Wednesday, March 27, 2024

During a time of war Chareidim Are Ready to topple Government Because they refuse to Serve in our own Jewish Country

Chaim Yankel said it best on a news site:

חיים יענקל פון וויליאמסבורג

The חילול השם that is being done by “Charedim” is horrific. They are okay demanding money for their institutions but they also want their students not to serve in any capacity. Shame on them. This is brech worthy. Nauseating.

In the latest twist in the Charedi draft saga, the United Torah Judaism party (UTJ) is threatening to quit Netanyahu’s government if a Draft Law is passed that includes sanctions and quotas.

According to sources involved in the negotiations, Charedi political leaders on Tuesday evening raised the threat of abandoning the coalition, and demanded the removal of economic sanctions against yeshivas and draft quotas for Charedim. In addition, a Knesset meeting that was scheduled for Tuesday was postponed indefinitely amid opposition from Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara, Finance Ministry officials, coalition members, and Agudas Yisrael representatives.

The deadline to submit an outline for the new law is Wednesday, which was set by the High Court.

The heads of the Chareidi parties met with Netanyahu on Monday to discuss the newly drafted recruitment law, which dropped a controversial clause raising the exemption age for lomdei Torah to 35. However, it still regulates the status of Torah learners, establishes recruitment targets for Chareidim who aren’t learning full-time, and outlines financial sanctions on yeshivos that fail to meet recruitment targets.

Some sources claim that Netanyahu is expected to ask the High Court for an extension of several more days, in order to reach a government agreement.


Garnel Ironheart said...

And if they go, Liberman can replace them. Bibi may love the Chareidim but he knows he will lose the next election.

Anonymous said...

There are plenty of Chareidim in the army