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Monday, November 8, 2021

Biden Must Have Eaten "Chulent" Because He Blew one big Stinky One While Talking to the Duchess


President Joe Biden let out a long, loud fart while speaking with the Duchess of Cornwall at the COP26 summit.

Camilla Parker Bowles “hasn’t stopped talking about” the 78-year-old’s “long fart,” it has been reported.

The pair were making small talk at the global climate change gathering in Scotland last week when the president broke wind, according to an informed source that spoke to The Mail on Sunday.

“It was long and loud and impossible to ignore,” the source told the outlet.

Biden met the Duchess during a reception on Monday at the Kelvingrove Art Gallery, attended by Prince Charles, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Boris Johnson.

Parker Bowles, who has been married to Prince Charles since 2005, was taken aback by the flatulence.

At one point, Biden closed his eyes for 22 seconds before an aide appeared to wake him up.r

Biden could not keep his eyes open while listening to Eddie Ndopu, a disability rights activist, who began losing the president as he warned that global warming threatened “our ability to grow food and even to survive.”

Biden is the oldest-ever US president and turns 79 this month.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Border officials secretly sent 70 planes of migrants to Florida


The US has sent over 70 flights of migrants from the Mexican border to Jacksonville, Florida since the summer — but the Biden administration has not disclosed any information about the clandestine transports, Gov. Ron DeSantis’ office claimed.

The alleged flights — which landed in overnight hours — come as officials struggle to deal with overcrowding at border facilities, according to The Washington Examiner.

“Over 70 air charter flights [on] jetliner airliners coming from the southwest border have landed at Jacksonville International Airport,” Larry Keefe, the Republican governor’s public safety czar, told the outlet.

“On average, there’s 36 passengers on each of these flights. And that has been going on over the course of the summer through September.”

Neither the Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, nor Department of Health and Human Services would disclose any information to Florida officials regarding the flights, Keefe told the paper.

Missing girl saved by showing TikTok distress signal to motorist

 A North Carolina teen allegedly abducted by an older man was rescued after she flashed a passing motorist a hand sign popularized on TikTok as a distress signal.

The unnamed 16-year-old was at a traffic stop on Interstate 75 in southern Kentucky Thursday afternoon when she made the gesture, according to Fox 8 News. She was a passenger in a Toyota Camry being driven by her apparent abductor.

According to the Laurel County Sheriff’s Office, the motion — a fist enclosed across the thumb placed in front of the palm — “represents violence at home – I need help – domestic violence.”

A driver saw the SOS and called 911, following the Camry and providing authorities updates on their location.

The older man was later identified as 61-year-old James Herbert Brick of Cherokee, North Carolina, who was reportedly on his way to see relatives in Ohio.

Brick’s phone contained a photo of a girl being portrayed in a sexual manner, police said.

He was taken to the Laurel County Correctional Center and charged with unlawful imprisonment and possession of matter showing sex performances by a minor.

The teen had been reported missing by her family on Tuesday.  Laurel County Deputy Gilbert Acciardo said she had initially gone willingly with Brick.  At some point, though, “I think she started fearing for her life,” Acciardo said, according to the Lexington Herald-Leader.

The TikTok SOS gained popularity during pandemic shutdowns as a way for people to indicate they were in unsafe situations at home.

Satmar Chassidim Visiting Sat-Mare Tell Reporters "This is MY Homeland" "We are coming to rebuild"

Hungarian Jews gettin on cattle cars to their free trip to hell

Listen to the White Bearded Maramorsher "shmuck" tear up and say (1:20 mark) "this is my homeland" 
I'll bet "The Town Crier" never went to the Kotel to shed ONE tear for the destruction for the two Bais Hamikdashs
He is talking about a "homeland" that handed their grandparents, frightened wives & crying children to the Nazis to be shipped on cattle cars to Auschwitz!
One Satmar tzaddik can't even get the proper words out to say how he feels arriving on this cursed land to the Shiksah (0.38 mark)... his friend helps him "it's emotional"!

Instead of cursing the land soaked with Jewish blood, they stand there smiling like chimpanzees, proudly telling the shiksa reporter, "we will rebuild" 

Hey "white beard" what do you think the shiksa that you told that to, is thinking? You think she loves this scene? You think she wants you there?

Watch how "white beard" is looking for a reporter that speaks Hungarian.

 Ivrit is "treif" by this kocker, but the language invented by savages and peasants is "holy" 

I really hope that the One Above is ignoring their stupid and naive comments. Does Hashem want these fools to rebuild in a land that He obviously wanted them out of?.

"we are building a synagogue for our Rabbi" ...

I'm sick, I'm nauseous I'm running to throw up!

Satmar Rebbe R' Aron Teitelbaum giving his Shalosh Seuda Toirele in Marmorosh Sighet built over the old shul that was destroyed by the Nazis... the old shul where his grandfather the "Atzi Chayim" was rebbe had a large "Magen Dovid' on it's entrance, I wonder if this new shul has the Magen Dovid!

