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Monday, December 20, 2021

How An American TV Crew Tracked Down A Nazi


Beautiful Rendition of the Zhikiver "Lecha Dodi"


Eight Monsey Children Faint Listening to a scary story ...They are all ok


Israel adds US to no-fly list for the first time


Israel’s cabinet voted on Monday to add the U.S. and Canada to a rapidly growing “red list” of countries to which Israelis are banned from traveling, over fears of the spread of the Omicron variant in those destinations.

Israelis wishing to fly to countries on the list must receive permission from an exceptions committee, typically for humanitarian purposes.

With a maximally restrictive blanket ban on foreigners already in place, the ban primarily affects Israeli citizens returning from red list destinations.

Regardless of vaccination or recovery status, Israelis flying to the Jewish State from red list countries will be forced to isolate in state-run quarantine hotels.

How the Chinese Cook A Head of a Cow for Rosh Hashana Fit for any Rebbe's Tish


Machne Yehuda For those who miss Israel


The Chicken and the Dog


USC student: ‘I want to kill every single Zionist’


The University of Southern California is under fire this week after a student tweeted that she wants “to kill every motherf–king zionist” as well as other postings denounced as anti-Semitic. 

The student, Yasmeen Mashayekh, is listed as a diversity and inclusion (DEI) senator for the University of Southern California Viterbi Graduate Student Association.  The school has refused to take action against Mashayekh, but other students have objected that the school would not have been so circumspect if Mashayekh said that she wanted to kill others like BLM supporters.

Mashayekh also tweeted in June “Death to Israel and its b–ch the US” and later declared that “if you are not for the complete destruction of Israel and the occupation forces then you’re anti-Palestinian.”  In a May tweet, she stated “Yes I f–king love hamas now stfu.” On June 21, she tweeted “Zionists are going to f–king pay.” s

When asked about her calls for violence, Mashayekh was unapologetic on a podcast by Palestine in America on Dec. 2: “I still don’t feel any pressure to change any stances or apologize for anything at all.”

Other students have objected. Molly Davis, a student at USC, told Fox News that “while students are being forced to go through a virtual ‘diversity’ training, DEI senators are tweeting how they want to literally end the lives of humans who support the Jewish people. It’s dark and severely twisted.”

Sixty-six current and former faculty members at USC signed a letter to the university’s leadership, calling on it to “publicly and explicitly rebuke Yasmeen Mashayekh for her offensive behavior and to distance USC from her hateful statements.”

However, a USC spokesperson told Fox News that the statements are “disturbing” but legally protected.

“The individual is a member of a graduate student group that is self-organized, elects its own council members and does not set the university’s policies. Even though the statements at issue are legally protected, we understand they are disturbing. USC rejects and condemns hatred in all its forms.”

Read more from Turley

It’s hard to believe Biden never talked with Harris about 2024


On its face, the claim by Vice President Kamala Harris that she and President Biden have never discussed whether he would seek re-election seems the kind of ridiculous lie that only a politician would tell. With Biden’s growing age and declining faculties, and their party’s troubled state, not to mention Harris’ staff problems and low standing with voters, it is impossible to believe the president and vice president have never talked about 2024

In Argentina: Jewish Community Member Found Murdered In His Home


The Jewish community in Buenos Aires is reeling following the discovery of the murder of a member of the community Shaul Chilo, 77, z’l, on Friday, B’Chadrei Chareidim reported.

Chilo’s housekeeper and daughter found him lifeless in the bathroom of his home with his legs bound together and alerted the police. Following an initial police investigation, the police believe that he died of strangulation.

Footage from the home’s security cameras shows thieves entering the home without breaking down the front door, instead seamlessly opening the door with a magnetic card.

Chilo’s friends and acquaintances say he was a beloved member of the community. He was the father-in-law of Yehoshua Ahurdai, the director of the local Chevra Kadisha.

