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Friday, November 24, 2023

Ramat Beit Shemesh Family Sitting Shiva Heartbreaking and Ishay Ribo Shows Up to give Chizuk



Fleeing Arabs in Gaza Curse Hamas!


Watch IDF Destroy Tunnels Erev Ceasefire


What Happened to the Feminists??


This will make you Laugh! "Why do Israelis think Palestinian lives worth one-third of Israelis? "


In the clip below, which is beyond human comprehension, British journalist Kay Burley asks Israeli spokesman Eylon Levy why the Israelis devalue Palestinian lives so much, they are trading 3 Arabs for every one Jewish hostage.

Levy was (rightfully) shocked by the suggestion that the 1 to 3 hostage-to-prisoner exchange rate is due to ISRAEL seeing Palestinian lives as less valuable than Israeli lives, as opposed to the PALESTINIANS seeing it that way.

Levy tweeted that the question left him, an articulate man of words, nearly speechless.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Watch the Soldier Return Home


Watch IDF "davening" Before they Go Back to Gaza


WATCH: IDF Military Intelligence Unit 504 Interrogations


The IDF this week revealed the crucial activities of its Military Intelligence Unit 504, whose Arabic-speaking soldiers are operating in Gaza alongside the combat units, questioning Hamas captives and supplying the intelligence to Israeli forces.

Following are videos tis one interrogation session carried out by the Unit on November 12, 2023. They are, to say the least, very instructive

For second Interrogation

see here videoidf.azureedge.net/8a42a3df-4ceb-44f1-ba3a-4222beba23de

For Number 3 See here videoidf.azureedge.net/8a42a3df-4ceb-44f1-ba3a-4222beba23de

“So far, we have apprehended over 300 terrorists from the terrorist organizations during the ground operation who were brought into Israeli territory for further interrogations,” said a senior official in Unit 504.

Poor Poor Palestinians!


Far-right anti-Islamist Wilders (the Dutch Trummp) wins Dutch election, sending shockwaves through Europe


THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — Anti-Islam populist Geert Wilders won a huge victory in Dutch elections, according to a nearly complete count of the vote early Thursday, in a stunning lurch to the far right for a nation once famed as a beacon of tolerance.

The result will send shockwaves through Europe, where far-right ideology is on the rise, and puts Wilders in line to lead talks to form the next governing coalition and possibly become the first far-right prime minister of the Netherlands.

With nearly all votes counted, Wilders’ Party for Freedom was forecast to win 37 seats in the 150-seat lower house of parliament, two more than predicted by an exit poll when voting finished Wednesday night and more than double the 17 he won in the last election.Political parties were set to hold separate meetings Thursday to discuss the outcome before what is likely to be an arduous process of forming a new governing coalition begins Friday.

Despite his harsh rhetoric, Wilders has already begun courting other right and center parties by saying in a victory speech that whatever policies he pushes will be “within the law and constitution.”

Wilders is known as the “Dutch Trump,” partly for his swept-back dyed hairstyle that resembles that of the former US president, but also for his rants against immigrants and Muslims.

From calling Moroccans “scum” to holding competitions for cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed, Wilders has built a career from his self-appointed mission to stop an “Islamic invasion” of the West.During the campaign, he sought to tone down his message, saying he could put some of his more strident views on Islam “in the freezer.”

He stressed he would be prime minister for everyone “regardless of their religion, background, sex or whatever,” insisting the cost-of-living crisis was a bigger priority.

What a Chutzpah? Soros foundation accuses Hungarian government campaign of antisemitism


political campaign by Hungary's government that vilifies the head of the European Commission and the son of financier George Soros is "propaganda deeply tainted by antisemitism," a spokesperson for Soros' foundation said on Wednesday.

A Hungarian government spokesman said accusations the campaign was antisemitic were "groundless."

Hungarian Prime Minister Orban has said there is zero tolerance in Hungary for antisemitism, while at the same time repeatedly portraying Hungarian-born Soros as a puppet master plotting to undermine his rule, including by supporting mass immigration.

The veteran prime minister banned a pro-Palestinian rally in Budapest after Hamas's attack on Israel last month.

"It's never been about George Soros's identity as a Jew. It’s about his ideology and his radical activism. It's about his determination to meddle in politics in Hungary and other countries of Europe," government spokesman Zoltan Kovacs wrote on his blog on Wednesday, rejecting the allegation of antisemitism.

Orban has said Hungary is the safest country in Europe for Jews due to his government's tough stance on illegal migration.

In 2018, Central European University, founded by Soros in 1991, moved the bulk of its courses out of Hungary to Vienna following a long struggle between Soros and Orban's government.

