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Thursday, April 7, 2022

Israeli Sentenced To Death In UAE Refused To Allow IDF Officer In Her Restaurant


Fida Kiwan, the Arab-Israeli woman who was sentenced to death in the United Arab Emirates for cocaine possession, was the subject of an incident that caused an uproar in Israel 12 years ago.

In 2010, when Kiwan was one of the owners and the manager of a restaurant in Haifa, she refused to allow an IDF officer in uniform to enter the premises. The incident was publicized and caused a storm of public outrage. Shortly later it was discovered that Kiwan never obtained a business license for the restaurant and she was forced to close it.

According to a Ynet report on Tuesday evening, Kiwan was indicted for drug trafficking after the court was presented with a video showing her accepting money for cocaine from an undercover police officer. Apart from Kiwan, two others – Pakistani citizens – were also sentenced to death as part of the same investigation.

Israeli officials were surprised by the sentence since the UAE had revoked the death punishment for drug trafficking just a few months ago but apparently, it was reinstated due to a rise in drug offenses.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Democrats have decided to replace Biden


POLITICAL EARTHQUAKE: Yamina MK Resigns, Leaving Coalition Without A Majority


Coalition chairwoman and Yamina MK Idit Silman announced early Wednesday morning that she is resigning from the coalition, leaving it without a majority.

“I can’t [continue] any longer,” Silman said. “I attempted unity and worked hard for the current coalition. Unfortunately, I cannot lend a hand to the harm of the Jewish identity of the state of Israel and Am Yisrael. The public is not aware of everything I tried because I did it quietly.”

“I’m ending my membership in the coalition and I will continue to try to convince my friends to return home and establish a right-wing government. I know I’m not the only one who feels this way.”

“The Jewish identity of the state of Israel is the zechus of our existence here. This is our heart, this is our essence. Harming it, without any consideration to the public and the values I represent, is a red line for me.”

“We can establish another government already in this Knesset.”

Silman’s move comes on the background of a coalition crisis caused by Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz’s order to allow chometz into hospitals on Pesach, and a day after her husband said in a radio interview that “Idit will not sell her Olam Haba for any payment.”

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett was taken by surprise by Silman’s announcement, only finding out about it via media reports, but at least several senior members of the coalition have been aware of Silman’s decision for at least a week, Maariv reported.

Following Silman’s announcement, former prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu responded to the news in a video message: “I was very moved to hear MK Idit Silman’s announcement and I bless you in the name of the millions of people in Am Yisrael who have been waiting for this moment,” Netanyahu said. “Idit, you proved that what guides you is the concern for the Jewish identity of the state of Israel and concern for Eretz Yisrael. And I welcome you with bracha on your return home to the right-wing camp. You proved that true representatives of the public act according to their conscience and there’s no greater zechus than that.”

“I call on every MK who was elected with votes from the right-wing camp to join Idit and return home. You’ll be welcomed with open arms and much respect.”

Former Yamina MK Amichai Chikli, who left the party immediately after it formed a coalition with the left, responded by stating: בְּנִיסָן נִגְאֲלוּ וּבְנִיסָן עֲתִידִין לִיגָּאֵל.

Barry Jacobson's 1983 Arson Conviction Vacated Due To Antisemitism At Trial


A New York man who spent nearly 40 years trying to clear his name after a jury tainted by antisemitism wrongfully convicted him of arson has finally been vindicated.

Lawyers for Barry Jacobson — who were helped in their efforts by the Anti-Defamation League and the Innocence Project — announced Tuesday that a court had agreed that the jury was biased and the case was subsequently dismissed by prosecutors.

“This has weighed deeply on his mind and conscience for decades,” said Bob Cordy, an attorney for the now 78-year-old Jacobson.

Jacobson was found guilty in 1983 of setting a fire at his home in Richmond, a small town in the Berkshires of western Massachusetts. He was sentenced to six months in prison and fined $10,000, although he ended up spending only about a month behind bars.

The conviction nearly ruined his life. Jacobson, who was in the commercial real estate business, lost his real estate licenses in Massachusetts and New York, Cordy said. It interfered with his personal relationships and his mental health.

“For nearly 40 years I have been haunted by this wrongful conviction,” Jacobson, who was unavailable for comment, said in a statement. “Time and again it has affected my career, my business, my family and my community. It has been beyond painful. It is an experience I would not wish on anyone.”

The prosecution and jury deliberations were both stained by antisemitism, said Cordy, a former associate justice on the Supreme Judicial Court, the highest court in Massachusetts.

