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Friday, October 6, 2023

Jews murder Christians, traffic children, former congresswoman shares on X

 Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney shared a number of antisemitic posts on X throughout the beginning of October.

One of the posts that McKinney shared claimed that “Jews promised to murder Xtians…they boast that they murdered Christ…so Christ followers no biggy to Jews. World, we have a problem!”
Screenshot taken from Cynthia McKinney’s X account 

In another repost by McKinney, it was claimed that “Jews and Israel love trafficking organs, children and women, murderers, slavery black and white, genocide Muslims and other countries worldwide, lies, manipulations, pedophilia and sex offenders, funding training azoz nazis and al-Qaida….”

Thursday, October 5, 2023

United, American, Delta and Southwest ground planes amid bombshell lawsuit claiming they've bought thousands of faulty engine parts with FAKE safety certificates from dubious company

 The aviation industry has been rocked by reports thousands of jet-engine parts with fraudulent safety certificates have been installed onto passenger planes. 

Major airlines including American Airlines, United Airlines and Southwest Airlines have pulled jets from their fleets as investigations into the potentially catastrophic faults are ongoing. 

The scandal has zeroed in on a dubious airplane parts supplier named AOG Technics, which allegedly mass-produced fake safety certificates in order to sell its engine parts to airlines. 

AOG Technics has also faced allegations it faked employees and was using stock photographs for fictitious staffers on LinkedIn, according to Bloomberg. Attempts to contact the company were unsuccessful. 

With parts from the problematic company so far found in 126 engines across several airlines, questions are being raised over the effectiveness of the aviation industry's safety oversight measures. 

Airline parts are supposed to undergo stringent safety tests to ensure they are 'airworthy', with each part coming with a certificate that can be used to trace the component's origins and inspection records.

But the Federal Aviation Administration, as well as investigators in Europe, have alleged that AOG Technics forged its documentation, an issue with potentially disastrous consequences in the event of a faulty part.

The most affected engine model was found to be a CFM56, which alarmingly holds the record for most engines ever sold to airlines at over 33,900. 

It is currently installed in numerous jets across the world, most notably Boeing's predecessor to the 737 MAX and the initial version of the Airbus A320. 

Both jets are extremely common in flights across the world each day.  

The affected engine parts vary from small components such as screws and bolts to units vital for the propulsion of a jet, such as turbine blades. 

As investigations into the potential scheme continue, it was found that dozens of the engines were inadvertently made by General Electric in a joint venture with Safran, which has since launched a lawsuit against AOG Technics.

The GE engines were reportedly installed during maintenance work, and then found their way into  Boeing and Airbus airplanes.

After American Airlines, United Airlines and Southwest Airlines pulled planes from their rosters, Delta Airlines said on Monday that it also removed a several engines from service. 

Affected airlines have said they quickly identified engines certified by AOG Technics, which made up only a fraction of their total number, and claim passenger safety has not been compromised. 

But according to the lawsuit filed by GE and Safran, the aviation parts supplier used a large scale falsification system to sell its parts to airlines.

In the UK, where the company lists it address, a judge this week ordered the company to turn over its parts sales documents, and the full extent of the scandal could grow as the records are assessed. 

Before the analysis began on Wednesday, airlines said they found 16 engines in their shops and a 110 in separate facilities that were fitted with parts from AOG Technics. 

According to the Wall Street Journal, the company serves as a middleman in the aviation industry by acquiring parts before selling them to maintenance and repair shops. 

It was established in 2015, but several disturbing business practices have been alleged in recent times, including that there is reportedly no record of the company ever receiving approvals for its parts. 

Court documents have also found that the company's founder, Jose Zamora Yrala, is the sole director and shareholder, and dubious LinkedIn profiles have reportedly been linked to the business using aliases and stock profile pictures. 

'It’s a bit strange that a phantom company can be allowed to supply spare parts with false certification documents,' Olivier Andriès, the chief executive of Safran, told reporters last month. 

