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Wednesday, November 10, 2021

How Hillary Clinton pushed the Media to Report Lies and Fabricated Stories Against Trump


Russiagate has fallen apart, with special counsel John Durham exposing the notorious Steele Dossier as a collection of lies and made-up stories. But you wouldn’t know it by reading most of the Christopher Steele: Beginning in March 2016, the former British spy collects rumor and innuendo supposedly from “inside sources.” But his primary source really is . . .media, which have mostly ignored the story.

More importantly, they haven’t faced up to their own part in pushing this witch hunt. Relying on one anonymous source — ex-British spy Christopher Steele — they spun a supposed conspiracy between Donald Trump and Russia. But they never revealed the fact that Steele was being paid by Hillary Clinton’s campaign for opposition research, and they never examined Steele’s sources, who were unreliable or nonexistent.

Here’s how the media amplified Steele’s baseless claims to create hysteria. None of these stories have been updated, no corrections have been made.

The players

Shuli Rand Famous Israeli Actor (Ushpizin, Shtisel) Leaves his Frum wife of 7 Children to marry Secular Actress

 In one of Israel’s most controversial and public divorce wars, Shuli Rand, 59, a leading actor in the Israeli movie industry who had become religiously observant, was seeking a divorce from his wife, Michal. On Tuesday of this week, After having received permission from an Israeli Beit Din to marry a second wife, in a secretly held wedding, Shuli Rand got married.

Video Player

In 1988, Shuli Rand became famous, after playing the lead role in Andrzej Wajda’s play The Dybbuk at Habima theater. Rand was chosen as Israel’s Theater Actor of the Year several times.

He abandoned acting in 1996, when he rediscovered religion and joined the Breslav Hasidic sect. In 2004, he returned to acting with his film debut “Ushpizin.”

Ger Expels Over 30 Teenage Girls Because Their Fathers Went to R' Shaul Alter's Tish


One thing is for sure ... It's not the internet that's holding up Moshiach

The Headlines Will Move On. But Will The Girls?

 The following letter was written by a concerned educator regarding recent events:

It is late at night and sleep eludes me as I close my eyes. All I see is a world of pain and anguish, with heartbreak that will only surface well after the current chapter appears to be closed. Yet for those affected by it, these few weeks are going to be among the most pivotal in their life, with scars that might never heal – scars that are both figurative, and shockingly often, literal.

The local news cycle is as passionate and animated as it’s been in a long time. The visit of Harav Shaul Alter Shlit”a and the response by Ger leadership is getting a lot of attention, but its most profound long term impact isn’t being discussed at all! Right now, the conversation is whether girls will be kicked out of school due to their father’s position on this matter, and whether a school should or even has a right to take such measures in response. Lost in this conversation is what will happen to the girls involved, even if they immediately land on their feet elsewhere.

As someone with many years of experience in the field of chinuch, I say with complete confidence that in these very moments when the words in this letter are being written and read, there are heimish, frum, healthy teenage girls whose spiritual, emotional, and even physical lives are being extinguished or damaged beyond repair! I’ve seen it happen before and I know with certainty that it will happen again. Unless there is a change of heart and the girls remain in their natural environment, the end result will be dire.

Nearly 17 years have passed since the last bitter intercommunal split roiled the streets of Borough Park, when the passing of the Bobov Rebbe, Harav Naftali ZT”L led to bitter strife within the kehilla. Then, too, children were removed from the only school they’ve ever known and left to their own devices in a sea of uncertainty. I am personally familiar with multiple hair-raising stories of the negative impact this development had, leading to the most unimaginable results for the girls and their parents. Countless adults are still impacted by the childhood trauma experienced then!

