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Friday, November 17, 2023

Hamas terrorist who paraded Shani Louk's body in Gaza has been killed, says her mother

Hamas terrorist who paraded a German festivalgoer’s body through Gaza has been killed, the victim’s mother has said.

Shani Louk, a 22-year-old Israeli-German dual citizen, was murdered by Hamas at the Nova music festival in southern Israel on Oct 7.

For weeks Louk’s family had been led to believe the tattoo artist, identified by her distinctive body art and dreadlocked hair, was alive but in a hospital in Gaza.

But Israeli officials later revealed she was killed in the Hamas attack after a fragment of her skull was found and identified.

“She was a very happy, lively person,” her mother said in an interview with Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, broadcast on Facebook.

“She liked music and dancing and living and she was really enjoying it until the last moment.”


The shameful nods to antisemitism from Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson


Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson know exactly what they’re doing. 

Over the past month, anti-Semites of all stripes — emboldened by Hamas’ barbaric attack on Israeli civilians — have made their presence among us known.

They’ve celebrated Hamas’ atrocities and committed their own, fantasizing about the destruction of Israel, tearing down posters of abducted children and harassing their Jewish neighbors.

Much of the overtly antisemitic rhetoric and action across the West has been situated on the left, and conservatives have rightly pointed out as much, chalking up the deluge of hatred and wickedness on display to fallacious progressive theory.

But there is a cohort on the right complicit in this great reawakening of an ancient evil.

And that brings us back to Owens and Carlson.

The past few weeks have seen Owens repeat a series of blood libels.

TikTokers are fawning over Osama bin Laden

You can’t make this stuff up.

Massive TikTok influencers are racking up millions of views on videos openly praising the writings of 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden, calling them “mind-blowing” and “eye-opening.” 

“I need everyone to stop what they’re doing right now and go read — it’s literally two pages. Go read ‘A Letter to America,’” Lynette Adkins said in one viral TikTok. “And please come back here and just let me know what you think because I feel like I’m going through, like, an existential crisis right now, and a lot of people are.”

If all these TikTokers were doing was encouraging people to skeptically read bin Laden’s infamous “Letter to America,” which explained his supposed justifications for the 9/11 attacks, that wouldn’t be so objectionable.

Americans should read the letter. 

But they should read it critically and see it for the (deeply antisemitic and conspiratorial) morally bankrupt apologia for barbarism it is.

More than 100 Harvard professors slam university president for bowing to donor ‘pressure’ and condemning antisemitism


More than 100 Harvard professors have sent a letter to university president Claudine Gay, condemning her for issuing a statement opposing antisemitism on campus — claiming she was bowing to the interests of wealthy donors and alumni, and was infringing on the free speech of students.

“As Harvard faculty, we have been astonished by the pressure from donors, alumni and even some on this campus to silence faculty, students and staff critical of the actions of the State of Israel,” the open letter reads.

Pro-Palestinian activist group shared a frightening map of New York City landmarks on social media.

A pro-Palestinian activist group shared a frightening map of New York City newsrooms, businesses and landmark buildings — and called for “direct action” to “globalize intifada.”

In addition to news buildings, Within Our Lifetime, which describes itself as a Palestinian-led community organization, also called for followers to target the offices of technology companies

“Each of the locations on this map reflects the location of an office of an enemy of both the Palestinian people and colonized people all over the world. Today and beyond, these locations will be sites for popular mobilization in defense of our people,” the sickening Wednesday night post read.

“May this map serve as a call for every struggle to act in their own interest. As we do so, we uplift one another’s struggles and free Palestine from the river to the sea,” it continued, repeating the Palestine Liberation Organization mantra adopted by Hamas that calls for the eradication of Israel.

The controversial post has since been deleted.

The group, which boasts 121,000 followers on Instagram, did not specify why the locations should be targeted, or what kind of action should be taken, but New York lawmakers have denounced the map, insisting violence is implied. Intifada is Arabic for a rebellion or uprising.

Democratic Bronx Rep. Ritchie Torres warned on X Thursday that the messaging was an example of “Coded calls for violence against Jews” … ” that are “proliferating on social media.”

Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine, also a Democrat, wrote that it was “dangerous and reprehensible.”