Biden's Iranian-born military aide reportedly under investigation ‘Clear and present danger’


In the wake of terrorist fears over the car explosion at a US-Canada border control checkpoint Wednesday, the Biden administration’s inexplicable complacency about national security threats must end. 

While Gov. Hochul now says the FBI has ruled out a terrorist attack, there were initial concerns “at a time of heightened alert” that the car was packed with explosives and may even have been heading to New York City. 

Hochul announced new counterterrorism efforts last week and already had beefed up security for Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.

On Tuesday, CBS reported a threat assessment from the New York State Intelligence Center warning that the war in Gaza is “driving chatter about targets in New York.” 

The threats make it all the more reprehensible that hundreds of known and suspected terrorists have been caught crossing our porous southern border — and God knows how many have evaded detection

White House silent 

The Rabbi who brought the hostages' families to the 'Ohel'


Rabbi Assi Spiegel, from Chabad of Israel, visited the Arutz Sheva studio to discuss his recent trip to America with families of individuals kidnapped by Hamas terrorists in Gaza. In a remarkable initiative, Chabad chartered a plane over a week ago to bring this large group, deeply affected by pain, to the Ohel of the Rebbe, the Lubavitcher Rebbe's resting place in Queens, for prayers.

Rabbi Spiegel emphasized that Chabad's project was solely aimed at helping, providing hope, and offering love and support to those in need. Chabad, he explained, has no political agenda and is not aligned with any government side; it was an act driven by pure love, echoing the principles of the Rebbe.

Following their visit to the Ohel, the group proceeded to Washington. There, they were received in Congress by politicians from both the Democratic and Republican parties. In a rare display of unity, these politicians came together to listen to the pleas for help from the affected families, showing support and conveying a powerful message to the world about the strength of the Jewish nation and the significance of bringing the kidnapped individuals back to their homes in Israel.

I was deeply moved by the profound impact of Rabbi Spiegel's words and the intricate behind-the-scenes preparations for such a significant project. It highlights our identity as a nation of strength, emphasizing the need to shed light and raise awareness globally. In the face of dark forces seeking destruction, it becomes crucial to open the eyes of the world to our collective resilience.

The Rebbe serves as the guiding light for Chabad and, in a broader sense, for the world as it anticipates the arrival of Moshiach. The initiative undertaken by Chabad reflects a commitment to embodying the Rebbe's teachings and principles, serving as a beacon of hope and inspiration in challenging times. May all the kidnapped return safely to their homes as soon as possible. Amen

China Cracking down on Muslims in their Own Country but Tells Israel Not To


The Chinese government has expanded its campaign of closing mosques to regions other than Xinjiang, where for years it has been blamed for persecuting Muslim minorities, according to a Human Rights Watch report released Wednesday.

Authorities have closed mosques in the northern Ningxia region as well as Gansu province, which are home to large populations of Hui Muslims, as part of a process known officially as “consolidation,” according to the report, which draws on public documents, satellite images and witness testimonies.

Local authorities also have been removing architectural features of mosques to make them look more “Chinese,” part of a campaign by the ruling Communist Party to tighten control over religion and reduce the risk of possible challenges to its rule.

President Xi Jinping in 2016 called for the “Sinicization” of religions, initiating a crackdown that has largely concentrated on the western region of Xinjiang, home to more than 11 million Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities.

A United Nations report last year found China may have committed “crimes against humanity” in Xinjiang, including through its construction of a network of extrajudicial internment camps believed to have held at least 1 million Uyghurs, Huis, Kazakhs and Kyrgyz.

Chinese authorities have decommissioned, closed down, demolished or converted mosques for secular use in regions outside Xinjiang as part of a campaign aimed at cracking down on religious expression, according to Human Rights Watch.

"Fire-Alarm Liar" Bowman Makes up New Lie: Israel Prevented Him from Crossing Checkpoint Because He’s Not Jewish


On Tuesday, Squad member Jamaal Bowman spread vicious lies about Israel on MSNBC.

On “Alex Wagner Tonight,” Bowman, a far-left New York Democrat congressman, claimed that he was not allowed past certain checkpoints by the IDF because he is not Jewish. Bowman also absurdly claimed that Israel’s safety and security are directly linked to Palestinian freedom, safety, and security. (If anything, the two are inversely proportional.)

Bowman said, “We have been saying for so long, we are pro-Israel, pro-Israel’s right to exist, pro-Israel’s right to defend itself and self-determination. But we haven’t been saying the same thing about Palestinians…Israel’s safety and security [are] directly connected to Palestinian freedom, safety, and security.”

Bowman added, “…we’ve been using a lot of r

Hostage Release Delayed Because Hamas Has Not Signed Deal


 According to a report, the reason for the delay of the hostage release is because Hamas has not officially signed the agreement. In addition, the terror group has not been forthcoming about information critical to the arrangement.

