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Saturday, February 5, 2022

Background story of the fraudulant "kosher Phone" Industry Which The Zionist Government Will Finally Solve


I know it's hard to decipher and figure out what is really going on; why would there be protests in front of stores that only sell "kosher phones?" 

That's why DIN is here to help you understand what's really going on behind the scenes.

You have had to have been living in a cave not to have heard the opposition to smartphones from the "gedoilei" Yisrael and it makes perfect sense. They don't want you to surf the internet where one can access porn and depraved ideas. In addition it can also be a massive waste of time for serious people. It can be dangerous for children and teenagers whose minds are just developing. There is also a lot of bullying on social media which can actually cause teenagers to commit suicide .Just last week a shiksa who had won Miss USA, and was an accomplished lawyer jumped out of a window in a high-rise in Manhattan and they say that it was because she was bullied on social media.

So the Rabbanim set up a "Vaad" of "askanim" to set up what we now know as the "kosher phone" industry.

This kosher phone is just a phone, and one cannot access the internet.

The way the industry works, is that you go to an authorized store that carries the hechsher from this "vaad" and they in turn give you a phone with a specific number which they control. So if you decide that you have had it with the "kosher phone" and want to switch to a smartphone because your business requires it than you must leave that number with the "Vaad", you cannot transfer your number to any other phone or carrier! Which is really a pain, because now you will have to notify all your contacts that you have a new number.

But we Yiddelich know that wherever there is  a "Vaad" there is inevitably corruption, and the "Kosher Phone" industry is no exception.

So if the "Vaad" doesn't like your politics, all they have to do is turn off your number, and the next thing you know, you are holding a worthless piece of plastic junk with a charger of course.

In the last couple of months, the "Vaad" cut off the phones of hundreds of thousands of subscribers because the "Vaad" didn't agree with their politics.  I want to repeat what I just said so that it sinks in .... the "Vaad" cut off the phones of hundreds of thousands of subscribers because of politics. I don't want to go in to details for obvious reasons, but just so you know one of the askanim who is sitting on this vaad is a chusid of the Gerer Rebbe. Got it?

They also closed the service to hundreds of institutions, many of these institutions were set up to help people, but because the askanim of those institutions weren't politicly in sync with the vaad they suddenly were left without any service. And like in Communist Russia you could call the "Vaad" and tattletale on someone and the next thing you know, that person is suddenly left with no service.

Some of those institutions who had their service cut off reached out to an MK who is in charge of communication and he stepped in to fix it.

He announced that there is no such thing as an exclusive "Vaad" and that any Joe Shmo who wants to have a business of selling "Kosher Phones" will be permitted to do this, but in addition, he will allow you to keep that number,  once you have a "number" that number now belongs to you, no matter the phone. So now a guy with a "kosher phone" can now transfer his service to the Joe Shmo and keep his number, he can also transfer that number to a smartphone!

Well.... all hell broke loose and the askanim went nuts because now they lost their business and more important, their  control. So they screamed "Foul" and barked that the Zionists don't want the Chareidim to remain "kedoishim" and want to contaminate their very souls.

Now for the shocker; a "kosher phone" cost more than an average smartphone.... yes.. you read that correctly: a "kosher phone" is more expensive than a smartphone!

Does that make any sense? Yes it makes a lot of sense when the "vaad" is in control.

The "Vaad" two weeks ago sent their two gedoilim to speak at a protest that turned violent in front of a store in Geula that sold only Kosher Phones but refused to take their "Hechsher" 

The "gedoilim" witnessed and saw their own followers run into the store and break and loot like the Shvartzas in Portland, and said not a word. 

Last Thursday the "Vaad" sent their Chareidie gangsters into another store on Kikar HaShabbos to break the windows and cause massive damage. You can see the mob doing their avoidas hakoidish  in my previous post.

That store also only sold "Kosher Phones" but refuses to get their hecsher!

These "gedoilim" were no where to be seen at a Seforim store down the block that was selling Walder books!

