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Friday, November 3, 2023

IDF forces have completely surrounded Gaza City


IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari stated that despite reports that the Biden administration is attempting to push for a short-term ceasefire in Gaza, Israel is not considering such a ceasefire at all.

"The idea of a ceasefire is not on the table at all right now. The IDF is at war and is conducting this war to dismantle Hamas. We will speak through actions and not through words," Hagari said.

He noted that the IDF had completed the encirclement of Gaza City. 

"In the past few hours, armored corps and infantry troops, with the assistance of the IAF are striking outposts, command and control centers, rocket launch sites, and other terror infrastructure used by the Hamas leadership and its terrorists. Combat engineering troops are detecting infrastructure, threats, IEDs, and demolishing and neutralizing them to enable the ground forces to maneuver more freely in the area."

“IDF troops completed the encirclement of Gaza City, which is the focal point of the Hamas terror organization.," Hagari said

"Our forces are killing terrorists in close combat, in any place in which fighting is required, even if it is difficult, the IDF and its soldiers have the upper hand. We are operating continuously with fire directed from the air and from the sea. Even when we engage in battle in the field, if needed, we take a step backward, directing heavy fire from air and from sea, and then continue to move forward and to fight. This is repeated in every battle we engage in and this is how we will continue to fight. The commanders are leading our soldiers from the front, leading with courage, with strength, together with their soldiers. This is the battle spirit, and this is how the IDF fights," he said.

Hagari revealed that Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh is on his way to Iran in a private plane. "If one wants to understand who is involved in this war, one must pay attention also to the visit of one of Hamas’ murderous leaders, Ismail Haniyeh, in Iran today. He is going to visit Iran on a private jet and there is significance to the reception that he will receive from the Iranian leader. Iran is pushing its proxies around us, the Houthis, Hezbollah and others, in order to distract us from focusing on Hamas and Gaza. We are focused on Hamas. We are focused on destroying Hamas and making every effort to bring all of our hostages home. This is our focus and we will not be distracted.

"Regarding Haniyeh, while he is traveling on private jets, he will sacrifice Gaza just like Yahya Sinwar. This is what they are about: sacrificing Gaza for their own personal gain," he added.

"In the North, the IDF attacked a series of targets in Lebanese territory including military posts, terror infrastructure, rocket launching posts and weapons storage facilities. The next line of targets was struck tonight, in response to rocket fire that took place earlier today from the Lebanese border on northern Israel. In the north, the IDF will respond with action, not with words. The IDF is on high alert.

"In Judea and Samaria, the IDF, together with the ISA continues to fight the Palestinian terror and are arresting dozens of terrorists each night. We are thwarting terror attacks all the time. 

Over the past weeks, IAF aircraft have been carrying out a forceful military operation in defense and offense, being guided by our intelligence forces - providing them with precise targets, simultaneously, on a number of fronts. Dozens of our aircraft fill the skies of the Middle East. At any given moment, our enemies can see the picture in the sky, they see the air force and our capabilities, our ability to act forcefully and with precision - striking the targets provided by the Intelligence Branch. They understand what this means. The IAF, along with the Intelligence Branch, provide cover for our ground forces in Gaza, in the North and in Judea and Samaria.

"Our aerial defense system, together with the Navy, with all its capabilities, continue the effort to protect the citizens of Israel and the Israeli skies - on all fronts and borders. Today the Chief of Staff visited an airforce base, and said, “IDF is prepared and positioned for any development, on all fronts. The IAF is currently running on less than half of its capability. It is positioned and ready to be launched on all fronts in a very short period of time, as needed.’’

"So far, the families of 242 kidnapped have been notified. Additionally, we have notified the families of 335 IDF fallen soldiers. Our hearts are with the families and we will continue to accompany them and to stand with them in these difficult days. We will also accompany the injured and wish them a speedy recovery until they fully recover and will be together with their families. Those who fell in combat, significantly contributed to the security of the State of Israel and more significantly, their contribution is in the spirit of combat, a compass for all of our soldiers that are currently fighting in Gaza and in the North. What drives them, is the lighthouse of those who fell in combat, for their sake. We will continue to fight until we are victorious.

"The coming weeks will require all of us to show resilience and patience.," Hagari concluded.

1 comment:

frum but normal said...

And now what?
Accomplished absolutely nothing, because that filthy demented degenerate piece of human excrement sitting in the White house is going to force Israel to let in humanitarian aid to those filthy murderous sewer rats.

Israel should have leveled all of Gaza, without leaving one house standing and only then sent in our precious young to clean out the garbage.
Instead, this murderous government is sacrificing our best and finest on the altar of political correctness and liberalism.