“This is clear incitement against a group of predominantly Jewish institutions, based on the trope that they are ‘enemies’ of ‘colonized people all over the world.'”

In a statement to The Post Thursday, Levine added: “I reject this hateful language and am grateful that the NYPD is taking this threat seriously.”

Councilman Keith Powers, who represents Manhattan Midtown — home to several landmarks on the group’s list — wrote on X that the list was an “unacceptable invitation to senseless violence.

“I strongly condemn it & have reached out to the local NYPD,” the Democrat wrote.

Rabbi Joseph Potasnik, the executive vice president of the NY Board of Rabbis described the map as “a message that glorifies physical attacks against Jews.

“Intifadas are targeted attacks on Jews,” he told The Post. “The hatred of the heart leads to hatred of the hands.”

An NYPD spokesperson confirmed that the department was aware of the disturbing map.


Watch IDF Soldiers Returning From Gaza Get Their Phones Back


Alter Goldberger from Kiryas Yoel and Yehonatan Ovadia from Chestnut Ridge Arrested For Removing Israeli Flag in Monsey


The Ramapo Police Department has made significant progress in a hate crime case involving the desecration of an Israeli flag. The flag, which had been proudly displayed on the exterior wall of the Town of Ramapo building on Route 59, was found to be missing on November 13, 2023.

Upon investigation, the Ramapo Police discovered that the flag had been forcefully removed and damaged by a group of Netura Karta psychos who then fled the scene with the flag. The department’s detectives Investigations Division quickly identified and arrested two members of the radical Netura Karta group responsible for this act.

The first arrest, made on November 14, involved 75-year-old Alter Goldberger from Monroe, NY. The following day, 32-year-old Yehonatan Ovadia from Chestnut Ridge, NY, was also taken into custody. Both individuals face charges of Criminal Mischief 4th Degree, Petit Larceny, and Conspiracy 6th Degree, all classified as hate crimes. They have been arraigned and released on their own recognizance, awaiting future court appearances in the Village of Airmont.

The Ramapo Police Department continues its investigation into the incident and urges anyone with information to come forward and contact their Investigations Division at (845) 357-2400.

The department also reminds the public that these charges are merely accusations, and both defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty. The case has garnered considerable attention in the community, highlighting the ongoing challenges of hate crimes and the need for vigilance and unity against such acts.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Loay Abdelfattah Alnaji arrested in the Murder of 69 year old Paul Kessler in a Pro-Israeli Rally in LA


The Ventura County Sheriff has arrested 50 year old Alnaji for murdering  Paul Kessler. 
Alnaji was last seen sitting near Paul Kessler as he was dying with a smug look on his ugly face. He was arrested until minutes ago.

Alnaji has been charged with involuntary manslaughter; his bail is set at 1 million Dollars!

Is Abby Stein a (He/She ) a Spokesperson for Hamas??

Before and After


Satmar "Der Yid" Follows Hamas False Narrative and Report that "There is little evidence that Hamas Used Shifa Hospital for Terrorism"


This is unbelievable ! Incredible! 

In the above article the Romanian peasants who call themselves "Satmar" mock in Yiddish, gleefully reporting that the "IDF could only show a handful of weapons and proves nothing." 

How sick and perverted are these so called "Chesed" people? While Jewish blood is pouring on the streets, Satmar's Der Goy are mocking and happily suggesting that the IDF doesn't know what they are doing!

The Biden White House has confirmed that Hamas used the hospital for terrorism, but Satmar following the Hamas and leftist narrative mocks and denies this evidence!

This just in: While I was typing these words, I24 News just reported that the IDF found laptops in the hospital with valuable information including videos of the hostages. 

As the soldiers entered the hospital complex, they engaged with a number of terrorists and killed them. Following this, during searches in one of the departments of the hospital, the troops located a room with technological assets, along with military and combat equipment used by the Hamas terrorist organization.

In another department in the hospital, the soldiers located an operational command center and technological assets belonging to Hamas, indicating that the terrorist organization uses the hospital for terrorist purposes.

The technological assets and extensive intelligence information were transferred for full review by the relevant authorities.

The IDF says it is continuing to operate in the hospital complex while extracting intelligence information and preventing harm to the medical teams and civilians sheltering there.

