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Friday, February 10, 2023

Zera Shimshon Parshas Yisro


Jewish composer and songwriter Burt Bacharach dies at 94


Composer and songwriter Burt Bacharach, who was responsible for dozens of mellow pop hits from the 1950s to the 1980s, including “Raindrops Keep Fallin’ on My Head,” “(They Long to Be) Close to You” and the theme from the movie “Arthur,” has died at the age of 94, a family member of Bacharach confirmed to CNN.

Bacharach died of natural causes at his home in Los Angeles on Wednesday, according to multiple reports.

He was born on May 12, 1928, in Kansas City, Missouri, and grew up in the Kew Gardens section of New York City.

Bacharach was the son of Irma M. (née Freeman) and Mark Bertram "Bert" Bacharach, a well-known syndicated newspaper columnist. His family was Jewish, but he said that they did not practice or give much attention to their religion.

Bacharach became a major figure in 20th century pop music, scoring major hits in a variety of genres, from Top 40 to country to rhythm and blues and film scores. He wrote hit songs for a wide range of artists, including Dusty Springfield, Dionne Warwick, Tom Jones, Neil Diamond, the Carpenters and Christopher Cross.

Bacharach, with longtime collaborator Hal David, who was Jewish as well, churned out many of the catchiest songs of the era. Many of them – “Say a Little Prayer,” “Walk on By,” “Do You Know the Way to San Jose” – became hits for Warwick, one of the biggest-selling female vocalists of the 1960s.

Other hits included Perry Como’s “Magic Moments,” the Shirelles’ “Baby It’s You,” Tom Jones’ “What’s New Pussycat?”, Jackie DeShannon’s “What the World Needs Now is Love,” Herb Alpert’s “This Guy’s In Love With You,” Neil Diamond’s “Heartlight” and the Patti Labelle-Michael McDonald duet “On My Own.”

Bacharach was married four times and had four children.

Anti Netanyahu Far-Leftists Learned Well How to Protest in Yerushlayim From The Chareidim


National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir on Thursday evening summoned the commander of the Jerusalem District of the Israel Police to reprimand him in the wake of what he described as "the loss of control of the police in the capital city to a group of anarchists", during a protest of left-wing activists led by the Crime Minister movement.

"The Jerusalem Police lost control over the anarchists. An incident in which burning tires were set on fire near the Prime Minister's Residence, Highway 1 was blocked, and light rail traffic was blocked - these are all extremely serious incidents in which police and security forces were on the scene, but were explicitly instructed not to enforce the law and not to confront the rioters," said Ben Gvir.

In response, Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai issued a statement in which he said, "The Commissioner backs the Jerusalem District, its commanders and its chief, Superintendent Doron Turgeman, for standing firm and exercising discretion in dealing with the protest and the subsequent breach of order. In addition, the Commissioner regrets the fact that the investigation of the matter is carried out in a public manner while the police forces are operating in the field, and not through an operational investigation which is carried out at the end of the activity, as is customary."

Shatzer Matzohs bakery , appears to close its doors this Pesach season.


Shatzer Matzohs, a matzah bakery that has operated for decades and gained a loyal following, may not be producing matzos ahead of Passover this year.

“At this point in time, we’re not baking,” said a person speaking on Shatzer’s phone line who identified herself as the owner but declined to give her name.

The owner told the New York Jewish Week that the closure is “temporary,” but that she does not know what the future holds. Another person at the Shatzer phone number told the Jewish Week in a subsequent call that the factory may indeed reopen ahead of Passover, but that it has not started baking yet, as it would have at this point in time in previous years.

Rabbi David Bashevkin, a writer and the director of education for the Orthodox youth group NCSY, recalled the brand, which is produced in a factory in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Kensington, as being “the matzah of my childhood.”

“For many people, it had a reputation as the best matzah bakery in the tri-state area, which by definition means it’s the best matzah in the world,” Bashevkin told the New York Jewish Week.

The owner would not comment on why the factory is closing or the history of the company. American Jewish historian Zev Eleff told the New York Jewish Week that he was able to find advertisements for the company in Yiddish newspapers that date back to the 1960s.

“It was a staple,” said Eleff, who serves as the president of Gratz College, a Jewish institution outside of Philadelphia. “The idea of family-owned and tradition, that was a commodity. It’s an important quality, and I think that’s something that’s now lost.”

