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Saturday, October 28, 2023

Legendary Jewish Music Producer Sheya Mendlowitz Passes at 61


R’ Sheya Mendlowitz, a music producer whose work heavily influenced the landscape of frum, bataamte music for four decades passes away. He was 61.

A trailblazer and visionary in the music industry, he produced hundreds of music albums, including some of the greatest hits for Mordechai Ben David and Avraham Fried. He was also the producer of 15 of the legendary HASC concerts, the first one of which took place 35 years in January of 1988 at the Lincoln Center, when Sheya was just 25 years old.

Sheya grew up in Flatbush, attending Yeshiva Torah Temimah as a child. His entry into the world of music came through his second grade rebbi, Rabbi Eli Teitelbaum z”l, who headed the original Pirchei Choir. Sheya joined the choir, appearing on the fourth Pirchei Choir LP, and later sang on the Sdei Chemed albums.

In 1979, he co-produced the Amudei Sheish Boys choir LP, then solo-produced the Amudei Sheish Wedding Album which was released the following year.

Sheya went on to produce Avraham Fried’s first solo album, entitled “No Jew Will Be Left Behind” in 1981. That same year, Sheya was involved with two of MBD’s releases: “Mordechai Ben David Live” (his first live album) and “Memories”, which was written in memory of his mother, A”H. Over the following years, Sheya and MBD jointly produced a number of hit albums together, including: his “MBD & Friends” (1987), “Mostly Horas” (1987), “Yisroel Lamm & The Philharmonic Experience” (1988), and “25 Years of Jewish Music” (1988). Sheya Mendlowitz went on to produce MBD’s “Simen Tov – Keitzad” (single album) (1989), and “The Double Album” (1990).

Sheya produced his first concert in 1981 at the Felt Forum in Madison Square Garden, featuring Mordechai ben David.

He was the composer of one of the most famous “Siman Tov U’Mazal Tov” tunes of all time – first sung by the chasunah of the Belzer Rebbe’s son – which is still used at Jewish weddings throughout the world.

Sheya had a special fondness for authentic Jewish music, and insisted on promoting it as much as possible.

“One thing I have tried to do is to preserve Jewish music. Everything is influenced by its surroundings and people try to take the rhythms of secular music and put Jewish words to it, but I wonder if that’s really Jewish music,” he said in an interview earlier this year. “So what I’ve tried to do is preserve the Jewish identity of the music. The stuff that’s lasted through time are the real old, old songs- the chasideshe stuff and the Carlebach stuff and the Modzitzer stuff, because if you take all the arrangements and extras out of it, you’re left with a beautiful, pure melody.”

Sheya suffered terribly from a slew of ailments and medical conditions the past few years. Incredibly, he never complained. As he was unable to walk the past few years, close friends made a Shul for him in his home where there Minyanim every Shabbos and Yom Tov. He always had a smile and a good word for everyone.

He was in and put of the hospital recently, and his condition deteriorated until his Petira early Friday morning.

The Levaya will be on Sunday morning at Shomrei Hadas on 14th Avenue and 38th Street. 

While you were singing Zmiros with your Family Jewish Soldiers Entered Gaza on a limited incursion


Palestinian Exposes "Palestinian Lies" in Front of the Euro'Pishers


Below listen to a former Hamas official

Vivek Ramaswamy: No aid to Israel until we have these answers


Chayelet Lighting Shabbos Candles


‘From the Hitler playbook’: Left-wing actress blasts calls for ceasefire with Hamas


Actress and comedian Amy Schumer excoriated Hamas’ supporters around the world, and took aim at critics of Israel who have called for an immediate ceasefire between Gaza and Israel.

Taking to Instagram Sunday, the 42-year-old stand-up comic and Trainwreck star reposted a statement accusing opponents of Israel’s response to the October 7th massacres of antisemitism.

“If you scream ‘genocide’ but were silent about the massacre of October 7th, you might hate Jews.”

