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Thursday, August 15, 2024

EXPOSED: Iran is helping Kamala’s campaign


The two-track Iranian plan to either kill or defeat Trump is everything that the media falsely claimed about Russia and the 2016 election.

By Daniel Greenfield, Frontpage Magazine

With headlines like “Harris Surges Ahead: A New Era of Democratic Enthusiasm and Opportunity” and “Former Friend Exposes JD Vance’s Radical Transformation: A Study in Political Opportunism”, you might mistake NioThinker for another mainstream media outlet.

Only the occasional odd word choice and a convoluted bit of grammar hints that the digital media site flowing with enthusiasm for Kamala and contempt for Trump isn’t really American.

Classified as part of Iran’s ‘Storm-2035’ network: NioThinker is an enemy operation.

Why is an Islamic terrorist state spending its time putting up articles like “Trump Silent After Fox News Poll Favors Harris in Swing States” and “Pelosi Can’t Stop Laughing At Trump’s Choice’ Of J.D. Vance For VP”.

Like everything else Iran does, it’s a strategic choice. Iran has been boosting Biden-Harris while doing everything possible to undermine Trump.

Israel responds to European support for Palestinian state by approving new settlement in Judea


Nahal Heletz, one of five new towns planned in Judea and Samaria, will create continuity of Israeli control from Jerusalem through to the Gush Etzion area.

By World Israel News Staff

Israeli defense authorities gave approval for the establishment of a new Jewish town south of Jerusalem in Judea Wednesday.

The Israeli defense ministry’s Civil Administration, the governing authority in the roughly 60% of Judea and Samaria under full Israeli control, finalized the municipal boundaries for the new town of Nahal Heletz, which will be built as part of the Gush Etzion bloc south of the capital.

Once completed, Nahal Heletz and another new planned town, Sde Boaz, will create territorial continuity of Israeli townships between Jerusalem and the existing Gush Etzion bloc.

The Israeli government voted to green light the establishment of five new recognized towns in Judea and Samaria in late June, in response to European states recognizing unilateral Palestinian statehood.

In addition to Nahal Heletz, towns selected for recognition include Evyatar, Givat Assaf, and Sadeh Efraim in Samaria, and Adoraim in Judea.

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich (Religious Zionist Party), who also serves as Minister in the Defense Ministry, with authority over settlement affairs inside the ministry, celebrated the finalizing of municipal boundaries for Nahal Heletz as a “historic moment” for the settlement movement.

“About two months ago the security cabinet approved my proposal for the establishment of five new towns in Judea and Samaria,” Smotrich tweeted Wednesday.

“Through combined work of the Ministry of Defense and the Civil Administration, they have put in much effort to implement the decision and, among others, promoted the outline of Nahal Heletz, that will be part of the continued momentum and construction of Jewish towns and villages.”

“No anti-Israel and anti-Zionist decision will stop the further development of Jewish construction. We will continue to fight the dangerous idea of ​​a Palestinian state and establish facts on the ground.”

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Iran Blackmailing Netanyahu into Surrendering Gaza or Facing Massive Retribution


So, why hasn’t Iran avenged the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh on its territory last July 31?

Suleiman Maswadeh, Kan11’s Israeli Arab correspondent (he was born in the Muslim quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem) suggested Tuesday night that maybe the reason why the attack on Israel by Iran and its affiliates has not been carried out so far is because the joint preparation between Iran and Hezbollah regarding the attack has not yet been completed.

In other words, they haven’t attacked because they’re not sure when and how to attack. Should Iran attack first and be followed by Hezbollah? Should they attack together? Either way, both Shiite allies would receive a devastating response from Israel and, hopefully, from the US armada parked on Israel’s shore. But the keener question is when to attack Israel.

Erdan at UN: 'You convened for these terrorists, but not for the children of Majdal Shams'


The UN Security Council convened for an urgent session, at the request of Algeria, regarding the IDF’s strike on the Al-Taba’een school in Gaza. Israel's ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, presented the Council with images of the Hamas terrorists who were eliminated in the school. Strongly criticizing the Council, he remarked: “You convened for these terrorists who used a school as their terror base, but for the children of Majdal Shams, murdered by Hezbollah’s rocket fire, you couldn’t find the time for an urgent session! Shame on you!”

