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Thursday, March 7, 2024

John Kerry mocked as ‘climate clown’ for suggesting world would ‘feel better’ about Ukraine war if Russia cut emissions


 resident Biden’s outgoing climate czar, John Kerry, is being mocked for suggesting that the world might “feel better” about the ongoing bloodshed in the Ukraine war if Russia cut its emissions.

“Russia is one of the largest emitters in the world. If Russia wanted to show good faith, they could go out and announce what their reductions are going to be and make a greater effort to reduce emissions,” Kerry, 80, said during a foreign press briefing in Washington, DC, on Tuesday.

“Maybe that would open up the door for people to feel better about what Russia is choosing to do at this point in time.”

The backlash against Kerry, who made the remarks a day before officially stepping down as Biden’s special presidential envoy for climate on Wednesday, was swift.

“At this point, the Biden admin is like a continuous SNL skit,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) tweeted alongside a clip of the climate czar’s comments.

“I had to listen to this three times to make sure Kerry really said this. And he did. Embarrassing beyond words, and quite frankly, utterly offensive!” International Legal Forum CEO Arsen Ostrovsky wrote on X.

Radio host Buck Sexton also chimed in, tweeting: “The insane gibberish of a climate fanatic.”

Others piled on, with one social media user calling Kerry a “raving lunatic” and a “climate clown.”

“Just when you think this administration can’t say anything stupider… John Kerry thinks if Russia would just announce what they are doing to reduce emissions then people would feel better about them killing Ukrainians,” another user tweeted.

Kerry’s controversial comments came after a Russian news agency reporter probed him about the US-Russian relationship tied to his climate agenda.

“I believe that Russia has the ability to be able to make enormous changes in what they really want to do. I mean, if Russia has the ability to wage a war illegally and invade another country, they ought to find the effort to be responsible on the climate issue,” the climate czar responded.

“Unfortunately, because of the actions that Russia took in an unprovoked, illegal war against another nation, we have not been engaged in discussions with Russia,” he continued.

“Sadly, and I say sadly, obviously, because it’s a loss for the world not to be able to have Russia acting constructively on this issue, but we need every country, including Russia.”

Kerry, a former secretary of state and onetime Democratic presidential candidate, announced last month he was stepping down from the role after serving as Biden’s top climate diplomat since 2021.

Video of "Rosh Hakahal" of a Church Who Drew a Swastika on Leah Grossman's Package Goes National!


Rep Chuck Fleischmann tells off Pro-Hamas harrasing him in the Capital


Kindly email him to express your support 

Address Lookup | Congressman Chuck Fleischmann (house.gov)

'We are ready': Iranian people send message of support to Israel

 Iranian opposition activists placed banners showing support for Israel on a pedestrian bridge at the entrance to Tehran. The message refers to Vahid Beheshti's visit to Israel, an Iranian opposition activist who came to the Israeli Knesset in January as a guest of the Israel Middle East Forum.   

Vahid Beheshti said: "The message is 'We are ready.' The Iranians are saying that they are ready for an Israeli attack that will crush the Ayatollah regime, and then the Iranian people will join and help bring down the regime. On my last trip to Israel, as the first Iranian to speak in the Knesset, I stated that the only way to achieve peace in the region is to eliminate the Islamic Republic. We have an army of 80 million Iranians who are thirsty for freedom and democracy to meet them. 

I also emphasized targeting the main officials of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corp, nuclear sites, and the regime headquarters within Iran. Referring to my statements in the Israeli parliament, the brave people of Iran expressed their demand for support in fighting against terrorists of the Islamic Republic."