It does not take an expert or a mechanech to understand why this is. Schools are not just places where children learn to spell and count, they are spaces that serve primarily as social structure systems to help cultivate the next generation of Jewish wives and mothers. To suddenly tear children away from their friends, social circles and their sense of personal belonging is not to punish their father – it is to render worthless all the work that was put into them. No matter how they turn out, they will never fully recover. It’s just not possible! In addition, when a child is removed from their surroundings and told implicitly or explicitly that this is because her father’s actions have made her entire family tamei and labeled them as undesirables, a part of them has been destroyed forever.

It might be too late for Ger, but I implore anyone and everyone reading these words to at least begin making this part of the conversation. Those who have been on the receiving end of such treatment in the past should consider seeking therapy for their pain, and all of us should vow to do better going forward. Right now, we are ignoring the destruction of our most prized possessions before our very eyes. Please, let’s end this madness before it ends us.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

The Organic-Food Fraud


There’s no way to confirm that a crop was grown organically. Randy Constant exploited our trust in the labels—and made a fortune.

Glen Borgerding met Randy Constant in the late nineteen-nineties, when landowners in northern Missouri hired them to help set up an organic soybean farm. Borgerding, an agronomist from Minnesota, took soil samples and made recommendations about fertilizer and weed control; Constant, a Missouri native who had a day job as a regional sales manager for the Pfister seed company, ran the farm’s day-to-day operations. By then, Borgerding had spent more than a decade in organic agriculture. Constant had not, but he had evident ambition. Borgerding recently told me, “Randy was an exciting guy to be around—when things were working well.”

Constant, then in his thirties, had a degree in agricultural economics from the University of Missouri. Since graduating, he had “worked his way up the agricultural corporate ladder,” as his wife, Pam, later put it. In the eighties, a time of collapse in America’s farming economy, he had taken a series of sales and managerial jobs across the Midwest, before returning with Pam and their three children to live in Chillicothe, Missouri—a town of about nine thousand residents, ninety miles northeast of Kansas City, where he and Pam had grown up. Constant became active in Chillicothe’s United Methodist church, and later served as president of the town’s school board.

Israeli Born $30 billion woman Miriam Adelson leaps back into politics


Republican megadonor Miriam Adelson — the widow of casino mogul and longtime GOP kingmaker Sheldon Adelson — is staging a return to politics, positioning herself to be a force in the 2022 midterms and beyond.

Adelson, who with her husband formed the Republican Party’s most powerful donor couple for the last decade, quietly held meetings in her Las Vegas home with a select group of GOP leaders and potential 2024 presidential candidates in the last few days. It represents a coming out for the 75-year-old Adelson, who has kept a low political profile since her husband’s death in January, turning down requests for sit-downs with candidates and keeping her multibillion-dollar checkbook shut.

Those familiar with the discussions — which coincided with the Republican Jewish Coalition’s annual conference at the lavish, Sheldon Adelson-built Venetian hotel on the Strip — say they were designed to relay a straightforward message: Despite her husband’s death, Adelson plans to dole out big checks and be an influential player shaping the future of the party, which over the past decade has reaped more than a half-billion dollars of the family’s fortune.

White House Now Says That Racism is ‘built into’ roads!


A White House press briefing ignited a snark-filled social media debate when a reporter asked Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg about racism “built into” roads and how it could be deconstructed.

Buttigieg was fielding questions about the bipartisan infrastructure bill that was passed by Congress last week when April D. Ryan, a White House correspondent for theGrio, was called on.

“And also, can you give us the construct of how you will deconstruct the racism that was built into the roadways,” she asked Buttigieg and referenced a previous article from theGrio on the topic. “Can you talk to us about how that could be deconstructed?

Buttigieg had previously said racism was “physically built” into highways.

The exchange was met with scorn by conservatives like Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas.

“The roads are racist,” he tweeted. “We must get rid of roads.”

“You see, we Hispanics are very, very tall, and we need rich, woke Dems to raise the bridges for us,” he said in a followup tweet. “Without Pete’s condescending help, there’s no way we can get to the beach.”