In their bombshell lawsuit, GE and Safran, joined in the action by their joint venture CFM International, say they were initially alerted to the crisis in June after it was caught by the engineering and maintenance teams of TAP Air Portugal. 

They claim AOG Technics has put 'aircraft safety in jeopardy and renders it impossible for operators who have purchased these parts to verify the airworthiness of their engines.' 

'All falsified parts need urgently to be identified and the relevant operators notified,' the suit adds, warning that the stress engines are put under during a flight coupled with the hundreds of lives in their hands each route means even a small part malfunctioning could be catastrophic. 

Stressing that safety is the priority in bringing the suit, GE reportedly told investors that it doesn't anticipate the issue to have any financial impact on the company. 

The lawsuit also brings up allegations that AOG Technics used stock photographs and potentially faked employees online. 

'There are, therefore, legitimate questions as to whether the profiles have been manufactured and whether the profiled employees actually exist,' the suit claims. 

The WSJ reported that it visited the company's listed address in London, near Buckingham Palace, where reception and security staff said they had not heard of the company. 

A representative for the building that leases the spaces told the outlet that AOG Technics was a virtual client and did not hold a space in the location. 

'If you put a part in an airplane engine, you should feel confident that it’s legitimate,' said Ron Epstein, an aerospace analyst at Bank of America. 'Somebody found a loophole. The system is supposed to guard against that.' 

Climate activists tried to block a highway in Portugal. Drivers quickly ended it


Boy High School Runner Competes against Boys comes in 172nd but then Says he is a Girl competes against girls comes in 4th


 Parents and students were outraged over a transgender runner competing with the girls in the Maine XC Festival of Champions on Saturday.

Maine Coast Waldorf School high school sophomore Soren Stark-Chessa previously competed in the boys’ category for the school one year prior. In the 5k division, Stark-Chessa ranked approximately 172nd among males in the state. After transitioning, however, the runner shot up to 4th place in the girls’ division.

High school track mom Katherine Collins from Winterport, Maine, later spoke with "Fox & Friends"  about the event, calling out the "unfairness" of the race.

"It’s all a matter of unfairness. The men are bigger, stronger and faster than women," Collins said.

She also criticized the Maine Principals Association for allowing the transgender runner to compete based on its "Gender Equity and Inclusion Policy."

"Obviously, there is an unfair advantage, but they’ve allowed this. Last year, in outdoor track, in the Class-C state meet, two boys participated. One podiumed and was moved on to the New England track meet. So a girl was put aside and not allowed to medal and not allowed to participate in a higher level because of this boy," Collins explained.

The policy declares that "all students should have the opportunity to participate in MPA activities in a manner that is consistent with their gender identity, unless such participation would result in an unfair athletic advantage or would present an unacceptable risk of injury to other student athletes."

"The only reason that this boy did not win the meet on Saturday is because Greene has some of the strongest female athletes in the nation. The first two girls who finished the race on Saturday…the first-place winner ranks number 8th in the country and the second-place winner ranks number 15th in the country. If it wasn’t for these top-ranked girls who are faster than most girls in the whole United States, this boy would have won the entire girls’ cross-country meet," Collins said.

In a comment to Maine podcast host Shawn McBreairty, an anonymous female runner also commented, "It is not fair to a female who has trained hard. Males are biologically faster than females, with testosterone. They need to run under their biological gender." 

The Maine Principals Association did not respond for a comment to FOX News Digital.

Although Stark-Chessa placed only fifth in the event, Collins argued that it was only because of the top-ranking girls competing.

Saudi Pro-Israel blogger missing


Saudi blogger Mohammed Saud, who is known for his staunch pro-Israel stance and is fluent in Hebrew, has been missing for the past two days after he was supposed to meet Israeli Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi, who is visiting the kingdom.

Saud was supposed to appear on the Israeli Channel 14's "Hapatriotim" program but was absent, and since then, his whereabouts have been unknown.

Several assumptions and conspiracy theories have been raised on the internet regarding the disappearance. Middle East expert Dr. Eddie Cohen, who spoke with Saud on Monday, wrote that according to information that reached him, the blogger is in custody and is being interrogated by the local police.