Chareidim Say that Ousting Beit Shemesh Mayor Dr. Aliza Bloch is a "Milchemes Mitzvah"


Chareidie Parties in Beit Shemesh say they want achdus and want all to back Shmuel Grinberg as the new Mayor.
But this "achdus" is a bald-faced lie, because if they really wanted "achdus" why couldn't they have "achdus" uniting to elect the present Mayor? It's not at all about "achdus!" 
They are also spreading rumors that it was Dr Bloch that removed the caravans that Chassidim illegally used for shuls, but what they don't tell you is that the one making those decisions was none other than Shimon Goldberg 
a Belzer Chusid who sits as the minister of housing in Beit Shemesh. We have a recording of him being confronted by Beit Shemesh residents and him saying that he can't do anything and the mayor cannot do anything because this is a "court thing." 

Now the Degel and Aguda parties are saying that fighting Aliza Bloch is a "Milchemes Mitzvah!"
A Milchemes Mitzvah???????
I'll tell you what is a Milchemes Mitzva is, it is putting your children in uniform and sending them to Gaza, that's a Milchemes Mitzvah!!!!!!
What chutzpah??? What Nerve?
 She has been nothing but kind to Chareidim, beautifying their areas, and bending over backward to please them, and even refused to prosecute the protestors and the ones who vandalized .... as they say, "no good dead goes unpunished!"

They will probably win, corruption and chaos will return to be part of Beit Shemesh! 
If that happens I will seriously consider re-locating, in Israel, of course!

Pro-Hamas Carrot Head Goes Berserk


Introducing the next President of the USA and the Next VP


Our Enemies Sing "Am Yisrael Chai"


MSNBC trio yukking it up at voters’ immigration concerns shows just how out of touch they are


 President Trump should thank this terrible trio in his acceptance speech come November.

During last night MSNBC’s coverage of Super Tuesday, network anchors, Jen Psaki, Joy Reid and Rachel Maddow cynically made light of Virginia GOP primary voter concerns — specifically immigration.

“I live in Virginia. Immigration was the number one issue,” Psaki said which prompted Reid to chuckle.

“Well, Virginia does have a border with West Virginia, a — very contested area,” quipped Maddow.

The three all laughed. Oh how they laughed.

Never mind that the MS-13 gang has been a menacing presence in the state for years.

In recent months, six members have been found guilty of various crimes including murder: a January Washington Post headline: “MS-13 terrorized Northern Virginia by killing at random, witnesses say.”

Last week, Venezuelan Renzo Mendoza Montes, who came into our country illegally, was busted for sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl there.

Still, the out of touch Real Housewives of the Acela Corridor will sneer and mock GOP voters all they want.

But their smug comedy hour is only rolling out the red carpet for Trump 47.

The October 7th Warning Letter That Was Never Delivered

 A letter with a serious warning of a possibly imminent attack on Israel was slated to be sent to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and the members of the political-security cabinet immediately after Simchas Torah, Kan News reported on Tuesday evening.

Brig-Gen. Amit S’ar, a senior official in the IDF Intelligence Directorate, warned in the letter that according to intelligence information, Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah were preparing for a major attack on the Jewish state and the government must prepare for it.

Sa’ar wrote that Israel’s enemies’ perception of the IDF’s lack of readiness for war along with the internal strife in the country led them to believe that the opportunity was ripe for an attack. He also wrote that senior Iranian officials were urging Hamas to perpetrate a devastating attack on Israel.

IDF Chief of Staff Hertzi Halevi and the head of the Intelligence Directorate read the letter and approved it to be sent to the prime minister. But it was too late – the attack occurred on October 7th and the letter was never sent.

According to a Maariv report, the Intelligence Directorate had previously sent four letters of warning about a possible attack to senior IDF officials in 2023 but the letters were not shared with the prime minister or senior political officials.

The report comes after a previous Maariv report revealing that Israel was aware of the full Hamas plan to infiltrate Gaza border communities about a year and a half before the October 7th attack. The report says that Israeli intelligence officials received intelligence information about the plan in April 2022 and assigned it to a female officer in Unit 8300 named “V.” to oversee it.

V. translated the plan from Arabic into Hebrew, naming it “Walls of Jericho” and monitored the intelligence information from Gaza, including recordings of its tactical communication networks.