Erdan presented the UN with images of the Hamas terrorists who were the target of the strike in Gaza, as well as images of the Israeli children who were murdered in Majdal Shams, and sharply criticized the Security Council: “The Council convened today to discuss Hamas’ false claims. Shockingly, it seems that you have decided to dedicate your time to listen to the terrorists’ lies while no real concern has been shown when Israeli children were murdered recently be Hezbollah.”u

He also displayed a board with the faces of the children who were murdered by a Hezbollah missile in Majdal Shams: 

“While those terrorists used a school as their terror base, these children will never see their school again. But for them, you couldn’t find the time for an urgent session! Shame on you!”

In addition, he further criticized the Council for its disregard of the threat of an Iranian attack against Israel, stressing, “The most unbelievable thing is your inaction to condemn and stop the biggest danger and threat to the entire region: Iran.”

“Right now, millions of Israelis are preparing for a direct Iranian attack, just as they did in April. Iran’s aggression threatens the entire region with war. Yet, you are here wasting time on falsehoods spread by the words of terrorists.”

Massive cyber-attack on Iran's major banks


A massive cyber attack has hit major banks in Iran, including the Central Bank of Iran, London-based Iranian opposition-affiliated Iran International reported on Wednesday

The attack significantly disrupted the financial activities in the country and it is still unclear if the Iranians have managed to overcome it. It caused most ATMs to stop working, not only in Tehran but in various other cities as well.

According to the report, this is one of the largest cyber attacks against Iranian infrastructure ever.

According to foreign reports, Israel has carried out cyber attacks against Iranian infrastructure in the past, including train stations and gas stations.

Iranian citizens are reporting the following message appearing on ATMs due to the cyberattack:

"Dear Customers,
It is not possible to withdraw money from this ATM.
This is because all of Iran's budget and national resources have been allocated to wars and the corrupt religious leaders of the Islamic Republic regime.
We deeply apologize."

According to new evidence! The terrorist was NOT injured by a blunt object ... All a Lie by the prosecution! ...Solders will be released soon

 New medical evidence in the case of the alleged abuse of Nukhba terrorists at the Sde Teiman military base significantly challenges the military prosecution, Kan News reported on Wednesday.

According to the evidence, there is no proof indicating that the terrorist was injured by a blunt object. In addition, there is strong criticism of the young investigators, who claim that they are not experts in anatomy and medicine, which led to severe mistakes during the investigation.

The Military Defense announced on Tuesday that it reached an agreement with the prosecution for the release of the five suspects to house arrest in view of the expected continuation of the investigation.

At the same time, it was announced that the director of the Sde Teiman detention facility infirmary, who served as the infirmary's commander at the time of the incident, was summoned to testify to the Military Police Investigations Unit. He only testified on Wednesday. Until now, the commander has not been summoned, even though he was responsible for the terrorist's treatment, and was only summoned following another testimony and pressure by the suspects' defense.

When you are on a date make sure you know when "Shkiyah" Is!


Why Chareidim are Suddenly Going After Ben Gvir.... Do they really care why he may be violating a "Safek Kareis?"


Harav Yair Lapid 

Harav Ovadia Yosef z"l Referring to Lapid as "Ashmedei" a demon!

הרב הצדיק יאיר לפיד חושש מכרת וזועק כי אסור לעלות להר הבית

 - ומביא כהוכחה את הרב הצדיק אריה דרעי

Ben Gvir with Chassidim on Har Habyis 

Chareidim don't really care whether Ben Gvir or those going up to the Har Habyis are being over a " Safeik Karis"! They could care less! You think that they are losing sleep over Ben Gvir's Olam Haba? 

Did the Gedoilim who condemned Ben Gvir, condemn the Gay Parade in Yerushalayim? 
Do they protest Chillul Shabbos? 
Years ago Harav Amrom Blau z"l protested every shabbos against chillul shabbos, today not a peep! Harav Arye Levin z"l would go every erev Shabbos to stores and try to convince to keep stores closed! 

 Today the spiritual leaders of Chareidim  don't really care about Jews that don't look like them, that violate Shabbos to which there is a definitive capital punishment! They invite politicians that openly are mechelei shabbos  during elections to pander and chanfeh them! They sit with them in the Knesset and shmooze all the time, and they aren't the least concerned about their olam habah!

If they really cared about Ben Gvir as a fellow Jew and were really concerned about his olam habah, they would have invited him over to discuss this like civilized mentchin, but instead, they condemned him in their Loshon Hara rags! 

So what happened? Why are they getting involved now? Why, Ben Gvir has been going up to the Har Habayis for years! 

Read what I wrote a couple of days ago and you will see that this is all about politics, it has nothing to do with Hashem, it has nothing to do with "safeik karis" It's all about votes! 