Chareidim Acting like Arabs Break Window and Vandalize Phone Store That carries Only Kosher Phones Yet Won't Protest Sefarim Stores that Sell Monster Walder Books


Jonathan Pollard: On her deathbed, my wife revealed her mission


In a video from the day of Esther Pollard’s funeral, former Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard shared his wife’s dying words.

Speaking shortly after his wife’s funeral, Pollard revealed his final conversation with his wife, moments before she passed away this Monday.

“She was dying. All of a sudden her eyes woke up…I was holding her hand. I don’t know where she was. But she was just looking up. And she said, in a very small voice: ‘My neshama [soul] volunteered to come back for two missions: one of the missions was to get you home. The other mission was to bring you home as a Jew, and not a goy.’”

Friday, February 4, 2022

Zera Shimshon Parshas Terumah


70 "Fringe Jealous" Rabbis Sign Declaration Against Rabbi Melamed’s Peninei Halacha Series, ‘One may not rely on his rulings’

If anyone out there is throwing out his Halacha Series, please pass them my way. 

I'm wondering, how is it they couldn't get together even 5 rabbanim against Walder? Do you have to be a molester to get off scot free?

Read one of the ridiculous reasons that these "rabbis' give why they they signed the letter against Harav Melamed:

 it is stated that the Peninei Halacha on family purity “publishes things which ought to remain covert and should not be disseminated to the wider  public.” 

Will they now throw out Mesachtas Nidda? How about Shaalas Utshvois of the Noda Be'Yehudah? The Noda Be' Yudah discusses a case in detail about a guy who lived with his mother-in-law and had a child, should we burn his books?

Another reason they give is because he would allow the "Reform Jews to daven by the Kotel." What's wrong with that? Everyone and even goyim daven at the Kotel. They are against him talking with them. Now I don't agree with Rav Melamad on this point, but he has as a respected Poisek an opinion.

I remember when I was growing up, the Chassidishe Oilim and even the Litvisher Oilim would never pasken like Rav Moshe Feinstein z"l. People don't pasken like the Chazon Ish or the Brisker Rav either.

These are just a bunch of jealous frustrated Rabbis who got together not to condemn a molester or a thief, chas ve'sholom" but a Gadol Be'Yisrael! 

Shame on them!

Ami Magazines' Lev Tahor Cult Run To Iraq and other Countries then complain that are not being treated well


The reason I am calling the Lev Tahor cult "The Ami Cult" because Ami's editor and publisher Yitzy Frankfurter sincerely believes that this dangerous cult is just another Chassidise Chassidus! Just 3 years ago, Ami featured this cult and its late leader Helbrans on the cover and dedicated about 10 pages glorifying these crazed animals.

At any rate the Ami Cult keeps running from country to country because as the local authorities find out that they are abusing their children they crack down on them. There are now 3 leaders of these crazed fanatics sitting in US jails facing charges of kidnapping, torture and abuse.

Recently just hours before the Guatemalian government were going in to deport them, they disappeared and fled to Bosnia and Iraq presumingly on the way to Iran. 

This is all being financed by Satmar Chassidim, though Satmar denies it. Why would Satmar finance this? Because just like the Iranian Mullas finance terror all over the world to destroy Israel and it's allies, Satmar that daven three times a day that Israel should G-d forbid eliminated also finance any group that is anti-Israel.

 The Satmar Rebbe of Monroe also encouraged his dopes to write letters to congressmen in support of then President Hussain Obama who fought for the Iran Deal. The Iran Deal was also supported by Fat Nadler and his employee Ezra Friedlander. 

So back to the story:

Now that Bosnia is throwing them the hell out, a group of brain-washed women invited reporters into their home to give their side of the story.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Guy Confronts Lieberman in a Makolet and tells him "Yemach Shmo"

Pediofile Hanging Around Beit Shemesh Yeshivois trying to seduce them and Roshei Yeshiva do absolutely nothing


The guy in the video says that the police know about this "Chazir" but held him for a day to face a judge who let him go.
The guy is saying that the Police and the hanhala of the Yeshivois are worthless and the only way to prevent this is to talk to the Children!