A year later, in May 2023, Hamas carried out a massive training exercise next to the security fence on the border, during which they practiced everything written in the “Walls of Jericho” plan – including the paragliders and infiltration via sea and land with motorcycles and trucks.

V. sent urgent emails to her commanders in the Southern Command. She wrote that everything she’s seeing on the border corresponds with what is written in the Walls of Jericho plan, adding that she is hearing verses being quoted from the Koran on the networks that she never heard before. She did research and discovered that the new verses are the ones said before going out to war. However, all her warnings were to no avail – her superiors repeatedly dismissed her and scoffed at her fears.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

UN Special Rapporteur 'unaware' of rocket attacks on Israel


 Reem Alsalem, the United Nation’s Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls, confirmed during an interview on Tuesday that she was unaware of the frequent rocket attacks made by Hamas and Hezbollah against Israel.

Speaking with Ynet’s Bar Shem-Ur, Alsalem commented on reports that Israel is committing “war crimes, crimes against humanity, and an unfolding genocide.”

Hearing that Alsalem did not mention the way that the war, which started with Hamas’s invasion on October 7, had impacted Israelis, Shem-Ur commented “but in Israeli cities and Israeli schools are also being bombarded every single day.”

In response to the comment, Alsalem confirmed in a questioning tone “Every single day?” 

Continuing, Alsalem said “Well I would recommend, if that is the case, I would recommend that you also send that information to the special procedures so that we can look into it.

“Don’t you see the reports?” Shem-Ur asked. “Don’t you see the missiles coming from the north by Hezbollah and from the south by Hamas?” 

“At this point, I have not seen that, no,” Alsalem confirmed.

Producing Endless Tomato Plants In Your Garden


Tomato plants are one of the most common crops in backyards across America and one of the easiest plants to grow for beginner gardeners. But that doesn't mean they don't require some special attention, especially when they start sprouting sucker shoots which compete for nutrients with the main stem. Promptly pruning tomato suckers is necessary to help the plant produce more fruit, especially at the beginning of the growing season. This is also important to do because it thins out the branches for better airflow and prevents the plant from touching the ground. 

Once you've trimmed your plant, however, you don't have to throw all those lovely sucker leaves away. You can turn them into brand-new tomato plants to multiply your garden and bring even more fresh tomatoes back to your table! In a TikTok video, backyard gardener Adelaide (@_thatgardenchick_) shows how she cut a pool noodle into sections and used them to float tomato suckers so they could sprout their own roots. By hacking a cheap pool noodle into little mini-floats for your suckers, you can make a hydroponic rooting station that helps each sucker sprout into its own plant within a few days to a week. Here's how to follow the ingenious hack, tips for sprouting and replanting your suckers, and some potential drawbacks to be aware of. 

Meron Disaster: Committee finds Netanyahu personally responsible .... He let the Chareidie Rabbis Do Whatever They Want


DIN: The year before this terrible tragedy occurred, I and a neighbor went to Meron on Lag Be'Omar to celebrate with the Jewish community, Lag Be'Omer. After all, this is THE celebration.

As I went up the mountain I marveled at the amount of people that were there and at the fact that all types of Jews were represented. I was mamash watching with amazement at the amount of free food and drinks being distributed. The people serving the thousands were serving with patience and a smile and wishing every single Jew a "Chag Samaich".
I had been to Meron many times but never on Lag Be'Omer! The harmony and the achdus made me proud of my people and my nation. 

I then tried to do what I came for in the first place, and that was to get to the actual tzion of the great Tanna, R' Shimon ben Yochai. This is not the time or the place to discuss whether the Tanna is actually buried there, or that he even passed away on Lag Be'Omar,  suffice it to say the fact that Jews from all denominations gather to honor this great Tanna, was good enough for me. I was confident that Hashem was happy with all of us, after all, we all came together for the greater good.

I couldn't get anywhere close, there was pushing and shoving, the young pushed the older ones, and the older ones shoved and pushed the younger ones. It was a pushing-and-shoving match!

