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Thursday, March 7, 2024

'We are ready': Iranian people send message of support to Israel

 Iranian opposition activists placed banners showing support for Israel on a pedestrian bridge at the entrance to Tehran. The message refers to Vahid Beheshti's visit to Israel, an Iranian opposition activist who came to the Israeli Knesset in January as a guest of the Israel Middle East Forum.   

Vahid Beheshti said: "The message is 'We are ready.' The Iranians are saying that they are ready for an Israeli attack that will crush the Ayatollah regime, and then the Iranian people will join and help bring down the regime. On my last trip to Israel, as the first Iranian to speak in the Knesset, I stated that the only way to achieve peace in the region is to eliminate the Islamic Republic. We have an army of 80 million Iranians who are thirsty for freedom and democracy to meet them. 

I also emphasized targeting the main officials of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corp, nuclear sites, and the regime headquarters within Iran. Referring to my statements in the Israeli parliament, the brave people of Iran expressed their demand for support in fighting against terrorists of the Islamic Republic."

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