The Wall Street Journal on Wednesday night reported that while Hamas provided the names, genders and nationalities of most of the 50 hostages it is expected to release in the first phase, there was missing information about the fate of some of them.

In addition, Hamas has not yet signed the mechanism that would allow the release of the hostages.

An Israeli official reportedly told Kan 11 News that there is a 24-hour delay in the agreement’s execution, because it has not been signed by Hamas and Qatar.

“The Qataris informed us around 11:00 p.m. that Hamas has not yet signed the agreement and therefore there will be a delay in its implementation. We are optimistic that the plan will be implemented when the agreement is signed,” the official said.

Egyptian officials, who are in contact with Hamas leadership in Gaza, said they informed Qatar of the delay..

According to Arutz Sheva, an Israeli official who discussed the details of the planned release said that in the first phase at least, families of the hostages will not receive advance notice of the release of their loved ones.

“We don’t want to inform the families beforehand because we don’t trust Hamas. To cause distress to the family would be the worst thing. As soon as the people are in our hands, we will inform the families and bring them to the meeting point at the hospital. The first day will be a model for us regarding how to proceed,” he said.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

1 million new olim expected amid rising antisemitism


The number of Jews exploring the option of making aliyah to Israel increased by 81% in North America and 149% in France.

The chairman of the Jewish Agency, Major General Doron Almog told N12 on Tuesday that he expects to see one million new olim as a direct result of the dramatic rise of antisemitism.

Almog, who lost family on October 7th to the Hamas massacre on Kfar Aza, said, “Over the next few years, we anticipate a million new immigrants due to the increasing antisemitism in Jewish communities around the world.”

At the same time, he declared a commitment to rebuild ravaged communities in the north and the south of the country.

He continued, “The Jewish community, still reeling from the trauma, will forge ahead in building the State of Israel with unparalleled vigor and creativity. We aspire to become a beacon of hope and inspiration for the nations of the world.”

In the 48 hours after the October 7th massacre, antisemitic posts increased on dark web channels by 500% according to The New York Times.

The ensuing war between Israel and Hamas has led to an escalation of antisemitic hate speech and violent incidents, which have seen a 400% increase year over year according to the ADL.

With the increase in antisemitic incidents, the number of Jews exploring the option of making aliyah to Israel increased by 81% in North America and 149% in France as of late October, according to Aliyah and Integration Minister Ofir Sofer.

Sofer described global antisemitism as a “global emergency” and according to an agency statement, “The minister has been actively engaged in emergency discussions with key security and international agencies.”

France in particular has seen a huge rise in antisemitic harassment and violence, surpassing record numbers in 2002.

Addressing the problem in France and the rest of the world, Sofer continued, “The reports I have been receiving are very concerning. Our goal now is to strengthen the ties between us and support the communities that stand with Israel.”

Rabbeinu Bachyeh Disagrees With Satmar, Says that biggest Haters of Jews Are the Arabs

Satmar and it's branch Neturei Karta keep pushing the lying idea that Jews can live with Arabs and that before Zionism, Jews lived peacefully with the Arabs. 

Rabbeinu Bachye a "Rishon" lived from 1255-1340 was a Talmud of the Rashba, and lived in Spain.

Three Gazans Beat the Hell out of Hamas Policeman When He Confiscated the Food That Was Going to Civilians



Body of Shani Gabai, who was missing since October 7th massacre, identified

The body of Shani Gabai, a Yokne'am resident who worked as a security guard at the Supernova music festival and whose whereabouts were unknown since October 7th, was identified on Wednesday after being found in Israel.

Shani was last heard from after she was shot in the leg by a Hamas terrorist and managed to report to her friends that she had a tourniquet, but after that, contact was cut off. She will be laid to rest on Thursday at 3:00 p.m.

Yokne'am Mayor Simon Alfasi eulogized Shani on the municipality's Facebook page: "Our Shani is no longer. Our heart is broken into pieces. We are crying and refusing to believe; we so much waited for a different ending. 47 days of hope have come to their end upon receiving the bitter announcement this morning of the murder of Shani on the Black Saturday."

He added: "My heart is with her dear parents Yaakov and Michal, her brother Aviel and sister Nitsan, who for seven weeks left no stone unturned and went to every place in the country and the world to find Shani, they battled and screamed to bring her home. Beloved Shani, only 26 years old, young, high-quality, and talented. An amazing daughter, sister, and friend.

The Hostages and Missing Families Forum stated: "The Hostages Forum bows its head. We send condolences to the Gabai family on the murder of Shani Gabai, a resident of Yokne'am, who had been classified as missing since October 7th from the party at Re'im."