of condemnations?

Votes!!!!! again ... Votes! 

All the gedoilim that signed that Kol Korah against him in the Yated, are affiliated and head Chareidie parties!
 Ben-Gvir's party is getting stronger every day and is taking votes from Chareidie parties, making them weaker and weaker. 
So they teamed up with Lapid and other leftists to make Ben-Gvir into a crazed rightest fanatic! 
What does Ben-Gvir really want?
He wants security! He wants a Jew to be able to pray anywhere he wants in his own country! He wants to expand Jewish settlements in Eretz Yisrael..... this makes him a crazed fanatic?  

Finally Gedoilim with brains are fed up with these Chareidie leaders and are fighting back and openly supporting Ben-Gvir! 

The Chazon Ish Used a Jew as a Shabbos Goy for years and even Sold him the Chametz!

The Touro "Tzaddik" Mendy Kiwak Will Continue Teaching Even though He keeps Feeling Up Married Women! !

Mendy Kiwak and his "Shvigger" Faye Walkernfeld

 A Touro University adjunct professor who was charged with sexually abusing a patient is scheduled to return to the classroom next month and, bizarrely, teach a class on ethics, The Post has learned.

An online schedule of classes listed Menachem “Mendy” Kiwak as the instructor of two fall courses on “Professional, Legal & Ethical Issues in Counseling” — one online and one at an unspecified “offsite” location.

“It’s an absolute travesty,” said a fellow Touro professor. “I am surprised that Touro is allowing him to continue teaching given the nature of the charges.”

Kiwak was charged in May with sexual abuse, harassment and forcible touching.

He pleaded not guilty. He was allowed to finish out the school year, sources said.

The colleague said Touro officials have never addressed the scandal with students or faculty — and suggested that Kiwak is protected by his mother-in-law, Faye Walkenfeld, who chairs the behavioral sciences department in which Kiwak works.

“I have no doubt that if his mother-in-law wasn’t a big shot in the college, he would have been gone by now,” said the prof, who requested anonymity out of fear of retaliation.

A few months before Kiwak’s arrest, the accuser’s advocate informed Walkenfeld of her allegations as well as complaints by female students that he used sex slang and profanity and discussed porn in classes, and once argued there is no such thing as marital rape. 

The alleged sex-abuse victim, who had no connection to Touro, first sought private counseling from Kiwak because she was the victim of sexual assault.

She accuses him of coercing her into having sex with him several times.

The Post obtained a recording of Kiwak speaking with the woman and her husband.

At one point, Kiwak seemingly apologizes for the sexual contact.

“I’m sorry that I took advantage and that I’m hurting, that I’ve hurt you. I know you’re angry and that you’re pissed at me. But I promise you, it’s the worst I’ve ever fallen in my life. In my life.”

After The Post’s inquiry to Touro on Friday morning, spokesman Jordan Isenstadt said Kiwak “is not scheduled to work this semester” and remains on “administrative leave.” 

However, a check of Touro’s class schedule late Friday showed Kiwak still listed as the instructor of the same online course for 20 students –19 already registered — on Mondays from 5 pm to 7:40.

Asked to clarify whether Kiwak is permitted to work in the upcoming semester and teach online, Isenstadt did not respond.

Kiwak’s lawyer declined to comment.

Kiwak holds a mental health counseling license in New York and a professional counselor license as a marriage and family therapist in New Jersey. 

The sexual-abuse victim filed a complaint against Kiwak with the New York State Office of Professional Discipline, which investigates complaints alleging sexual misconduct.

A finding of misconduct can result in disciplinary action, including fines, suspension or license revocation.