The Shul in Sata-Mare where the Satmar Rebbe, R' Yoel Teitelbaum was the Rav also had a "Magen Dovid"  above the Aron Koidesh

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Why Was Rav Kook z"l Hounded and Banned by Chareidim?


If Rabbi Kook was the leading Torah Sage of his generation, as you maintain, why was he scorned by the Haredi community in Jerusalem? Even today his books are banned from Haredi yeshivot?

Soccer Fans Subject Chasid to Anti-Semitic Songs on Flight


A West Ham fan has been arrested on suspicion of a hate crime after landing in Stansted Airport following reports that a orthodox Jewish man was subjected to offensive chanting  yesterday. 

Video footage onboard the Ryanair flight showed several fans signing a highly offensive song at the man as he attempted to take his seat on board the flight from Stansted to Genk on Thursday. 

Essex Police confirmed the 55-year-old football fan was arrested as he stepped off the return flight from Belgium shortly before 4pm.  

He has been taken to an Essex Police station for questioning. 

An Auschwitz captive and one of her guards forged a bond to escape the insanity - now their astonishing WWII love story is to be a major documentary


Standing in her blue and white striped prison uniform, the snapshot of Helena Citronova could pass for one of many tragic mementos of Auschwitz. Except for one glaring difference — she's smiling.

And it's not the nervous grin of an inmate terrified of offending the Nazi holding the camera in the Third Reich's most notorious death camp. 

She appears genuinely happy, her wide smile animating a beautiful, apple-cheeked face that shows little evidence of the starvation and brutality that ravaged her fellow prisoners.

In fact that's because Helena wasn't performing for the camera as the man holding it, SS Unterscharfuhrer Franz Wunsch, was her lover. 

'Yes, she was the love of his life,' says the Nazi's daughter Magda nearly 80 years later. 

He treasured that photo, I know. He would take reproductions. He copied the picture and I know he even took the head off and put it on different clothes, on a different background.'

It's not surprising Wunsch might want to forget where and when the photo was taken. His romance with Helena is surely one of the most astonishing and unlikely stories to emerge from World War II. 

Crazy Exchange Between Reporter and White House Deputy Press Secretary


Why Are There Only "Palestinian Flags" Waiving at "Climate Change March" in Glasgow?


New York Times Lies About "Jewish Anti-Zionists" Goes Way Back to 1960


Watch Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm laugh when asked about Biden's plans to bring gas prices down.


DIN Contest: $500.00 to the one Who can Figure Out what Pelosi Just Said


Camala's VE'Nehepach Hu ... Keeps mask on when no one is around, then takes it off to meet people


Law Firm Sues Michigan Secretary of State for Leaving 25,000 Dead Registrants on Voter Rolls


The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) filed a lawsuit against Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson on Wednesday, alleging she failed to remove more than 25,000 potentially deceased registrants from voter rolls after being notified of the issue several times.

The law firm, which is solely dedicated to election integrity, first reportedly notified Benson about the potentially deceased voters in September 2o2o after extensively reviewing and cross referencing state records. According to the lawsuit, PILF was repeatedly met with resistance by the Secretary of State’s office and was even allegedly denied a records request. As a result of Benson’s refusal to change or comply, the firm had to repurchase voter data reports several times over the course of a year to make sure its investigation was up to date. PILF said in the lawsuit:

The Foundation has spent many thousands of dollars reviewing Michigan’s election procedures and documented failures to maintain an accurate and correct voter roll as required by the NVRA [National Voter Registration Act of 1993]. Defendant’s unlawful list maintenance program has forced the Foundation to incur substantial costs comparing Michigan’s voter rolls to the Social Security Death Index, various commercial databases, and other sources in order to identify deceased registrants.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Zera Shimshon Parshas Toldos


Women of the Wall instigating Again bringing Darkness in a Month that Should be Light


The NYTimes' comical account of what it means to be Israeli


A New York Times reporter and photographer go into a car. They travel across one of the world’s happiest countries—and find only anger, alienation, and regret. Israelis find that really funny

New York Times coverage of Israel—its efforts to curate, conceal, and contrive the faraway land for its American readers—has descended into hilarity. Indeed, a recent front-page story by Jerusalem bureau chief Patrick Kingsley, which promises to help readers “discover what it means to be Israeli today,” is a comical caricature of the paper’s own biases, exposing much more about the New York Times than about the country it is supposedly covering.

To understand why, it helps to first understand a couple of facts about that country: Israel has consistently ranked at the top of measures of global happiness. The 2021 World Happiness Report, for example, found Israelis to be among the happiest in the world, and ranked their country as 12th happiest out of 149 countries over the past three years.