The prosecution, relying on a racist stereotype, implied that Jacobson set the fire for the insurance money, Cordy said.

Even more shocking were comments made by the jury foreperson.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

French Jew killed by tram likely a target of antisemitic attack, family says

 Relatives of Jeremy Cohen, a 31-year-old French Jew who died two months ago after being hit by a tram in the town of Bobigny, near Paris, said Monday that his death was not an accident, but was the result of an antisemitic attack.

Initially, his death was reported as a “pedestrian being run over,” but video footage released by Cohen’s family on Monday showed the moments leading to his death and indicated that the incident could have been triggered by an assault.

In the video, Cohen is seen attacked by several members of a large group before running away from the crowd and being hit by an incoming tram.

Relatives of Jeremy Cohen, a 31-year-old French Jew who died two months ago after being hit by a tram in the town of Bobigny, near Paris, said Monday that his death was not an accident, but was the result of an antisemitic attack.

Initially, his death was reported as a “pedestrian being run over,” but video footage released by Cohen’s family on Monday showed the moments leading to his death and indicated that the incident could have been triggered by an assault.

The new footage raises the plausible possibility that Cohen did not notice the incoming tram as he was trying to escape his assailants, which would mean his death was the result of the attack.

“Jeremy’s death is linked to an attack of which he was the victim — by a gang of young people immediately before being hit,” Gerald Cohen, his father, told Radio Shalom, a French-Jewish radio station.

UAE court sentences Israeli woman to death for drug possession


An Israeli woman has been sentenced to death in the United Arab Emirates, after she was arrested for drug possession.

The woman, an Israeli Arab, was arrested in Abu Dhabi on March 17th, 2021 after half a kilogram of cocaine was found in her possession.

A UAE court found the woman guilty, despite her claim that the cocaine was not hers.

On Tuesday, the court handed down a death sentence.

The defendant’s attorney is expected to appeal the decision.

In a statement released Tuesday morning, the Israeli Foreign Ministry confirmed the sentence, saying: “We are aware of the case and are working via the department for Israelis abroad and our representatives in the Emirates.”

MSNBC host says white people ‘do not understand’ why Blacks Beat the Crap out of each other!


An MSNBC host over the weekend said white Americans should “sit this out” as controversy persists around Will Smith slapping stand-up comic Chris Rock during the Academy Awards last week.

Tiffany Cross, who anchors a weekend talk show on the left-leaning cable news network, interviewed actress Yvette Nicole Brown and TheGrio columnist Michael Harriot on Sunday.

Harriot claimed the Smith-Rock incident was an example of “how black people relate to each other” in a way that white people do not understand, “even though it happened to everybody [watching the ceremony].”

Brown chimed in, saying: “On Twitter, a lot of us were like, ‘Y’all sit this out for your protection,’ because when we need to have a conversation, we’re gonna have it.”

“Some people use their words, some people use their hands. It is what it is. In the black community, we understand that,” Brown said.

Brown later added that “violence is [not] the answer” and all three condemned Smith.

Cross then interjected, saying she would “try to put this in context for our white fellow countrymen as best I can.”

“In really, truly black America, there’s a commonality amongst us all,” she said.

“If we went to a white person’s home and it was their family dinner, we were sitting at the table, and the mother hauled off and slapped the father and everybody at the table has an opinion,” Cross added.

“If I weigh in as the guest in this home and say, ‘Yeah, you guys are terrible,’ everybody’s like, ‘I’m sorry. When did you get an opinion? This is our family table,’” she said.

That’s what this moment felt like for many of us. There’s a nuance to what happened.”

Smith resigned from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences on Friday in the face of possible suspension or expulsion from the organization for his on-stage slap of Rock.

Smith said in a statement he would “fully accept any and all consequences for my conduct” imposed by the Academy’s Board of Governors.

“The list of those I have hurt is long and includes Chris, his family, many of my dear friends and loved ones, all those in attendance, and global audiences at home,” Smith said in the statement.

Rock reportedly was encouraged to file charges against Smith when the LAPD showed up to the Dolby Theater after the assault, but the comic refused. 

14-Year-Old Chareidi Arrested After Molesting Young Girls In Beitar Elite ...Rabbis didn't go to police

A 14-year-old eighth grade youth in a chareidi town in central Israel has been arrested after a shocking series of assaults on young girls aged 7-8 in his neighborhood. The arrest was made after parents complained that their daughter had been molested by the youth. Police received other complaints this week and realized that the youth was a serial offender.