It all started with hypocritical Loshon Hara paper the Hebrew Yated, denouncing Ben Gvir's ascension to the Har Habyis on Tisha Be'ov! 
Over 3,000 frum Jews including Belzer Chassidim ascended!

On Sunday Aug 11 we posted a well-researched article that going up to the Har Habayis has been a tradition going back at least a thousand years and that the Rambam himself davened on the Har Habayis! (Note: Follow your own Rabbi's Psak)

It is interesting that the Yated trying to support their position that it is prohibited to ascend to the Har Habyis, quotes Harav Avraham Yitzchok Kook z"l who prohibited it! 
This would be laughable if it weren't so tragic, they have absolutely no respect for Harav Kook z"l and zero respect for Harav Aviner shlitah who also prohibits it, but that doesn't stop these hypocrites from bringing support to their position from Gedoilim they hate and actually curse!

In their article denouncing Ben Gvir they denigrate and mock Ben Gvir's Gedoilim! 
When their Charedie Gedoilim are mocked and ridiculed they scream and bark that it is prohibited to be "mevazeh a Talmud Chachim" but they have no problem attacking those Gedoilim that don't agree with them! 

Normally they would ignore Ben Gvir, so why not ignore him now?
Great question! I love my readers' sincere interest in learning the facts!

Ben Gvir is a threat to the rest of the Chareidie parties! 
Ramat Beit Shemesh Alef and the Sheinfeld areas in Beit Shemesh voted overwhelmingly for Ben Gvir in the last two national elections. This is significant since it seems that all new Olim vote for Ben Gvir. Between Ben Gvir and Smotrich they have 14 seats! This means that Chareidim in Bnei-Brak and Yerushalayim are fed up with Deri and Gafni and must also be voting for Ben Gvir! Wow! Their own people are voting for Ben Gvir!!!!

Litvaks were running so scared that they would be losing seats that they schlepped out R' Chaim Kanievski z"l from Bnei--Brak, dragged him kicking and screaming to a huge rally in Yerushalayim! I had reported then about that rally where R' Chaim z"l on an open mike asked his grandchild Yankie "Vus tee ich doo" "what am I doing here?"
So the enemies the Chassidim and the "kalteh litvaks" decided to band together and recruit Harav Hazadik Yair Lapid Shlitah to their cause to make Ben Gvir look like a lunatic! The enemy of my enemy is my friend! 

They now saw an opportunity to show their own who are sympathizing with Ben Gvir, that he is a bono-fide "lunatic" and that he defies Chareidie Rabbis and goes up to the Har Habayis. They are showing them that Ben Gvir "is not one of us" .. 
Truth be told... They don't really care if anyone goes up, and they don't care if Ben Gvir goes up as he goes up every week and they say nothing, but this is a golden opportunity!
Will this work? Only time will tell!

Just weeks ago Belz, Stolin and Viznitz announced that will allow in their Yeshivois secular studies starting this coming Zman! 
The Yated blasted this decision; according to the hypocrites this went against  Mesorah (a lie), and brought their big guns Rav Landau, Rav Hirsch to denounce the Chassidim. R' Landau and R' Hirsch were only too happy to oblige the Yated as there is no lost love between them and chassidim, ; 
Belz and Stolin laughed at them and said that they "don't need kalteh Litvaks to tell them what their mesorah is, and that they are doing this with the Haskama of their own Gedoilim! Interesting that only the kalteh litvaks invoked their worn-out mantra "Daas Torah" but what they ignore is that Chassidim have their own "Daas Torah"  

Ben Gvir is also a threat to Chassidim because according to their own internal studies, their very own Chassidim are fed up with Shas, Degel and the Aguda parties and are abandoning them and turning and voting for Ben Gvir and Smotrich, in the last election many Charedim voted for Ben Gvir and Smotrich!

But what we see from this incident is the following:
#1 Chareidim won't allow others to be Mevazeh their Talmedei Chachim, but they have no qualms mocking and being Mevazeh Talmedei Chachmim that oppose their view in a public forum...see video below!
#2 They will bring Gedoilie Yisrael such as Harav Kook z"l and ybl"c Harav Aviner Shlitha to support their view, though they ridicule and mock them all the time! In fact, they erased Harav Kook z"l from the Charedie establishment altogether! 
#3 They will team up with far-leftists like Yair Lapid who hates their guts, and sit down with them in private discussions to try to oust their threat ... Ben Gvir! 
#4 Chassidim and the Litvaks who hate each other's guts will team up to try to eliminate their common enemy! 