Shatzer Matzos produces round “shmura” matzah, which is a handmade version of the Passover staple whose production is supervised beginning at the moment the wheat is harvested.

“To hear that we’re not going to have Shatzer Matzoh this year is just a devastating loss,” Bashevkin said. “In my family, we ate their matzah all year long. My father still has Shatzer Matzoh boxes from last year.”

In the Facebook group “Great Kosher Restaurants Foodies,” Riki Landa announced that the company is closed this year, adding that the news was “so sad.”

“I don’t think many will appreciate that for many years, Shatzer was the handmade shmura place,” Rabbi Josh Yuter wrote on Twitter.

“This was the matzah of our youth,” Bashevkin said. “And we’re still rooting for it to come back.”

Ezra "Shoiteh" Friedlander Tells Chuck Schumer All Jews Love Him


Earlier this week, Shoiteh Friedlander,  was in an elevator with U.S. Senate Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer, and filmed a short conversation he had with the leading Democrat.

“I am inside an elevator with Senator Chuck Schumer”, Friedlander says in the video.

“Senator, everyone loves you.

“This Senator does so much for the Jewish community. I am saying it publicly. You always have.

“This is not my opinion. This is a fact.

“G-d bless you Senator”.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Turkey Thanks the Countries That Helped them but leaves out Israel


Reb Moishe.........



3rd earthquake in Israel in under 24 hours


Earthquake Drill 

An earthquake was felt in northern Israel at about 9 PM Wednesday night, the third earthquake to strike Israel in the last 24 hours.

According to the Seismological Division of the Geological Survey of Israel, the 3.9 magnitude quake's epicenter was near Israel's border with Lebanon and Syria.

At about 5 pm today, a magnitude 3.4 earthquake struck, with an epicenter 20 kilometers southeast of the city of Ariel.

Last night (Tuesday), at about 11:15 PM, an earthquake measuring 3.4 on the Richter scale was felt. Its epicenter was 15 kilometers southeast of Ariel, close to the location of the epicenter of the second earthquake.

Thus far, there are no reports of injuries or damages from any of the earthquakes in Israel.

The earthquakes in Israel on Tuesday and Wednesday follow the devastating earthquake which hit Turkey and Syria overnight Sunday and which was also felt in Israel. That earthquake has been followed by hundreds of aftershocks, including one early Tuesday morning which measured 5.6 on the Richter scale.

On Tuesday, officials from the World Health Organization warned that the death toll in Syria and Turkey following the earthquake could top 20,000. The death toll has already surpassed 11,000.

Goyim Dressed like Chareidim Trying to Infiltrate Chareidi Kehilla in Jerusalem


he Beyneynu anti-missionary organization sent an urgent appeal to the Israeli Interior Ministry requesting that it deny citizenship to a Christian missionary family that is trying to infiltrate the Chareidi community in Jerusalem.

The Isaacson family (previously Dawson), who was outed after infiltrating the frum community in Phoenix as well as previously infiltrating kehillos in Dallas and Houston in Texas, Portland, Oregon and Wisconsin, Milwaukee, is now trying to pass themselves off as Chareidi Jews in Nachlaot.

According to a B’Chadrei Chareidim article, the family members are in Israel with tourist visas for three months and they are trying to obtain Israeli citizenship in order that their children will find shidduchim in the Chareidi community in Israel.

Shannon Nuszen, founder and director of Beyneynu, wrote to the Interior Ministry: “We believe that they will ask to immigrate to Israel immediately or at the very least obtain student visas for their children through the Ministry of the Interior.”

“It’s urgent that the Ministry of the Interior act immediately to block these people from receiving any visa that would allow them to continue the damage they are causing to the Jewish communities with their insidious agenda…we know from first-hand reports from Jewish communities and rabbis in the US that the Dawson/Isaacson family is deceptive, dangerous and very determined to establish themselves in Israel.”

Mrs. Henya Federman Passes Away Two Months After Her Infant Daughter


Mrs. Henya Federman (nee Shmotkin), a Chabad shlucha from St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands, was nifteres today, roughly 2 and a half months after she dove into the water and drowned while attempting to save her 4-month-old baby’s life. Mrs. Federman a”h was just 40 years old.

After the horrible late November tragedy which claimed the life of her newborn baby Shterna, the critically hurt Mrs. Federman was transferred to Specialty Hospital of Central Jersey in Lakewood, where she fought for life for the past several months, but tragically succumbed earlier today.

