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Thursday, November 16, 2023

Freed Captive Ori Magidish’s Uncle Is Now Shomer Shabbos


After IDF soldier Ori Magidish was rescued from captivity in Gaza, there were many reports of the spiritual efforts her family had made for her release, including tefillos, bringing a Sefer Torah into her room, and a bracha from a tzaddik.

There was another spiritual effort that recently has been gaining a lot attention in Israel – the promise of her uncle, Morris Elul, to be Shomer Shabbos if Ori comes home safe and sound.

After IDF soldier Ori Magidish was rescued from captivity in Gaza, there were many reports of the spiritual efforts her family had made for her release, including tefillos, bringing a Sefer Torah into her room, and a bracha from a tzaddik.

There was another spiritual effort that recently has been gaining a lot attention in Israel – the promise of her uncle, Morris Elul, to be Shomer Shabbos if Ori comes home safe and sound.

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