The boy has admitted six assaults on girls but police suspect that the number is much higher. Some of the cases occurred in cellars or behind buildings and one of the attacks occurred in a stairwell.

During the past week police gathered evidence from surveillance cameras. After Whatsapp images of the youth were sent to various groups, the youth was identified and arrested.

The clip shows the suspect standing in the middle of the road. Noting a young girl walking he followed her and began talking to her until he succeeded in dragging her to a nearby building where he allegedly molested her.

One of those involved in the case told Chareidim 10 that a local rabbi had sent parents to place an add in the local newspaper instead of going to police.

“This boy was a ticking bomb. Police agreed to place pictures in Whatsapp groups since they feared he would harm other girls. Yet instead of sending the parents to police the rabbi tells them to place an ad?”, the person fumed.

“The police acted effectively, working around the clock until they caught him.” 

Monday, April 4, 2022

Yossi Azulay Sings Vehi Sheamda with Gospel Choir in Live Concert in Paris


Moshe Oysher Rachem Nu Concert 1944 Town Hall NYC in a Cantorial Comedy Routine

 Move to 3:38 mark to hear him singing Racheim Nu from Bentching 

In rare decision, rabbinical court rules a man is married - but wife is considered single


In a rare ruling, the Jerusalem Rabbinical Court issued a decision last week stating that a man who publicly stated that the get or traditional divorce document he granted his wife was not valid would be considered still married and that he would be placed on the list of people who are not permitted to remarry until he granted his wife an additional get.

However, at the same time, his wife would be considered divorced and free to remarry. The couple wed in 2006 and had five children, but after a decade, the marriage fell apart. In April 2017, the wife left the house and filed a divorce claim with the Rabbinical Court in Jerusalem, but from the moment the procedure began, the husband unequivocally refused to grant her a divorce.

In December 2019, upon the request by Ohr Torah Stone’s Yad La’isha Legal Aid Center which represents the wife, the Court handed down a decision compelling the husband to issue the divorce or to face a series of social sanctions.

When the imposition of sanctions did not yield the desired effect, the court – in another rare move – approved the request of Yad La'isha's Attorney Dina Raitchik to order the owner of the apartment that the husband rents not to renew his rental lease, and instructing any other homeowners in Israel not to rent him an apartment until he released his wife from her chains.

The husband steadfastly stood by his refusal until it was made clear to him that if he did not grant the divorce, he would be imprisoned – at which point earlier this year he finally agreed to set his wife free.

This week, the tribunal summoned the parties after it came to their attention that the husband had been publicly stating that the divorce he gave was null since he did not actually say the necessary words during the course of the get ceremony. After being warned that his conduct bordered on contempt of court and failure to comply with their decisions, the judges handed down the decision believed to be precedential: since the man had slandered the validity of the get, he will be forbidden to remarry until he gives his ex-wife another divorce (get l'chumra), and will be placed on the court's list of marriage detainees.

Simultaneously, the woman's get remains valid; she will continue to be considered divorced for all intents and purposes and is permitted to remarry.

The judges also imposed seven days in prison for contempt of court. They noted in their decision that if the man would retract his statements and grant the woman another divorce, the imprisonment would be canceled.

Ohr Torah Stone and Yad La’isha applauded the court's decision and the impact it will hopefully have on future recalcitrant husbands. “This Rabbinical Court ruling makes it ever more clear to get-refusers that they have no right to play both sides of the field - on the one hand issuing a get to avoid sanctions, while at the very same time continuing their recalcitrance in public,” said Advocate Dina Raitchik. “We thank the Court for taking a firm stance in this case. This decision is another important step in our continued struggle against get-abuse.”

Pnina Omer, Director of Yad La’isha also commended the "uncompromising determination" of the Rabbinical Court. “This is a remarkable example of how rabbinical judges should aspire to act, and a model to which the Committee for the Appointment of Rabbinical Court Judges should set before them when installing the next round of judges: people of courage who do are not afraid to bravely liberate agunot.”

Dozens of Rabbis ascend Har Habyis


Dozens of rabbis and heads of yeshivas ascended the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism, on Sunday for Rosh Chodesh Nisan. The rabbis ascended the mountain led by Temple Institute founder Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, Rosh Yeshiva of Shadmot Mehola Rabbi Shlomo Rosenfeld and Rabbi Eliezer Shankolevsky from Beit Shemesh.