Radio host Chris Krok also weighed in, saying “Can’t you just FEEL the racism when you drive on some of these roads? I know I can.”

Lebanese Palestinian fools Jewish Girl & Marries Her in Flatbush


 A shocking story of deceit and betrayal has rocked the Jewish community in the US.

A Lebanese person claiming to be a chareidi Jew named Eliyah Haliwa joined the Texas Jewish community and became affiliated with the local Chabad representatives. The man displayed a spurious ancestral lineage to prove his Jewish descent.

While he was in Texas, the man met a Jewish girl of Syrian descent and they decided to get married. The man allegedly did not know at first that the girl was Jewish and she did not know that he was Lebanese. As their relationship developed, the man became more involved in the Jewish community in Texas and even learnt to speak fluent Hebrew. The girl was convinced that he was Jewish and religious although she now knew his Lebanese descent, and the two eventually married in New York.

Monday, November 8, 2021

The Dollars that The Lubavitcher Rebbe distributed now going for thousands of Shekels on Auction


Gerer Chassidim in the USA are Dumping their Rebbe and Embracing R' Shaul Alter

מחזה עצום במוצאי שבת עם הגר"ש אלתר

 Despite threats by askanim of the Gerer Rebbe, despite that a robo-call went out to Gerer Chassidim warning them that if they attend any ceremony for R' Shaul Alter the Roshei Yeshiva, they will be banished, thousands of Gerer Chassidim came out to  embrace the Rosh Yeshiva, basically crowning him as the "real authentic" Rebbe. 

The robo-call in english and in yiddish called R' Shaul Alter, the "osah ha'ish" (that man) a term reserved for Jesus. They also requested from Gerer Chassidim to separate from their spouses, bochrim to never speak to their parents again  if one of them joined R' Shaul. 

It seems that all the threats backfired, as practically all Rabbanim and Roshei Yeshiva have given R' Shaul Alter respect and the Kavod that a Rebbe deserves. 

ערוץ 13 על הצלחתו של הגר"ש אלתר

Liberal "pathetic Jew" Bryan Metzger Pushing for Anti-Israel Anti-Semite Muslim to be Confirmed in Biden Administration


Read from this stupid leftist stooge who pushes this Muslim Jew Hater!


'Shameful, unacceptable, and ridiculous:' Senate Republicans just blocked Biden's highest-ranking Muslim nominee for the 4th time

For the fourth time, Senate Republicans blocked the consideration of Dilawar Syed, the CEO of a healthcare AI company and President Joe Biden's nominee to serve as deputy administrator of the Small Business Administration, in the Senate's Small Business Committee. If confirmed, Syed would be the highest-ranking official in the federal government who is a practicing Muslim.

Syed is not the only Biden nominee facing a blockade — Republican Sens. Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley have put a hold on many of the president's diplomatic and national security-related nominees as well. But this blockade, according to Senate Democrats and religious advocacy groups, is different.

"We're not exactly sure what they want," said Sen. Ben Cardin, the chair of the committee where Syed's nomination remains held up. "This is obstructionist, and it's very personal to Mr. Syed."

"In his case, some of the arguments they've raised are... not persuasive," said Sen. Mazie Hirono, a Democratic member of the committee. 

NYTimes chooses an Israel hater to report from Israel


There is definitely justification for hiring a native Arabic-speaking journalist to add to the coverage of the region. However, newspapers should at least pretend to choose journalists who are objective.

Abdulrahim is not one of them.  Not one of her tweets that mention Israel is positive about the country.

The Voting Rights For Jews in Jackson Were Suppressed


Sara Yael Hirschhorn Jewish Anti-semite Who Accused Israel of ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ Will Speak At ADL Conference


Sara Yael Hirschhorn, an ugly self-hating yente doesn’t deserve to be speaking at ADL conferences against hate when she promotes so many false and hateful smears of Israel.

