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Saturday, November 4, 2023

Facinating! Dovid Hamelech Went Thru The same Gaza Story...Nothing Changed!


Hezbollah Chief Nasrallah's Opening Remarks Sounds Just Like Any Typical Satmar Chusid


Hezbollah chief Nasrallah is currently delivering his address from an undisclosed location:
 'if we want to search for a battle with complete legitimacy, there is no battle like the fight with the Zionists'

Nasrallah also said the "al-Aqsa flood battle" (the name given by Hamas for the October 7 attacks) has already extended to more than one front.

Gaza infiltrators found hiding out in Jerusalem hospital


Police in Jerusalem arrested 11 Palestinians from the Gaza Strip on suspicion of illegally residing in the Jewish state, the Israel Police said on Thursday.

One of the detained Palestinians is the sister of a Hamas terrorist operative, the statement added.

The arrests were carried out during a raid of the Al-Makassed Hospital on the Mount of Olives, the largest of six Arab hospitals in Israel’s capital.

According to the police, the suspects had been staying in the hospital for weeks without being admitted as patients. The deputy director of the hospital has been summoned for questioning.

Israel Warns Citizens, Jews Worldwide: Hide Jewish Identity, Don’t Travel Unless Essential


For the first time in living memory, the State of Israel has issued a stark warning to Israelis — and by extension to Jews around the world: hide your Jewish identity and don’t travel unless it’s absolutely necessary.

The warning was delivered just before the start of the Sabbath late Friday afternoon by Israeli government spokesperson Eylon Levy.

“Globally I want to address this moment of peril for the Jewish People worldwide as we witness a disturbing spike in antisemitic hate speech and even instances of violence against Jews and Israelis following the October 7 massacre,” Levy said.

“Today, the National Security Council and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs put out an unusual global travel warning.

“We are calling on all citizens of Israel to exercise heightened caution when traveling ANYWHERE abroad.

“We know that Jewish communities and their institutions, Israel diplomatic missions and airports handling flights to and from Israel are key targets for antisemites and violent antisemites,” Levy said.

“The National Security Council is urging all Israelis to consider whether ANY foreign travel, ANYWHERE in the world, is necessary at this dangerous moment.

“Citizens planning to travel to countries with specific travel warnings are asked to postpone their visits, and we emphasize Arab and Middle Eastern states, the Northern Caucasus, and countries bordering Iran.

“We are also asking citizens — and truly I cannot believe that we are doing this — we are asking all citizens to avoid displaying any outward signs of their Israeli or Jewish identity when traveling anywhere in the world. If you must travel, please make sure that you have the numbers of emergency services and the local Israeli embassies on speed dial.

“Keep away from the anti-Israel pro-jihad protests and remain alert and vigilant about your surroundings at all times.”

Hamas terrorists attack IDF troops who operated to open the Salah Al-Din humanitarian route for the evacuation of residents southwards


The IDF Arabic spokesperson on Saturday announced that between 1:00p.m.-4:00p.m., the Salah Al-Din route in Gaza will be available as a humanitarian route for residents of northern Gaza who had not yet moved southwards to evacuate for their own safety.

The Hamas terrorist organization exploited the humanitarian window that the IDF provided to residents of Gaza to allow them to move southwards: During the humanitarian window, the terrorists fired mortars and anti-tank missiles at IDF troops who arrived and operated to open the route.

No IDF injuries were reported.

"This incident further proves that Hamas exploits the Gazan population and prevents them from acting in the interest of their own safety," the IDF said in a statement.

DF strikes Hamas terrorists who operated from an ambulance


The IDF on Friday neutralized Hamas terrorists who were operating from an ambulance in Gaza.

“A Hamas terrorist cell was identified using an ambulance. In response, an IDF aircraft struck and neutralized the Hamas terrorists, who were operating within the ambulance,” the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said in a statement.

“We emphasize that this area in Gaza is a war zone. Civilians are repeatedly called upon to evacuate southward for their own safety,” it added.

Earlier, the Gaza “health ministry”, which is run by Hamas, claimed that dozens of Palestinian Arabs were killed in what was described as an “Israeli attack” on a convoy of ambulances carrying wounded people in Gaza.

The IDF has provided evidence that Hamas terrorists use hospital as their operational centers.

