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Friday, May 5, 2023

Zera Shimshon Parshas Emor


IDF Dressed Up as Women to destroy the Terrorists that murdered the Dees

What about the Issur De'orisa of "Lo Tilbosh?" 

A fascinating video published on Palestinian social media shows Yamam counterterrorism officers entering the Shechem kasbah disguised as Arab women on Thursday morning.

Israeli security forces entered Shechem to carry out the operation in which the terrorists who killed three members of the Dee family, H’yd, were eliminated.

Israel Police also published headcam footage of the operation, in which Yamam officers can be seen throwing grenades at the building where the terrorists were hiding.

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Leftest Omar Bar-Lev Made Huge Mistake Messing With R' Edelstein //Charidim Boycotting His "Angel Bakery"


 Following his departure from the previous Knesset after failing to make the cut in the Labor party, former minister Omer Bar Lev was appointed to head the board of Angel’s Bakery.

But joining the business world hasn’t kept Bar-Lev out of radical leftwing politics. Bar Lev was one of the participants in a protest held outside the home of Rabbi Gershon Edelstein on Thursday morning, and this has outraged the Haredi community. The Haredi community is now demanding that Bar Lev either apologize for his lack of respect towards the centenarian rabbi, or that Angel’s Bakery fire him. The anarchist movement have been targeting Haredim in their dwindling protests today.

Rabbi Edelstein is the Rosh Yeshiva of the Ponevezh Yeshiva and spiritual leader of the Degel Hatorah faction in the UTJ party.

There are reports that Haredi consumers have already begun boycotting the bakery, and that the Mir Yeshiva announced they will stop using Angel’s bakery products.

Angel’s Bakery has not yet responded.

No One Showing Up at Leftist Anarchists Protests in Israel ...Leaders Panicking

 In a leaked Zoon Meeting between leaders of the leftist protestors one can hear the desperation as they complain that no one is showing up and their funds are dwindling!

On Wednesday, the right-leaning Channel 14 ran a report that included a leaked Zoon session of the anti-judicial reform protest leaders who shared their distress at the diminishing support and funding for their cause.

“I’m a regular at the demonstrations on Kaplan Street, but yesterday I went to support the demonstration in Be’er Sheva. It’s important to me to present the problematic situation there, because the focus is very important. There’s great distress there in all kinds of aspects and they need help, they have reached a situation of being or not being,” reported one woman to the group.

The leaked Zoom discussion also reveals that the far-fetched numbers that have been thrown into the air for weeks regarding how many participate in the protest rallies are light years away from reality. And while protestors are projecting that the demonstrations are spontaneous, Eran Schwartz, who runs the protests’ headquarters, describes in the Zoom conversation how they must utilize their dwindling resources and focus on the cities they identify as key points.

Arab Savages that Murdered a Mother and Her Two Daughters on the way to the Virgins!


An IDF Mista’arvim force and additional forces on Thursday killed the two terrorists who carried out the attack in the Jordan Valley on April 7 murdering the women of the Dee family, sisters Rina and Maia and their mother Lucy. The terrorists were killed in Shechem.

A joint statement issued by Israel’s security forces stated that the terrorists, Hassan Katnani and Ma’ad Masri, both Hamas operatives, were killed together with a senior aide who stayed in the apartment with them. Two M16 rifles and a Kalashnikov were found in the apartment.

The elimination came after clashes and exchanges of fire that developed Thursday morning between armed terrorists and IDF forces in Shechem, who entered the city for the purpose of arresting the Dee women’s murderers. The special forces entered the city’s casbah, surrounded the terrorists’ building, and demanded that they turn themselves in.

In Charedie Circles "Parents are the ones Destroying Their Children's Prospects of Getting Married"


In a Yiddish video clip above, Yonasan Schwartz a "shadchan" laments the fact and states that it is the parents that are causing the shidduch crises. He talks about older singles who are now blaming their parent's constant refusal of prospects because they felt that the prospects were not good enough for their children, causing some of the girls to still be single at 45 and even older. Yonassan Schwartz is telling the older singles not to listen to their parents and give the prospects a chance.

My wife, who did over 50 shidduchim agrees. She says that most of the excuses from the parents turning down shidduchim are very petty, for example, "the boy is the same size as my daughter, she needs someone taller" " She needs someone shorter" "his mother is too fat" "I heard that the boy as a teenager worked as a lifeguard in a bungalow colony (the boy has since been married with five children, the girl is still around). 

