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Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Golan covered in white as Jerusalem braces for first snow in years


The residents of the Golan Heights in northern Israel woke up Wednesday to a thick layer of snow covering the ground, with a dusting also expected in the higher peaks of central Israel including, possibly, Jerusalem.

Emergency, rescue and medical services were gearing up for a major storm that is set to last through Thursday.

Police said major roads in the Golan have been closed to traffic while schools in the area remained shut due to the weather conditions.

The snow began on the highest peaks early Wednesday and spread to the rest of the plateau, with some falling on the Galilee highlands.

On Mount Hermon, the highest point in the country, 15 centimeters of snow fell at the lower levels while on the summit 25 centimeters of snow gathered. Due to the weather, the site’s ski center was closed.

Temperatures are expected to drop during the course of the day across the country. Flood warnings were issued in coastal and other low-lying areas.

Heavy rainfall, accompanied by thunderstorms, will continue along the coastal plain until Thursday.

Don't Bother Looking For Your Lost Amazon Package It's been Stolen in Lawless LA


Packages stolen from Union Pacific cargo containers and then ransacked, thousands upon thousands of them, are regularly strewn along the tracks in the Alameda corridor that stretches through downtown Los Angeles. The scene is simply shocking (see, e.g., embedded video posted by the city’s CBS News affiliate).

Why is it happening? 

CA removes curriculum which forced students to chant to Aztec god of human sacrifice in order to become ‘warriors’ for ‘social justice’


Earlier today, conservative education activist Chris Rufo reported: “Following a lawsuit from parents, the State of California has permanently removed the ‘In Lak Ech Affirmation’ from the state curriculum, which would have forced students to chant to the Aztec god of human sacrifice in order to become ‘warriors’ for ‘social justice.’”

Yes, in case you’ve forgotten (or were unaware in the first place): The state of California wanted to make kids sing ditties to Tezkatlipoka. For those who aren’t familiar with the Aztec deity, he’s the literal god of human sacrifice. Oh, and cannibalism. Just to give you a sense of what kind of culture the California Board of Education is revering, here’s Cameron Hilditch on the history of Aztec ritual human sacrifice:

The remains of more than 40 boys and girls were discovered at the excavation site of the great pyramid, most bearing the marks of severe and prolonged torture. 

This was to be expected given that the Aztec pictorial codices that have come down to us invariably show the children crying before being sacrificed. 

The priests of Tlaloc believed the tears of innocent children to be particularly pleasing to the god, and they took great care to ensure that their little victims were crying before and throughout the ceremony so that the smoke of the sacrificial fire would carry their tears up to the god above at the moment of death. 

The ritual began with the bones of the children being broken, their hands or their feet burned, and carvings etched into their flesh. They were then paraded before the celebrants of the ritual while crying. Insufficient tears from the children were believed to result in insufficient rains for the crops that year, so no brutality was spared. At the end of it all, the mutilated victims were burned alive.

Watch Rav Herschel Shachter Sing "Habein Yakir" with the accompaniment of his Rebbetzin Playing the Piano


The new Florida? Record number of US retirees relocate to Israel in 2021


A few weeks ago, Joel Tenenbaum, 81, and Marilyn Berkowitz, 84, arrived in Tel Aviv on an El Al flight from New York ready to start their new lives in Israel.

They had met through JDate five years earlier. Each was widowed; Tenebaum had been married for 47 years, Berkowitz, known as Lyn, for 49.

A retired New York trial lawyer raised in Brooklyn, Tenenbaum always had felt an affinity for Israel — fueled since childhood by Hebrew school and the movie “Exodus.” Berkowitz, a former university dean’s assistant in New Jersey, had been a frequent visitor to Israel ever since her son moved here in 1991.

Both are longtime volunteers for the Israeli nonprofit organization Sar-El. They now share a rental apartment in Tel Aviv’s trendy Florentin neighborhood, close to the ulpan where they will soon enroll in an intensive Hebrew language program.

“A lot of our contemporaries have gone to Florida,” Berkowitz said. “But I think they should become sandbirds, not snowbirds.”

In fact, more and more older American Jews are opting to spend their golden years in the Jewish state.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

In Wake of Texas Synagogue Hostage Situation , the Meshigina ADL Warns Against ‘Islamophobia’


As the late Bob Grant would say: 
it's sick out there and getting sicker"

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) claims that its mission is “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people, and to secure justice and fair treatment to all …” 

So you might think that after an Islamic jihadi stormed a Texas synagogue and took hostages, the ADL would be drawing attention to Islamic anti-Semitism, as well as to the targeting of synagogues by Islamic jihadis in the past. 

Instead, it once again proves that it is more interested in preserving the Leftist narrative than in combating anti-Semitism: the ADL is very concerned that some of the reactions to the hostage-taking incident have been, in its view, “Islamophobic.” 

