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Monday, January 8, 2024

Chinese Workers take off time to Daven Mincha in China


Jewish "Yamach Shemom'nickers" Drive Thru Manhattan in a Convey to Support Hamas


Someone recently commented on this blog that the Chazan Ish called a Jew, a Zionist, "Yemach Shemo" and he added that he personally heard it from someone who heard it, so based on this heter I call these Jews Yamach Shemom Ve'Zichrom'nickers!

Watch This Mall in China


Did Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak Have Sex With Epstein Trafficking Victim?

Published |Updated
Bruce Golding

Jeffrey Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre claimed to have had underage sex with former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, according to court records made public on Friday.

The allegation is contained in a 2016 declaration by lawyer and former Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz, who said Barak was among several prominent men with whom Giuffre claimed to have had sex.

."She has even claimed that all of these individuals, and me, had sex with her without using a condom," he said.

Photos of Barak entering Epstein's Manhattan mansion were published after Epstein was arrested on child sex trafficking charges in 2019.

The Wall Street Journal last year reported that they had at least three dozen meetings scheduled between 2013 and 2017.

At the time of the report, Barak said, “I never participated in any party or any other improper event around [Epstein], and never met him with girls or minors, or even adult women in improper context or behavior."

The 20 Women Heroines Who Saved Lives on October 7 Honored


KKL-JNF on Sunday launched the “Path of Heroines” at the entrance to Ofakim Park, commemorating the courage of Israeli women who bravely saved lives during the ruthless Hamas attack on October 7.

KKL-JNF Chairwoman Yafit Ovadia Luski said, “Today, we honor the heroines, the women who fought to hold the door of the command center, the brave paramedics, the fighters, and the policewomen, the doctors and the medics who saved hundreds of lives. They did not surrender to fear, did not stop to rest, showed determination, and acted without hesitation, each with her unique strength. They are Zionist heroines living next to us, flesh and blood. We did not place a statue here. We paved a path. Because the heroism of October 7 is part of a long journey that began long before us and will continue long after us.”

ZAKA volunteer Norit Cohen, who was among the honored women, said: “Myself and my friends at ZAKA were all in the front lines and dealt with body collection. Every bloodstain, every hole in the floor told us a story of gunfire, and grenade explosions. We worked for days to collect all the bodies and findings. I see a connection between femininity, birth, resilience, and planting – to be strong and not give up, we are here to stay.”

Brigadier General Moran Tadger said: “Israeli police officers stood on the Black Saturday as a wall. 59 officers are no longer with us. I knew it was the moment to give my all. Grenade after grenade, RPG gunfire still echoing in my ears, I guarded the city of Ofakim. Here’s hoping we will know days of peace and security in our land.”

Tali Haddad said: “My son Itamar went out and fought because he knew that it was the goal to protect his home and his land, Israel. He took his weapon and went out to the sounds of gunfire. He went out with the weapon, and I followed him. He’s my son after all. We heard a big battle and saw a procession of terrorists marching. I saw wounded and dead, and I decided to run, bring the car from home, and evacuate the wounded. The first casualty was my Itamar. I took him and told him: Mom is not coming with you to the hospital, I’m going back to pick up more wounded, and you will be a hero. That’s how I collected 12 more casualties. Itamar took four bullets, but he got off the stretcher. Am Yisrael Chai.”

Terror from Chareidie Extremists in Ramat Bet Shemesh Alef Out of Control, With Rabbis Silent

*Beit Shemesh News*

Terror in RBS A: extremists set fire to the cellular store, causing great damage to the nearby residential buildings and stores

In the very early hours of Sunday morning, extremists committed arson in the RBS A Mercaz against the cellular store they've been continuously vandalizing.
The cellular store was completely destroyed, and nearby stores sustained heavy damage, as well. Residents of the building had to clear out and the fire department was called.

Many stores did not open their doors yesterday due to the damage, not to mention the awful smell and smoke that stuck to the area.

The police have detained a 15-year-old suspect and the investigation continues.

The Likud faction, Deputy Mayor *Rena Hollander* and mayoral candidate *Shmuel Greenberg* have strongly condemned the arson.

 *Beit Shemesh News*

The arson is not nearly the first event of its kind. The extremists have been terrorizing the neighborhoods for years, and we can recall dozens of incidents only from the past year:

*Two weeks of demonstrations in RBS B -* December 2022-January 2023. Due to an arrest, dozens of protests take place in RBS B, including blocking the central traffic routes.

*Demonstrations against an RBS A resident -* January-February. Extremists protest against a resident of RBS A that was connected to the IDF. During one such protest, a resident is attacked and breaks his leg.

*Attacking a police car -* March. A police car that came to pick up a lost child in RBS B is brutally attacked.

*Protesting against a store -* April. Demonstrations take place against Challat HaBayit after the store didn't give in to their demands.