New footage shows early moments of Hamas' October 7 attack

Warning: Graphic content below

CNN on Wednesday published exclusive footage showing the early moments from Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel.

The footage, provided to CNN by the IDF, comes from the bodycam of one of the terrorists who took part in the massacre.

The IDF said it released the video to show the reality of what happened on October 7, and it marks the first time that Israel has publicly released footage of Hamas tunnels in Gaza it says were being used on the day of the attack.


Freed Captive Ori Magidish’s Uncle Is Now Shomer Shabbos


After IDF soldier Ori Magidish was rescued from captivity in Gaza, there were many reports of the spiritual efforts her family had made for her release, including tefillos, bringing a Sefer Torah into her room, and a bracha from a tzaddik.

There was another spiritual effort that recently has been gaining a lot attention in Israel – the promise of her uncle, Morris Elul, to be Shomer Shabbos if Ori comes home safe and sound.

After IDF soldier Ori Magidish was rescued from captivity in Gaza, there were many reports of the spiritual efforts her family had made for her release, including tefillos, bringing a Sefer Torah into her room, and a bracha from a tzaddik.

There was another spiritual effort that recently has been gaining a lot attention in Israel – the promise of her uncle, Morris Elul, to be Shomer Shabbos if Ori comes home safe and sound.

The Grandma Who is a lot smarter than most Rabbanim of America

 She Was interviewed before Oct 7 

Watch These Amazing Insights on the 300,000 Pro-Israel Rally


Defense Minister Yoav Gallant Puts On Tefillin


LOW-LIFE Hypocrite Shumer After Speaking at March for Israel Votes Against Bill to Support Israel

At the  March For Israel, Schumer took center stage, proudly declaring himself as the “highest ranking elected Jewish official in American history.” With the fervor of a passionate advocate, he proclaimed, “We will not rest until Israel gets all the assistance they need! We stand with Israel!” These words undoubtedly resonated with the crowd, evoking a sense of solidarity and commitment to supporting the nation of Israel. 

However, the stark contradiction emerged when Schumer returned to his office on the very same day and cast a vote against providing assistance to Israel. This apparent discrepancy between his public statements and legislative actions has left many scratching their heads and questioning the authenticity of Schumer’s commitment to supporting Israel.


Ben Shapiro, Mark Levin Slam Randi Weingarten For Mocking White House Minyan

  On Tuesday in front of the White House, prior to the massive rally, there was a beautiful scene, when a huge crowd of Jews davened Shacharis, led by singer Beri Weber. Conservative talk host Mark Levin tweeted the video, and in response, Randi Weingarten, the Jewish President of the American Federation of Teachers, mockingly and despicably replied: ‘Where are the women?’

Weingarten got heavy backlash from Orthodox Jews for her ignorance and intolerance.

Ben Shapiro Slams Candace Owens: ‘By all means quit’


The feud between Ben Shapiro, a frum Jew, and Candace Owens, who more than occasionally tows (and perhaps crosses) the antisemitic line, has escalated to a new level.

Shapiro, co-founder of the Daily Wire which employs Owens, replied to a tweet from Owens on Wednesday imploring her to “by all means quit” if she feels her work at the site “comes between” her and G-d — as Owens’ tweet seemed to suggest.

That was the tame part. Then Owens quickly shot back, “You have been acting unprofessional and emotionally unhinged for weeks now.”

She added: “You have been acting unprofessional and emotionally unhinged for weeks now. And we have all had to sit back and allow it and have all tried to exercise exceeding understanding for your raw emotion. But you cross a certain line when you come for scripture and read yourself into it,” she added, concluding, “I will not tolerate it.”

This is the latest round between the two popular conservative podcast hosts. On Tuesday, a clip surfaced of Shapiro calling Owen’s comments “disgraceful.”


Shapiro responds to a question about her and says, “I think that her faux sophistication on these particular issues has been ridiculous.” He went on to call her commentary on Israel, which was riddled with errors, “disreputable.”

Owens posted a message to Twitter in reply, quoting the New Testament, implying that if she promoted the viewpoints of Daily Wire (specifically regarding the Jews and Israel), she would be betraying her morality.

Shapiro replied to that tweet, “Candace, if you feel that taking money from The Daily Wire somehow comes between you and G-d, by all means quit.”