“If you call for a ceasefire but not the release of hostages, you might hate Jews.”

“If you oppose Israel’s right to defend itself but say nothing of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, and Syria’s continuous rocket launches toward the civilian population of Israel, you might hate Jews.”

“If you spoke out against Israel’s tragic bombing of the hospital in Gaza, but made no contraction once you learned it was actually done by Islamic Jihad, you might hate Jews.”

“If you use inflammatory language regarding Israel no matter how flawed their government, but use measured and apologetic terminology around Hamas, a terrorist organization whose charter clearly states their intent to kill Jews, you might hate Jews.”

“If you chant ‘decolonize,’ but fail to condemn the chanting of ‘gas the Jews’ at rallies in city streets and universities worldwide, you might hate Jews.”

“If you disagree with this statement, you might hate Jews.”

"Kish Mich in Tuches"


Two patients in Hospital One the Victim and the other the Terrorist


AG Gives In, Approves Ben Gvir’s Dramatic Change in Rules of Engagement


On Tuesday, Ynet reported a confrontation between the National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir and AG Gali Baharav-Miara over the police rules of engagement inside Israel during the war. The AG was planning to issue a directive to the police allowing them to only shoot the legs of rioters who pose a threat to the officers’ lives, only on the condition that the rioters are deterred beforehand through the gradual use of force, with gas grenades.

But on Thursday night, Otzma Yehudit issued a press release saying Minister Ben Gvir will put to a cabinet vote this coming Sunday a resolution to change the rules of engagement that were based on the recommendations of the Or Committee, promising that “dramatic changes will be made in the rules of engagement of the Israel Police.”

Friday, October 27, 2023

Zera Shimshon Parshas Lech Lecha


Avram Fried Sings "Acheinu" with Our Heros


Rabbi of Zichron Moshe in Yerushalayim Condemned the bastard that attacked a Frum Soldier Coming to Daven in his shul


 השינוי ביחס לחיילים בזכרון משה לא מגיע על חלל ריק, רב בית הכנסת הגדול זכרון משה הרב אהרן פישר שליט"א בן ראב"ד העדה החרדית הגרי פישר זצוק"ל מחה בליל שבת בחריפות ואמר שלא מוחל למי שיתקוף חייל 
בבית הכנסת בתקופה רגישה זו. ודיבר בתקיפות רבה בנושא

‎ The change of attitude towards soldiers in Zichron Moshe does not come in a vacuum.

 The rabbi of the Great Synagogue of Zichron Moshe Rabbi Aharon Fisher Shlita ben Raved of the ultra-Orthodox community Hagan Fisher z"l strongly protested on Friday night and said that those who attack a soldier in the synagogue at this sensitive time are not forgiven. And spoke very firmly on the subject‎

While the Entire Jewish World Wants "Achdus" Not in Ger ,, Ger Sends Message that the followers Of R' Shaul Alter Are Nazis!


Chabad Doing more than their Share in the War


Watch this never-before-seen footage of the IDF operating to neutralize terrorists and rescue the civilians of Kibbutz Be’eri:

 In the footage, you can see the IDF soliders firing at the terrorists’ vehicle, killing the driver who then lost control of the vehicle. The unit’s soldiers then killed the other terrorists in the cell who tried to escape. At the same time of the counterterrorism activities, you can see IDF special forces rescuing the residents of Kibbutz Be’eri.

Vishnitz Chasidim in Kfar Hamaccabi to joy to those evacuated from the Gaza envelope.


Mother Of 10, Border Police Commander, Rescued Tens Of Youths From Rave Party

  Superintendent Shifra Buchris is in many ways a superwoman. Balancing a career as a commander in the southern section of Border Police together with being a mother of ten, the feisty policewoman has her hands full at all times. Yet her courage and determination truly came to the fore on the dreadful day of October 7, when she and a small force of three other fighters from her unit bravely entered the ghastly scene of the Reim rave party and rescued tens of youths from the terrorists while under fire.