Below watch a video of Chareidim Being Mevazeh a Gadol BeYisrael Harav Leibil Shlitah because he refuses to follow their psaks! 

Tisha Be'Ov is over back to Sinas Chinim!! 

Israel should finish off Hamas and resist the Biden-Harris demands for concessions to terrorists

Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s planned Mideast trip will mean more pressure on Israel to make concessions to Hamas, yet Jerusalem’s best course is to push on and finish off the terrorists.

The IDF has made significant progress, and Israel musn’t agree to anything that could jeopardize victory.

At this point, Hamas’ central goal is simply to hang on long enough for Kamala Harris to win in November and then save it from final eradication.

Iran is helping out: Its officials now claim Tehran will shelve plans to retaliate against Israel for killing Hamas boss Ismail Haniyeh if Jerusalem engages in good-faith cease-fire talks.

Meanwhile, Hamas boss Yahya Sinwar is reportedly demanding Israel cease fire now as a precondition for cease-fire talks, which would give him immediate breathing room and let him stretch out the talks for months.

In fact, Iran actually wants an excuse to hold off: It fears losing face if it doesn’t respond to the killing of Haniyah in Tehran, but its last strike at Israel was an embarrassing bust.

And if it escalates now, it risks an IDF counter-strike that could smash its oil industry, costing the regime big-time and potentially feeding mass unrest.

Israel’s destruction of Hamas may be slower than the world would like, but it’s been constant, steady and, indeed, laudable.

Lately, it’s taken out several key leaders, including Haniyeh and Hamas’ military chief in Gaza, Mohammed Deif.

Every day seems to bring a new operation that eliminates more top terrorists; why stop now?

Not to avoid an Iranian attack: Again, it’s Iran looking for an excuse to de-escalate — it wants Israel exclusively engaged with its puppets.

Meanwhile, Sinwar is nothing but an arm of Iran; his only goal is to keep Hamas alive so it can regain control of Gaza, rearm and prepare for the next Oct. 7.

Alas, President Biden and Veep Kamala Harris are OK with that.

They’re desperate for a cease-fire on almost any terms to appease the Democratic Party’s left wing, which is all-in to save Hamas.

That’s why they insist Hamas has been sufficiently wounded, and it’s time to end the war; why they claim “too many civilians” have died, without even knowing the number and while ignoring Israel’s painstaking attempts to minimize casualties.

We note that we have not once heard Biden or Harris demand Hamas stop using Gazans as human shields.

Iran’s “give us reason not to shoot” bluff, and Sinwar’s “stop attacking and then I’ll talk” stances are aimed directly at Washington, to fool it into squeezing Israel to let Hamas off the hook.

A cease-fire that doesn’t immediately bring the release of the remaining hostages simply lets Sinwar hold onto them and string out the talks indefinitely until a President Harris rides to Hamas’ longer-term rescue.

If they can maneuver Blinken into pushing Israel to give up the Philadelphia Corridor separating Gaza from Egypt, all the better: That’ll let Hamas recover even faster.

The broader American public still supports Jerusalem’s war goals: Rescue the hostages, destroy Hamas and ensure that Gaza can never again become a launching pad for terror attacks.

Israel needs to stand tough as Blinken, Biden and Harris try to bully it into sacrificing its security needs to their partisan domestic political needs.

Israel to begin manufacturing aircraft munitions

Israel will soon begin to manufacture heavy bombs for the air force to overcome supply delays and establish independence in weapons development.

Leftist Ehud Barak, as chief of IDF staff and prime minister, touted a perverted doctrine by which Israel could depend on the United States for arms. Israel accordingly drastically reduced its domestic military production capabilities and nearly everything that it had produced domestically—from uniforms to rifles to bullets, to artillery and tank shells—was shut down and the contracts moved to the United States.

According to Israel Hayom, one of the most significant lessons Israel has drawn from the war is that it must manufacture and develop critical munitions for the IDF by itself.

Until now, Israel purchased many of its munitions from foreign countries, with emphasis on the United States, but now, according to the report, it has decided to develop and manufacture heavy-weight bombs for the Air Force, including one-ton bombs similar to the American MK-84, whose supply has been delayed for several months by direct order of the White House.

The development and production of the new bombs is expected to take between two and three years.

Concurrently, the Ministry of Defense is expanding the domestic production of additional munitions, including tank ammunition (of which there is a shortage worldwide) and 155mm artillery shells. Recently, the Ministry announced a series of mega-deals, including a 1.5 billion shekel deal with Elbit for the purchase of ammunition, and the establishment of a dedicated plant for this purpose at Ramat Baka.