Satmar Newspaper "Der Blatt" Doesn't Mention the word "Belz" When Reporting That a Major Chassidus Will Join the Israeli Curriculum


Sometimes by not saying anything , you accomplish a lot more than by reporting something and then not telling the readers who the subject is.

Thank G-d, Satmar followers have DIN who will decipher all this.

The By line in this Satmar Yiddish weekly rum by the chachumim of the Aroinie Faction, is the second from the bottom that reads as follows:

"Shock and Pain after Reports That a Huge Moisad in Eretz Yisrael will be the first recognized Chareidie Moisad to accept the Israeli "Mamlachtee Chareidie" System from the Misrad HaChiuch and Shmad"

So what did Belz actually accept?

The teaching of Math & English!

Yoi Vei! Yentee please bring me a stiff drink!

Muslim military veteran hopes to unseat Ilhan Omar


A Somali-born U.S. Army veteran has joined the Republican field seeking to challenge Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., calling out her lack of attention to the needs of her constituents as violent crime surges in Minneapolis.

 "Minneapolis just saw one of the most violent years on record, falling just one homicide short from the all-time record. The city at that time was coined ‘Murder-apolis,’" the 5th Congressional District candidate Shukri Abdirahman told Fox News Digital. Abdirahman, a Muslim military veteran and mother of three, announced her campaign Monday.

Her journey began in Somalia under a socialist dictatorship. When the Civil War happened in her home country, she fled to Kenya, staying in the refugee camps in the slums there for three years while waiting for the immigration process to take place to come to America. 

Immigrating to the U.S. at 13, Abdirahman joined the military shortly after graduating from high school. During her freshman year of college, she felt compelled to enlist after hearing about the Black Hawk Down incident during the U.S.’s war with Somalia, which left 18 Americans and hundreds of Somalis dead, according to Smithsonian.

R' Mendele Viznitzer Speaking to the Ladies in Boro Park


Simcha Felder Stabs Frum People in the Heart by Voting for DemonRats Redistricting Plan Nullifying the Orthodox Votes


Simcha Felder with his fake stupid smile just voted with his fellow Demonrats' redistricting plan that includes nullifying the orthodox vote by including Boro-Park in Fat Nadler's district with the upper west side and Greenwich village. This means that askanim will have no say in any legislation.

The Ezra Friedlanders and Simcha Felders are the capos that will hand over their fellow brothers and sisters to the far left just to have power. Ezra Friedlander was on the payroll of Fat Nadler for years and I wouldn't be surprised if he had a filthy hand in all this.
Anyway the frummies deserve this as they all vote democrat having been told by Ezra and his ilk that Republicans have no chance in New York State, well now they don't!

New York’s legislature approved new congressional district maps Wednesday that will expand Democrats’ power for years to come in a state where the party already holds a dominating advantage.

The Senate voted 43-20 on party lines Wednesday to pass the congressional maps. The bill largely passed on party lines in the Assembly with a 103-45 vote.

The redrawn maps would ensure that Democrats make up a strong majority of registered voters in 22 of the 26 congressional districts the state will have in 2023.

Republicans, who now hold eight of New York’s 27 seats in Congress, say they’re considering fighting the maps in court, calling them an illegal attempt at a type of gerrymandering barred under the state’s constitution.

The Legislature faces pressure to quickly pass maps, with the state’s election primaries just months away in June.

If they survive any court challenges, the maps will mean reelection trouble for several Republican House members.

In New York City, U.S. Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, a Staten Island Republican, would face running in a district stretched to include some of Brooklyn’s most liberal neighborhoods.

Bombshell: Police Illegally Hacked Phone Of Key Witness In Netanyahu Cases


Israel Police illegally hacked into the phone of a key witness in the criminal cases against former prime minister Binyanim Netanyahu, retrieving a large amount of data without a court warrant, Channel 13 News reported on Wednesday evening.