 The last time I witnessed something like that was when I was all but 14 years old, when my father ז"ל took me on Hoshana Rabba to watch a "Tzaddik Yesoid Olam" the Satmar Rebbe, R' Yoel Teitelbaum ז"ל do Hoshanas on Bedford Avenue in Brooklyn. It was 4:00 PM and he was still up to the second hakafa of Hoshanas. As the rebbe circled I wanted to see his holy face, so I pushed myself right in front of him, but as soon as I took a glimpse, his gabbai that shall remain nameless whipped me with his gartel across my face knocking my glasses off and giving me a red stripe on my face that served as a reminder of the incident for the next 8 weeks. I saw the rebbe and I saw stars! 

I divert, so going back to my Meron experience, I didn't want to push and shove, so when I saw a small break in the crowd I entered very slowly but then I panicked and  I tried backing out, I couldn't, I couldn't go backward and I couldn't go forward. and I suddenly realized that I didn't have to do anything the crowd that was leaving the tzion just pushed me out as if I was riding a wave at the Tel Aviv Beach. Mind you, this was about 2:00PM. Children were crying, adults were looking where their children were, and there was complete chaos and mayhem. How anyone could daven and say a prayer was beyond my understanding. 
But I still wanted the Lag Be'Omar experience so as I existed the tzion, I heard a band playing with thousands singing. There was a huge stadium right next door, where all this was taking place. I entered a long passageway and as I got inside I saw thousands dancing in circles while in the middle were hundreds of fathers' giving three year-olds their first haircuts. It was a touching sight, and after watching this for over a half hour I decided to head out. 

I noticed that the exit was also the entrance that I had just come into. I asked my neighbor "Is there another exit?" He laughed and said "no. this is how its been done for decades. " 
Keep in mind that I am not a youngster, and as I tried getting out, I couldn't, as there was a crowd pouring in at the same time. Suddenly I noticed a break in the amount of people coming in and I took advantage and ran out as if I was being chased by a hungry tiger. 

I decided to go home though I didn't even get a chance to say some tehillim. As I sat on the bus back to Beit Shemesh, I noticed a Yated sitting on my seat, someone must have left it there, and I started perusing it .... lo and behold, I noticed articles lamenting the fact that the Zionists were warning about the dangerous situation and predicting a disaster. The writer said, that the Zionists were trying to control the Mount, and therefore the dire warnings, but they wrote that no one had anything to worry about as this was being done for decades without any accidents. Which of course is a huge lie, but this is not the time to discuss this. 

I personally didn't need any Zionist warnings as I witnessed it myself with my very own eyes.
 But  I was shocked to see that one of the signers of a Kol Korah against the "Zionist Takeover" was Rabbi Scheiner z"l who I knew personally as he would come to New York to raise funds and step in my home for a piece of cake and some hot tea. I made a mental note to ask him about it if I saw him again, unfortunately, I only saw him briefly at the Sium Hashas in Yerushalayim and he was so frail and feeble that I couldn't bring myself to ask him about that. 
Aryeh Deri the leader of Shas made a campaign against the Government having any control and he managed to keep them out and even keep the police anywhere near the mount. The only police that I saw were a handful directing traffic in and out of the mount. There wasn't anyone directing the huge crowds. I remember coming home and telling my wife "A disaster waiting to happen, I am never going back there again on Lag Be'Omer."
I have been at the kotel when there was "Birchas Kohanim' when at least 100,00 people attend, everything is orderly and managed by the police. I have been at Kever Rachel on her yurzeit many times, where thousands come in and out all day; no problem all managed by the Israeli Police. But the Sfardie Rabbis who controlled the Mount wanted no Zionists playing a part not even security. 
Why? You ask naively? 
This Lag Be'Omar thing is a HUGE fundraiser, they call it "Chai Rotel" and manage to get donations in the millions of DOLLARS.... $$$$$$$ ..... not Shekels! If the Zionists controlled the Mount they would be controlling security, the food etc, and the Zionists would put the Rabbinate on the board knocking out the money-hungry Sfardim who use this event to schnoor! I am sure that there were rabbis like R' Scheiner Z'L  who opposed it for altruistic reasons. The Chassidim especially the Satmar guys flying in from the USA are opposed because they don't want Zionists in control. I just saw last week's  DER GOY say that the "Zionists will Control the mount" Chas Ve'sholom, and that should be fought!
This Meron disaster and tragedy could have been avoided and I place the complete blame yes on Netanyahu who gave into pressure from the Aryeh Deris and the like. Blood is on their hands, absolutely! All the Rabbanim that signed the Kol Koras prior to this 2021 tragedy telling Jews to fight the Zionist takeover of the mount are עתיד ליתן דין וחשבון