Last week, the IDF revealed a great deal of information proving that the headquarters of Hamas’ activity in the Gaza Strip is Shifa Hospital, the central and largest hospital in the Gaza Strip, located in the heart of Gaza City.

The Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) later released footage from the interrogation of two terrorists who confirmed the hospital is being used for Hamas activity.

IDF Released Remarkable Footage of Unit 669’s Heroic Gaza Strip Rescues Of Injured Soldiers


In a remarkable display of courage and dedication, the IDF have unveiled video footage capturing the heroic efforts of the Air Force’s elite Unit 669. The footage showcases the unit’s valiant rescue operations in the heart of the Gaza Strip during the ongoing ground offensive.

Unit 669, comprised of highly trained rescue specialists, combat medics, and skilled helicopter pilots, has been at the forefront of life-saving missions since the outbreak of the conflict on October 7. Over the course of this intense period, the unit has executed an impressive total of 150 separate rescue operations, many of which were carried out under hostile fire conditions.

These daring missions have yielded tremendous results, as approximately 260 injured individuals have been successfully evacuated to hospitals, thanks to the unwavering commitment and exceptional skills of Unit 669’s members.

The released video footage offers a glimpse into the challenging circumstances faced by Unit 669, highlighting their exceptional bravery and unwavering determination to bring injured soldiers to safety. The IDF’s commitment to protecting its personnel and ensuring their well-being remains resolute as the conflict continues.

Friday, November 3, 2023

Zera Shimshon Parshas Vayerah


Hysterical!!!! Faced with rise in Jewish hate in the USA Biden Appoints Kamala Harris To Tackle ‘Islamphobia’


If you aren’t Jewish then imagine for a moment that you are. And the fact that your people had just suffered the worst mass-murder since the Holocaust.

All committed by people shouting the most Nazi-like slogans.

Imagine all that had only just happened.

And then imagine what it must have been like to have gone through these past few weeks. To have seen crowds in American cities not even draw breath before turning out on the streets to celebrate the killings.

Imagine, what´s more, that instead of a great wave of sympathy and support, in city after city and campus after campus it seemed like the country was turning on the Jews.

Instead of even giving them time to breathe and bury the dead, sick people everywhere suddenly crept out and openly celebrated the killing.

But there is a worse turn.

IDF forces have completely surrounded Gaza City


IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari stated that despite reports that the Biden administration is attempting to push for a short-term ceasefire in Gaza, Israel is not considering such a ceasefire at all.

"The idea of a ceasefire is not on the table at all right now. The IDF is at war and is conducting this war to dismantle Hamas. We will speak through actions and not through words," Hagari said.

He noted that the IDF had completed the encirclement of Gaza City. 

"In the past few hours, armored corps and infantry troops, with the assistance of the IAF are striking outposts, command and control centers, rocket launch sites, and other terror infrastructure used by the Hamas leadership and its terrorists. Combat engineering troops are detecting infrastructure, threats, IEDs, and demolishing and neutralizing them to enable the ground forces to maneuver more freely in the area."

“IDF troops completed the encirclement of Gaza City, which is the focal point of the Hamas terror organization.," Hagari said

Iranian Jews forced to cut ties with relatives in Israel


The UK-based Persian language television channel Iran International reported on Wednesday that after the war began between Israel and Hamas, the Iranian regime threatened the Jewish communities in the country.

Jews of Iranian origin in Israel are reporting that their relatives in Iran have left family Whatsapp groups and are even blocking the numbers of all their Israeli contacts.

Since the start of the war, concern in the Jewish community of Iran, which numbers several tens of thousands of members, has spiked.

The report adds that the local Jewish community organized pro-Gaza demonstrations in Teheran, the capital, and in the city of Esfahan. The demonstrations were held under the headline: "Judaism has no connection with Zionism."

During the demonstrations, the demonstrators even waved banners in Hebrew condemning "Israel's crimes against the Palestinian people."

US flying drones over Gaza in search of hostages


The United States has been flying surveillance drones over Gaza in search of hostages taken by Hamas when it attacked Israel on October 7, two US officials said on Thursday, according to the Reuters news agency.

The two US officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the US was flying intelligence gathering drones over Gaza to assist with hostage location efforts. One of the officials said they had been carrying out the drone flights for over a week.