Viznitzer Rebbe R' Mendel Doesn't Want Chassidim to Caption on Wedding Invitations " With the Holy Rabbi's Strength" anymore


I wasn't aware or maybe I wasn't paying any attention to the Viznitzer wedding invitations, but it seems that the followers of R' Mendel, Viznitzer Rebbe would add the following caption on the top of the invitations.

"With the help of Hashem with the Holy Rebbe's Strength"

Isn't this blasphemy ? Outright apikorses, this suggests that Hashem, G-d forbid, needs the Viznitzer Rebbe to run the world! OMG

I'm glad he put an end to this Christian statement!

I'm always amused when these chareidim who worship their rebbe as a deity, mock Chabadniks who claim their late rebbe is Moshiach!

So it's ok for Viznitzers for years to believe that their rebbe is a deity, but not ok for Chabadnikers to believe their rebbe is Moshiach which is not actually apikorses! 

Yoel Roth says that if Walder & Mashi Zahav would have been Brestlovers they would have never committed suicide His Proof? Berland !


Dudi Shwamenfeld a Chareidie Newscaster Accused of Sexual Molestation


Dudi Shwamenfeld has been named as the Haredi radio host accused by multiple women of sexual abuse.

News of the story broke earlier this month, when it emerged that at least six women had accused the then-unnamed radio host of sexual assault. Now, according to the Ynet news site, at least one of the complainants has filed an official police complaint against Shwamenfeld, a longtime host on the popular Kol Berama radio station that serves the ultra-Orthodox community.

The woman, now 31, told Ynet that she was 19 when she first heard Shwamenfeld’s radio show and decided to reach out to him via Facebook. “We started to correspond. At a certain point he suggested we meet, but I didn’t want to,” she said. But she said Shwamenfeld convinced her to meet and “promised it would be interesting.”

Lady Rabbi Sara Zober says that the Texas terrorist's "life matters too"


This "rabbi" is one very sick puppy" The word "Zober" in Yiddish means clean but she is the opposite, she is a filthy stooge for the Arab terrorists 

Dopey Biden: "Dr. Kings Assassination did not have the worldwide impact that George Floyd's death did!"


IDF to allow married soldiers to return home for day of mikva immersion


The IDF has decided that every conscript who is married will now be entitled to a day off on the day a female soldier herself or a male soldier's wife immerses in the mikvah.

According to the new policy, the details of which have been distributed to all units in the past week, the policy will allow soldiers to take off for 24 hours which will not be counted towards the soldier's vacation days.

In the document that was distributed, it was emphasized that "the commander of the soldier is obligated to allow departure for the arranged day set forth in the policy, he can influence the date of departure." It was further emphasized that "this policy will be reviewed by the Personnel Division."

Under the new policy, soldiers in training will be entitled to return home one day each month, while soldiers who have completed their training and are performing their regular service will be entitled to return home one day every two months.

Major Eddie Schwartz, Assistant Chief Military Rabbi, welcomed the new directive in an internal WhatsApp group of the military rabbinate. "The issue of release on the night of immersion for married soldiers has been a complex issue for years," he wrote. "At the end of hard work, which began at the initiative of the rabbi of the Nahal Brigade, and continued with the work of the IDF training staff, a directive was issued last week that every married soldier would be entitled to a monthly 'arrangement day'."

"This will not solve all the cases, and it is important to remember that there are certainly operational constraints, but the new directive will solve many of the cases."

Under Jewish law (halakha), a woman who discerns menstrual blood cannot have relations with her husband for seven days after her menstrual flow has ended (a period of at least five days) and until at the end of the seven days she immerses in a ritual bath (mikvah). The new regulations will benefit religious soldiers who follow the halakha.

Texas hostage: We weren't rescued, we escaped


Jeff Cohen, one of four people held hostage by a gunman at Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas, this past Shabbat, recalled the harrowing experience in an interview with Israel’s Channel 12 News on Monday.

In the interview with journalist Yuna Leibzon, Cohen said the terrorist made antisemitic remarks, saying Jews control the world and the media. He also stated that the hostages eventually escaped and were not rescued by security forces as reported.

“It’s been reported that we were released or that we were rescued. That is not the truth. The truth is that we escaped. We escaped because we were preparing all along to take the initiative when we could have it,” said Cohen.

“I strategically and tactfully made sure that I was sitting near an exit,” he recalled. “I helped my friends and my rabbi. We got us all to be sitting in the right spot.”

“At one point,” continued Cohen, “our attacker was not paying attention. He sat down. I think what he did was he put his gun down and poured some soda. Much to Rabbi Charlie Cytron-Walker’s credit, he picked up a chair, threw it at him and yelled ‘run!’ and we were out.”

“In the first five to 30 minutes, when you don’t know who this guy is, we had no clue, and he’s spouting all these truly crazy things, at that point I got myself into the place where it was likely that I was not going home,” he replied when asked by Leibzon whether he thought he would come out of this ordeal alive.