Cohen wrote: "According to unverified information that an acquaintance of mine there sent me, Mohammed Saud is detained. The reason: "he wanted to do a live stream with Minister Karhi. They used the arrest as an excuse to search his cell phone as well."

He added that "in a day or two, he'll get out and deny the arrest and say that everything's alright, that he had a test, his phone malfunctioned, he was sick, and so on, that's how it is in these countries. Understand who we're dealing with."

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Machmud sings Yedid Nefesh


Salaries of the CEO and Drivers of the Chevra Kadisha of Rishon Le'Zion


Sadigere Rebbe of London doing His Lulav "shuckling"


נענועי האדמו"ר מסדיגורא לונדון

 I am just wondering, would the rebbe shuckel this way if he wasn't a rebbe, if he was just a regular Joe!

Badatz Hooligans Continue to Threaten the Life of the author of "Peshuto Shel Mikrah"

 Rabbi Zalman Gottlieb, the humble publisher of Peshuto she Mikrah, left all his personal belongings at home last night and disappeared.‎

‎He had returned from abroad where he was trying to clear his name and enterprise, and when he arrived in Israel, "Rabbi" Yehoshua Rosenberger issued a letter from some of the Badatz judges destroying all his hope.‎

Gottlieb told his family that he couldn't stand it anymore. Yesterday he disappeared, Police are looking for him...‎

In ‎a dramatic development in the investigation into his disappearance police discovered recordings of phone calls that include explicit threats to his life. ‎

‎His associate who found him the hiding place says:
 "For several months now, he and his family have been undergoing an unbearable terror campaign, which includes harassment at all hours of the day, but the explicit threat that included a time and place to harm him forced us to smuggle him out immediately, and at the same time involve the police."‎

‎As you may recall, a group of rioters, and one of the leaders against the sefer published by the Leshem Institute, broke into the home of Gabad Betar Hagarach Weiss, who supports the book, and fled only when the police were called. 
This threat to the life of one of the Institute's leaders is certainly another escalation on the part of the same extremist sect that has terrorized the public and rabbis in recent years.

Euro'Pishers Urges Israeli Government to Stop Subsidizing Yeshiva Students, ‘Encourage’ Them to Work


Europe’s Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) attacked the low work force participation of yeshiva students and those in the Arab sector in its 2023 Going for Growth report published Tuesday.

The European alliance recommended that Israel condition child allowances — a government assistance program provided to every Israeli parent in the country — on participation of fathers in the work force.

The OECD also recommended the government stop subsidies to yeshiva students, and increase funding for schools in the Arab sector.

Israel’s treatment of its yeshiva student population has long been a major issue for the country’s coalition governments, including that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, due to the rising haredi population in the country and the participation of religious parties in the coalition.

The report offers OECD member nations structural changes to help encourage long-term and sustainable growth. It includes general recommendations as well as a review and individual recommendations for each member country, including Israel.

In the section on Israel, the report notes that socioeconomic gaps remain wide, and noted the haredi and Arab sectors reflect low participation in the labor market — particularly in the high-tech arena — in addition to their earning lower wages and working a lower number of hours.

In addition, the report noted that the proportion of workers living below the poverty line is high, and that the wage gap between men and women stands at 24.3 percent — second only to the wage gap in South Korea.

To read the full report, click here.

Minnesota: School board candidate wants to place all Jewish children in foster homes


One of the candidates on the ballot for an upcoming Minnesota school board election is an avowed Holocaust denier who has called for all Jews to be sterilized and tattooed with the Star of David, all synagogues to be closed and all Jewish children to be forcibly removed from their parents.

Vaughn Klingenberg is one of seven candidates on the ballot for three open seats in Roseville, a suburb of the Twin Cities. In addition to his views on Jewish people, which he recently published under his own name on a blog, he also visited two area synagogues during the recent High Holidays, actions that have earned condemnation from the state’s attorney general and from local Jewish leaders alike.