US officials have said 10 Americans who remain unaccounted for may be among the more than 200 people taken as hostages into Gaza.

Two hostages with US citizenship, Judith and Natalie Raanan, were freed by Hamas two weeks ago.

US President Joe Biden on Wednesday called for a “pause” in the fighting in the Gaza Strip in order to allow time to free hostages being held by Hamas, though he stopped short of calling for a full ceasefire.

IDF Spokesman Daniel Hagari said on Thursday that Israeli troops had encircled Gaza City, which has become the focus of attack for Israel.

Blinken and Jack Lew (Loo Loo) arrive in Israel


Names of four IDF soldiers who were killed northern Gaza cleared for publication


The names of four IDF soldiers who were killed in battle in northern Gaza were cleared for publication on Friday morning, after their families were notified:

Captain Beni Wais, 22, from Haifa, platoon commander in the 195th Battalion, 460th Brigade.

Master Sgt. (res.) Uriah Mash, 41, from Talmon, who fought in the 52nd Battalion, 401st Brigade.

Master Sgt. (res.) Yehonatan Yosef Brand, 28, from Jerusalem, who fought in the 52nd Battalion, 401st Brigade.

Sgt. Major (res.) Gil Pishitz, 39, from Harish, a tank driver in the 9th Battalion, 401st Brigade.

On Thursday evening, it was cleared for publication that IDF paratrooper Yair Nifousy was killed in battle against Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip.

Staff Sgt. Nifousy, a 20-year-old resident of Adi, served in the Paratrooper’s 101st Battalion. He was seriously wounded in battle in northern Gaza Wednesday night and succumbed to his injuries on Thursday.

Another soldier from the 101st Battalion was also wounded in the same battle.

Another soldier who fell in battle in the northern Gaza Strip was Lt. Col. Salman Habaka, 33, from Yanuh-Jat.

Wall Street Journal: Hamas “Ceasefire” Means Murdering More Israeli Civlians


An article published on Wednesday by the Wall Street Journal’s editorial board states that at the same time that Hamas pleads for a ceasefire on humanitarian grounds to the English-speaking world, it vows in Arabic to repeat the October 7 attacks.

The report quotes an interview on Lebanese television with Ghazi Hamad, a member of the Hamas Politburo, who vowed that Hamas’s depraved assault on October 7 on women, children, and babies “is just the first time, and there will be a second, a third, a fourth.”

The article continues: That’s what a cease-fire means to Hamas: a chance to repeat Oct. 7 another day. The similar idea of a “humanitarian pause,” gaining steam on the Western left, is to Hamas merely an opportunity to reload. There is nothing humane about pressuring Israel to leave a genocidal enemy in power on its border.

Hamas isn’t ashamed to announce its intent to sacrifice Gazans to kill Jews—at least to receptive audiences. A poll published Monday in Beirut’s Al Akhbar newspaper reported that 80% of Lebanese respondents supported Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack. In another Arabic-language interview, on Oct. 19, Hamas leader Khaled Mashal argued that “nations are not easily liberated,” noting that it sometimes has required the deaths of millions of people. He figures he’s the man for the job.

Given how cheap Hamas holds Palestinian lives, it is no surprise that the terrorist group is shameless about murdering Israelis. Mr. Hamad, on Lebanese TV, says, “We are the victims of the occupation, period. Therefore, nobody should blame us for the things we do. On Oct. 7, on Oct. 10, on October one-millionth, everything we do is justified.”

That’s also the radical-chic view on U.S. campuses: “Resistance by any means necessary”—don’t think, parrot Hamas propaganda.

Hamas promises more massacres in Arabic while asking for a humanitarian reprieve in English. It knows from experience that some Westerners are gullible enough to fall for it.

The hundreds of comments on the article, which from a quick perusal seem to all agree with the author’s conclusions, show that many Americans aren’t fooled by the media’s obsession with the “suffering of the innocent civilians in Gaza caused by the illegal Israeli occupier.”

IDF Spokesman Slams CNN for Refusing to Say Jerusalem is Located in Israel

 IDF Spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Conricus, who has appeared on CNN frequently since the Hamas terror attack, mocked the leftist cable network on Twitter Thursday, over its fake news reporting.

Conricus astutely observed that CNN refuses to acknowledge that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, or that it’s even LOCATED in Israel. He sarcastically called it a ‘technical oversight’ by the notoriously anti-Israel outlet.