Prior to that, the Ministry of Defense announced another deal with Elbit Systems, for the purchase of 815 million shekels worth of Iron Sting mortar shells - a precision mortar shell that combines laser guidance and GPS. Plans are being made to maintain minimal production lines over time, in order to preserve the ability to increase production in case of need.

Additional heavy armored vehicles will also be developed, including Merkava tanks and Namer and Eitan APCs, made more urgent by the intent to open a new division.

Prior to the war, armored fighting vehicles were being produced at a rate of about 24 per year, and now production would be stepped up. In addition, as soon as possible, a comprehensive rehabilitation and maintenance program would be undertaken for the armored fighting vehicles that had been used by the IDF in the war.

In addition, the IDF is awaiting the approval of the Cabinet Committee on Procurement for the purchase of a new F-15 squadron from the United States and new Rafael-class ships for the Navy.

Deri and Yair Lapid Get Together to Promote Law Prohibiting Ascent to Har Habayis!


Opposition Leader Extreme-Leftist and anti-Torah Yair Lapid and Shas Party Chairman Aryeh Deri, an ex-con who did time in prison, have spoken in recent days, for the first time in ten years, to jointly promote a bill that would adopt Rabbi Ovadia Yosef's halachic ruling, prohibiting Jews from ascending the Temple Mount, Channel 12 News reported.

According to the report, the unusual collaboration resulted from the tensions between Minister Itamar Ben Gvir and the haredi parties, following his ascent to the Temple Mount.

In the conversation that took place between the two rival politicians, Aryeh Deri agreed to support Yesh Atid's bill, that would only be submitted after the break, during the next Knesset session.

MK Amit Halevi of the Likud responded to the announcement:

 "Even a joint vote by the Knesset members of Shas and Yesh Atid together will not turn this great mitzvah into a prohibition. There is no Rabbi, including Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, who thinks that those who go up to the areas built by Herod on the Temple Mount and pray there violate any prohibition, and therefore he also allowed individuals to ascend as permitted by Jewish law."

"The only thing that will come out of such a collaboration is a reward for the enemies of G-d, who are the enemies of Israel and humanity. In today's circumstances, where the most sacred site for Jews has been hijacked and turned into the center of a religion that calls for murder and barbarism supposedly in the name of G-d, it is of great importance to go up to the mountain and return it to its rightful owners, so that it can once again become a divine beacon and a source of blessing and world peace. I call on the Shas Knesset members to vote with their feet and join those that ascend the Temple Mount as permitted by Jewish law, instead of voting with their hands with Yesh Atid Knesset members against the tenets of Jewish tradition," MK Halevi said.

Over 3,000 Frum Jews Go Up to Har Habyis on Tisha Be'ov ...First Time so many people Since the Churban


 Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir on Tisha Be'ov visited the Har Habyit in Jerusalem, where he said his policy was to allow Jewish prayer at Judaism’s holiest site.

“We are here on Tisha B’Av, at the Temple Mount, to commemorate the destruction of the Holy Temple. As I said—our policy is to allow prayer,” he said.

The minister added that he had visited the Temple Mount to pray for “the return of the hostages, the peace of the soldiers and victory in the war.”

Fellow Otzma Yehudit Party member and Development of the Periphery, the Negev and the Galilee Minister Yitzhak Wasserlauf joined Ben-Gvir, along with hundreds of other Jewish worshippers. Dozens of Frum people  prostrated themselves in prayer, in violation of the status quo that forbids Jews from praying on the Temple Mount.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Why Charedidim Don't Listen to the Ne'vieem, the Prophets!

 As a Torah Jew, I am quite disturbed by a number of things I’ve seen lately, posted supposedly in the name of Gedolei Yisrael: signs saying that the legs of soldiers are being blown off for the sins of women uncovering their legs, calls for Jewish women to cover more to save Israeli soldiers or take off their wigs for the salvation of Israel, as if these women are causing our fathers, brothers, and cousins deaths!

Also disturbing is the idea being promoted that men need to spend all of their time learning Torah, even at the expense of helping soldiers, going as far as explicitly calling for yeshiva students to avoid visiting them in hospitals.

We are at war. Jews around the world are up against the worst anti-Semitism in years and the best our Torah leaders can do is tell women to cover themselves? Blaming women for the horrible injuries our soldiers are facing? 