Read the article after the break 

Adam Schiff "the white liar" pushes out the black Rep Barbara Lee in a race for the senate

Shifty eye Adam Schiff who calls Trump a "racist" had no problem running against a black representative and making sure she gets defeated. Where are the "feminists?" Where are the black politicians who scream "racist" at everyone?

 After more than a quarter century of advocating for progressive values in the House, Rep. Barbara Lee will leave Congress in January after losing her bid for Senate.

The 77-year-old Democrat from northern California war running fourth in a 27-candidate field seeking two nominations for the seat left open by the death of Sen. Dianne Feinstein last year when The Associated Press called the race for second-place finisher Steve Garvey at 12:01 Wednesday morning. Fellow Democratic Rep. Adam B. Schiff had been called the winner of the top spot around 11:30 p.m. Tuesday.

A one-time aide to the late Rep. Ronald V. Dellums, Lee was first elected to the 12th District seat in 1998 and has faced minimal opposition in one of the nation’s bluest districts, where she typically ran up vote totals topping 80 percent. 

In the House, she rose through the ranks to become the highest-ranking Black woman in Democratic leadership and was a longtime hero of the American peace movement because of her lone “no” vote against a resolution authorizing President George W. Bush to use “all necessary and appropriate force” to retaliate against the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Lee was the target of death threats and received hate mail, but says she never regretted her stance.

Lee’s Senate run received the backing of several powerful groups on the left, including the California Working Families Party and the Congressional Black Caucus PAC, but she could never find her lane in a race dominated by two of her fellow House Democrats — Reps. Katie Porter and Adam B. Schiff — who both had national platforms and far bigger campaign accounts.

“She’s a very principled person but her base of support is narrow,” said Jack Citrin, professor of the graduate school political science department at the University of California, Berkeley. “And the narrowness of her base, really, made it impossible for her to win.”

Early results showed Lee running fourth, behind Schiff, Porter and Republican Steve Garvey, a former first baseman for the Los Angeles Dodgers and San Diego Padres. The two winners who advanced in the all-party primary to the November election had not been called before Lee conceded the race.

Inside Elections with Nathan L. Gonzales rates the November race for the Senate seat Solid Democratic.

Death of Relative Brings the Feuding Satmar Rebbes Together

Rabbi Meisels z"l of Seagate 

According to those who attended the Levaye, the Satmar Brothers were not supposed to have met. The ASS"kanim had arranged that R' Zalmon speak first and leave and then R' Aron would arrive and speak.  

Hashem has a sense of humor and things got delayed, and when R' Aron arrived, his brother hadn't spoken yet. 

So R' Aron  waited outside until his brother Zalman finished his hesped, and hoped that R' Zalman would leave so he wouldn't have to see him, but for some reason. R' Zalman took a seat after he finished his hesped, he figured he would stay to make his brother miserable, after all it's a funeral. R' Aron had no choice but to come in and make his hesped with his brother in attendance. 

But now it didn't "paast" for R' Aron to leave so he took a seat on the other side of the shtender (G-d forbid to sit next to each other as normal brothers do) and both brothers bent their heads down staring at the empty floor . It is important to point out that R' Zalman had made no conditions prior to his arrival. I don't have a dog in this fight just pointing out the facts. 