He tweeted: “Jerusalem is the capital of the State of Israel. I wonder why it says “Tel Aviv, Israel” above me, but only “Jerusalem”, without “Israel” over the @cnni reporter . Must be a technical oversight, right?”

In 2017 when President Trump moved the embassy, CNN wrote: US President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital on Wednesday and announced plans to relocate the US embassy there, upending seven decades of US foreign policy in a move expected to inflame tensions in the region and unsettle the prospects for peace.

Israel Says It Will Bar Palestinians in Gaza From Working in Israel


DIN: it was the Gazan who worked at those kibbutzim that provided detailed info and gave it to Hamas!

Israel will stop providing funding to the Palestinian Authority earmarked for the Gaza Strip and will bar Palestinians in Gaza from working in Israel, the country said in a statement.

Though Hamas seized control of Gaza from the Palestinian Authority in 2007, the PA has continued to pay tens of thousands of civil servants in the strip. The decision by Israel’s Security Cabinet on Thursday would punish the cash-strapped PA for continuing those salaries.

“Israel is severing off all contact with Gaza,” the government statement read.

Under interim peace accords from the 1990s, Israel collects tax funds on behalf of Palestinians and transfers the money to the PA each month.

The statement also said Israel was revoking permits for the roughly 18,000 Palestinians from Gaza who were allowed to work inside Israel. The jobs were highly coveted in Gaza, an impoverished territory with an unemployment rate of roughly 50%.

20 Thousand Participate in Pro Israel Rally in Heroes Square in Vienna


What is being called to be an historic event 85 years after Adolf Hitler announced the Anschluss at Vienna’s Heldenplatz, more then 20 Thousand people gathered Thursday night in Heldenpltz in prayer & song in support for Israel and the safe return of hostages held by Hamas terrorists in Gaza

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Satmar Newspaper "Der Yid" Blames All the Deaths of Oct 7 on the Zionists Just Like HAMAS!


In the third paragraph above, "DER GOY" writes:

"this is a one long chain for the terrible price that klall Yisrael is paying for the existence of the Zionist State that was established before the coming of the Mashiach, climaxing with the latest murder by Hamas of 1,400 sacrifices"

In the final paragraph, the first 5 lines, from Der Goy, could be mistaken for a  Hamas handbook

"those with faith, should be careful not to fall for Zionist propaganda that is all over the news and the streets. bla bla bla 

We should all pray for the total antihalation of the State, but with compassion and it should not cost another drop of Jewish blood, G-d help!"

Guys you get this? This is what they are davening for?

"The annihilation of the only Jewish State" Ouch!

Oh! But they add without "costing another drop of Jewish blood?"

Thank you!

In his sefer "Al Hagila" the Satmar Rebbe z"l has a solution how this can happen, he suggests that the State be under the auspices of the United Nations! 


The UN???????

The UN is now siding with Hamas!!

Even during the 6 day war, when the Satmar Rebbe asked Yossel Ashkanazi to write that sefer, the UN sided with the Arabs!!Yet, he suggested that the UN take over.

Tell me one country that is under the UN auspices and has a lasting peace.

Is there anyone out there that can tell me the difference in ideology between Neturei Karta, Hamas and Satmar?


Why the ACLU is going to bat for Donald Trump


When the American Civil Liberties Union goes to bat for Donald Trump, it’s a red flag.

The ACLU generally fights for far-left causes. 

But the ACLU always has championed the rights of the accused. 

This time, the accused is Trump.

The ACLU is protesting a gag order US District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan imposed Oct. 17 to silence Trump, at the request of federal prosecutor Jack Smith. Trump has called Smith a “thug.”

Chutkan’s order bars Trump from making any statements “targeting” Smith, the witnesses in the case or the judge herself. Trump’s lawyers appealed.

Chutkan paused the gag order for several days but reinstated it Sunday.

The ACLU is backing Trump’s right to speak.  

Whether you like Trump or hate him, watch this battle. 

If prosecutors can silence a former president, think what they could do to you.

The ACLU argues the gag order violates Trump’s First Amendment rights and the public’s right to hear Trump’s views so it can decide “whether he deserves to be elected again.”

History and the Bill of Rights are on Trump’s side.