By Moshe Phillips

The Anti-Defamation League’s upcoming international conference on combatting hate will include a speaker who has publicly accused Israel of perpetrating “ethnic cleansing” against the Palestinian Arabs.

Was she the only speaker available in the who world? Couldn’t the ADL find anyone else?

The ADL says that the conference, titled “Never is Now” and scheduled to take place (via Zoom) on November 7-9, will be “the largest annual summit on antisemitism and hate” ever held.

If the event will indeed be that large, that makes it all the more urgent that the featured speakers not include anybody who has engaged in hateful smears against Israel.

What's the Real Story Behind the Lawsuit Against Israeli Supermarket Shufersal For Hiking Prices To Secular Customers


Let's clarify the Supersol issue. Supersol also owns a Chareidei Chain of Stores called "Yesh".... The products in "Yesh" are cheaper than the exact same products in Supersol.
And so the Chilonim are suing Supersol for millions of Shekel. 
So what's behind the lawsuit and their anger, and why are prices cheaper at "Yesh?"

It is possible that some of these lower prices are subsidized by the higher prices of meat that Chareidim buy, or that some is subsidized by the higher prices of the same products at other branches. 
Taking them to court for this is a bit populist and stupid.  At the same time, populism means that the general public is unhappy, in this case with the fact that the Chareidi community is a sub-economy which appears to be at the expense of the rest of the country, and THAT needs to be dealt with.  

However, the Chareidi community doesn't recognize that they are living off other people, and they are educated to interpret any criticism of their lifestyle as attacks on Torah.  And THAT is the biggest problem. Until such time as Chareidim, individuals and as a group, can listen to others and hear how their life choices come at a huge cost davka to non-chareidim, we can't move anything forward.  

We will move forward when Chareidim appreciate that anything anyone gets "from the government" actually comes from other people's pockets. 

Biden Must Have Eaten "Chulent" Because He Blew one big Stinky One While Talking to the Duchess


President Joe Biden let out a long, loud fart while speaking with the Duchess of Cornwall at the COP26 summit.

Camilla Parker Bowles “hasn’t stopped talking about” the 78-year-old’s “long fart,” it has been reported.

The pair were making small talk at the global climate change gathering in Scotland last week when the president broke wind, according to an informed source that spoke to The Mail on Sunday.

“It was long and loud and impossible to ignore,” the source told the outlet.

Biden met the Duchess during a reception on Monday at the Kelvingrove Art Gallery, attended by Prince Charles, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Boris Johnson.

Parker Bowles, who has been married to Prince Charles since 2005, was taken aback by the flatulence.

At one point, Biden closed his eyes for 22 seconds before an aide appeared to wake him up.r

Biden could not keep his eyes open while listening to Eddie Ndopu, a disability rights activist, who began losing the president as he warned that global warming threatened “our ability to grow food and even to survive.”

Biden is the oldest-ever US president and turns 79 this month.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Border officials secretly sent 70 planes of migrants to Florida


The US has sent over 70 flights of migrants from the Mexican border to Jacksonville, Florida since the summer — but the Biden administration has not disclosed any information about the clandestine transports, Gov. Ron DeSantis’ office claimed.

The alleged flights — which landed in overnight hours — come as officials struggle to deal with overcrowding at border facilities, according to The Washington Examiner.

“Over 70 air charter flights [on] jetliner airliners coming from the southwest border have landed at Jacksonville International Airport,” Larry Keefe, the Republican governor’s public safety czar, told the outlet.

“On average, there’s 36 passengers on each of these flights. And that has been going on over the course of the summer through September.”

Neither the Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, nor Department of Health and Human Services would disclose any information to Florida officials regarding the flights, Keefe told the paper.

Missing girl saved by showing TikTok distress signal to motorist

 A North Carolina teen allegedly abducted by an older man was rescued after she flashed a passing motorist a hand sign popularized on TikTok as a distress signal.