“He has our attention. He’s clearly tried to get the attention of the public by spewing hateful, antisemitic rhetoric, which is obviously untrue but is also dangerous,” Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison told a local news channel.

Skeverer Chusid Kevin McCarthy Ousted


DIN: The "Bruuucha" from the Skverer Rebbe didn't work, and Skverer Chassidim are trying to figure out what went wrong. This could be bad PR for Skver, and politicians are now questioning whether to seek "bruuuuchis" from the rebbe,

 Speaker Kevin McCarthy was voted out of the job Tuesday in an extraordinary showdown, a first in U.S. history, The 216-210 vote, forced by a contingent of hard-right conservatives, throws the House and its Republican leadership into chaos.

McCarthy’s chief rival, Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, brought forward the “motion to vacate” drawing together more than a handful of conservative Republican critics of the speaker and many Democrats who say he is unworthy of leadership.

Next steps are uncertain, but there is no obvious successor to lead the House Republican majority.

Principal Accused of Molesting Students Is Anti-Judicial Reform Protester


Udi Klein, the director of the School of the Arts, Arison Campus, a specialized high school in Tel Aviv, announced on Monday that he is going on vacation and sources close to the school don’t believe he is coming back, following a Channel 12 report on Sunday that he had a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old boy.

In 2021, another teacher from the same school was accused of raping a female student, 14, and sentenced to seven years in prison, and paid his victim NIS 200,000 ($52,000).

Back in November 2021, when left-wing Meretz Party’s member of the Tel Aviv City Council Etai Pinkas Arad who advises the mayor on LGBT affairs was accused of having liaisons with underage boys, a group called the Gay Youth recommended appointing Udi Klein to a special panel to advise a committee of inquiry on sex abuse, headed by retired Judge Nava Ben-Or.

Klein, who was accused of abusing a 16-year-old boy as well, has been a loud voice of the Kaplan protests against the judicial reforms. He was recorded carrying a lively speech, dressed in a T-shirt adorned by the ubiquitous slogan, “Democratia.”

Right-wing activist, attorney Kinneret Barashi, tweeted in response: “So, what did we have so far on the Kaplan stage?

“One Avi Himi, the chairman of the Bar Association, who was removed from office on suspicion of exposing himself on Zoom before a female colleague against her will.

“One Moshe Ivgy, a convicted sex offender.

“One Ehud Barak, whose name is associated with pedophile and pimp Jeffrey Epstein.

“One Ehud Olmert, a convicted criminal who served time for bribery/

“One Udi Klein, a school principal suspected of having sex with minors, his school’s students.

“These are the shepherds of the flock.”

Lefty Journalist Who Mocked Conservatives that Warned About Violence — Shot Dead at Home

 As reported by Cristina Laila, Philadelphia journalist Josh Kruger was shot dead in his home in the 2300 block of Watkins Street early Monday morning after he received a mysterious threat.

39-year-old Josh Kruger was shot in the chest and abdomen seven times and was pronounced dead at the hospital shortly after 2 am.Kruger was murdered two weeks after he was threatened by a person who calls themselves “Lady Diabla, the She-Devil of the Streets.”

“In August, someone threw a rock through his home window, he said. Then, about two weeks ago, he wrote on Facebook that someone came to his house searching for their boyfriend — “a man I’ve never met once in my entire life.” The person called themselves “Lady Diabla, the She-Devil of the Streets” and threatened him, he wrote.” according to The Philadelphia Inquirer.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Neturei Karta of Monsey Hate Children Also


The Monsey Fire Department deployed numerous resources on Monday – but not for a fire. Instead, the response was for an intentional spill of foul-smelling sludge at the site of the planned Chabad Simchas Bais HaShoeiva at Monsey’s Park & Ride.

The culprits? The notorious malcontents from the extremist “Neturei Karta” sect, who annually protest Chabad’s Simchas Bais Hashoeiva event at the site.

This year, Neturei Karta attempted to sabotage the event by spilling odorous chemicals at the Park & Ride, making the area unusable.