She is survived by her incredible husband Asher, and her children – Moussia, Mendel, Yitzchak Leib, Levi, Shneur, Chana, Feigel, Zelda Rochel, Yudel, Meir, Nechama, and Shaina.

She is also survived by her parents, Rabbi Yisroel and Mrs. Bracha Devorah Shmotkin, who serve as the head shluchim in Wisconsin; and her siblings Zalman, Shmaya, Mendel, Elkana, Levi, Yehuda, Shmuel, Meir, Feigel Tenenbaum, and Chanie Klein.

Yoilie Roth of Twitter Exposed as "shadow banning" duly elected Members of Congress


Conservative Republican Lauren Boebert exposes Yoel Roth for shadow banning her account: 

“I bet that Putin is sitting in the Kremlin wishing he had as much election interference as you four here today.”

Boro-Park Rep Daniel Goldman Brazenly Lies in Hearings ...

 Boro Park Democrat Rep. Daniel Goldman, who was the lead counsel on the first Trump impeachment, claimed that it’s a lie that Joe Biden pressured Ukraine to fire prosecutor investigating Burisma where his son was on the board.

Well, In his own words, with video cameras rolling, Biden described how he threatened Ukrainian President that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire the prosecutor investigating Burmisa Holdings, who Hunter was on the board of.

.“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” ….(Quid Pro Quo).... “Well, son of a bitch, he got fired.
Biden told the Council on Foreign Relations event, insisting that President Obama was in on the threat.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Chief Rabbi, Rabbi Yehuda Grammy sits like "a shoiteh" While Iran President Says that " Jews have no connection to Moshe Rabbeinu and his teachings


Not that he can do anything about it, as he was a captive audience.

I have posted and written many times about this Iran "Rabbi," Yehuda Grammy, who was educated in Israel and in Ner Yisrael Baltimore , and is coached by the "anti-Israel"  Satmar Rebbi!

In Yiddish there is an expression:'
עהר איז נישט דער גרויסער חכם אין נישט דער קליינער נער
"He is not a big brain, and neither is he a small fool"

In May of 2020, he was interviewed by the official television station of the regime in Tehran on Al-Quds Day, and said the following:

"We Iranian Jews want to send this message to Zionists and primarily to [Prime Minister Binyamin] Netanyahu. Know that you Zionists do not represent Judaism and do not represent the Jewish people. You represent only the idea of a political movement whose ideas and values run counter to the ideas and values of our sacred teachings and Jewish religion,” 

No one in their right mind actually thinks that the Zionists represent Judaism, not even the Zionists themselves. There isn't one sect that represents Judaism. But at the same time there isn't a Jew in the entire world including this foolish rabbi that thinks that Jews in Iran represent Judaism.
This foolish "rabbi" knows that he cannot really have the freedom to say what he wants, because if he did, the Iranian Mullas would grind him into "pe'cha" 

The Iranian President decided to include him in a meeting with leaders of various different religions to humiliate him in front of the entire world, by saying that the Jews living in Israel, have no connection to Moshe Rabbeinu and his teachings. 
"Jews living in Israel" include Chareidim, and the State of Irael is the biggest supporter of Torah, there isn't a soul that even comes close. 

The president of Iran met with the leaders of Iran's religions, including the leader of the Jewish community, the Chief Rabbi, Rabbi Yehuda Grammy. 

The president said at the conference: 

"The vision of the nation is that all the tribes and religions of Iran will play a role in it." But then attacked Jews living in Israel: 

"They have nothing to do with the Jewish religion and the teachings of the prophet Moses"

Exquisite Gold Bead Discovered in City of David


National Service volunteer Hallel Feidman, 18, from Bnei Ayish, who is assigned to the sifting project of the Archaeological Experience in the Emek Tzurim National Park, recently discovered a gold bead.

“I poured the pail onto the sieve and began to wash the material that was brought from the excavations in the City of David, ” Feidman described the moment of her discovery and continued: “And then I saw something shiny in the corner of the sieve, different, that I don’t normally see. I immediately approached the archaeologist and he confirmed that I found a gold bead. Everyone here was very excited.”

You bet they were. The unique bead is pure gold, dating to at least 1,600 years ago. The dirt from which it was sifted had been removed from a palatial Roman structure uncovered at the Pilgrimage Road Excavation. The gold bead was forged using a unique technique that required delicate workmanship to affix dozens of tiny balls together and shape them like a ring, to create one small bead.