In other words, if you were to ask random Israelis to “think of a ladder, with the best possible life for them being a 10, and the worst possible life being a 0,” then ask them to “rate their own current lives on that 0 to 10 scale,” chances are you’d find them saying that they are living close to the best possible life. That’s what pollsters found.

Israel’s place in the World Happiness Report’s index is marked by a red arrow.

According to other polling, by Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics, over 88 percent of Israelis, including 76 percent of the country’s Arab citizens, were satisfied with their lives.

Berland's Chusid Confessed to the Murder of Nissim Shitrit 35 years ago and Incriminates 3 others

 One of the main suspects in the murder of 17-year-old Nissim Shitrit 36 years ago confessed to the murder on Wednesday and incriminated three others, Channel 13 News revealed on Wednesday night.

On Wednesday morning, disgraced Shuvu Banim leader Eliezer Berland told Meir Shitrit, the brother of murder victim Nissim Shitrit, 17, that he can sit Shiva and say Kaddish. Berland also urged one of the main suspects of the murder to tell the investigators what happened.

The report revealed the transcript of the meeting between Berland and the suspect, during which Berland urged him to confess. “We need to say what happened,” Berland said. “I’m instructing you to say what happened.”

The suspect, who until then had refused to talk, broke down and confessed his role in the murder of Shitrit, and incriminated three others. He described what transpired that day to the investigators, saying that they didn’t actually intend to kill Shitrit.

“We went to scare Shitrit and beat him up,” he said. “G., Z. and B. beat him and he died from their blows. I didn’t beat him, but [it happened] in front of me. Afterward, we dug a kever and buried him. It wasn’t planned. We decided we won’t tell anyone what happened.”

The suspect was taken by the police to the murder site in a Jerusalem area forest in an attempt to locate the remains but he could not identify the exact spot. According to his lawyer, the suspect doesn’t remember the exact location of the kever.

A female suspect involved in the murder cooperated with the police and confessed her role of calling Shitrit and telling him to go to a certain apartment, from where he was kidnapped. She also provided other details regarding the case to the police and confronted other suspects. On Wednesday, the police released her to house arrest for a week.

Also on Wednesday, Jerusalem’s Magistrate Court extended the detention of four other suspects for eight days.

During the hearing, the police said they are now also aware of the identities of those who murdered Avi Edri, 41, in 1990, and what role each suspect played in the murder.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Lisa (Brewer) Hardy Sends Hateful Message with threats to Chabad Rabbi at George Washington University


Artscroll's CEO Gedalya Zlotowitz's Reaction when asked why all the Bios of the Gedoilim Make them into Malachim or Angels

If you want to read the biographies of Gedoilei Yisrael, all you have to do is buy one book of one random Gadol from Artscroll, the rest will read the same. 

The Gadol portrayed in Artscroll books was born a genius, knew the entire Shas by the time he was six years old, never got angry, was never wrong, and was the biggest baal chesed and the most caring person in the world. 

The truth is that this is not true at all, some went to public schools, some never opened a sefer until after the bar-mitzvah and some had parents that weren't frum. Some were fervent Zionists (Chas Ve' Sholom) and some like  Rav Eliyashiv and Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach had Rav Avraham Yitzchok Kook z"l as their Mesader Kiddushin.  One great Gadol had severe Shalom Bayis issues. Many had children that went off the derech. One particular Gadol that comes to mind had a son that converted to Christianity. Many were wrong in their predictions and in their Halachic rulings, but you will not get any of this from their bios. 

You see Artscroll is holier than the Tanach. In the Tanach all Gedoilim are presented with their flaws and blemishes, and not one frum Jew would think of them any less. But the gedoilim of the present century, according to the Artscroll bios, were absolute melachim who never did anything wrong in their entire lives.

In the interview, R' Gedalye Zlotowitz says that he is not "re-writing" history, he is only "omitting" certain information, and that the bio is meant to "inspire." 

R' Gedalye is being disingenuous when he says that this was "his father's idea"

 His father's first Bio was of the Netziv, it was called "My Uncle the Netziv" and was translated from the Hebrew version of "The Netziv" which was written by Rabbi Baruch Halevie Epstein, who was the author of the famous commentary the "Torah Temimah.: Rabbi Epstein was the nephew of the Netziv. In his biography of his uncle he nonchalantly mentioned that the Netziv read secular newspapers. When Artscroll originally released the book, they included this tidbit. But after tremendous pressure of the Yeshivishe Roshei Yeshivos, Artscroll recalled the book and reprinted it without the "newspaper" story. So when Gedalye says that Artscroll is omitting information  that would put the protagonist in a bad light and make him sound normal, he is lying, it was omitted because of pressure.

Omitting uncomfortable truths is akin to rewriting history. Presenting a glorified and sterilized version of history isn't "inspiring" in fact it's incredibly harmful. It presents an impossible model of how a great person is supposed to look like, void of humanity and weaknesses, and lying by omission is still lying.!