*Flag marches and demonstrations -* April. The extremists challenge the flags put up in RBS D, remove them and cause several tumultuous days in the neighborhood.

*Basketball court vandalism -* June. Extremists destroy a basketball court in RBS D.

*Disrupting activities in RBS H -* July. Extremists demonstrate against activities held for children by the Iriya in Neve Shamir.

*Violent protest -* August. The extremists try to prevent an autopsy on a woman who died in her home and vandalize several police cars.

*Assault in RBS B -* August. Extremists demonstrate against a tour of schools in RBS B and vandalize the Mayor's vehicle.

*Arson -* December-January. After many protests against the cellular store in RBS A, two extremists break in and vandalize it, and two weeks later, the store is completely incinerated.

Leftist from Kibbutz Be'eri: 'We need to remove All Gazans from Gaza'


Avida Becher of Kibbutz Be'eri, whose wife Dana and son Carmel were murdered in the October 7 massacre, on Monday called to increase the intensity of the fighting in Gaza.

Becher, a left-wing Israeli, told 103 FM Radio, "I am digesting what has happened, I miss [them] every day, and moving forward. I am going back to Be'eri - in another hour, I am driving there. Right now they are harvesting potatoes."

When asked if he feels safe there again, Becher responded, "I think that in the end we need to remove all of them [from] there. I think that so long as there are people there, I'm a little disappointed. There is no doubt that the army is doing amazing work, but still, you go to Be'eri, beside Kfar Aza, and you look to the right towards Shejaiya, there are still a a lot of homes standing there."

"When you walk around in Be'eri, you still see many homes standing. So long as we move forwards and flatten everything, the feeling of security will improve. If we leave even one or two people there, in another two months we'll see more rockets."

When asked what Israel should do with the Gazans, Becher said, "Get them out of there - or erase them from there. Clean out the entire Gaza Strip. Don't leave a single person there."

"Everyone is focused on three people: [Ismail] Haniyeh, [Mohammed] Deif, and [Yahya] Sinwar. I think that the issue is not there, I think that the problem is a lot bigger than three people. Apparently, in another few years we'll have another operation this large, because there's no end to it. As long as there are people there in Gaza, there won't be an end to this."

Dovid Teichner Who lived in Tosh and aligned with the Neturei Karta Killed in a Fire

According to YeshivaWorld, his wife who was also killed in the fire was 46. If this is in fact true that goes to show you that just because you  "Hate Israel" the only Jewish State in the world, doesn't mean you don't love young "chickie-poos"

Tragedy struck Kiryas Tosh near Montreal on Friday, when an elderly couple was tragically killed in a devastating fire at their home. 

The fire was sparked in a multifamily home around 8:20 am Friday. The fire department and other agencies, including Hatzolah and Shomrim/Chaveirim, successfully evacuated the families in the various homes in the area. However, they were unable to gain entry into one of the residences, with the occupants unresponsive. 

Emergency personnel were able to break into the apartment several minutes later, pulling out two victims, who had suffered severe smoke inhalation. Hatzolah immediately provided aid to the stricken victims, but despite their valiant efforts, the pair were tragically pronounced deceased r”l at around 10 AM. 

The victims were identified as R’ Dovid Teichner z”l, 93, and his wife a”h, 46

Does the world hate the Gazans?

Over the last 500 years, at least, the Gaza Strip has been a backwater. No one has ever truly invested in Gaza or the Gazans. For the last 100 years, Gaza and the Gazans have increasingly been used as pawns, by both the Arabs and the international community, in their efforts to vilify Israel and the Jews.

When push came to shove, the international community, led by the United Nations, preferred dead Gazans over losing leverage against Israel. Paradoxically and entirely contrary to common perception, Israel did more for the Gazans and the Gaza Strip than any of its many rulers, and had the international community not hated the Gazans so much, their situation today could have been drastically different.

Gaza under the Ottomans

For 400 years (1517-1917), the area known today as the Gaza Strip was part of the Ottoman Empire. It was not recognized as an independent area or as being at all linked to Judea and Samaria. Under Ottoman rule, the Gaza Strip saw changing fortunes and investments, depending on the circumstances and the identity and connections of its appointed governor.

Gaza under the Mandate

In the aftermath of the First World War and the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the Gaza Strip was included in the area that came under the control of Great Britain. Following the Balfour Declaration (1917), the Paris Peace Conference (1919), the San Remo Conference (1920) and the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine, Great Britain controlled the area with the sole purpose of it becoming part of the Jewish national homeland. One of the more substantial moves made by Great Britain during the period of the Mandate (1922-1948) was to finalize the official border separating Egypt from the Gaza Strip.