According to chassidim of both sides, this was a miracle performed by their rebbes. 

What miracle, you ask naively? The miracle that the followers of both sides didn't come to blows and that the followers of the Aronim didn't scream "Shaigatz Arois" at  R' Zalman which they do when he comes to Monroe! 


Enough is Enough ... Israel Replacing US Assault Rifles with Locally Made Arms


Starting in the Johnson administration, in 1964, Israel has relied on its military and economic ties with the United States for the supply of personal weapons. A high point in this support was the “air train” that transferred military equipment from the US to Israel in the 1973 Yom Kippur War, and the 2023 Iron Swords War. Israel purchases from the US most of its small arms: the M16 and M4 rifles, and sniper rifles.

Hezbollah is getting stronger and its threat is growing: What can Israel do?

An attack in northern Israel on Monday killed Patnibin Maxwell, a thirty-one year old from India working in Israel with a wife seven-months pregnant, India Today reported. Nine others were wounded.

“The incident happened near Margaliot, targeting agricultural workers, Israel confirmed,” the report said.

 It’s not known if they were the target, but Hezbollah’s attacks are calculating.  In addition to thousands of unguided rockets, it has also used anti-tank guided missiles to target many specific locations on the border. It has damaged 500 buildings in this war, since October 8 in support of the Hamas massacre the day before.

Hezbollah is only displaying the threat that could emerge in a larger war, enabled by the international community the past two decades. Israel left Lebanon in 2000 and Hezbollah became exponentially more powerful. This happened in Gaza too Israel left it in 2005.In both instances terror groups moved closer to Israel’s border and with the backing of Iran and connivance of other countries, the groups became massively powerful. In essence, Hamas today is like Hezbollah was a decade ago. Hezbollah is considered the stronger of the two groups. However, Hamas showed on October 7 that it poses an existential threat. We now know the number of Hamas tunnels was underestimated. In addition we know Hamas likely pushed messages via third countries that were designed to lure Israel into a false sense that Hamas was “deterred.”

Despite Confirmed Reports that 450 UNRAW Staff Were Murderers Canada intends to announce the renewal of UNRWA funding


Canada intends to announce the renewal of UNRWA funding next week, Maariv reported on Wednesday. 

This comes in the backdrop of an expected visit by Canadian foreign minister Mélanie Joly to the Middle East, where Joly will first visit Israel and meet her counterpart, Israeli foreign minister Israel Katz, alongside other Israeli officials. 

Maariv added that foreign diplomatic sources reported that Canada, which stopped funding UNRWA following investigations into the connections between UNRWA members and Hamas, including participation in the October 7 massacre, will renew its funding of the organization. 

This is a developing story.

Scientists discover sources of Parkinson’s disease, Tourette’s syndrome, and OCD in bombshell study

 Researchers may have found a new way to target the sources of certain brain disorders.

In a study led by scientists at Mass General Brigham, deep brain stimulation (DBS) was able to pinpoint dysfunctions in the brain that are responsible for four cognitive disorders: Parkinson’s disease, dystonia (a muscle disorder condition that causes repetitive or twisting movements), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and Tourette’s syndrome.

The discovery, published in Nature Neuroscience on Feb. 22, could potentially help doctors determine new treatments for these disorders.

The study included 261 patients worldwide — 70 had dystonia, 127 were Parkinson’s disease patients, 50 had been diagnosed with OCD and 14 had Tourette’s syndrome.

The researchers implanted electrodes into the brains of each participant and used special software to determine which brain circuits were dysfunctional in each of the four disorders.

“In simplified terms, when brain circuits become dysfunctional, they may act as brakes for the specific brain functions that the circuit usually carries out,” Andreas Horn, M.D., PhD, associate professor of neurology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, said in a press release. 

“Applying DBS may release the brake and may in part restore functionality.”

Horn, one of the 39 researchers from 16 institutions who co-authored the study, went into more detail in a conversation with Fox News Digital.