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Thursday, March 7, 2024

MSNBC trio yukking it up at voters’ immigration concerns shows just how out of touch they are


 President Trump should thank this terrible trio in his acceptance speech come November.

During last night MSNBC’s coverage of Super Tuesday, network anchors, Jen Psaki, Joy Reid and Rachel Maddow cynically made light of Virginia GOP primary voter concerns — specifically immigration.

“I live in Virginia. Immigration was the number one issue,” Psaki said which prompted Reid to chuckle.

“Well, Virginia does have a border with West Virginia, a — very contested area,” quipped Maddow.

The three all laughed. Oh how they laughed.

Never mind that the MS-13 gang has been a menacing presence in the state for years.

In recent months, six members have been found guilty of various crimes including murder: a January Washington Post headline: “MS-13 terrorized Northern Virginia by killing at random, witnesses say.”

Last week, Venezuelan Renzo Mendoza Montes, who came into our country illegally, was busted for sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl there.

Still, the out of touch Real Housewives of the Acela Corridor will sneer and mock GOP voters all they want.

But their smug comedy hour is only rolling out the red carpet for Trump 47.

They’re joined in arms by “Daily Show” host, Jon Stewart who on Monday blatantly distorted the migrant crisis to land a snarky joke aimed at Mayor Adams’ turnaround from sanctuary state standard bearer to saying no mas!

Adam’s reversal, “took two busloads of Venezuelans” Stewart said, clearly preparing these dispatches from his sprawling $5 million farm in sparsely populated, monied Colts Neck, New Jersey.

But tax-paying New Yorkers were the real punchline.

The real figure? Up to 600 a day, more than 175,000 so far — being fed and housed on our dime.

Illegal immigration is no longer only a partisan issue or one affecting the border states.

The crisis and its accompanying economic and crime woes have been exported to every state — mostly against the will of its people.

In Chicago, a group of black Democrats are suing the city, saying the money meant for citizens is instead being doled out to the newcomers, reports the Free Press.

And the Washington Free Beacon reports how Whitewater, a small town in Wisconsin has grown almost 10 percent in two years, thanks to the open borders.

The mayor of Whitewater, like many leaders, fears its resources will run dry.

As for crime, the beautiful face of Laken Riley should haunt every sanctimonious sanctuary city shill.

A recent NBC piece reporting that Trump’s claims of a migrant crime wave isn’t supported by stats then drops this nugget: “National crime data, especially pertaining to undocumented immigrants, is notoriously incomplete.”

It’s not just immigration. There’s a total, self-absorbed, lack of knowledge about the real economy too.

Even a usually sensible Bill Maher revealed his utter disconnect from reality while interviewing fitness guru Jillian Michaels on his Club Random podcast.

“We won the pandemic economically,” he said and denied that inflation was “insane.”

An incredulous Micheals said, “Go buy a car. A house has tripled here. Buy some f—ing eggs.”

At least someone still talks to the plebs.

And yet, when citizens fret about the migrant crisis or the economy, they are mocked by people who have never had to clip coupons or see a $50-a-week cushion eaten by soaring bills.

Instead of “take your kid to work day,” perhaps we should establish a new tradition called “take your elitist media member to work day” where one shadows an average working schlub as they tread water.

Maybe then, they’d understand that outside their gilded, glistening bubble, is a whole class of decent hard working Americans of various or even no political leanings, struggling to pay for groceries.

Trump is not my first choice, nor is he my second or third. But the left’s politically motivated indictments created a martyr for the MAGA base.

Combine that with the Dems ignoring festering issues like the border and putting up mumbling, stumbling Joe for a candidate, and Trump looks pretty alluring again.

You don’t have to like him to objectively understand his appeal: he listens to disenfranchised voters. He validates their concerns.

While the other side belittles them.

Remember the post-2016 election when the stunned mainstream media wondered through clenched teeth, how they got it wrong?

Well, they never actually wanted to hear the answer. The sound of their own voices were just too damn melodious.

Instead of listening, these same elitist cacklers will paint Trump voters, regardless of their ethnicity, as unrepentant white supremacists. Reid gave a sneak preview of that Tuesday night saying, “They are voting on race; they are voting on this idea of an invasion of brown people over the border, the idea that they can’t get the job they want.”

Ignore at your own peril. And get in those laughs now, while you can.

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