After Great Britain betrayed the Mandate and capitulated to Arab violence instead of giving the Jews the land designated for their national homeland, the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan (which suggested an Arab state and a tiny Jewish state on that same land), included the Gaza Strip in the territory of the “Arab State.” However, having ceremoniously rejected the Partition Plan, the Arab countries chose instead to wage war on the nascent Jewish state. While Israel managed to survive the onslaught of five Arab armies, when the fighting came to its end, it did not conquer the Gaza Strip, which would now be under Egyptian rule. Except for a short break between 1956 and 1957 duing the Sinai War, the Strip remained under Egyptian control from 1948 to 1967.

The Arab countries reject Israel

Iranian woman gets 74 lashes for not being "Tzneesdik"

Iranian authorities have whipped a woman 74 times for "violating public morals" and fined her for not covering her head, the judiciary said, according to the AFP news agency.

"The convicted, Roya Heshmati, encouraged permissiveness (by appearing) disgracefully in busy public places in Tehran," the judiciary's Mizan Online website said.

"Her penalty of 74 strokes of the lash was carried out in accordance with the law and with sharia," and "for violating public morals," Mizan added.

Kurdish-focused rights group Hengaw identified Heshmati as 33-year-old woman of Kurdish origins. She was arrested in April "for publishing a photo on social media without wearing a headscarf," her lawyer Maziar Tatai told the reformist Shargh daily.

Heshmati was also ordered to pays a fine of 12 million rials (around $25) for "not wearing the Muslim veil in public", Tatai said.

All women in Iran have been required by law to cover their neck and head since shortly after the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

Whippings for breaching the dress code are uncommon in Iran, but officials have increasingly cracked down on those defying the rules after the practice surged during anti-government protests that began in late 2022.

The protests were sparked by the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, who had been arrested for allegedly breaching the rules.

Since then, a growing number of Iranian women have been seen in public without hijab head scarves or observing the rules against clothes that are deemed too tight-fitting or otherwise revealing.

Last April, Iranian authorities announced that cameras would be installed in public places and thoroughfares to identify and penalize unveiled women .

In September, a new bill was passed which stipulates that Iranian women who flout the strict Islamic dress code would face up to 10 years' prison.


The three Terrorists that murdered an Arab thinking he was a Jew were a Nurse and Two Doctors


Officers from the Yamam counterterrorism unit on Sunday evening arrested three suspects in Ramallah on suspicion of carrying out the attack in the Binyamin region on Sunday morning.

According to Palestinian Arab sources, the detainees are Ayser al-Barghouti and Khaled al-Kharuf, two doctors from Ramallah, and Mureed Dahadha of Jalazone, a male nurse by profession.

Amar Mansour, 34, from the Beit Hanina neighborhood in eastern Jerusalem was murdered in Sunday morning’s attack. Magen David Adom paramedics who were called to the scene provided him with initial medical treatment but were unsuccessful and he was pronounced dead.

In addition, a pharmacist from Hadassah Hospital was critically injured in the attack. Shortly after the attack, the woman was taken to a Palestinian Arab hospital but was later transferred to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem.

Toronto Police Doing Chesed to antisemites and Deliver Coffee to them while they are protesting in Support of Hamas


The Toronto Police Service is evidently taking a page from the motto of the Los Angeles Police Department: “To protect and to serve.”

Canadian lawyer Caryma Sa’d posted a video on Saturday of Toronto police officers delivering coffee and food to anti-Israel protesters blocking a bridge in the most heavily Jewish part of the city.

“How did you get coffee from the police?” a protester is asked in the video. The keffiyeh-clad protester responds: “Somebody bought it for us, but the police won’t let them in. So the police is now becoming our little messengers.”

Laurie McCann, a spokeswoman for the police, told the National Post that officers were “managing a dynamic situation” and had not intended to endorse the protest.

“Their top priority is maintaining order in a tense environment on the Avenue Road bridge,” she said. “In performing a helpful act today, our officer’s motivation was to help keep tensions low and should not be interpreted as showing support for any cause or group.”

Others were unconvinced.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Ami"s Frankfurter Tries Hoodwinking Dayan Brandsdorfer with the Satmar SHIT'a but Brandsdorfer Will have None of That!

In this week's Ami Magazine, FRANK'furter , "der upgerissianr naar' ( bloody fool,) interviews the Yerushalmi Posek Rav Moshe Brandsdorfer. 

The "Frank" must have some "man crush" on R' Brandsdorfer, because this is not the first interview he gave him. 
But what is fascinating is that this interview was supposed to be an interview on the "Perspective of Halacha" vis a vis the Hamas atrocities, but instead, he makes this about the bankrupt Satmar Shit'ah! 

Those who are following my blog, know that Yitzy Frankfurter the editor of Ami thinks he is a Satmar Chusid, and tries to embed the irrelevant Shit'ah into most of his interviews but this one takes the cake. 
Ironically, Ami is officially banned in the Satmar community because it is "Zionistic!" LOL!