The retrieved data included text, photos, phone numbers, and use of various apps.

Channel 12 News played recordings in which police investigators are heard talking about illegally hacking someone’s phone, immediately prior to speaking with Shlomo Filber, a state witness in Case 4000.

In the ensuing uproar in response to the report, right-wing politicians called to drop the criminal cases against Netanyahu.

Netanyahu responded to the report by writing on Twitter: “An earthquake: This evening it was revealed that police illegally hacked phones in order to topple a strong right-wing prime minister.”

The revelation is likely to lead to significant delays in Netanyahu’s trial as his lawyers could demand to review the material and take appropriate action or demand a retrial if the individual in question was a witness who already testified in the case.

The report comes after Israel Police admitted that they illegally used spy software to hack into private citizens’ phones.

According to the Channel 13 report, the information about Netanyahu’s case was revealed as part of an inquiry by the Justice Ministry into the NSO exposé.

Leora Ezoray, Mother of 5 Killed in Car Accident in Denver She Was From LA


Tragedy struck the Los Angeles Jewish community on Thursday morning, when word spread of a horrific incident.

Sources say that a young couple from the community traveled to Denver to go on a skiing trip. They were travelling on Interstate 70 in Idaho Springs, when their vehicle (Jeep Compass Trailhawk) collided with a disabled tractor-trailer at around 5:30PM on Wednesday evening.

Tragically, 33-year-old Leora Ezoray A”H was Niftar at the scene. Her husband was rushed to the hospital where he was initially listed in serious condition. Bichasdei Hashem he has stabilized.

Misaskim of Los Angeles has been working around the clock to ensure Kavod Hames, and have arranged for Hatzolah Air to fly a family member of the husband to be with him, while taking the Nifteres back to Los Angeles for Kevura.

Tragically, left behind are five young children, the oldest just 11-years-old, and the youngest just 7 months-old.

New Jersey Groundhog Drops Dead Day Before His Big Day!


This is why Chazal insisted that there would be a sgan kohen gadol prepared for Yom Kippur pic.twitter.com/rME3tJjrlC

— Vaad HaBadchanim (@VaadHaBadchanim) February 2, 2022

Whoopi Goldberg threatening to quit ‘The View’ over her suspension


If someone time traveled from 1882 to the present, what would they find more surprising, that someone is saying Jews aren't a race, or that someone named Goldberg isn't a member?

Whoopi Goldberg is “livid” after she was suspended from “The View” over her claim that the Holocaust was “not about race” — and is telling co-workers she is going to quit the show, according to a source.

Goldberg, 66, feels “humiliated” at being disciplined by ABC execs after she followed their advice to apologize for the ill-conceived comments, a well-placed insider told The Post.

“She feels ABC executives mishandled this. She followed their playbook. She went on ‘The Late Show With Stephen Colbert’ and then apologized again on ‘The View’ the next day,” a source said.

The source added that while Goldberg is taking the suspension hard and says she wants to leave the show, insiders believe she’s likely just sounding off.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

What's really the Margulies "behind the scene" Story?

I received hundreds of emails asking me the background of R' Margulies. 

So here is a copy of a post by Paul Mendlowitz on August 16, 2011.

Ten years after Rav Yaakov Kaminetzky zt"l forced Lipa Margulies to surrender his property at 150 Ocean Parkway to Bais Din, to be held in Trust pending a full accounting of the sources of the millions of dollars raised under the name Yeshiva Torah Vodaath of Flatbush, Rabbi Gedalya Schorr (a good friend of Margulies), released the property back to Margulies WITHOUT any accounting of the millions of dollars raised, with a "promise" from Margulies to never use the name of Yeshiva Torah Vodaath again or lose 150 Ocean Parkway (which was sold subsequently by Margulies). 

That would make it a full 21 years that Margulies was raising large sums of money from the unwitting masses, under the guise of being Yeshiva Torah Vodaath.