The unnamed 16-year-old was at a traffic stop on Interstate 75 in southern Kentucky Thursday afternoon when she made the gesture, according to Fox 8 News. She was a passenger in a Toyota Camry being driven by her apparent abductor.

According to the Laurel County Sheriff’s Office, the motion — a fist enclosed across the thumb placed in front of the palm — “represents violence at home – I need help – domestic violence.”

A driver saw the SOS and called 911, following the Camry and providing authorities updates on their location.

The older man was later identified as 61-year-old James Herbert Brick of Cherokee, North Carolina, who was reportedly on his way to see relatives in Ohio.

Brick’s phone contained a photo of a girl being portrayed in a sexual manner, police said.

He was taken to the Laurel County Correctional Center and charged with unlawful imprisonment and possession of matter showing sex performances by a minor.

The teen had been reported missing by her family on Tuesday.  Laurel County Deputy Gilbert Acciardo said she had initially gone willingly with Brick.  At some point, though, “I think she started fearing for her life,” Acciardo said, according to the Lexington Herald-Leader.

The TikTok SOS gained popularity during pandemic shutdowns as a way for people to indicate they were in unsafe situations at home.

Satmar Chassidim Visiting Sat-Mare Tell Reporters "This is MY Homeland" "We are coming to rebuild"

Hungarian Jews gettin on cattle cars to their free trip to hell

Listen to the White Bearded Maramorsher "shmuck" tear up and say (1:20 mark) "this is my homeland" 
I'll bet "The Town Crier" never went to the Kotel to shed ONE tear for the destruction for the two Bais Hamikdashs
He is talking about a "homeland" that handed their grandparents, frightened wives & crying children to the Nazis to be shipped on cattle cars to Auschwitz!
One Satmar tzaddik can't even get the proper words out to say how he feels arriving on this cursed land to the Shiksah (0.38 mark)... his friend helps him "it's emotional"!

Instead of cursing the land soaked with Jewish blood, they stand there smiling like chimpanzees, proudly telling the shiksa reporter, "we will rebuild" 

Hey "white beard" what do you think the shiksa that you told that to, is thinking? You think she loves this scene? You think she wants you there?

Watch how "white beard" is looking for a reporter that speaks Hungarian.

 Ivrit is "treif" by this kocker, but the language invented by savages and peasants is "holy" 

I really hope that the One Above is ignoring their stupid and naive comments. Does Hashem want these fools to rebuild in a land that He obviously wanted them out of?.

"we are building a synagogue for our Rabbi" ...

I'm sick, I'm nauseous I'm running to throw up!

Satmar Rebbe R' Aron Teitelbaum giving his Shalosh Seuda Toirele in Marmorosh Sighet built over the old shul that was destroyed by the Nazis... the old shul where his grandfather the "Atzi Chayim" was rebbe had a large "Magen Dovid' on it's entrance, I wonder if this new shul has the Magen Dovid!

The Shul in Sata-Mare where the Satmar Rebbe, R' Yoel Teitelbaum was the Rav also had a "Magen Dovid"  above the Aron Koidesh

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Why Was Rav Kook z"l Hounded and Banned by Chareidim?


If Rabbi Kook was the leading Torah Sage of his generation, as you maintain, why was he scorned by the Haredi community in Jerusalem? Even today his books are banned from Haredi yeshivot?

Soccer Fans Subject Chasid to Anti-Semitic Songs on Flight


A West Ham fan has been arrested on suspicion of a hate crime after landing in Stansted Airport following reports that a orthodox Jewish man was subjected to offensive chanting  yesterday. 

Video footage onboard the Ryanair flight showed several fans signing a highly offensive song at the man as he attempted to take his seat on board the flight from Stansted to Genk on Thursday. 

Essex Police confirmed the 55-year-old football fan was arrested as he stepped off the return flight from Belgium shortly before 4pm.  

He has been taken to an Essex Police station for questioning.