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Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Badatz Hooligans Continue to Threaten the Life of the author of "Peshuto Shel Mikrah"

 Rabbi Zalman Gottlieb, the humble publisher of Peshuto she Mikrah, left all his personal belongings at home last night and disappeared.‎

‎He had returned from abroad where he was trying to clear his name and enterprise, and when he arrived in Israel, "Rabbi" Yehoshua Rosenberger issued a letter from some of the Badatz judges destroying all his hope.‎

Gottlieb told his family that he couldn't stand it anymore. Yesterday he disappeared, Police are looking for him...‎

In ‎a dramatic development in the investigation into his disappearance police discovered recordings of phone calls that include explicit threats to his life. ‎

‎His associate who found him the hiding place says:
 "For several months now, he and his family have been undergoing an unbearable terror campaign, which includes harassment at all hours of the day, but the explicit threat that included a time and place to harm him forced us to smuggle him out immediately, and at the same time involve the police."‎

‎As you may recall, a group of rioters, and one of the leaders against the sefer published by the Leshem Institute, broke into the home of Gabad Betar Hagarach Weiss, who supports the book, and fled only when the police were called. 
This threat to the life of one of the Institute's leaders is certainly another escalation on the part of the same extremist sect that has terrorized the public and rabbis in recent years.


Anonymous said...

The tzettl you posted is from American rabbonim. Even Ner Yisroel Baltimore signed. Where is the Eidah's version of the issur?

Garnel Ironheart said...

That's it. I'm buying a copy today.

Anonymous said...

can someone please explain what the perceived problem with peshuto shel mikra is in a serious manner? thanks

Anonymous said...

He's in Abu Dhabi.