At the same time, many Rabbonim are absolving those learning in Yeshiva and Kollel of all personal responsibility, insisting that they have no need to help in any direct way, and should simply continue life as usual, with perhaps adding a few more minutes to their Torah learning and saying an extra paragraph or two of Tehillim.

Did Biden Provide Iran with a List of the Mossad Agents in Iran Involved in the Assassination of Haniyeh? Fox News Says Yes!!

Biden-Harris appeasement didn't delay Iran retaliation against Israel. 
Here's what really happened!
It is clear that something else influenced Iran's decisions, not US diplomacy

 By Amir Fakhravar Fox News
Published August 12, 2024 

On Wednesday, July 31, 2024, at 2 a.m., the leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, was assassinated in Tehran, just a day after Fuad Shukr, the most powerful military commander of Hezbollah, was killed in an Israeli strike in Beirut, Lebanon.

Shukr was wanted by the U.S. for 41 years, with a $5 million "Rewards for Justice" bounty for any information about him due to his central role in the 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marine Corps barracks in Beirut, which killed 241 U.S. military personnel and wounded 128 others.  
Haniyeh also directed and celebrated the Oct. 7 attack on Israel, which resulted in the killing of 1,200 people and over 300 days of hostage-taking of hundreds, including Americans, by Hamas.

Now for the shocker!!!!!!
Kuwait’s Al-Jarida newspaper, citing an unnamed source in Iran's Supreme National Security Council, reported that a high-level American security delegation, brokered by Oman, secretly traveled to Tehran.

It was reported that a high-level American security delegation, brokered by Oman, secretly traveled to Tehran.

Their mission was to deliver a "calming and cautionary" message to deescalate the situation and ensure the supreme leader of Iran understood that the Biden-Harris administration was "kept in the dark" by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu regarding the killing of two major terrorist leaders last week.

The detailed report stated that the American delegation, arriving on a private plane from Turkey, landed at Payam-e-Khorram Airport in Karaj on Thursday and held a two-hour meeting with Iranian officials before returning to Ankara.

According to the same report, 
"the delegation presented a list containing the names of ten Mossad agents inside Iran, whom the Americans believe were involved in the assassination, directly or indirectly. This was intended as a good faith initiative in response to the Israeli state's stunning strike, which was carried out without coordination with Washington." It could be one of the most valuable souvenirs given to the Iranian mullahs lately.

Although the U.S. State Department rejected the report on Sunday, later in the week, Secretary of State Antony Blinken admitted that to deescalate the conflict, the Biden administration had "engaged in intense diplomacy with allies and partners, communicating that message directly to Iran," which largely confirms the Kuwaiti newspaper's report.

Additionally, immediately after the reported visit by the U.S. delegation, "more than two dozen people, including senior intelligence officers, military officials, and staff workers at a military-run guesthouse in Tehran," were arrested in response to the assassination of the Hamas leader, according to the New York Times based on reports from two Iranians familiar with the investigation.

Iran delayed its retaliation attacks on Israel, a move for which some in the Biden administration claimed credit. However, on Monday, Aug. 5, 2024, two major events clearly demonstrated that the supreme leader of Iran did not respect the Biden administration's pleas for deescalation and did not appreciate the American overtures. On that day, Iran-backed militias in Iraq attacked an American Army base, injuring five U.S. troops and two contractors.

Simultaneously, a high-ranking Russian delegation, led by Sergei Shoigu, the secretary of Russia's Security Council and a senior ally of Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin, visited Iran. The delegation included Russia’s defense ministers and several Russian army generals, who met with Tehran's top leaders.

They delivered Putin’s direct message to his minion the Comrade Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, ordering him not to act recklessly by attacking Israel with outdated missiles as they did on April 13, an act that resulted in humiliation. Putin promised to soon deliver advanced weapons, including air defenses, to Iran.

Additionally, the Islamic regime of Pakistan announced plans to provide Iran with advanced ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads, in case the supreme leader decides to launch a nuclear attack on Israel.

It is clear that it was not U.S. diplomacy that worked but rather Russian military and intelligence advice/orders that influenced Iran's decisions.

We are on the brink of World War III. Russia and China’s Communist Party are setting their war chessboard. Iran’s regime is likely to attack Israel with a nuclear bomb soon unless Israel, with the help of America, destroys all nuclear and missile facilities of Iran, thereby giving the Iranian people an opportunity to overthrow the weakened regime of the mullahs.

Meet the people Preparing the Keilim for the Third Bais Hamikdash NOW!


Powerful AI movie about the destruction of Jerusalem and our temple and the rise of Jerusalem after it