"Goyta" Grandmother Makes huge "kiddush Hashem " as she returns $15K she found

 A 65-year-old grandmother’s honest deed inspired strangers to return her generosity and give her the shock of a lifetime.

After her car broke down about a year ago, Dianne Gordon of White Lake Township, Michigan, has been forced to walk nearly three miles to and from work five days a week.

On one of her wintery treks home from her job at VC Fresh Marketplace, she stumbled upon nearly $15,000 in a plastic bag outside a BP gas station.

While Gordon could’ve used the cash for, perhaps, a new car, she told WXYZ, “I was taught if it doesn’t belong to you, you don’t keep it.”

So she didn’t hesitate to alert the authorities about her found cache of cash.

“It never really crossed her mind to do anything other than turn it over,” White Lake Police Lt. Matthew Ivory, told WJBK.

The bag was full of wedding cards that belonged to a newlywed couple, who local police were able to track down.

But then Gordon quickly became the recipient of the decency she showed — when the wife of the police officer who took her call about the money started a fundraising page for her.

“As a police officer’s wife, I typically hear the bad things, so this was obviously heartwarming,” Stacy Connell told the Washington Post. “I was hoping we could help her get a car since she could have walked into any dealership and used that money.”

The bag was full of wedding cards that belonged to a newlywed couple, who local police were able to track down.

But then Gordon quickly became the recipient of the decency she showed — when the wife of the police officer who took her call about the money started a fundraising page for her.

“As a police officer’s wife, I typically hear the bad things, so this was obviously heartwarming,” Stacy Connell told the Washington Post. “I was hoping we could help her get a car since she could have walked into any dealership and used that money.”

Watch Republicans Interrupt Biden's Speech and call him 'Liar!' -


Trial Of Malka Leifer Opens In Australia


The trial of Malka Leifer, a former chareidi girls’ school principal accused of abusing her students in Melbourne, commenced Tuesday, two years after she was extradited to Australia from Israel, where she fled in order to evade prosecution 15 years ago.

A court in Israel initially declared her unfit to stand trial but after a long period in which she lived an apparently normal life in the town of Emmanuel, she was rearrested after media and police scrutiny of her behavior and, after numerous delays and court cases regarding her mental state, extradited in January 2021.

Since then, several preliminary hearings have been held and a Melbourne court deemed Leifer fit to stand trial. She is charged with 70 sexual offenses with accusations from at least eight alleged victims, and has remained jailed without bond for the past two years.

The initial session Tuesday focused on jury selection, with some 80 potential jurors being presented to both sides. The list was then whittled down to 15 permanent members.

The case is being heard before Victoria County Court Judge Mark Gamble and is expected to last roughly six weeks.

On Wednesday the opening statements will be made and on Thursday the first complainants, sisters Dassi Erlich, Nicole Meyer and Elly Sapper, will be in the witness box.

“I’m relieved and delighted that this day has finally arrived and we look forward to some semblance of justice being served,” said Manny Waks, head of Voice Against Child Sexual Abuse, an Israeli-based organization fighting child abuse in the Jewish community.

“We stand in support of all those impacted by this trial,” he said.

The Leifer affair strained ties between Israel and Australia, with frustration peaking after it was revealed that Israel’s deputy health minister, Yaakov Litzman, was questioned by police on suspicion that he had been using his position to prevent Leifer’s extradition.

It was alleged that Litzman pressured doctors to falsify psychiatric evaluations that deemed Leifer unfit to stand trial, thereby preventing her extradition. Litzman claimed that everything he did was legal, and that he was acting “for the good of the public”. Like Leifer, Litzman is a Gur Hassid; it was revealed that Leifer had previously held a position at a school run by Gur in Israel

In April 2021, Israeli police recommended prosecution of Litzman for his actions to protect Leifer. In June 2022, Litzman resigned from the Knesset after he signed a plea agreement admitting breach of trust in January that year.

Yeshaya Diveroli Instigates A Goy In Miami Dunkin Donuts and Gets him Fired


This "farikta" Meshiginar that calls himself Yeshaya should be ashamed of himself, instead of offering him some kind words he keeps instigating him. What a huge Chillul Hashem!

 An employee of Dunkin Donuts in Miami Has been fired, after he was caught on camera hurling anti-Semitic insults against a Jewish customer.