I am not certain if the Frank knows that Dayan Brandsdorfer's grandfather was none other than the author of Eim Habanim Semeicha, Harav Yisacher Shlomo Teichtal HY"D who was murdered by a Ukrainian on his way to a work camp, his last words before he died was "Jews run for your lives, it is pikuach nefesh, I will not stop screaming, Run Run to Palestine," His surviving daughter said that someone nearby said "please don't say that, as you will be accused of being a Zionist" and he continued yelling "Run Run for your lives" 
( see גליון קדושת ציון, גליון ע"ה טבת-שבט תשפ"ד)

R' Teichteil's entire sefer is a polemic against those Gedoilim who were against Jews from Europe making Aliya. The Gedoilim of that pre-war era were against Jews making Aliyah because they were  afraid of the Zionist influence, and were against Jews establishing a State before Moshiach comes. Rav Teichtal HY"D in his classic Sefer ,brilliantly takes apart all those arguments against aliyah!

This Has To Stop!!!! Chareidie Animals Burn Down Cell Phone Store In Ramat Bet Shemesh Alef


The Mayor, Aliza Bloch, condemns the cowardly act!

This happened in Ramat Alef, a predominantly Anglo community. But we border Ramat Bet, whose residents if not extremists themselves, keep quiet and say not a word. 
What these animals do, they send 15 year olds who are minors to do these disgusting violent acts, and so even when they are caught, the judges let them go. 

But what I find appalling is that on the Beit Shemesh Chats, if someone should condemn these cowards, they are immediately met with comments like, "oh they are only children" "Oh you are condemning an entire community" Oh this is Loshon Hara, remove this ASAP!"

My answer: 
This is NOT Loshon Hara, because these acts can lead to death, as it almost happened a year ago in the Geulah section in Yerushalyim when an entire family of 12 barely got out alive when the cellphone store below them was burned down. 
These "children" have parents and these parents should be condemned publicly if they support this as most of them do. 
Yes we are condemning an entire community because they are quiet and laugh it off as "Teenagers being teenagers" 
I wonder what they would say if these teenagers burned down their own homes! 

So far not one Rav of the entire Beit Shemesh community has condemned these cowards. 

28 Years BEFORE The State of Israel Was Established Arab Savages Pulled Off an Oct 7


The myth that Jews lived good with the Arabs is just that a myth. 

But DER GOY, the Satmar Yiddish weekly, keeps writing that Arabs killed Jews because of the Zionists.  This propaganda, Satmar gets from Al Jazeera and Abbas. 

To hold on to their bankrupt and irrelevant SHIT"ah they find alte kockers who lived in Yerushalayim and who relate that prior to 1948 they lived good with the murderous Arabs. This is of course hogwash. Yes, there were a couple of neighbors that lived "good" with their neighbors but you could say that about the Nazis too, the Nazis lived "good" with their Jewish neighbors till 1935. Satmar has to keep up this myth because otherwise they have nothing to sell. The Rambam had written about Arabs murdering Jews over 800 years ago! 

October 7 has proven that Arabs don't care if Jews are Zionists, Leftists, Chilonie, Chassidish, Frum, Yeshivash, they kill Jews because they are Jews, in fact in the same week of October 7th  Arabs murdered 3 frum Jews in Yerushalayim. 

The Man With More than Two names Story of R' Benzion Weiss


Rabbi Gamliel Rabinowitz to American Visitors "We are all Zionists, Don't Tell Satmar"


The Faith of this Incredible Lady


Saturday, January 6, 2024

Girls HS basketball game canceled after antisemites attack players: 'I support Hamas, you f–king Jew'

 This was flagrant and foul.

A high school girls’ basketball game in Yonkers was canceled this week when players on the home team shot antisemitic slurs at their Jewish opponents, who needed security guards to escort them off the court to safety.

The girl’s varsity teams from The Leffell School, a private Jewish school in Hartsdale, and Roosevelt High School, a public school in Yonkers, faced off in the non-league game Thursday evening.

“I support Hamas, you f–king Jew,” a Roosevelt player snarled at a Leffell opponent, according to The New York City Public Schools Alliance, a group of parents and teachers fighting antisemitism.

MK Fogel’s Tikkun Olam Stages: Hamas, then Hezbollah, then the Supreme Court


Chairman of the Knesset National Security Committee MK Zvika Fogel on Tuesday tweeted an exceptionally assertive message that hit all the right places and made him the left’s most hated politician for one day. The message went: “First we’ll defeat Hamas, soon we’ll take care of Hezbollah, and for dessert, we’ll install order in the High Court of Justice. To everything there is a season. Have patience.”

Minister Benny Gantz responded by saying Vogel’s words were “a despicable and shameful comparison between the worst of our enemies and the gatekeepers of the State of Israel,” and called the MK’s statement “a moral abomination.”