HaRav Eliyahu Hamra, the president of the Jewish community in Argentina told B’Chadrei: “The community received the news with complete shock. The victim was well-known in the community.”

“We were at the scene from the afternoon hours of erev Shabbos. We supported the family and requested that the security authorities speed up the process of evacuating the niftar from the murder scene prior to Shabbos. This is one of the most upper-scale neighborhoods in Buenos Aires and this was a shocking and rare case of entry and murder in a private home. We’re strongly demanding from the authorities to take all necessary measures to carry out the investigation of the incident and arrest those responsible.”

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Biden Will Track Jew Violence on Palestinians ...all while Palestinians are Murdering Jews


The U.S. State Department has included extensive reporting on alleged "settler attacks" on Arabs in Judea and Samaria in its annual terrorism report, marking a shift in how the State Department handles the issue after the end of the Trump administration.

The 2020 report on terrorist violence, released Thursday, includes three paragraphs reporting on alleged acts of "settler violence", the most it has included in years.

The incidents have become a point of contention between the Biden administration and the government of Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, disrupting efforts by both sides to keep relations on an even keel.

Violent attacks by both Jewish settlers and Palestinian Arabs have increased over the past year, according to the report.

A 25-year-old Israeli Jew was ambushed and killed in his car by Arab terrorists on Thursday.

The Israel-Judea and Samaria section of the 2020 State Department report begins, as it has for years, with an accounting of Palestinian Arab terrorist attacks on Israelis and notes the cooperation between Palestinian Authority and Israeli forces in preventing the attacks.

Then it shifts to reporting on alleged attacks by Israeli Jews on Palestinian Arabs or their property, citing claims by left-wing non-governmental organizations in Israel.

“Israelis living in the West Bank also committed a variety of physical attacks and property crimes against Palestinians, some of which caused serious injury, according to Israeli human rights organizations and media reports,” the report said.

The reports on allegations of settler violence under the Trump administration were never longer than a paragraph, sometimes only two sentences. Moreover, the Trump administration stopped citing human rights groups in its second report, for the year 2017.

The report issued last year, for the year 2019, removed the word “settler” entirely. Trump administration officials, including former secretary of state Mike Pompeo and former ambassador to Israel David Friedman, sought to bring State Department nomenclature.

The Biden administration’s return to citing human rights groups for information and statistics is significant given Israel’s decision this year to ban six Palestinian non-governmental organizations from operating.

Israeli officials have said that the Biden administration’s focus on "settler violence" is “obsessive,” The Jerusalem Post reported this week. But one Israeli official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that the Bennett government was not concerned that the Biden administration was overly concerned with the issue.

Officials of the Biden and Bennett governments are endeavoring to keep any bickering behind closed doors, wishing to avoid the open confrontations that marked the 12 years that Benjamin Netanyahu was prime minister.

The reporting on alleged attacks by Israelis against Arabs in Judea and Samaria also noted that Israeli law enforcement was often the victim of settler attacks and noted Israeli efforts to constrain the phenomenon.

Amazing Aerial View of Masada by Drone Cinematography


Amazing Aerial View of Masada (4k) - Drone Cinematography by Jeffrey Worthington from JP Worthington Media on Vimeo.

Ice Cream Truck Funeral


Satmar's Twitter account Support antisemites


Satmar has a twitter account? Don't they keep screaming and makin asifas against the internet?
These asifas are only to show the world that they are on board, but the internet is necessary for Satmar to export their baseless hatred for the State of Israel.

Anti-Zionism is the glue that holds Satmar together, and if you should take this away, they basically have nothing as their Hungarian "minhagim" are only recent. and as a chassidus they have nothing else to sell or offer. Most of them, to their credit are very smart business people, but in Torah learning they leave much to be desired. Those of them that like to learn, join Litvishe and Yeshivishe Kollilm. Some of them even started a Chavrusa situation learning the Torahs of Harav Kook z"l and this started in Monsey and now secretly spreading to other Satmar enclaves.