Thankfully, despite Neturei Karta’s sickening move, the event will go on, thanks to the Monsey Fire Department and Town of Ramapo Highway Department.

Its members are working to quickly remove all of the sewage from the site, allowing the joyous event to go on as scheduled.

US Sick Obsession with ‘Palestinians’ Harming Normalization Between Israel and Saudis


 There is growing frustration among Israeli and Saudi officials over what they see as an overemphasis by Washington on having Jerusalem make concessions to the Palestinian Authority as a means of moving forward in the normalization process between the kingdom and the Jewish state.

Sources familiar with the ongoing talks said the Biden administration’s focus on this has hampered the process’s momentum and obstructed possible breakthroughs.

Deranged Lunatic Rep Jamaal Bowman Wants help from DemonRats To defend his Criminal Act

 Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) sent talking points to his Democrat colleagues enlisting their help defending him against “Nazi” Republicans after he allegedly pulled a fire alarm to delay a vote to prevent a government shutdown Saturday.

The two-page document with background and suggested talking points was circulated by Bowman’s press secretary Monday afternoon to all House Democrat offices, according to Politico.

The document — which repeats Bowman’s claim, discredited by Breitbart News, that he triggered the alarm by accident — includes the suggested talking points “Republicans need to instead focus their energy on the Nazi members of their party before anything else.”

Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX), whose tweet Bowman singled out for his colleagues to attack, told Breitbart News, “Jamaal Bowman is a deranged lunatic with an ego problem. He pulled a fire alarm to delay a vote. That’s a crime. It’s painfully obvious that he can’t take responsibility for his actions and is instead choosing to self-destruct.”

Monday, October 2, 2023

How a pastor parted with "Yoshka" and led his congregation to Judaism


Reprinted from JTA

Richard Cortes can trace his spiritual development to a class field trip at a Florida theme park.

It was 2008 and Cortes was taking classes at a Pentecostal megachurch, on a path toward seminary and eventually leading a congregation, when his group spent the day at Orlando’s Holy Land Experience.

The creation of the park, which has since shuttered, had worried Jewish groups. They were concerned it might be intended as a tool of proselytization because its founder, Marvin Rosenthal, was a Jew who became a pastor, referred to himself as a “Christian Hebrew” and engaged in missionary work.

Biden Envoy Robert Malley Who was Finally Suspended was Part of Pro-Iranian Network


In 2014, Iran’s Foreign Ministry forged close ties with a network of Western academics they dubbed the Iran Experts Initiative (IEI). According to Semafor, the network included at least three top aides to Robert Malley, Biden’s special envoy on Iran whose security clearance was suspended last June (Inside Iran’s influence operation).

In 2019, Iran’s foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif met in New York with Malley, who had been the Obama administration’s negotiator of the historic Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) deal with Iran.

 In September 2019, then-President Trump wanted to use the UN General Assembly meeting to open a backchannel of communication with top Iranian officials to ease the escalating tensions with Tehran, but the effort failed.

 According to The Washington Times, Malley torpedoed the Trump White House efforts, forging a pact between Obama administration veterans and Iran that allowed the Iranians to bypass Trump entirely, in anticipation of a Democratic win in 2020. Obama’s Secretary of State John Kerry met with Zarif at least twice during the Trump administration.

Fat influencer who petitioned for free extra plane seats now calls on hotels to enlarge hallways

A plus-size influencer who previously demanded airlines comp larger passengers for extra seats is now asking hotels around the world to make a number of changes to better accommodate overweight guests — including by making the hallways wider.

In a video posted to her TikTok last month, Jaelynn Chaney listed several ways hotels can create “size-inclusive” amenities.

She said she is “on a mission to revolutionize the travel industry, and make it a more accessible, accepting, accommodating place for all,” adding: “The needs of plus-sized travelers matter just as much as anybody else.”

“We deserve an environment that respects our needs and body diversity,” Chaney claimed.

Among her many demands were to “make elevators and hallways [more] spacious, to allow for easy movement of larger individuals, and those utilizing mobility devices.”