Just last week I talked a shidduch to a young man who lives in my building and is now 35, I told him about the girl, and he says "talk to my parents." when I spoke to the father I asked him what his son's plans were, he says his son wants a girl that will support him all his life because he dedicated his life to Torah! I tried explaining to him that his son who is now 35, and the fact that he still wants his parents to vet his prospects, that proves that he is still immature , how is he going to be a parent, and I cannot believe that there is a girl out there who is already in her late 20's or early 30's that wants a guy who will never ever support his family.This guy has no plans to even be in chinuch or striving to be a "shoel Umeishav" in a kollel, or a rebbe for that matter. The reason I was hard on him was because I was so frustrated, this family still has a girl that is 32 waiting for the older brother to get engaged. There is another son 28 still single as well. 
I'm sure the parents are heartbroken but they need to break the strings and sit down the family to a meeting and tell them that everyone is free to get married to whomever they want and they as parents will not intervene. 
The years are flying by, all their friends are married. Should this guy at 35 get married he will have a bunch of alte kockers dance at his wedding. This is not the worst thing, but I'm pointing out the craziness of all this.

Rabbis slam Tlaib: ‘Lies from Nazi Germany do not belong in US Congress’


Palestinian-American congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), reacting to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s friendly visit to Israel this week, posted a vicious comment on social media against the Jewish state from her official government account.

It was certainly not the first time that Tlaib, widely considered to be antisemitic, called Israel an “apartheid state,” along with other lies.

This time, on Monday, she tweeted:

“Speaker McCarthy wants to rewrite history but the apartheid state of Israel was born out of violence and the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. 75 years later, the Nakba continues to this day.”

In response, Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld, President of the Coalition for Jewish Values, issued the following statement:

“The violence at Israel’s formation was the “War of Extermination” declared by the Secretary-General of the Arab League, promising to do to the Jews in the Holy Land what Hitler had done in Europe. And the ethnic cleansing was of Jews from Arab states, over 850,000 driven from their homes, the majority of whom found refuge in Israel.

“By contrast, the Arab population of Israel has grown more than tenfold since 1948,” he noted.

“It is beyond vile to falsely accuse the victims of ethnic cleansing of being its perpetrators. But it is not unprecedented: in Nazi Germany, Julius Streicher described Jews as bacteria feeding upon others. It should not need to be said, but rhetoric from Nazi Germany does not belong in Congress,” Schonfeld concluded.

The Coalition for Jewish Values represents over 2,000 traditional, Orthodox rabbis as the largest rabbinic public policy organization in America.

The Yesha Council, representing Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, also condemned Tlaib’s tweet but took a different angle, blaming Twitter CEO Elon Musk for making the social media platform a place where she could bash “the only democracy in the Middle East.”

Chareidim in Beit Shemesh "BET" Harass Frum Lady Dressed Tznisdik


Tam Aharon, an Israeli comedian decided to take a look at the "anti-tznuah" graffiti in Beit Shemesh "Bet" the area where the "bet-bugs" the extremists live. The "Bet- Bugs" have no clue who Tam Aharon is and what he does for a living. He brought along a frum lady who was dressed with a shaitel and was tzneesdik, but that didn't stop the "bugs" from screaming "shiksa" and "get out of here" at them. 

This was in middle of the day, and you would think that the adults would be in Bais Medresh learning, because they by-in-large do not work, but watching the video you notice they just hang out waiting for someone who doesn't look like them to pounce on them like a cat on a mouse. 
Usually they spit and throw glass bottles at women who don't look like their fat obese wives, but it isn't captured on video, but the comedian brought along a camera crew, and that's how we have the footage

Later in the day, the comedian quipped:

 - 'It went well all in all'.

Smotrich seizes funds from PA, transfers them to victims of terrorism


Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich on Wednesday ordered the Director of the Israel Tax Authority, Eran Yaacov, to transfer an amount of 3.2 million shekels from the Palestinian Authority's funds to victims of terrorism.

This follows the 138.8 million shekels that were transferred in January to the victims of terrorist acts in order to fulfill a court ruling from the past.

Minister Smotrich said, "I signed on to the offset of the terrorist funds that the Palestinian Authority transfers to the families of terrorists. We deducted 3.2 million shekels which will be transferred as compensation to the families of victims of terrorism."

"The State of Israel stops the financing of terrorism by the Palestinian Authority. We will not allow this absurd situation to happen," he added.

PA officials have remained defiant and have made clear that the PA will never cease paying terrorists' salaries.

Ezra Where Are You?? Your Girlfriend Tlaib is Spewing Hate Against Jews


Liska Einikel hanging with the girls 

Squad member Rashida Tlaib got slammed by Twitter’s “”Community Notes” fact-check feature, after the Muslim Congresswoman spread lies about Israel and Kevin McCarthy.

Tlaib tweeted, “Speaker McCarthy wants to rewrite history but the apartheid state of Israel was born out of violence and the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. 75 years later, the Nakba continues to this day.”

Tlaib’s vicious tweet coincided with Speaker McCarthy’s historic Israel visit in which he spoke at the Knesset and bestowed praise on Israel, was instantly greeted by Twitter notes pointing out several “errors’ ‘.

The fact-check points out that Israel was created by a UN General Assembly Resolution.

It also noted that the “ethnic cleansing” Tlaib claimed happened “affected both Jewish and Arab communities caught up in the war initiated by 5 Arab states who opposed the existence of Israel.”

The final note pointed out that Israel has over 20% Arab citizens who have “full and equal rights.”

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

50 Israeli Supreme Court Scary Decisions.. show more than any essay could why Israel needs judicial reform ASAP


There are many reasons for effecting judicial reform in Israel, not the least of them the way Supreme Court judges are chosen and the absolute power held by the unelected legal advisor to the Prime Minister (who also functions as the attorney general) and the legal advisors to the government ministries. Add the absence of a demand for standing, the fact that everything, including religious, military and economic decisions can be (and are) adjudicated in the courts, the fact that a justice's opinion of the "reasonableness" of an issue allows him to strike it down and that all of the above are particular to Israel.

However, there is a more basic reason change is needed, a factor that the current liberal makeup of the courts does not deem worthy of taking into account. And as long as new justices are chosen by the current ones, in a process that seems almost like cloning, that will not change:

srael's justices must first and foremost take into account that Israel is a Jewish state.

They must take into account that Israel has been battling since its establishment against barbaric and cruel enemies.

They must realize how many families have offspring in the army and what kind of split second decisions young soldiers in danger have to make.

They must see to it that Israel is a place where procedures and regulations that can save Jewish lives, both of soldiers and civilians, are in a special category.

Israel should be a place where those who lift a hand against its Jewish citizens because they are Jewish know they will be punished swiftly and severely.

Israel should be a place where the right of each Jewish citizen to live according to halakha if he so wishes is sacrosanct.

Israel should be a place where every effort is made to find legal ways to uphold settling the land of our fathers, including Judea and Samaria, since this is government policy.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Another Day Another Word Salad From Camel'eh Harris


When the Satmar Rebbe Mocked Jews Going to Meron on Lag Beomer Said it's "not a mesorah at all"

This was way back in 1995, when R' Aron Teitelbaum,the Satmar Rebbe of Monroe, was upset that his entire community got up and left to fly to the Zionist country on Lag Beomer, and he was left with hardly a minyan. He first banned and threatened to throw out any bochur who flew to the Zionists for Lag Beomer, but they left anyway. 

In the video below given in Yiddish he mocks and ridicules those who find the Lag Beomer rituals sacred! He asks "is there halachos on high or how many stories the pyre has to be? How many pieces of wood is required? How long does it have to burn?"

It didn't take too long before he took a 360 degree turn and made up his own festivities, halachos and minhagim!

Monday, May 1, 2023

Rabbi Harold Kushner, author of ‘When Bad Things Happen to Good People,’ dies at 88


 Many years ago I read his book, because this question is something that frum people quietly ask themselves, not in a public forum, not wanting to brand themselves "apikorsim." I heard this discussed in shul by survivors who were dragged thru hell just a few years prior. I heard this question come up in very frum Shiva houses. This is discussed openly in kaballa seforim and no one accuses them of being "apikorsim." 

But the question is a lot stronger than their answers.

So because of my curiosity of what Kushner would say, I read the book cover to cover as it is very easy reading.

It seems that Harold Kushner a Conservative or Reform rabbi lost a child and because of this loss he decided to put pen to paper and take a shot at it. 

I was very disappointed with his answer. He did find comfort in his answer, but I found it very disturbing.

He basically tells people who have had a tragedy such as losing a child, not to take it personally, since Hashem is not the one who masterminded this, since Hashem doesn't target you or your family personally, Hashem, according to his hypotheses, lets the world run its course with absolutely no intervention (chas ve'sholom), and therefore events like the Holocaust and pogroms happen. It left me asking myself, how did Kushner find any comfort in that?

A frum Jew that goes through an enormous tragedy such as losing a child doesn't want to hear that Hashem just "walked away, and let the world just happen." I don't think that he gets any comfort in that. He wants to know that there was a divine purpose for this child to be born, to this particular family , and that  this child was given x amount of years to fulfill his or her mission and tasks in this world and that Hashem is actually the One orchestrating all this and that this is all part of His plan. Knowing that it was not just a "coincidence" but was part of a greater plan, does give some comfort to the grieving family, the fact that Kushner didn't believe in this, is very sad, and it is even sadder, knowing that his book was a best seller, meaning that many people who were looking for answers may have found this book still wanting.

May Hashem comfort all those who have had these losses!

Rabbi Harold Kushner, one of the most influential congregational rabbis of the 20th century whose works of popular theology reached millions of people outside the synagogue, has died.

Kushner, who turned 88 on April 3, died Friday in Canton, Massachusetts, just miles from the synagogue where he had been rabbi laureate for more than three decades.

Kushner’s fairly conventional trajectory as a Conservative rabbi was altered shortly after arriving at Temple Israel of Natick when, on the day his daughter Ariel was born, his 3-year-old son Aaron was diagnosed with a fatal premature aging condition, progeria.

Democrats Ha Ha


Meah Shearim Residents Hang Palestinian Flags all over Their Neighborhoods


These flags represent murderers, rapists and animals, yet Meah Shearim residents allowed those flags to hang an entire week. Not one resident, not one, protested this and not one removed this disgusting display of hate against their fellow Jews. To these tzaddikim, the Palestinian flag represents their philosophy of wanting to live under a Palestinian government.  

And the truth is that they actually can, they can move to Ramallah which is a part of Eretz Yisrael, but these hypocritical liars wouldn't do that because they know that in less than an hour the Palestinians would behead each and every one of them not even giving them a chance to line up to get on the cattle cars. 

I have the solution to this "Meah Seharim" problem, and whoever I talk to about this are very excited. 

I propose that the IDF take them all on buses and ship them just less than a mile away into Ir David now called Silwan, and bring in developers into Meah Shearim, raze the entire area and build Hi-Risers.!

It's a win win sutuation!

Police officers on Sunday raided the Mea Shearim neighborhood of Jerusalem after Palestinian flags were hung in the neighborhood as well as sprayed on the walls of the neighborhood.

The police officers led Jerusalem municipality employees to the places where the flags were hung and protected them as they removed them using ladders and painted over flags sprayed on neighborhood walls.

Sunday, April 30, 2023

FJJ ...Newspaper for the "Flatbush Beards" Finally Has Article on Yom Haatzmeot on Page 86


So last year a letter to the editor in the FJJ (Flatbush Jewish Journal) asked why the FJJ wouldn't dedicate an article about Yom Hashoah, Yom Hazikoron  and Yom Ha'atzmeot. 

A Rabbi Moshe Boylen a "yankee" whose family was probably on the Mayflower and whose immediate family were roasting marshmallows and franks on the grill while millions of Jews were being gassed answered that letter (see side bar), stating that the "Gedolei Torah of the Yahadus HaChareidis" were against observing these events, as such, the FJJ following their "Daas Torah" decided not to mention it. 

I pointed out at the time that millions of Jews living in Israel were observing these events, and it therefore deserved at least an "honorable mention." I also pointed out that none of the Gedoilim that the FJJ follows experienced the Holocaust and were either born in the USA or emigrated before the worst calamity to have befallen the Jewish people occurred. Not only that, but to bolster his childish arguments he lied stating that ALL Gedoilim were on the same page of not setting aside a special day to remember the Holocaust. Nothing could be further from the truth, because I grew up during post Holocaust and I remember vividly Gedoilim advocating for a special Day.

I was told that Rabbi Boylen is a product of "Brisk" and if that is in fact true, it all makes sense as the Briskers were and are presently virulent haters of the founders of Israel, and are staunchly against giving them any Hakoras Ha'Toiv. I am not going into this debate now but just that you know, even though the "Briskers' deny it, they benefit from the country on many different levels. For example, they benefit from security including the IDF, they benefit when they buy milk and bread, items that are subsidized, they benefit when they take public transportation, they benefit when their garbage is being removed, they benefit by not paying Arnona on their building, they benefit when they give birth because health plans are subsidized etc etc. 

And now to my point, though the FJJ caters to the "Flatbush Beards" who are children of the Holocaust survivors and who are either at worst like Boylan, Israel haters, or at best indifferent, they decided this year to mention it, but they put it on  the bottom of page 86 with the byline reading:

"Yair Lapid to Boycott Israel's Main Independence Day Ceremony."

This was done to mock and denigrate a day sacred to millions of Jews, saying in effect that even Lapid the far leftist boycotted this event! 
This decision to talk about Yom Haatzmoat in this way, drips with sarcasm and belittles this joyous occasion which is observed by millions , and is the ultimate "sinas chinum!"

This very newspaper was hocking for a whole year how bad Lapid was for Chareidim, and yet to shame and dishonor and belittle Yom Haatzmoat they shlep out a maniacal hater of Chareidim to prove their point. 
I wonder if the editor before he decided to post this disgusting article whether he consulted "Daas Torah?" 

DemonRats Eating Their Own Viciously Attack Dianne Feinstein ..Biden is next!


If you’re feeling deprived of irony, watch the spectacle of the vicious attacks on Sen. Dianne Feinstein.

It’s a priceless example of the left eating its own and demonstrates how nasty it is — even when a fellow Democrat is on the menu. 

President Biden should also pay special attention.

The merciless effort to drive the ailing Feinstein out of office and into retirement could prove to be a dry run for a demand that an aged, declining Biden also get out of the way during a second term. 

Feinstein, 89, has been absent from the Senate since mid-February and was later diagnosed with shingles and hospitalized in California.

When she was released in early March, aides promised she would be back in Washington within weeks.

Citing “complications,” they now offer no timetable for the return of Feinstein, who has been in the Senate for 30 years. 

Shingles is not her only problem or even the biggest one to her tormentors.

Her original sin was to praise and hug GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham in October of 2020 after the final Judiciary Committee hearing on the Supreme Court nomination of Amy Coney Barrett

The left reacted with wild outrage and calls for her to quit the committee came instantly from activists as well as from formerly sensible scholars Norman Ornstein and Harvard’s Laurence Tribe. 

Although Feinstein voted against Barrett’s confirmation, the rabble still wanted blood and The New Yorker was soon painting a picture of a senator losing her marbles.

The magazine reported that Democratic colleagues were trying to convince her to step down after “concerning” episodes, including in a hearing where she asked a witness the same question twice. 

Later, the San Francisco Chronicle reported that associates said the senator’s memory was fading and that she was having trouble recognizing colleagues and following conversations. 

Leftists Announce Anti-Chareidi Protest: “We’ll Tell Chareidi Leaders – No More”


Just yesterday I posted a story how the Chareidie Yated told its readers not to participate in the pro-government protests.

 So how did that work out? 

Chareidim by in large dance on both weddings, they do not openly take any sides because they aren't sure who will be in power, and they are afraid that if they take sides then they will lose should the opposing side win. So even though they may scream and bark against Lapid, for example, they will never publicly humiliate him, even though they oppose his values, because come tomorrow he may be in power. Chareidim have no scruples and are a bunch of cowards , so when the Dati Leumi Rabbanim asked their flock to come out and protest to back the government, the Chareidim stayed home cowering in their homes. Just a few months ago Gafni, the head of Degel Ha'Torah, invited the anti-Torah Michali, to his daughter's wedding and the "machsheifah" danced with the kallah on the most important day of her life. This is while Michali was fighting CHareidim in the Knesset.  Chareidim are basically a bunch of "chanfeners" and there in no bottom low enough for them to go, but the leftists are not falling for it. 

And it backfired, the leftist don't care which side chareidim take, they hate them for who they are. The fact that Charedim stayed home and refused to participate in the protests of the right, meant absolutely zero, and now despite the burnt Bnei-brak Chulent and free water that they distribute to the protesters, the left will start openly fighting with the "neutral" chareidim. You cannot appease a tiger, just because you threw a slab of meat at him doesn't mean he won't come to devour you the first chance he gets.

Like every Motzei Shabbos in recent months, another left-wing protest against the Netanyahu government took place on Motzei Shabbos in Tel Aviv.

At the protest, the organizers announced another protest on Thursday – this time, against Chareidim and their plans for a new Chareidi draft law.

The protest will be called “National Equality Day – because there is no democracy without equality.”

The organizers stated: “The days when one side serves the state and also finances the yeshivos while trying to establish a halachic dictatorship here – are over.”

“On National Equality Day we will embark on dozens of protest actions throughout the country, with protests from the Goma intersection [in northern Israel] to Eilat. On this day, we will officially inform the Chareidi leadership – it’s over.”

Kikar H’Shabbat reporter Yishai Cohen responded to the report by stating: “From the first moment, it was clear that the leaders of the protest again the judicial reform would turn it into a war against Chareidim…It didn’t work for them with the protest in Bnei Brak. Now they’re switching to [a protest] against the draft law.”

“Don’t worry. Even if the judicial reform doesn’t pass and the draft law gets shelved, they’ll find another reason to protest.”