Yeshaya Diveroli said he’s a regular at the shop on Alton Road but said on Feb. 1 an employee verbally attacked him because he’s Jewish.

In cellphone video shot by Diveroli the employee can be heard hurling a religious slur at him and repeatedly yelling profanities.

In a statement Tuesday, to NBC 6 Miami, Dunkin’ said the worker had been fired.

“We have zero-tolerance for any type of discrimination, and the language used by the former employee is unacceptable and not reflective of our brand,” the statement read. “The franchised employee was terminated.”

Making History Again, Rachel Freier Ascends To State Supreme Court Bench

Judge Rachel Freier, the first Hasidic individual to be elected a Civil Court judge in New York, has made history once again, this time by being appointed New York’s first Hasidic Acting New York State Supreme Court justice.

Freier had previously thrown her hat in the ring this past summer in the hopes of being nominated as a candidate to fill one of ten open seats in Kings County Supreme Court.

While a judicial screening committee gave Freier’s candidacy their stamp of approval, Brooklyn district leaders chose not to include her on their list of nominees whose names ultimately appeared on the Democratic ballot for last November’s general elections.

Understanding that there are also opportunities for Civil Court judges to be appointed as Acting State Supreme Court justices on a merit basis when a determination is made that additional judges are needed at that level, Freier submitted her resume to the Supreme Court supervisor to be considered for one of those additional positions.

She underwent an interview, and was told that decisions would be made before the end of the year by the chief administrative judge in consultation with the deputy chief administrative judge for New York City, without actually expecting to be chosen.

“But then lo and behold, as I was preparing my Shabbos candles on December 30th, I got a phone call from someone saying ‘Mazel tov, you’ve been appointed,’”  “It was ten minutes before Shabbos and I checked my email and saw that it had really happened.”

Freier began her work as an Acting Supreme Court Judge on January 3rd. She has the ability to remain in that position at her supervisor’s discretion for the remaining four years of her term as a Civil Court judge, or can choose to run in the August primary in the hopes that she will make it onto the November ballot and be elected a Supreme Court justice, a position that comes with a 14 year term.

Becoming New York’s first Hasidic Supreme Court justice has been a surreal experience for Freier who is grateful to her supervisor for giving her the opportunity to sit on the Brooklyn Supreme Court bench.

“Trailblazing comes in many shapes and forms,” said state court spokesperson Lucian Chalfen. “Justice Rachel Freier clearly has been a trailblazer throughout her life and career and the Judiciary is fortunate to have someone with her knowledge, awareness and compassion represent it to the people of New York State.”

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Netanyahu Caves Under Pressure from Biden and Agrees to 'pause' settlement construction, demolition of illegal Arab homes


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has agreed to a Biden administration request that Israel dramatically reduce construction in Jewish towns in Judea and Samaria, and the demolition of illegal Arab buildings, Axios reported Tuesday afternoon.

According to the report, which cited both US and Israeli officials, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken made the request while meeting with Netanyahu during his Middle East visit last week.

The request is part of a broader plan by the Biden White House to deescalate tensions between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

Under the plan pushed by Blinken, Israel will “pause” construction in Israeli towns in Judea and Samaria, as well as the demolition of illegal Arab buildings in Judea, Samaria, and Jerusalem.

Blinken made the request as National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir launched his building code enforcement program, demolishing illegal Arab homes with pending eviction orders in eastern Jerusalem.

On Monday, Netanyahu intervened to delay the demolition of an illegal building in the Qadi Qadum neighborhood of eastern Jerusalem which houses about 100 people.

The home had been slated for demolition Tuesday.

In exchange, Blinken has pressed Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas to shelve planned resolutions targeting Israel in the United Nations.

The Netanyahu government reportedly said Israel is willing to significantly reduce settlement construction and demolitions of illegal Arab buildings, but said neither will be halted completely.

Officials from the Palestinian Authority were quoted as saying that Ramallah is prepared to accept the “pause” if Israel agrees to the American request.

After Blinken’s meetings with Netanyahu and Abbas, US Assistant Secretary of State of Near East Affairs, Barbara Leaf, met with Tzachi HaNegbi, Netanyahu’s national security adviser, and Abbas’ adviser Hussein al-Sheikh, to iron out the details of the Secretary of State’s plan.

The Biden White House is still in talks with both Israel and the PA regarding the “pause,” officials cited by the report said.