 By that time, Margulies had already built the new building at 555 Ocean Parkway, and Rabbi Gedalya Schorr had attended the groundbreaking years before, during his tenure as principal or menahel of YTV.

It is interesting to note, and no coincidence, that Frank Klein, the deceased nursing home magnate, who in 1966 was on the original deed transferring the property to YTV, and a board member of Margulies' school, in 1977 was a board member of YTV, a very close ally of Margulies and Schorr, and a very "prominent" Ger chasid, as was Rabbi Schorr (for different reasons of course).

This could only have been done if R' Yaakov Kaminetzky or his designated rosh yeshiva of YTV, R' Zelig Epstein, was out of the hanhala of YTV....

With these facts now disclosed, we will shortly revisit the years of YTV after R' Reuvain Grozofsky z"tl passed away, the subsequent din Torah with Rabbi Aaron Kotler z"tl, his ruling regarding Rabbi Schorr's duties at YTV, the fierce battle for the Rosh Yeshiva position waged by Rabbi Schorr once Rabbi Kaminetzky announced his intentions to retire in 1966, and the events that ultimately destroyed Beth Medrash Elyon in Monsey, and brought YTV to the brink of disaster, causing YTV to become a third-rate Banana yeshiva!

Unvaccinated Students Can Enter Israel


Rabbi Nechemya Malinowitz of Eretz Hakodesh announced on Wednesday, Rosh Chodesh Adar, that anyone with valid student visas can now enter Israel even if they’re not vaccinated or recovered.

Students holding valid student visas can just show up at the airport and will be allowed to fly to Israel. This means that yeshivah bochurim and seminary students will be able to return home for Pesach without being vaccinated or recovered.

Another new development is that children of student visa holders will no longer need special permits to enter Israel.

It’s a mitzvah, not anti-Semitism, to attack George Soros’


It was wrong for Obama acolytes to denounce criticisms of the Obama presidency as “racist.” Yes, one of Barack Obama’s parents was black. But his policies were not “black.” They were just bad.

Likewise, it is wrong to uniformly censure attacks on billionaire George Soros as “anti-Semitic.”

Ever since Jonathan Greenblatt, a woke former Obama White House official, took over the Anti-Defamation League, it reflexively screams “Anti-Semitism!” when critics fault Soros’ political work — and the left loyally follows suit.

It therefore falls upon established rabbis with authentic Jewish lifetime bona fides, like yours truly, to assert unequivocally that it’s a mitzvah (a righteous act) — not “anti-Semitism” — to castigate George Soros for his radical attempts to undermine public safety and the American republic.

I’ll be clear: Political pundits, ranging from columnists to cartoonists to on-air talent, should not hesitate to condemn Soros as perhaps the most despicable person in public affairs.

Ami's Favorite Cult Lev Tahor Being Deported From Bosnia


Lev Tahor cult members are being deported from Bosnia, according to local media reports in the region. 

Bosnian authorities are cracking down on the dozens of members of the extremist Jewish group, after local residents reported their presence.

Thirty-seven of the group’s estimated 200-300 loyalists are believed to have relocated to Bosnia in November. They were reportedly living there legally on three-month visas which are about to expire. Local residents apparently discovered the group after seeing pictures in media reports of the cult members traveling through the Middle East.

Human Rights and Refugees Minister Milos Lucic announced on Tuesday that the entire group will be deported before the end of the month.

He said, “According to the latest information, this religious group is currently looking for a new destination and transportation. I have received assurances that they do not pose a threat to the local community and no incidents have been recorded so far.”

Since fleeing Guatemala, the group of radicals has been searching for a new homeland. At one point they requested asylum in Iran, but that plan was crushed when Iraqi authorities deported them to Turkey.

They relocated to Guatemala from Canada in 2014 following allegations of mistreatment of its children including abuse and child marriages.

Arranged marriages between teenagers and older cult members are reported to be common. The group shuns technology and its female members wear black robes from head to toe, leaving only their faces exposed.