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Friday, November 3, 2023

Names of four IDF soldiers who were killed northern Gaza cleared for publication


The names of four IDF soldiers who were killed in battle in northern Gaza were cleared for publication on Friday morning, after their families were notified:

Captain Beni Wais, 22, from Haifa, platoon commander in the 195th Battalion, 460th Brigade.

Master Sgt. (res.) Uriah Mash, 41, from Talmon, who fought in the 52nd Battalion, 401st Brigade.

Master Sgt. (res.) Yehonatan Yosef Brand, 28, from Jerusalem, who fought in the 52nd Battalion, 401st Brigade.

Sgt. Major (res.) Gil Pishitz, 39, from Harish, a tank driver in the 9th Battalion, 401st Brigade.

On Thursday evening, it was cleared for publication that IDF paratrooper Yair Nifousy was killed in battle against Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip.

Staff Sgt. Nifousy, a 20-year-old resident of Adi, served in the Paratrooper’s 101st Battalion. He was seriously wounded in battle in northern Gaza Wednesday night and succumbed to his injuries on Thursday.

Another soldier from the 101st Battalion was also wounded in the same battle.

Another soldier who fell in battle in the northern Gaza Strip was Lt. Col. Salman Habaka, 33, from Yanuh-Jat.

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