 According to Satmar's  twisted logic  "twitter" and "whatsapp" aren't the internet, even though those apps can only be accessed by smartphones. 

Officially they don't have any accounts on the internet but of course if you ask any Satmar guy, they will laugh because there is at least 5 "official" Satmar Twitter accounts that keep the sheep up to date of what's going on in their community, and there are hundreds of Whatsapp groups that they and their wives access.
The main Satmar  Twitter accounts have all the Satmar official statements in Yiddish. I am very familiar with these groups as I am a member.

Neturei Karta the "Eirav Rav" of the Jewish community is 100% supported by Satmar both financially and politically, though they deny it. It wasn't too long ago when we wrote extensively about it as we followed the money of the Neturei Karta and we pointed out that the main fundraising office of the Neturei Karta then was in the office of Der Yid. I haven't checked lately if they are still there.

Neturei Karta have a website and a twitter account that go by the name of "Torah True Jews" and "Original Jews"  which is hilarious because this group has nothing to do with Torah and they are nor original;  a Jew should sooner follow the Reform and conservative movements before they entertain following these self hating barbarians. Of course the guys writing for "Torah True Jews" and "Original Jews"  like Shapiro of Queens are huge Neturei Karta supporters and speak at their rallies.

The Satmar Twitter accounts frequently "Like" the Neturi Karta Twitter garbage and of course they follow and "like" the fake Iranian Rabbi who supports the Iranian murderers who vowed to wipe Israel off the map. 

Rabbi Eliezer Waldman one of the pioneers of the renewed Jewish community in Hebron Passes Away


Rabbi Eliezer Waldman, Rosh Yeshivat Nir in Kiryat Arba, has passed away.

His funeral will take place today at 12:30 from the Nir Yeshiva building in Kiryat Arba to the ancient cemetery in Hebron.

On the eve of Sukkot, Rabbi Waldman fell in his home in Kiryat Arba and was injured. He was hospitalized for several days and from there was transferred to rehabilitation at Herzog Medical Center.

After about a month and a half of rehabilitation, he healed and was welcomed back with happiness at the Nir Yeshiva. Together with Rabbi Noam Waldman, the head of the yeshiva and the son of Rabbi Waldman, his students accompanied him to his home singing and dancing.

About two weeks ago, the rabbi was hospitalized at Hadassah Hospital on Mount Scopus in Jerusalem, and since then many prayers have been offered for his healing.

Rabbi Waldman was one of the founders of the Or Etzion Yeshiva and served as a rabbi there. Following the Six-Day War, he was one of the pioneers who renewed the Jewish community in Hebron and, from 1972, headed the Nir Hesder Yeshiva.

He was a partner in the founding of Gush Emunim and the Tekiuma Party. Over the years, he served as a member of the World Secretariat of the Bnei Akiva movement and later as a member of the national administration.

The chairman of the Religious Zionist Party, MK Bezalel Smotrich, paid tribute to the late Rabbi Waldman. "I weep with all of the House of Israel over the ascension to heaven of the head of the Nir Yeshiva, among the renewers of the Jewish community in Hebron, Rabbi Elierzer Waldman. A Torah scholar with a radiating countenance, among the great students of Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda Hacohen Kook and one of the faithful purveyors of the teachings of Rabbi Abraham Yitzhak Hacohen Kook for decades. Condolences to his thousands upon thousands of students and dear family. May we find comfort in the continued building of the Torah in the Land of Israel.."

"Der Groiser Chuchim" Mordechai Ben David claims 'coronavirus is flu,' says it's 'Pfizer's money mill.'


I don't know too much about covid, I'll admit. But MBD is not the sharpest bulb in the lamp. He is not known for being a "chuchim" he has more "mazel vee sichel" but that doesn't stop people from interviewing him.

Popular singer Mordechai Ben David, commonly known as MBD, claimed that COVID-19 is "just flu" and that the media is fear-mongering.