As soon as she heard the reports of terrorists attacking the party, Buchris (45) and her unit raced to save lives.

“I would have liked to eliminate terrorists, I’m a fighter by nature,” Buchris said, “But there, in the valley of death, we decided that first and foremost we would prevent the injured from bleeding to death. I don’t know if its because I’m a mother of ten childfren but I decided that my unit would bring back as many children as possible to parents waiting for them at home.”

“The angels have come, you’ve saved our lives.” This sentence is etched in Buchris’s memory. She says that “We found young people who posed as dead and that’s what saved them. We rescued them, placed as many as possible in the cars, in the trunk and raced to Urim junction and the ambulance point. We worked automatically, didn’t let anyone stop them.

They were stunned by the barbarity of the sight, hundreds of youths murdered with bullets to the brain. Bullets were flying near them as well but they continued the work. One of the soldiers said, “I was waiting for the bullet that would get me,” but they didn’t stop for an entire 12 hours, searching for survivors. At one point they found 11 terrorists hiding, handcuffed them and brought them to security forces.

The unit didn’t see themselves as heroes. “We were doing our job. It’s our task to defend civilians, to protect them from danger, even at the expense of our lives.”

WATCH: ‘Hamas ’ member AOC Run from Chaya Raichik


 Chaya Raichik, aka Libs of Tiktok, once again ‘bumped into’ AOC in the halls of the Capitol. At first, Ocasio-Cortez seemed willing to pose for a picture–until she recognized Raichik.

At that point, AOC quickly fled the seen. Raichik asked her if the reason she refused to “share a space with her” is because she is Jewish.

This was the second confrontation between the two. In March, Raichik successfully got AOC to pose with her for a picture, before Ocasio-Cortez recognized her.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Ron Johnson: ‘Jack Lew Makes No Sense as Ambassador to Israel’ was an Obama Appointee


Thursday on FBN’s “Mornings with Maria,” Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) criticized President Joe Biden’s choice to serve as the U.S. Ambassador to Israel, Jack Lew.

According to the Wisconsin Republican, Lew was a bad choice because of his approach to diplomacy with Iran.

“So, what about what the White House wants in terms of an Ambassador to Israel?” FBN host Maria Bartiromo said. “The President’s nominee for Israel Ambassador is Jack Lew. It advanced out of the Committee yesterday. Every Republican on the Foreign Relations Committee, except for Senator Rand Paul, opposed to Jack Lew’s nomination. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer says that he is going to move to confirm Lew as soon as possible, Senator. What are your thoughts?”

“Well, Jack Lew has a history of advocating for Iran, coddling Iran,” Johnson replied. “I think it’s an insult to Israel to be sending an Ambassador from the United States to Israel that has really been on the side of their existential threat. So, that’s why Republicans voted against it. But, this administration has literally populated this administration with some of the most radical leftists and people that simply make no sense, and Jack makes — Jack Lew makes no sense as Ambassador to Israel.”

“Who would you like to see there?” Bartiromo said.

“Somebody who actually supports Israel, somebody who doesn’t support Iran,” Johnson responded. “That’s pretty basic, right? There ought to be plenty of people that would be very good ambassadors to Israel. Jack Lew is not that person.”

Ezra "the capo" Friedlander got over $200,000 in a 6 Month Period from Turkey.

Ezra with the Girls 

It seems that Ezra "the capo" Friedlander is always on the wrong side of helping Jews. 

He supported the Iran deal and wrote op-ed in all Jewish web sites urging and encouraging the then antisemite President Obama to go ahead with the disastrous Iran Deal.

Ezra was also behind giving the dead Sadat, the guy who murdered over 2,000 Jewish soldiers a Congressional Medal of Honor!

Now he teamed up with the Hamas loving Turkey and already received $200,000 since January of this year.

Why is anyone still talking to this stupid foolish stooge?