Rabbi Israel Ariel opened the ascent with the words of Torah, Halacha and Aggadah, on the importance of ascending the Temple Mount properly. The rabbi congratulated the organized ascension and said that "when fifty rabbis ascend the Temple Mount, it is a stamp of approval that is likened to the approval of the chief rabbinate for ascension."

The rabbis carried the Torah throughout the ascent to the Temple Mount along with prayers for peace with Israel, combining Psalms and the Kaddish prayer as is customary there. The rabbis noted in praise the positive changes on the Temple Mount in that the police had allowed them to ascend the Temple Mount for the seventh year in a row. They thanked the commanders and especially the district commander Doron Turgeman.

Among the rabbis were Rabbi Baruch Kahana, Rabbi Yitzchak Brand, Rabbi Yitzchak Levy, Rabbi Danny Kitov, Rabbi Azaria Ariel, Rabbi Avraham Blass, Rabbi Doron Ladvin and Rabbi Yitzchak Yavetz.

Capo Ezra Friedlander Is getting Excited by the New Iran Deal pushed by the Biden Administration

Hey Ezra, did you tell the RY of Mir that the grandchild of the  "Tal Chaim" was pushing the Iran-Satmar Deal that could potentially c"v wipe the Mirer Yeshivah off the map? Did you tell him that the grandchild of the "Tal Chaim" arranged that the murderer of over 2,000 Jewish boys get the Congressional Medal of Honor? 

Jews "Walking" Anywhere in Israel is now called "Storming" by antisemites

To all those "tazaddikim" who call to ban Jews from visiting the Har Habayis in order to avoid "provocation" this is what you get!

Now Lapid "walking" in Yerushalyim is considered "provocation"

Caving to terrorism only leads to more terrorism. 

Mother of 6 month old says her baby is gay


 This is a clip from the Monty Python movie that explains it all 

Now We know why Moshiach isn't coming.. it's because people are NOT eating Kitniyois


Eliya Hawila, Who Masqueraded As Jew And Married Jewish Girl, Was Apparently Jewish All The Time


Eliya Haliwa, who married a member of a Syrian Jewish family in Brooklyn last October, was exposed immediately after the wedding as a Shiite Muslim from Lebanon. The revelation led to a huge controversy and calls for more stringent investigation of people’s Jewish lineage before allowing them to wed. Haliwa himself was forced to leave his new wife and even though he wished to convert to Judaism, the Syrian Jewish community maintains a longstanding ban on accepting Jewish converts.

However on Zev Brenner’s Talkline show it was revealed by Rabbi Avrohom Reich of the Hatzalas Yisrael community of Brooklyn that Haliwa is actually Jewish and has undergone a conversion L’chumra (to be extra stringent). Rabbi Reich is an expert on tracking and investigating the lineage of Jews from the FSR (Former Soviet Republic) and says that he spoke with the mother of Haliwa, who admitted that both she and her mother are Jewish.

Rabbi Reich spoke with the grandmother in Lebanon and said that he was a member of a Beis Din which performed the conversion L’chumra for Chaliwa and stressed that he is now a Jew “L’Mehadrin”. According to B’Chadrei, the Beis Din which performed the conversion is recognized by Israel’s chief rabbinate.

Rabbi Reich said that the reason for performing the conversion L’Chumra was because there were four consecutive generations which did not keep mitzvos and therefore a conversion was required. Hawila himself said that the reason he had not revealed his Jewish roots earlier was because he did not know about them and only found out after the fiasco of his marriage with a Jewish girl.

Haliwa intends to go back to his wife now that he has been converted L’chumra, even though he is under pressure from members of the Syrian Jewish community to give his wife a get. After the revelation of his roots in November, Haliwa said that “I just want another chance, I want to rectify things, I wanted to be Jewish irrespective of the girl I married.” According to the new information received, Haliwa is indeed Jewish and was already Jewish when he married.

Mazel Tov .. He/She Abby Stein Engaged to a She


We need a "bo'ku" (an expert) on He-Shes' .... 

I don't get it! ... 
He is a guy who thinks he is a girl and now he is engaged to a real girl, so is he really a fraud? 
It appears that  a guy who thinks it's Purim all year round got engaged to a girl.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

New Square Rules for "Skverer Bochrim"

 In the entire letter that was distributed to parents, there is absolutely no mention how a "Chassidishe Boy" should behave with his peers or to other humans. It's all about the outside.

Loosely Translated:

Mikva: All boys must go to the mikva before davening, but to be careful in the mikva where one looks, and act with alacrity and tznees.