"Coronavirus is flu," Ben David said in an interview with Radio Kol Hai's Menachem Toker. "In my opinion it's just money, it's Pfizer's money mill. The media is trying to instill fear in us, so that everyone will get vaccinated out of fear."

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Family reunited decades after mothers separated at Auschwitz


Dora on the left and Eva on the right 

Torn apart during the Holocaust, this family spent decades separated until they finally reunited recently, thanks to the internet. 

While at the concentration camp Auschwitz during World War II, the Nazis separated a woman named Dora and her 2-year-old daughter, Eva. The pair would spend the rest of their lives searching for each other, but would never see one another again. 

After the war, Dora moved to the US and had two more daughters. Unbeknownst to her, Eva had survived the atrocities of the Holocaust, and was brought to Israel, where she was adopted and later taken to Britain. 

Both women have since passed away, but Eva’s daughter, Clare Reay, was miraculously able to reunite herself with the two children Dora had in the US after her son bought her a MyHeritage DNA test. 

The test revealed that Reay’s great-grandmother had living children in Ohio. Immediately, she sought to meet her long-lost aunts.

myheritage family reunion holocaust
The family’s 2021 reunion, over 75 years since the Nazis separated their mothers.

“We always knew about Eva, but we didn’t know where to begin to find her,” Dena Morris, 73, one of Dora’s two US children, said of her long-lost aunt in a blog post by MyHeritage. “Now we have pictures, and she could be the twin of my mother. It’s insane because Reay’s mother looks identical to mum.”

In 2020, the families virtually reunited over 75 years since their respective mothers were separated in Poland (Reay was unable to come to the US due to COVID travel restrictions).

Then, this year, they finally reunited in person when Reay came to Louisville, Ohio, in a surprise visit to Morris and her sister Jean Gerhart, 75. 

“I’m hoping that they’re both in heaven, their souls together, and they know,” Morris said of their mothers’ reaction to the reunion. “It is just incredible.”

ADL Supports the Self-Hating Jewish Antisemite Soros by Pressuring Fox News To Remove a Cartoon


Fox News deleted a cartoon depicting leftist billionaire activist George Soros as a puppet master and the Anti-Defamation League accused the news network of wading into antisemitic tropes.

The cartoon shows Soros manipulating a Democratic district attorney who is holding up a sign with the words “defund the police” on it, and a Democratic attorney general holding a sign that says “no bail.”

“As we have told @FoxNews numerous times, casting a Jewish individual as a puppet master who manipulates national events for malign purposes conjures up longstanding antisemitic tropes about Jewish power and contributes to the normalization of antisemitism,” the ADL tweeted.

A frequent target of right-wing ire, Soros – who is a Holocaust survivor – is often the target of many conservatives, upset at his funding of leftist candidates and agendas.

Friday, December 17, 2021

Zera Shimshon Parshas Vayechi


Yerushalayim Family violates quarantine, causes mass infection


A family from Jerusalem who returned from South Africa, which is defined as a “red” country, violated quarantine despite being confirmed as positive for the Omicron strain of COVID-19 and caused mass infection, Channel 12 News reported on Thursday.

According to the report, the parents continued to send their children to school, the infected grandmother continued her work as the director of an educational institution and the infected grandfather continued to visit his synagogue every day.

The report said that even after the discovery of the chain of infection, the family members, most of whom are not vaccinated, are refusing to cooperate with the authorities.

An investigation by the Home Front Command unit in charge of dealing with cases of COVID-19 revealed that even though the family members returned from South Africa, they violated home isolation after receiving negative PCR test results and sent their children to educational institutions even though they were supposed to stay in isolation for seven days.

On the fifth day of quarantine, most of the family members were confirmed to be infected with the Omicron variant and even then, they continued to send the children to school. An investigation by the Home Front Command revealed that another person, who lied during the investigation, was also connected to the contagion incident.

An outbreak reported Thursday at a school in Jerusalem may also be related to this incident.