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Friday, November 3, 2023

Israel Says It Will Bar Palestinians in Gaza From Working in Israel


DIN: it was the Gazan who worked at those kibbutzim that provided detailed info and gave it to Hamas!

Israel will stop providing funding to the Palestinian Authority earmarked for the Gaza Strip and will bar Palestinians in Gaza from working in Israel, the country said in a statement.

Though Hamas seized control of Gaza from the Palestinian Authority in 2007, the PA has continued to pay tens of thousands of civil servants in the strip. The decision by Israel’s Security Cabinet on Thursday would punish the cash-strapped PA for continuing those salaries.

“Israel is severing off all contact with Gaza,” the government statement read.

Under interim peace accords from the 1990s, Israel collects tax funds on behalf of Palestinians and transfers the money to the PA each month.

The statement also said Israel was revoking permits for the roughly 18,000 Palestinians from Gaza who were allowed to work inside Israel. The jobs were highly coveted in Gaza, an impoverished territory with an unemployment rate of roughly 50%.


Circle said...

Right. Until they cave once again.
I only hope Israel doesn't give the Gazans backpay for when they couldn't work during the war.

Anonymous said...

Rabbi Meir Kahane, YOU WERE RIGHT!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree.