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Saturday, April 29, 2023

Ezra Friedlander's Girlfriends AOC, Omar and Tlaib Vote against Resolution Honoring US-Israel Ties That Passed With 401 For 19 Against


Ezra "the kapo" Friedlisker's shenanigans backfired when his girlfriends AOC, Ilahan Omar, and Tlaib "smacked him in the face" when they voted against the resolution honoring US-Israel ties. They were part of only 19 DemonRats that voted against, 401 voted for. Tuchislekking the 3 stooges who hate Jews apparently didn't do anything for Ezra's brothers and sisters. 

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) and 18 House Democrats on Tuesday voted against a resolution that honored the U.S.-Israeli relationship on Israel’s 75th Independence Day and expressed support for expanding and strengthening the Abraham Accords — the 2020 agreement establishing diplomatic ties between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, as was reported by TheHill.com.

Rep. Ann Wagner (R-MO), the lead sponsor of the resolution, said in a statement following the vote that the “bipartisan passage of this resolution reaffirms our commitment to the people of Israel and promotes vital security assistance so they can defend themselves in the face of an increasingly aggressive Iran,” JewishInsider.com reported.

Reps. Kathy Manning (D-NC), Mike McCaul (R-TX) and Brad Schneider (D-IL) were original co-sponsors of the legislation.

The resolution — which had bipartisan sponsorship — cleared the chamber in a 401-19 vote, the Hill reported. Massie, who frequently votes against legislation pertaining to international matters, was the only Republican to oppose the measure.

Friday, April 28, 2023

Zera Shimshon Parshas Acrei-Mois


US Empties Arms Stockpile in Israel To Aid Former Ukrainian Jew Killers

Israeli officials are concerned about the dwindling stockpile of US munitions stored in Israel which has been sent to aid Ukraine, Yisrael Hayom reported on Thursday.

Nazis during WW2 used Ukrainians to murder Jews and the Ukrainians did it with enthusiasm and in the most brutal ways.

 A New York Times article in January reported that a“little-known stockpile” of American ammunition in Israel is being used by the Pentagon to supply Ukraine with artillery shells for its battle against Russia. According to the report, the US promised it will replenish the stockpile but at this point, there has been no indication from the Biden administration when that will happen, and as is known, the arms stockpiles in the US are currently strained.

The US request to transfer arms from Israel to Ukrainian murderers was approved by then-interim prime minister Yair Lapid. Sources told Yisrael Hayom that arms have been shipped every week until recently and were specifically shipped on Shabbos to avoid attention from the media.

Israeli defense officials are concerned by the dwindled arms supply in the face of Israel’s increasingly delicate security situation. The US arms stockpile has been in Israel for decades and there is an understanding between Jerusalem and Washington that the arms can be used by Israel in the case of an emergency – that is, a major attack by its Arab neighbors.

“These are Israel’s reserve stockpiles for times of war,” a former cabinet minister said. “The transfer has serious implications in light of the threats to Israel in multiple theaters.”

The Israeli officials’ concern is well-founded. A US official confirmed to Yisrael Hayom that “it is still not clear when the reserves will be restocked,” adding that it depends on the manufacturing pace in the US.

Following Netanayhu’s return to power and the left-wing sector’s unprecedented incitement against his government, the relationship between Biden and Israel has deteriorated. Senior Israeli security officials say that Biden’s cold shoulder to Israel along with his lack of response to Iranian aggression and failure to improve ties with Saudi Arabia is directly affecting Israel’s strategic situation in the region.

Media estimates that 600,000 were at the Pro-government demonstration in Jerusalem


An enormous rally with hundreds of thousands of demonstrators called the 'Million March,' was held in front of the Knesset this evening (Thursday) in support of the government's planned judicial reforms.

Over 1,000 buses were bringing citizens from all over the country to participate in the demonstration.

Police said that crowds at the demonstration at first reached 200,000 people. Later, as more and more people arrived, and it was almost impossible to get through the crowds that poured in, filling all the streets around the Knesset, and media estimated close to 600,000 people.

Justice Minister Yariv Levin and Knesset Constitution Committee chairman MK Simcha Rothman, the architects of the judicial reform legislation, addressed the demonstrators, as did numerous other politicians. Speakers included Nobel Laureate Prof.Israel Aumann, the head of the student union of Israeli universities, Caroline Glick, popular publicist and media personality Noam Fathi, Professor Gadi Taub and others.

Demonstration organizer Berele Crombie stated that "the purpose of the demonstrations is to remind and demand from our elected officials in the government and the coalition that the people want judicial reform, that the people are behind them, that the people give them strength."

MK Avichay Buaron, another initiator of the rally, said: "An entire camp cannot live with the knowledge that they are worth less. If there is no reform - that means that our votes at the voting booth are not worth anything. We are the majority at the voting booths, but we can't really run the country. This reality must change. The nationalist camp is also allowed to have a share in managing the country's issues. We are sick of being second-class citizens."

"We are sick of every decision that the government makes and which is for the benefit of soldiers or settlers or residents of south Tel Aviv - the Supreme Court is the one which decides whether it is a reasonable decision or not, and on the way invalidates it or the law which benefits these populations. We will not stop the protests, and we will only increase them until the million-person protest in which we tell the President, to the court, and to the opposition: No more! After 75 years from the State of Israel's establishment have passed, the people of Israel will be set free and Israel will embark on a new path. It's time," he said.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

17-year-old Emuna Cohen Crowned Champion Of Israel’s Int’l Bible Quiz


17-year-old Emuna Cohen, an 11th-grade student at the Kfar Eliyahu Educational Institute in Gedera, won the International Bible Competition for young people on Israel’s 75th Independence Day . For the first time in three years, a girl won the competition

The second place winner was Neta Laksz, an 11th-grade student at Tzuri Bnei Akiva Shirat Hayam.

The quiz is being organized for the 60th year in the capital, Jerusalem. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Education Minister Joáv Kisch and Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana were present at the event.

In addition to the Israelis, contestants from Australia, Argentina, the United States, Canada, Great Britain, South Africa, Mexico and Panama came to the final, a total of ten girls and six boys.

“Only family members and close friends can testify to how many long days and sleepless nights these young people have dedicated to get here,” Knesset Speaker Ohana said at the opening of the event.

“Thousands of young people from all over the world put aside all their other activities for this important competition to study and learn from the eternal book. The return of the Jewish people to their land is unthinkable without the Bible, which we study and read.”

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

We Are Doomed!



Harav Avadia Yosef's View on Yom Hatzmaot

Halacha Yomit

יום העצמאות – בתמורות הזמן

Loosly translated ..... original Hebrew below

 It is Independence Day.  And we have already talked several times about the correct view of the establishment of the State of Israel in the Land of Israel, according to the words of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef zt"l.

An unusual thought can be found in the words of Rabbi Yosef Chaim zt"l, the Ben Ish Chai,  in his sefer "Baniho" (on mesachtas  Rosh Hashanah page 8:) .

He wrote, words of prophecy, that before the redemption of Israel, many Jews will ascend to the Land of Israel, and there will be a government there, and that will be their advantage, only that they will not be completely redeemed, until the coming of our righteous Messiah. 
And these words were written by the Gaon Rabbi Yosef Chaim, in the days when no one believed that Israel would come to their land in a great kibbutz, without the coming of the Messiah (And in the sefer "Abir the Shepherds" part two, he brought us more wonders from his Torah, in which he talks about the Yom Kippur war, and more. See there).

Yeshiva U Restores Women’s Talmud Classes ..Kollel Guys Watch Out


Beginner and intermediate Talmud courses are back on the course schedule for undergraduate students at Yeshiva University’s Stern College for Women, after an uproar over their cancellation.

Stern College administrators had said the school would not offer beginning and intermediate Talmud — courses about a foundational Jewish text for women at the country’s flagship Modern Orthodox university — because of low enrollment in those classes. That prompted more than 1,400 students, graduates and others to sign a petition urging the school to reinstate the classes and to endow a full-time chair of Talmud studies.

Now, Stern College says it is adding several Talmud classes to next semester’s schedule, citing increased interest among students. (Registration opens May 2.)

“It was heartwarming to see the outpouring of interest revolving around women’s Talmud learning on the Beren campus,” Shoshana Schechter, Stern’s associate dean of Torah and spiritual life, and Deena Rabinovich, chair of the Jewish studies department, said in a letter distributed to students by email and WhatsApp on Tuesday.

Watch: Israel at 75 - a bird's eye view


Torah Study as Israel turns 75: From 400 students to 350 thousand!


As the State of Israel celebrates its 75th Independence Day, let's take a look at once of its exceptional features: support of Torah study.

Whatever you think about learning Torah, it's indisputable that Israel has the largest concentration of Torah scholars in the world, and that Israel is the only country that provides direct financial support to Torah scholars.

My grandfather, may he live and be well, celebrated his 91st birthday this year. He often relates how, when he was a boy, he would wear a baseball cap over his kippah when he left the house, embarrassed to identify himself as religious. One day, a friend came up to him and said, "Do you really think you can hide it? Just take off the kippah already! Do you really want to be the last religious kid left? It's all over!"

The sense that the world of Torah learning was doomed to extinction prevailed throughout the early years of the State, encouraged by its secular leaders. That sense was also what inspired people like my grandfather and others, such as Rabbi Neria and Rabbi Druckman, to take upon themselves the heavy burden of ensuring that Torah learning survived. Their motto was, "We'll establish a yeshivah in every city, in every town, in every village." Over time, their vision became a reality, a living, breathing reality.

Now for some figures, to give a clearer idea of the immense changes over the past 75 years:

Torch Lighting Ceremony at Har Herzl Israel's 75th Anniversary


How the Zionists Destroyed Yiddishkeit in Israel


I grew up in a time when Jews had no Kotel no Kever Rachel, No Mearas Hamachpeilah. 
Suddenly in 1967 the "*sitra achra" the Zionists, the destroyers of Yiddishkeit, the destroyers of Torah, came along with their "tumedika" IDF and captured these Holy places,. 

The "sitra achra" didn't stop there but decided to fund Moisdois HaTorah to the tune of over $300 million annually, allowing Koillim and Yeshivas to flourish, and now the "sitra achra medina" has the most Torah learned under her flag than any time in the entire history of the Jewish people.
Now read below how the wickedness of the Zionists together with the "Sitra Achra" destroyed Yiddishkeit as we know it!
* The term "sitra achra" meaning the devil or Satan was first coined by the late Satmar Rebbe z"l who insisted that it wasn't Hashem that helped the IDF win the 1967 but the "sitra achra" the devil itself that assisted the Jewish soldiers to capture all the holy places that we cherish today. That Satmar Rebbe established "kiryas Yoel" in Monroe New York, taking his idea from Binyamin Zev Herzl who initially (later fiercely rejected it) wanted to establish Uganda as a Jewish State.

The secular Zionists have constantly been out to destroy
Yiddishkeit. They wanted to eradicate the Torah and its
followers. They keep trying to שמד ח"ו all of כלל ישראל and
turn them ככל הגוים ר"ל.
והקב"ה מצילנו מידם                                                                
Hashem turned the tables on them. Instead of Zionist stopping
us from learning Torah they became the largest financial
supporters of Torah. They spend billions of Shekalim to
build חדרים, ישיבות, כוללים, בית יעקב, סמינר, etc.
They also spend billions to support the בני תורה who learn Torah.

Over the past two thousand years,(maybe even beyond) 
there has never been so much Torah learning anywhere in
the world as it is done now in Eretz Yisroel. There never was
such a large ציבור of תלמידי חכמים, בני תורה, שומרי תורה ומצות

The secular Zionists try to make it difficult to remain a Torah
observant Yid, yet they are the ones who are paying billions
of Shekalim for Rabonim, Dayanim, Mashgichim, Shuls,
& Mikvaos in every city & town in the country alleviating the
financial burden of Torah observant Yidden. 

In every country in the world, the גזירת שמד today is rampant. Intermarriage is between 70%-85% in every country except in the Zionist State where intermarriage is less than 2-3% (still too many)
As much as the secular Zionists try to שמד Klal Yisroel, The 
Ribono Shel Olam made sure their wishes won't happen. 

Despite the Zionist claim of כחי ועוצם ידי, etc. especially during
the six-day war, the whole בעלי תשובה movement we know of
today started during the war. For the past few thousand years
there have never been so many בעלי תשובה as we have today.

We could have had way more בעלי תשובה had we tried a little
harder not to make the non-Frum have reason to hate us.

Russian Jewry which seemed to be totally lost in the sixties
was part of the six-day war miracle.

Instead of the Zionists converting the Frum the opposite is
happening, the non-Frum become Frum.

Ben Yehudah, created the modern עברית so that the Frum
Yidden will give up their old fashion religion and become a
modern non-Frum society with its own modern language.

Today, the language used to learn Torah is mostly עברית. In most Chadorim, Yeshivos, Kollelim & Bais Yakovs the Shiurim & Schmussen are given in עברית. Chavrusos in the Bais Midrash
argue & shout at each other in the language that was intended
to keep them out of the Bais Midrash.

Yes, it's true it is not yet a perfect world out there, but when
was the last time that it was? Even during בית ראשון, there
were Kings who were עובדי עבודה זרה. 


Perhaps the secular Zionists should be the ones
to say הלל, being it was the Zionist State who
saved them from שמד.

Almost 100% of the European 
non-Zionist Maskilim
converted and abandoned Yiddishkeit. Their

descendants are all Goyim who don't even know of
their Jewish heritage.

The only Maskilim descendants who are still Yidden

today are the Zionist Maskilim who made Aliyah &
live in Eretz Yisroel.


Tuesday, April 25, 2023

The Transition From Yom Hazikoron to Yom Ha'atzmoat


Hatikvah Sung at Yom Hazikaron Event in Bnei Brak


An emotional event was held in Bnei Brak to commemorate Yom Hazikaron on Monday evening

The ceremony to observe ‘Memorial Day for the Fallen Soldiers of the Wars of Israel and Victims of Actions of Terrorism’ was held in memory of the 413 fallen residents of the city.

The large crowd of attendees included bereaved families, Mayor Avraham Rubinstein, rabbis, and many local residents.

The event was also attended by Ariel Yehezkel, a young child who survived the terror attack in Bnei Brak about a year ago. His father, Avishai HY”D, was murdered in the attack as he was protecting his son with his body.

Describing the story of young Ariel, Mayor Rubinstein said, “Ariel Yehezkel is celebrating his third birthday today – Upsherin without a father.”

At the conclusion of the ceremony, the crowd rose for the singing of Hatikvah, a true demonstration of unity.

Monday, April 24, 2023

Yom Hazikoron! A Tribute to Those that were Murdered Al Kiddush Hashem


5 Wounded in Terrorist Ramming Attack Near Jerusalem’s Mahane Yehuda Market


Multiple people were wounded Monday afternoon in a ramming terror attack that took place on Jerusalem’s Agrippas Street down the street from the city’s iconic Mahane Yehuda open air market, near a large parking garage.

Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi turned down offer to light Independence Day torch - here's why.


Following criticism that none of those lighting an Independence Day torch are haredim, Kikar Hashabbat revealed that Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi, a leading religious figure, was offered to light a torch - but politely refused.

According the Kikar Hashabbat, Rabbanit Mizrachi had received permission from rabbis to take part in the torchlighting ceremony - but chose to turn down the offer.

Galei Zahal journalist Yanir Cozin reported that Rabbanit Mizrachi made the final list of torchlighters, and even received a phone call prior to being announced as one of those chosen for the honor.

However, Cozin added, in the end Rabbanit Mizrachi chose to forgo the honor, for reasons of modesty. He emphasized: "What I mean is, that Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi decided to forgo the torchlighting for reasons of humility and personal modesty."

Kikar Hashabbat did not receive comment from Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi.

Part Three ...The Chaotic Crazed Interview with the Host Heshy Goldstein whose program went belly-up and Zev Brenner


This Heshy Goldstein character the host of the disastrous Pesach that didn't take place, talks for over a half hour, arguing with Zev about how Zev runs his Talkline program without answering a single question on how he plans to repay his victims.. Zev with patience of a saint tries to unsuccessfully get him to tell us what exactly happened. Heshy has the chutzpa of basically calling those who he scammed "crooks." 

Yossi Ziblocki who runs Pesach and other programs was scammed by Heshy Goldstein for approx $7,000 and has a judgement against him, yet Heshy calls Yossi the crook. Instead of being contrite and humble, he keeps talking about his rabbi, "my rabbi said this, my rabbi said that" and during the interview he actually claims that he has the rabbi on the other phone, but for the life of me I cannot figure out what the hell his rabbi actually said. This would actually be hilarious if it weren't so tragic. 

The interview goes from bad to total chaos and snowballs into the abyss! 

Question: Would you ever ask Heshy what time it is?

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Pesach Program Scam Part Two With Zev Brenner ..... The Program Host Heshy Ran to South Africa


Zev Brenner Talkline 
Talkline With Zev Brenner - Atlantic City Pesach Program Crash PT 2-Elan Kornblum, Yossi Zablocki, Doni Schwartz & Sinai Rubin

Talkline With Zev Brenner- Atlantic City Pesach Program Crash PT 2 What happened? Elan Kornblum- Great Kosher Restaurants who has covered the plight of the victims, Yossi Zablocki of Destinations 613 who was scammed, Doni Schwartz of Passoverlistings.com who's an expert on Pesach vacations & $700k investor Sinai Rubin. Was it a bad gamble or Fraud? Scam or was the owner conned? What happens to the money for those that paid for the Passover program? Was the owner scammed as he claimed or is there more to the story? 

Bidens’ corrupt web rapidly unraveling before our eyes and Blinken's Dirty Tricks Revealed by FBI Informer


The sudden flurry of evidence and allegations about the Biden family’s money-making schemes is a direct result of the GOP winning control of the House of Representatives last year. 

The margin of midterm victory was very small — just five seats — but the impact is very large because the majority comes with subpoena power.

And aggressive new Republican committee leaders are eager and willing to use that power. 

After a slow start, they are producing at near-daily pace documentation of serious wrongdoing.

None of this would be happening if Democrats still had control of the House. 

The breakthroughs include testimony showing how a group of retired intelligence officials influenced the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, effectively proving the existence of a corrupt Deep State. 

There are also claims from an IRS whistleblower that federal law enforcement agencies are giving favored treatment to President Biden’s son in a long-running probe and that Attorney General Merrick Garland lied to Congress about the case. 

The implications of these developments are enormous and while there is still much to be learned, it is possible investigators are on the cusp of revealing one of the largest scandals in the history of American politics.

The probers believe the president participated in and profited from the corrupt influence-peddling schemes while he was vice president. 

The arrows all point in that direction, with Rep. James Comer of Kentucky, head of the Oversight and Reform panel, producing bank records that show millions of dollars from China being divvied up among as many as nine Biden family members. 

In response, the president emerged from hiding to say only, “that’s not true,” without directly refuting the evidence collected by banks and subpoenaed by Congress.