Kipa: Must be soft, large enough that it sticks out of the hat 

Bekeshe: From Succos onward only plain ones.

Jacket: Only the black ones, no colors.

Tzizis: Only the wool ones with the "round" neck as per the custom in New Square.

Tefillin Bags: It cannot have a handle and of course not, a shoulder harness.

Underwear: Must be the Chassidishe underwear. 

Gartel: Must be a whole one , and must have a minimum of 12 rows. The Gartel is worn on the Jacket or the "chalat" . This must be a separate gartel not the one that comes with the "chalat" Out Minhag is that we dont have the hanging tails and tying the gartel "tight" shows a warmness to chassidishkeit!

There is another page which says that all eyeglasses must be plastic only, peyos cannot have gel, a Bochur cannot have a comb or a mirror, and cannot wear a wrist watch. He must also wear his hat while eating!

A Solution To the Israeli Arab Situation

 We are suffering from almost daily terrorist attacks in Israel. An appropriate response would be to act immediately to:

*close Israel to all non-resident workers — no Arabs working on construction sites in our communities starting tomorrow and through the end of Ramadan.

*demolish ALL illegal Arab construction in Israel's Area C, starting with the demolition of Khan Al Ahmar (as per the Supreme Court ruling). Not move it a few hundred meters. Demolish it and deport its residents.

*evict all illegal squatters from the Shimon haTzadik neighborhood (which the Arabs call the sheik al jarrah neighborhood) and restore the Jewish-owned properties to their rightful Jewish owners.

*evict all illegal Arab squatters from Lod;  kick their kids out of our schools; deport the families out of Israel. They register school kids by taking drone photos of their illegal encampments, in lieu of legal addresses. They committed a pogrom against us without consequences. Deport them out of Israel.

*assert Israeli civil law over all of Judea and Samaria.

*start building new Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria.  Tomorrow.

*enact and enforce a new Media Law requiring the use of accurate nomenclature for places and people in Israel: Judea and Samaria, NOT "West Bank"; citizens or residents of Jewish communities, NOT "settlers" or "settlements" or "illegal settlements." Penalties for violations should range from fines to revocation of press credentials, visas, or media operating licenses.

*enact a similar law governing the use of accurate nomenclature by all city and state employees, police officers, military personnel, and government officials, up to and including the PM, with penalties ranging from fines to firings to removal from political office, especially applicable to the current PM.

*enact and implement an oath of loyalty to the Jewish state to be required of all citizens and all members of Knesset, along with enforcing treason laws. Arab Israelis who identify as Palestinians have nationalist aspirations that are antithetical to our own.  They promise to annihilate Israel and replace it with an apartheid, Judenrein state of Palestine. These people are our enemies and must not be allowed to participate in Israel's *national* government. They already have self government in their own Judenrein apartheid Areas A.

*institute the death penalty for terrorists, to be executed immediately or after intelligence interrogations; burial at sea; no bodies returned for burial as martyrs; date, time, location unknown. No reason for Israel to pay to keep terrorists alive in our prisons, only to release them to kill again.

*change the current low-threshhold coalition system, so that no politician can ever again manipulate the system to take a few measly seats, override the will of the majority who voted four times for a right-wing government, and gain power by forming an unholy coalition with the enemies of Israel, who have no business participating in Israel's NATIONAL government, as their stated nationalist aspirations are antithetical to our own. Raise the threshold. What Bennett did was evil.

*change the hypocritical law banning Jewish nationalist political parties like the Kahanists, while allowing Arab nationalist parties that are openly pro-apartheid, Judenrein "Palestine." As long as there are pro-Palestinian Arab parties in Israel's *national* government, Jews must be allowed to have pro-Jewish parties like Otzma Yehudit and the Kahanist parties.

*Take back control of the Temple Mount from the Muslim Waqf. Moshe Dayan made a terrible mistake in 1967. Rectify it. Close the Temple Mount tomorrow and keep it closed for a year. Use the time to repair the damage done to it by the Muslims. When it reopens in a year or so from now, it will be under Jewish control. All entrance gates will have full security measures. Visitors of all faiths will be allowed to pray. A code of conduct appropriate to holy religious sites will be enforced. Violators playing sports, picnicking, harassing others, or being violent will be arrested, prosecuted, and banned for life from future visits.

These are just a few ideas for starters. The common theme is Jewish sovereignty. Assert Jewish sovereignty NOW in every sphere of life. This is Israel, the Jewish national homeland.