“However, throughout the whole ordeal, it was very important to me, and to all of us, that we all got out." 

Monday, January 17, 2022

Jewish notary was likely behind betrayal of Anne Frank to the Nazis


Researchers investigating the circumstances of Jewish diarist Anne Frank’s betrayal to the Nazis say they have likely identified the suspect responsible for alerting German forces in Amsterdam to the whereabouts of the Jewish teen in hiding.

The team, which includes former FBI agent Vince Pankoke, have named local Jewish notary Arnold van den Bergh as being the top suspect.

After six years trying to decipher the mystery, the team, which includes historians and other experts, found that van den Bergh was, despite the rounding up of local Jews – who were then transported to concentration camps – was still living in Amsterdam during the war, even after the Amsterdam Jewish Council was disbanded.

Van den Bergh, a former member of the council, was, apparently spared the fate of its other members, all of whom were sent to concentration camps.

The researchers also found evidence suggesting that someone from the Amsterdam Jewish Council was leaking information to the Nazi occupiers.

This is not the first time van der Bergh’s name has come up as a possible suspect. The team found an anonymous note, kept in the files of a previous investigation, which was sent to Anne Frank’s father, Otto Frank, telling him that van der Bergh had betrayed his daughter.

Biden totally off the wall ...

 Biden: "I don't think there is sufficient information to know why he targeted that synagogue why he insisted on the release of someone who's been in prison for over 10 years... why he was using anti-Semitic & anti-Israeli comments."

How the Chevra Kadisha of Israel Extorts thousands of Shekels just like the Mafia


All Israeli citizens are entitled to a FREE burial spot in the city that they lived in. But that doesn't stop the Chevra Kadisha gangsters from selling those spots which is against the law! They also target graves of children and transfer the bodies to other unknown places and then sell those plots!

 תחום הקבורה בארץ כבר עמד במרכזן של פרשיות שוחד, מעילות בכספים ועוד. למרות זאת, חברות קדישא בערים שונות ממשיכות לגבות אלפי שקלים בניגוד לחוק, להטעות את משפחות האבלים ולפעול ללא רישיון כלל.

R' Chaim Kanievski's Tu Be'Shvat Tish

 Unlike Chassidishe Rebbes, R' Chaim wasn't afraid to be surrounded by the women of his family. Of course that is not on the video but you can hear them.

A New Museum Exhibition Opens in Tel Aviv Dedicated to Jewish heroes


The Anu Museum in Tel Aviv tells the story of the Jewish people through some of its most well-known figures.

Usually, when you think of the story of the Jewish people, you think of pogroms, the Holocaust, and other such tragedies.

But the newly opened Anu Museum in Tel Aviv is on a mission to tell the entire story of the Jewish people, both the joys and the sorrows, through some of its most well-known figures.

From Leonard Cohen to Ruth Bader-Ginsburg, check out how the Anu Museum is representing all of the Jewish people – both in Israel and the Diaspora –  in a unique and creative way.

Shalom Weiss Flies to Florida to thank Trump for pardoning him


Shalom Weiss on Left
Shalom Weiss who was found guilty of 79 counts of racketeering, wire fraud, and money laundering was sentenced 835 years imprisonment (reduced from the original 845 years) three years supervised release, $123.4 million fine, $125 million restitution and 57 million forfeitures.

 This sentence was believed to be the longest prison term ever imposed in a US federal court and the longest ever for a white-collar crime. Weiss fled the country during jury deliberations in October 1999, and was extradited from Austria in 2002.

President Trump commuted his sentence on January 19, 2021.

Shalom Weiss flew to Florida to thank him and presented Trump with a  beautiful painting depicting Trump at the Kotel. The painting was painted by Weiss's daughter who is a known artist.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Rabbi Charlie Cytron-Walker, who was held hostage at his synagogue spoke out about the experience in a Facebook post and doesn't mention "G-D"


Thanks everyone except for his Creator!

Rabbi Charlie Cytron-Walker, the rabbi who was held hostage at his synagogue Saturday along with three others, spoke out about the experience for the first time in a Facebook post Sunday morning.

He wrote:
I am thankful and filled with appreciation for
All of the vigils and prayers and love and support,
All of the law enforcement and first responders who cared for us,
All of the security training that helped save us.
I am grateful for my family.
I am grateful for the CBI Community, the Jewish Community, the Human Community.
I am grateful that we made it out.
I am grateful to be alive.

He added to the post in a comment: “Now that I’ve put this out, maybe I can finally get to sleep. Sending love and compassion to all!”

Cytron-Walker was leading services on Saturday morning when a man took him and three others hostage, reportedly in an effort to free a woman who was convicted of attempting to kill American military personnel.

The crisis, which streamed online for some time before being taken down, drew the world’s attention to a rabbi who is in many ways synonymous with the synagogue he leads.

After a 12-hour standoff with the attacker, all four hostages were freed. The suspect, whose name has not been released, died at the scene.